blob: 84041f13fcc9d579c08615dee51ebc5e51b70a57 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
Copyright (c) 2010 Bryce Lelbach
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace spirit
// line_pos_iterator: a lightweight line position iterator. This iterator
// adapter only stores the current line number, nothing else. Unlike spirit
// classic's position_iterator, it does not store the column number and does
// not need an end iterator. The current column can be computed, if needed.
// Some line oriented utilities are provided including computation of the
// current column.
template <class Iterator>
class line_pos_iterator : public boost::iterator_adaptor<
line_pos_iterator<Iterator> // Derived
, Iterator // Base
, boost::use_default // Value
, boost::forward_traversal_tag // CategoryOrTraversal
> {
explicit line_pos_iterator(Iterator);
std::size_t position() const;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
void increment();
std::size_t line; /*< The line position. >*/
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type prev;
template <class Iterator>
line_pos_iterator<Iterator>::line_pos_iterator() :
line_pos_iterator::iterator_adaptor_(), line(1), prev(0) { }
template <class Iterator>
line_pos_iterator<Iterator>::line_pos_iterator(Iterator base) :
line_pos_iterator::iterator_adaptor_(base), line(1), prev(0) { }
template <class Iterator>
std::size_t line_pos_iterator<Iterator>::position() const
return line;
template<class Iterator>
void line_pos_iterator<Iterator>::increment()
typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference
ref = *(this->base());
switch (ref) {
case '\r':
if (prev != '\n')
case '\n':
if (prev != '\r')
prev = ref;
template <class Iterator>
inline std::size_t get_line(Iterator); /*< Get the line position. Returns -1
if Iterator is not a
line_pos_iterator. >*/
template <class Iterator>
inline Iterator get_line_start(Iterator lower_bound,
Iterator current); /*< Get an iterator to
the beginning of the
line. Applicable to any
iterator. >*/
template <class Iterator>
inline iterator_range<Iterator>
get_current_line(Iterator lower_bound,
Iterator current,
Iterator upper_bound); /*< Get the iterator range
containing the current line.
Applicable to any iterator. >*/
template <class Iterator>
inline std::size_t get_column(Iterator lower_bound,
Iterator current,
std::size_t tabs = 4); /*< Get the current
column. Applicable to
any iterator. >*/
template <class Iterator>
inline std::size_t get_line(Iterator)
return -1;
template <class Iterator>
inline std::size_t get_line(line_pos_iterator<Iterator> i)
return i.position();
template <class Iterator>
inline Iterator get_line_start(Iterator lower_bound, Iterator current)
Iterator latest = lower_bound;
for (Iterator i = lower_bound; i != current; ++i) {
switch (*i) {
case '\r':
case '\n':
latest = i;
return latest;
template <class Iterator>
inline iterator_range<Iterator>
get_current_line(Iterator lower_bound,
Iterator current,
Iterator upper_bound)
Iterator first = get_line_start(lower_bound, current);
Iterator last = get_line_start(current, upper_bound);
if (last == current)
last = upper_bound;
return iterator_range<Iterator>(first, last);
template <class Iterator>
inline std::size_t get_column(Iterator lower_bound,
Iterator current,
std::size_t tabs)
std::size_t column = 1;
Iterator first = get_line_start(lower_bound, current);
for (Iterator i = first; i != current; ++i) {
switch (*i) {
case '\t':
column += tabs - (column - 1) % tabs;
return column;