blob: c7ae78c46268f50cd7bf1c8c02bf83f5a59014da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "WebMCommon.h"
void initFrameQueue(WebMQueuedFrames *queue)
queue->size =0;
queue->maxSize = 0;
queue->queue = NULL;
WebMBufferedFrame* getFrame(WebMQueuedFrames *queue)
return queue->queue[0];
void popFrame(WebMQueuedFrames *queue)
if (queue->size <=0)
WebMBufferedFrame* frame = getFrame(queue);
//advance all frames in the queue
int i;
for (i=1; i < queue->size; i ++)
queue->queue[i-1] = queue->queue[i];
queue->size -=1;
int addFrameToQueue(WebMQueuedFrames *queue, void * data, UInt32 dataSize,
UInt64 timeMs, UInt16 frameType, UInt32 indx)
if (queue->size +1 > queue->maxSize)
queue->maxSize += 1;
queue->queue = realloc(queue->queue, (queue->maxSize) * sizeof(WebMBufferedFrame));
WebMBufferedFrame * frame = malloc(sizeof(WebMBufferedFrame));
if (frame == NULL)
return -1;
frame->data = data;
frame->size = dataSize;
frame->timeMs = timeMs;
frame->frameType = frameType;
frame->indx = indx;
queue->queue[queue->size] = frame;
queue->size += 1;
return 0;
int frameQueueSize(WebMQueuedFrames *queue)
return queue->size;
int freeFrameQueue(WebMQueuedFrames *queue)
while(queue->size > 0)
void initMovieGetParams(StreamSource *source)
source->params.recordSize = sizeof(MovieExportGetDataParams);
source->params.trackID = source->trackID;
source->params.requestedTime = source->time;
source->params.sourceTimeScale = source->timeScale;
source->params.actualTime = 0;
source->params.dataPtr = NULL;
source->params.dataSize = 0;
source->params.desc = NULL;
source->params.descType = 0;
source->params.descSeed = 0;
source->params.requestedSampleCount = 1; // NOTE: 1 sample here for first audio request
source->params.actualSampleCount = 0;
source->params.durationPerSample = 1;
source->params.sampleFlags = 0;
void dbg_printDataParams(StreamSource *get)
MovieExportGetDataParams *p = &get->params;
dbg_printf("[webM] Data Params %ld [%ld]"
" %ld [%ld] [%ld @ %ld] %ld '%4.4s'\n",
p->actualSampleCount, p->requestedTime,
p->actualTime, p->durationPerSample,
p->sourceTimeScale, p->dataSize,
(char *) &p->descType);
ComponentResult initStreamSource(StreamSource *source, TimeScale scale,
long trackID, MovieExportGetPropertyUPP propertyProc,
MovieExportGetDataUPP getDataProc, void *refCon)
ComponentResult err = noErr;
dbg_printf("[WebM] InitStreamSource %d timescale = %d\n", trackID, scale);
source->trackID = trackID;
source->propertyProc = propertyProc;
source->dataProc = getDataProc;
source->refCon = refCon;
source->timeScale = scale;
memset(&source->params, 0, sizeof(MovieExportGetDataParams));
source->params.recordSize = sizeof(MovieExportGetDataParams);
source->params.trackID = source->trackID;
source->params.sourceTimeScale = scale;
source->eos = false;
source->time = 0;
return err;
double getTimeAsSeconds(StreamSource *source)
double val = (source->time * 1.0) / (source->timeScale * 1.0);
return val;