blob: 9f711c41722ec8defd46c71f15cc7206c9f3ca19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "encoder/vorbis_encoder.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <string>
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace {
bool ValidOggPacket(const ogg_packet& packet) {
return (packet.bytes > 0 && packet.packet);
// Stores payload data from |packet| in |ptr_storage|. Returns |kSuccess| after
// successful allocation of storage and copy of ogg_packet data.
int StorePacketPayload(const ogg_packet& packet,
std::unique_ptr<uint8[]>* ptr_storage,
int32* ptr_length) {
using namespace webmlive;
if (!ptr_storage || !ptr_length) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreHeaderPacket with NULL out param(s).";
return VorbisEncoder::kInvalidArg;
if (!ValidOggPacket(packet)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreHeaderPacket with invalid packet.";
return VorbisEncoder::kInvalidArg;
ptr_storage->reset(new (std::nothrow) uint8[packet.bytes]); // NOLINT
if (!ptr_storage->get()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreHeaderPacket, no memory.";
return VorbisEncoder::kNoMemory;
std::copy(packet.packet, packet.packet + packet.bytes, ptr_storage->get());
*ptr_length = packet.bytes;
return VorbisEncoder::kSuccess;
// Stores payload data from |packet| in |ptr_storage|. Returns |kSuccess| after
// successful allocation of storage and copy of ogg_packet data.
int StorePacketPayload(const ogg_packet& packet,
std::vector<uint8>* ptr_storage) {
using namespace webmlive;
if (!ptr_storage) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreDataPacket with NULL storage.";
return VorbisEncoder::kInvalidArg;
if (!ValidOggPacket(packet)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreDataPacket with invalid packet.";
return VorbisEncoder::kInvalidArg;
std::copy(packet.packet, packet.packet + packet.bytes,
return VorbisEncoder::kSuccess;
// Stores |packet| in |ptr_storage|. Returns |kSuccess| after successful
// allocation of storage and copy of ogg_packet data.
int StorePacket(const ogg_packet& packet, std::vector<uint8>* ptr_storage) {
using namespace webmlive;
if (!ptr_storage) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreDataPacket with NULL storage.";
return VorbisEncoder::kInvalidArg;
if (!ValidOggPacket(packet)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot StoreDataPacket with invalid packet.";
return VorbisEncoder::kInvalidArg;
const uint8* p = reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(&packet);
std::copy(p, p + sizeof(ogg_packet), std::back_inserter(*ptr_storage));
return VorbisEncoder::kSuccess;
} // namespace
namespace webmlive {
: ident_header_length_(0),
info_initialized_(false) {
memset(&info_, 0, sizeof(info_));
memset(&dsp_state_, 0, sizeof(dsp_state_));
memset(&block_, 0, sizeof(block_));
VorbisEncoder::~VorbisEncoder() {
if (dsp_initialized_) {
vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp_state_, 0);
if (block_initialized_) {
if (info_initialized_) {
// Bitrate values are multiplied by 1000. |WebmEncoderConfig| and its children
// express bitrates in kilobits. Libvorbis bitrates are in bits.
int VorbisEncoder::Init(const AudioConfig& audio_config,
const VorbisConfig& vorbis_config) {
if (audio_config.channels <= 0 || audio_config.channels > 2) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid/unsupported number of audio channels.";
return kUnsupportedFormat;
const uint16& format_tag = audio_config.format_tag;
if (format_tag != kAudioFormatPcm && format_tag != kAudioFormatIeeeFloat) {
LOG(ERROR) << "input must be uncompressed.";
return kUnsupportedFormat;
if (format_tag == kAudioFormatPcm && audio_config.bits_per_sample != 16) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PCM input must be 16 bits per sample.";
return kUnsupportedFormat;
const int kBitsPerIeeeFloat = sizeof(float) * 8; // NOLINT(runtime/sizeof)
if (format_tag == kAudioFormatIeeeFloat &&
audio_config.bits_per_sample != kBitsPerIeeeFloat) {
LOG(ERROR) << "IEEE floating point input must be 32 bits per sample.";
return kUnsupportedFormat;
info_initialized_ = true;
const VorbisConfig& vc = vorbis_config;
int minimum_bitrate = -1;
int maximum_bitrate = -1;
if (vc.minimum_bitrate != VorbisConfig::kUseDefault &&
vc.maximum_bitrate != VorbisConfig::kUseDefault) {
minimum_bitrate = vc.minimum_bitrate * 1000;
maximum_bitrate = vc.maximum_bitrate * 1000;
int status = vorbis_encode_setup_managed(&info_,
vc.average_bitrate * 1000,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_encode_setup_managed failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
if (minimum_bitrate == -1 && maximum_bitrate == -1 &&
vc.bitrate_based_quality) {
// Enable VBR.
if (CodecControl(OV_ECTL_RATEMANAGE2_SET, NULL)) {
return kCodecError;
if (CodecControl(OV_ECTL_IBLOCK_SET, vc.impulse_block_bias)) {
return kCodecError;
if (CodecControl(OV_ECTL_LOWPASS_SET, vc.lowpass_frequency)) {
return kCodecError;
status = vorbis_encode_setup_init(&info_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_encode_setup_init failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
status = vorbis_analysis_init(&dsp_state_, &info_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_analysis_init failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
dsp_initialized_ = true;
status = vorbis_block_init(&dsp_state_, &block_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_block_init failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
block_initialized_ = true;
status = GenerateHeaders();
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GenerateHeaders failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
audio_config_ = audio_config;
audio_config_.format_tag = kAudioFormatVorbis;
vorbis_config_ = vorbis_config;
return kSuccess;
int VorbisEncoder::Encode(const AudioBuffer& input_buffer) {
if (!input_buffer.buffer()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot Encode empty input buffer!";
return kInvalidArg;
if (first_input_timestamp_ == -1) {
first_input_timestamp_ = input_buffer.timestamp();
LOG(INFO) << "VorbisEncoder first_input_timestamp_="
<< first_input_timestamp_;
const AudioConfig& ac = input_buffer.config();
const AudioBuffer& ib = input_buffer;
const int num_blocks = ib.buffer_length() / ac.block_align;
float** const ptr_encoder_buffer =
vorbis_analysis_buffer(&dsp_state_, num_blocks);
if (!ptr_encoder_buffer) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot EncodeBuffer, no memory from libvorbis.";
return kNoMemory;
// TODO(tomfinegan): Add a channel number to offset mapping similar to what
// the ffmpeg libvorbis plugin uses to handle channel order
// differences between uncompressed and vorbis audio.
const int channels = ac.channels;
if (ac.format_tag == kAudioFormatPcm) {
// Deinterleave input samples, convert them to float, and store them in
// |ptr_encoder_buffer|.
const int16* const s16_pcm_samples = reinterpret_cast<int16*>(ib.buffer());
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
ptr_encoder_buffer[c][i] = s16_pcm_samples[i * channels + c] / 32768.f;
} else {
// Deinterleave input samples into |ptr_encoder_buffer|.
const float* const ieee_float_samples =
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
ptr_encoder_buffer[c][i] = ieee_float_samples[i * channels + c];
vorbis_analysis_wrote(&dsp_state_, num_blocks);
return kSuccess;
int VorbisEncoder::ReadCompressedAudio(AudioBuffer* ptr_buffer) {
if (!ptr_buffer) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReadCompressedAudio requires a non-NULL ptr_buffer.";
return kInvalidArg;
ogg_packet packet = {0};
if (SamplesAvailable()) {
// There's a compressed block available-- give libvorbis a chance to
// optimize distribution of data for the current encode settings.
int status = vorbis_analysis(&block_, &packet);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_analysis failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
status = vorbis_bitrate_addblock(&block_);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_bitrate_addblock failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
while ((status = vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket(&dsp_state_, &packet)) == 1) {
if (StorePacket(packet, &ogg_packets_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "StorePacket failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
if (StorePacketPayload(packet, &vorbis_samples_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "StorePacketPayload failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
if (ogg_packets_.size() < sizeof(packet) || vorbis_samples_.size() == 0) {
return kNoSamples;
if (vorbis_samples_.size() < static_cast<size_t>(packet.bytes)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading packets from libvorbis.";
return kEncoderError;
// Use first packet with non-zero |granualpos| for delay.
if (audio_delay_ == 0) {
const int num_packets = ogg_packets_.size() / sizeof(packet);
for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; ++i ) {
const ogg_packet* const p =
reinterpret_cast<ogg_packet*>(&ogg_packets_[i * sizeof(packet)]);
if (packet.granulepos > 0) {
audio_delay_ = SamplesToMilliseconds(p->granulepos);
LOG(INFO) << "VorbisEncoder audio_delay_=" << audio_delay_;
// Use |granualpos| from the first packet returned by
// |vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket()| to calculate |timestamp|.
const ogg_packet* const p = reinterpret_cast<ogg_packet*>(&ogg_packets_[0]);
const int64 timestamp =
SamplesToMilliseconds(p->granulepos) + first_input_timestamp_;
// |packet.granulepos| is the last complete sample in the packet, use it to
// calculate |duration|.
const int64 duration =
SamplesToMilliseconds(packet.granulepos - samples_encoded_);
const int status = ptr_buffer->Init(audio_config_,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AudioBuffer Init failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
LOG(INFO) << "ReadCompressedAudio\n"
<< " samples_encoded_=" << samples_encoded_ << "\n"
<< " timestamp(sec)=" << (timestamp / 1000.0) << "\n"
<< " timestamp=" << timestamp << "\n"
<< " duration(sec)= " << (duration / 1000.0) << "\n"
<< " duration= " << duration << "\n";
last_timestamp_ = timestamp;
samples_encoded_ = packet.granulepos;
time_encoded_ = SamplesToMilliseconds(samples_encoded_);
return kSuccess;
// Clean up function used by |GenerateHeaders| to avoid having to repeatedly
// handle clean up of |vorbis_comment|s.
void ClearVorbisComments(vorbis_comment* ptr_comments) {
if (ptr_comments) {
int64 VorbisEncoder::time_encoded() const {
if (first_input_timestamp_ < 0) {
return 0;
return first_input_timestamp_ + time_encoded_;
int VorbisEncoder::GenerateHeaders() {
vorbis_comment comments = {0};
// Abuse |std::shared_ptr| to avoid repeating the call to
// |vorbis_comment_clear| for every failure in this method.
std::shared_ptr<vorbis_comment> comments_auto_clear(&comments,
// Add app name and version to vorbis comments.
std::string encoder_id = kEncoderName;
encoder_id += " v";
encoder_id += kEncoderVersion;
const std::string kVorbisEncoderTag = "encoder";
// Generate the vorbis header packets.
ogg_packet ident_packet = {0}, comments_packet = {0}, setup_packet = {0};
int status = vorbis_analysis_headerout(&dsp_state_,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_analysis_headerout failed: " << status;
return kCodecError;
// Store the header packet data.
status = StorePacketPayload(ident_packet,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot store ident header: " << status;
return status;
status = StorePacketPayload(comments_packet,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot store comments header: " << status;
return status;
status = StorePacketPayload(setup_packet,
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "cannot store setup header: " << status;
return status;
return kSuccess;
// When |SamplesAvailable()| returns true, the user must consume all samples
// made available by libvorbis. Any compressed samples left unconsumed will be
// lost.
bool VorbisEncoder::SamplesAvailable() {
const int kSamplesAvailable = 1;
const int status = vorbis_analysis_blockout(&dsp_state_, &block_);
if (status == kSamplesAvailable) {
return true;
return false;
int64 VorbisEncoder::SamplesToMilliseconds(int64 num_samples) const {
const double sample_rate = audio_config_.sample_rate;
const double sample_count = static_cast<double>(num_samples);
double seconds = 0;
if (sample_rate != 0) {
seconds = sample_count / sample_rate;
return static_cast<int64>(seconds * 1000);
template <typename T>
int VorbisEncoder::CodecControl(int control_id, T val) {
int status = kSuccess;
if (control_id == OV_ECTL_RATEMANAGE2_SET && val == 0) {
// Special case disabling rate control-- libvorbis expects a NULL pointer.
status = vorbis_encode_ctl(&info_, control_id, NULL);
} else if (val != VorbisConfig::kUseDefault) {
status = vorbis_encode_ctl(&info_, control_id, &val);
if (status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "vorbis_encode_ctl (" << control_id << ") failed: "
<< status;
status = kCodecError;
return status;
} // namespace webmlive