Add basic README.

Change-Id: I728874d7aace55c8268b5575d20b56ddeb303e09
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c644506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Tools needed:
+- cmake v2.8 or higher.
+- Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
+  - Newer versions should be fine provided cmake includes a generator.
+  - Older versions may not work because webmlive/encoder uses C++ 11 features.
+Run cmake from the directory of your choice. Pass it the path to the encoder
+directory of the webmlive repository. This will produce ENCODER.sln. Open it
+to use the IDE, or pass it directly to msbuild to build the encoder.
+Basic live streaming using dash.js WebM support
+- dash.js (specifically the webm stuff in the contrib sub dir of its repo)
+- python v2.7 or higher and the RangeHTTPServer module
+  - hint for people unfamiliar with python: install pip, then:
+    $ pip install rangehttpserver
+  - or, should the above not work, you might have to run:
+    $ python -m pip install rangehttpserver
+Step 1: Setup webmlive/testing/
+  $ cd some/directory/for/encoder/output
+  $ python path/to/webmlive/testing/
+Step 2: Run RangeHTTPServer:
+  $ cd encoder/output/directory/from/step/1
+  $ python -m RangeHTTPServer
+Step 3: Copy webmlive.html to the serving directory:
+  $ cp webmlive/testing/webmlive.html directory/from/step/1
+Step 4: Copy dash.webm.js to the serving directory:
+  $ cp path/to/dash.js.git/contrib/webmjs/dash.webm.debug.js dir/from/step/1
+Step 5: Run encoder:
+  $ cd some/directory/for/local/encoder/output
+  $ webmlive/encoder.exe --url localhost:8001/dash --dash_name webmlive
+Step 6: Watch your stream:
+  Run a web browser that supports DASH playback and then open the page:
+    localhost:8000/webmlive.html