blob: 7aae484d7e0e4ccc1a0806e6e4a31f54f305770a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Definition of the in-memory high-level intermediate representation
// of shaders. This is a tree that parser creates.
// Nodes in the tree are defined as a hierarchy of classes derived from
// TIntermNode. Each is a node in a tree. There is no preset branching factor;
// each node can have it's own type of list of children.
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Common.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ConstantUnion.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Operator.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Types.h"
class TDiagnostics;
class TIntermTraverser;
class TIntermAggregate;
class TIntermBinary;
class TIntermUnary;
class TIntermConstantUnion;
class TIntermSelection;
class TIntermSwitch;
class TIntermCase;
class TIntermTyped;
class TIntermSymbol;
class TIntermLoop;
class TInfoSink;
class TInfoSinkBase;
class TIntermRaw;
class TIntermBranch;
class TSymbolTable;
// Encapsulate an identifier string and track whether it is coming from the original shader code
// (not internal) or from ANGLE (internal). Usually internal names shouldn't be decorated or hashed.
class TName
explicit TName(const TString &name) : mName(name), mIsInternal(false) {}
TName() : mName(), mIsInternal(false) {}
TName(const TName &) = default;
TName &operator=(const TName &) = default;
const TString &getString() const { return mName; }
void setString(const TString &string) { mName = string; }
bool isInternal() const { return mIsInternal; }
void setInternal(bool isInternal) { mIsInternal = isInternal; }
TString mName;
bool mIsInternal;
// Base class for the tree nodes
class TIntermNode : angle::NonCopyable
// TODO: Move this to TSourceLoc constructor
// after getting rid of TPublicType.
mLine.first_file = mLine.last_file = 0;
mLine.first_line = mLine.last_line = 0;
virtual ~TIntermNode() { }
const TSourceLoc &getLine() const { return mLine; }
void setLine(const TSourceLoc &l) { mLine = l; }
virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser *) = 0;
virtual TIntermTyped *getAsTyped() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermConstantUnion *getAsConstantUnion() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermAggregate *getAsAggregate() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermBinary *getAsBinaryNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermUnary *getAsUnaryNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermSelection *getAsSelectionNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermSwitch *getAsSwitchNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermCase *getAsCaseNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermSymbol *getAsSymbolNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermLoop *getAsLoopNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermRaw *getAsRawNode() { return 0; }
virtual TIntermBranch *getAsBranchNode() { return 0; }
// Replace a child node. Return true if |original| is a child
// node and it is replaced; otherwise, return false.
virtual bool replaceChildNode(
TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) = 0;
TSourceLoc mLine;
// This is just to help yacc.
struct TIntermNodePair
TIntermNode *node1;
TIntermNode *node2;
// Intermediate class for nodes that have a type.
class TIntermTyped : public TIntermNode
TIntermTyped(const TType &t) : mType(t) { }
virtual TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const = 0;
TIntermTyped *getAsTyped() override { return this; }
virtual bool hasSideEffects() const = 0;
void setType(const TType &t) { mType = t; }
void setTypePreservePrecision(const TType &t);
const TType &getType() const { return mType; }
TType *getTypePointer() { return &mType; }
TBasicType getBasicType() const { return mType.getBasicType(); }
TQualifier getQualifier() const { return mType.getQualifier(); }
TPrecision getPrecision() const { return mType.getPrecision(); }
int getCols() const { return mType.getCols(); }
int getRows() const { return mType.getRows(); }
int getNominalSize() const { return mType.getNominalSize(); }
int getSecondarySize() const { return mType.getSecondarySize(); }
bool isInterfaceBlock() const { return mType.isInterfaceBlock(); }
bool isMatrix() const { return mType.isMatrix(); }
bool isArray() const { return mType.isArray(); }
bool isVector() const { return mType.isVector(); }
bool isScalar() const { return mType.isScalar(); }
bool isScalarInt() const { return mType.isScalarInt(); }
const char *getBasicString() const { return mType.getBasicString(); }
TString getCompleteString() const { return mType.getCompleteString(); }
unsigned int getArraySize() const { return mType.getArraySize(); }
bool isConstructorWithOnlyConstantUnionParameters();
TType mType;
TIntermTyped(const TIntermTyped &node);
// Handle for, do-while, and while loops.
enum TLoopType
class TIntermLoop : public TIntermNode
TIntermLoop(TLoopType type,
TIntermNode *init,
TIntermTyped *cond,
TIntermTyped *expr,
TIntermAggregate *body)
: mType(type), mInit(init), mCond(cond), mExpr(expr), mBody(body), mUnrollFlag(false)
TIntermLoop *getAsLoopNode() override { return this; }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
TLoopType getType() const { return mType; }
TIntermNode *getInit() { return mInit; }
TIntermTyped *getCondition() { return mCond; }
TIntermTyped *getExpression() { return mExpr; }
TIntermAggregate *getBody() { return mBody; }
void setCondition(TIntermTyped *condition) { mCond = condition; }
void setExpression(TIntermTyped *expression) { mExpr = expression; }
void setBody(TIntermAggregate *body) { mBody = body; }
void setUnrollFlag(bool flag) { mUnrollFlag = flag; }
bool getUnrollFlag() const { return mUnrollFlag; }
TLoopType mType;
TIntermNode *mInit; // for-loop initialization
TIntermTyped *mCond; // loop exit condition
TIntermTyped *mExpr; // for-loop expression
TIntermAggregate *mBody; // loop body
bool mUnrollFlag; // Whether the loop should be unrolled or not.
// Handle break, continue, return, and kill.
class TIntermBranch : public TIntermNode
TIntermBranch(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *e)
: mFlowOp(op),
mExpression(e) { }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
TIntermBranch *getAsBranchNode() override { return this; }
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
TOperator getFlowOp() { return mFlowOp; }
TIntermTyped* getExpression() { return mExpression; }
TOperator mFlowOp;
TIntermTyped *mExpression; // non-zero except for "return exp;" statements
// Nodes that correspond to symbols or constants in the source code.
class TIntermSymbol : public TIntermTyped
// if symbol is initialized as symbol(sym), the memory comes from the poolallocator of sym.
// If sym comes from per process globalpoolallocator, then it causes increased memory usage
// per compile it is essential to use "symbol = sym" to assign to symbol
TIntermSymbol(int id, const TString &symbol, const TType &type)
: TIntermTyped(type), mId(id), mSymbol(symbol)
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override { return new TIntermSymbol(*this); }
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return false; }
int getId() const { return mId; }
const TString &getSymbol() const { return mSymbol.getString(); }
const TName &getName() const { return mSymbol; }
void setId(int newId) { mId = newId; }
void setInternal(bool internal) { mSymbol.setInternal(internal); }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
TIntermSymbol *getAsSymbolNode() override { return this; }
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *, TIntermNode *) override { return false; }
int mId;
TName mSymbol;
TIntermSymbol(const TIntermSymbol &) = default; // Note: not deleted, just private!
// A Raw node stores raw code, that the translator will insert verbatim
// into the output stream. Useful for transformation operations that make
// complex code that might not fit naturally into the GLSL model.
class TIntermRaw : public TIntermTyped
TIntermRaw(const TType &type, const TString &rawText)
: TIntermTyped(type),
mRawText(rawText) { }
TIntermRaw(const TIntermRaw &) = delete;
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override
return nullptr;
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return false; }
TString getRawText() const { return mRawText; }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
TIntermRaw *getAsRawNode() override { return this; }
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *, TIntermNode *) override { return false; }
TString mRawText;
// Constant folded node.
// Note that nodes may be constant folded and not be constant expressions with the EvqConst
// qualifier. This happens for example when the following expression is processed:
// "true ? 1.0 : non_constant"
// Other nodes than TIntermConstantUnion may also be constant expressions.
class TIntermConstantUnion : public TIntermTyped
TIntermConstantUnion(const TConstantUnion *unionPointer, const TType &type)
: TIntermTyped(type), mUnionArrayPointer(unionPointer)
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override { return new TIntermConstantUnion(*this); }
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return false; }
const TConstantUnion *getUnionArrayPointer() const { return mUnionArrayPointer; }
int getIConst(size_t index) const
return mUnionArrayPointer ? mUnionArrayPointer[index].getIConst() : 0;
unsigned int getUConst(size_t index) const
return mUnionArrayPointer ? mUnionArrayPointer[index].getUConst() : 0;
float getFConst(size_t index) const
return mUnionArrayPointer ? mUnionArrayPointer[index].getFConst() : 0.0f;
bool getBConst(size_t index) const
return mUnionArrayPointer ? mUnionArrayPointer[index].getBConst() : false;
void replaceConstantUnion(const TConstantUnion *safeConstantUnion)
// Previous union pointer freed on pool deallocation.
mUnionArrayPointer = safeConstantUnion;
TIntermConstantUnion *getAsConstantUnion() override { return this; }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *, TIntermNode *) override { return false; }
TConstantUnion *foldBinary(TOperator op,
TIntermConstantUnion *rightNode,
TDiagnostics *diagnostics);
TConstantUnion *foldUnaryWithDifferentReturnType(TOperator op, TInfoSink &infoSink);
TConstantUnion *foldUnaryWithSameReturnType(TOperator op, TInfoSink &infoSink);
static TConstantUnion *FoldAggregateConstructor(TIntermAggregate *aggregate,
TInfoSink &infoSink);
static TConstantUnion *FoldAggregateBuiltIn(TIntermAggregate *aggregate, TInfoSink &infoSink);
// Same data may be shared between multiple constant unions, so it can't be modified.
const TConstantUnion *mUnionArrayPointer;
typedef float(*FloatTypeUnaryFunc) (float);
bool foldFloatTypeUnary(const TConstantUnion &parameter, FloatTypeUnaryFunc builtinFunc, TInfoSink &infoSink, TConstantUnion *result) const;
TIntermConstantUnion(const TIntermConstantUnion &node); // Note: not deleted, just private!
// Intermediate class for node types that hold operators.
class TIntermOperator : public TIntermTyped
TOperator getOp() const { return mOp; }
void setOp(TOperator op) { mOp = op; }
bool isAssignment() const;
bool isMultiplication() const;
bool isConstructor() const;
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return isAssignment(); }
TIntermOperator(TOperator op)
: TIntermTyped(TType(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined)),
mOp(op) {}
TIntermOperator(TOperator op, const TType &type)
: TIntermTyped(type),
mOp(op) {}
TIntermOperator(const TIntermOperator &) = default;
TOperator mOp;
// Nodes for all the basic binary math operators.
class TIntermBinary : public TIntermOperator
TIntermBinary(TOperator op)
: TIntermOperator(op),
mAddIndexClamp(false) {}
TIntermBinary(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right)
: TIntermOperator(op), mLeft(left), mRight(right), mAddIndexClamp(false)
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override { return new TIntermBinary(*this); }
TIntermBinary *getAsBinaryNode() override { return this; };
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
bool hasSideEffects() const override
return isAssignment() || mLeft->hasSideEffects() || mRight->hasSideEffects();
void setLeft(TIntermTyped *node) { mLeft = node; }
void setRight(TIntermTyped *node) { mRight = node; }
TIntermTyped *getLeft() const { return mLeft; }
TIntermTyped *getRight() const { return mRight; }
bool promote();
TIntermTyped *fold(TDiagnostics *diagnostics);
void setAddIndexClamp() { mAddIndexClamp = true; }
bool getAddIndexClamp() { return mAddIndexClamp; }
TIntermTyped* mLeft;
TIntermTyped* mRight;
// If set to true, wrap any EOpIndexIndirect with a clamp to bounds.
bool mAddIndexClamp;
TIntermBinary(const TIntermBinary &node); // Note: not deleted, just private!
// Nodes for unary math operators.
class TIntermUnary : public TIntermOperator
TIntermUnary(TOperator op, const TType &type)
: TIntermOperator(op, type),
mUseEmulatedFunction(false) {}
TIntermUnary(TOperator op)
: TIntermOperator(op),
mUseEmulatedFunction(false) {}
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override { return new TIntermUnary(*this); }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
TIntermUnary *getAsUnaryNode() override { return this; }
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return isAssignment() || mOperand->hasSideEffects(); }
void setOperand(TIntermTyped *operand) { mOperand = operand; }
TIntermTyped *getOperand() { return mOperand; }
void promote(const TType *funcReturnType);
TIntermTyped *fold(TInfoSink &infoSink);
void setUseEmulatedFunction() { mUseEmulatedFunction = true; }
bool getUseEmulatedFunction() { return mUseEmulatedFunction; }
TIntermTyped *mOperand;
// If set to true, replace the built-in function call with an emulated one
// to work around driver bugs.
bool mUseEmulatedFunction;
TIntermUnary(const TIntermUnary &node); // note: not deleted, just private!
typedef TVector<TIntermNode *> TIntermSequence;
typedef TVector<int> TQualifierList;
// Nodes that operate on an arbitrary sized set of children.
class TIntermAggregate : public TIntermOperator
: TIntermOperator(EOpNull),
TIntermAggregate(TOperator op)
: TIntermOperator(op),
~TIntermAggregate() { }
// Note: only supported for nodes that can be a part of an expression.
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override { return new TIntermAggregate(*this); }
TIntermAggregate *getAsAggregate() override { return this; }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
bool replaceChildNodeWithMultiple(TIntermNode *original, TIntermSequence replacements);
bool insertChildNodes(TIntermSequence::size_type position, TIntermSequence insertions);
// Conservatively assume function calls and other aggregate operators have side-effects
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return true; }
TIntermTyped *fold(TInfoSink &infoSink);
TIntermSequence *getSequence() { return &mSequence; }
void setNameObj(const TName &name) { mName = name; }
const TName &getNameObj() const { return mName; }
void setName(const TString &name) { mName.setString(name); }
const TString &getName() const { return mName.getString(); }
void setUserDefined() { mUserDefined = true; }
bool isUserDefined() const { return mUserDefined; }
void setFunctionId(int functionId) { mFunctionId = functionId; }
int getFunctionId() const { return mFunctionId; }
void setUseEmulatedFunction() { mUseEmulatedFunction = true; }
bool getUseEmulatedFunction() { return mUseEmulatedFunction; }
bool areChildrenConstQualified();
void setPrecisionFromChildren();
void setBuiltInFunctionPrecision();
// Returns true if changing parameter precision may affect the return value.
bool gotPrecisionFromChildren() const { return mGotPrecisionFromChildren; }
TIntermSequence mSequence;
TName mName;
bool mUserDefined; // used for user defined function names
int mFunctionId;
// If set to true, replace the built-in function call with an emulated one
// to work around driver bugs.
bool mUseEmulatedFunction;
bool mGotPrecisionFromChildren;
TIntermAggregate(const TIntermAggregate &node); // note: not deleted, just private!
// For if tests.
class TIntermSelection : public TIntermTyped
TIntermSelection(TIntermTyped *cond, TIntermNode *trueB, TIntermNode *falseB)
: TIntermTyped(TType(EbtVoid, EbpUndefined)),
mFalseBlock(falseB) {}
TIntermSelection(TIntermTyped *cond, TIntermNode *trueB, TIntermNode *falseB,
const TType &type)
: TIntermTyped(type),
mFalseBlock(falseB) {}
// Note: only supported for ternary operator nodes.
TIntermTyped *deepCopy() const override { return new TIntermSelection(*this); }
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
// Conservatively assume selections have side-effects
bool hasSideEffects() const override { return true; }
bool usesTernaryOperator() const { return getBasicType() != EbtVoid; }
TIntermNode *getCondition() const { return mCondition; }
TIntermNode *getTrueBlock() const { return mTrueBlock; }
TIntermNode *getFalseBlock() const { return mFalseBlock; }
TIntermSelection *getAsSelectionNode() override { return this; }
TIntermTyped *mCondition;
TIntermNode *mTrueBlock;
TIntermNode *mFalseBlock;
TIntermSelection(const TIntermSelection &node); // Note: not deleted, just private!
// Switch statement.
class TIntermSwitch : public TIntermNode
TIntermSwitch(TIntermTyped *init, TIntermAggregate *statementList)
: TIntermNode(),
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(
TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
TIntermSwitch *getAsSwitchNode() override { return this; }
TIntermTyped *getInit() { return mInit; }
TIntermAggregate *getStatementList() { return mStatementList; }
void setStatementList(TIntermAggregate *statementList) { mStatementList = statementList; }
TIntermTyped *mInit;
TIntermAggregate *mStatementList;
// Case label.
class TIntermCase : public TIntermNode
TIntermCase(TIntermTyped *condition)
: TIntermNode(),
void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it) override;
bool replaceChildNode(
TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement) override;
TIntermCase *getAsCaseNode() override { return this; }
bool hasCondition() const { return mCondition != nullptr; }
TIntermTyped *getCondition() const { return mCondition; }
TIntermTyped *mCondition;
enum Visit
// For traversing the tree. User should derive from this class overriding the visit functions,
// and then pass an object of the subclass to a traverse method of a node.
// The traverse*() functions may also be overridden do other bookkeeping on the tree to provide
// contextual information to the visit functions, such as whether the node is the target of an
// assignment.
// When using this, just fill in the methods for nodes you want visited.
// Return false from a pre-visit to skip visiting that node's subtree.
class TIntermTraverser : angle::NonCopyable
TIntermTraverser(bool preVisit, bool inVisit, bool postVisit);
virtual ~TIntermTraverser();
virtual void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) {}
virtual void visitRaw(TIntermRaw *node) {}
virtual void visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) {}
virtual bool visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitSelection(Visit visit, TIntermSelection *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitSwitch(Visit visit, TIntermSwitch *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitCase(Visit visit, TIntermCase *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop *node) { return true; }
virtual bool visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch *node) { return true; }
// The traverse functions contain logic for iterating over the children of the node
// and calling the visit functions in the appropriate places. They also track some
// context that may be used by the visit functions.
virtual void traverseSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node);
virtual void traverseRaw(TIntermRaw *node);
virtual void traverseConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node);
virtual void traverseBinary(TIntermBinary *node);
virtual void traverseUnary(TIntermUnary *node);
virtual void traverseSelection(TIntermSelection *node);
virtual void traverseSwitch(TIntermSwitch *node);
virtual void traverseCase(TIntermCase *node);
virtual void traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node);
virtual void traverseLoop(TIntermLoop *node);
virtual void traverseBranch(TIntermBranch *node);
int getMaxDepth() const { return mMaxDepth; }
// Return the original name if hash function pointer is NULL;
// otherwise return the hashed name.
static TString hash(const TString &name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction);
// If traversers need to replace nodes, they can add the replacements in
// mReplacements/mMultiReplacements during traversal and the user of the traverser should call
// this function after traversal to perform them.
void updateTree();
// Start creating temporary symbols from the given temporary symbol index + 1.
void useTemporaryIndex(unsigned int *temporaryIndex);
void incrementDepth(TIntermNode *current)
mMaxDepth = std::max(mMaxDepth, mDepth);
void decrementDepth()
TIntermNode *getParentNode()
return mPath.size() == 0 ? NULL : mPath.back();
// Return the nth ancestor of the node being traversed. getAncestorNode(0) == getParentNode()
TIntermNode *getAncestorNode(unsigned int n)
if (mPath.size() > n)
return mPath[mPath.size() - n - 1u];
return nullptr;
void pushParentBlock(TIntermAggregate *node);
void incrementParentBlockPos();
void popParentBlock();
bool parentNodeIsBlock()
return !mParentBlockStack.empty() && getParentNode() == mParentBlockStack.back().node;
// To replace a single node with multiple nodes on the parent aggregate node
struct NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry
NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry(TIntermAggregate *_parent, TIntermNode *_original, TIntermSequence _replacements)
: parent(_parent),
TIntermAggregate *parent;
TIntermNode *original;
TIntermSequence replacements;
// To insert multiple nodes on the parent aggregate node
struct NodeInsertMultipleEntry
NodeInsertMultipleEntry(TIntermAggregate *_parent,
TIntermSequence::size_type _position,
TIntermSequence _insertionsBefore,
TIntermSequence _insertionsAfter)
: parent(_parent),
TIntermAggregate *parent;
TIntermSequence::size_type position;
TIntermSequence insertionsBefore;
TIntermSequence insertionsAfter;
// Helper to insert statements in the parent block (sequence) of the node currently being traversed.
// The statements will be inserted before the node being traversed once updateTree is called.
// Should only be called during PreVisit or PostVisit from sequence nodes.
// Note that inserting more than one set of nodes to the same parent node on a single updateTree call is not
// supported.
void insertStatementsInParentBlock(const TIntermSequence &insertions);
// Same as above, but supports simultaneous insertion of statements before and after the node
// currently being traversed.
void insertStatementsInParentBlock(const TIntermSequence &insertionsBefore,
const TIntermSequence &insertionsAfter);
// Helper to insert a single statement.
void insertStatementInParentBlock(TIntermNode *statement);
// Helper to create a temporary symbol node with the given qualifier.
TIntermSymbol *createTempSymbol(const TType &type, TQualifier qualifier);
// Helper to create a temporary symbol node.
TIntermSymbol *createTempSymbol(const TType &type);
// Create a node that declares but doesn't initialize a temporary symbol.
TIntermAggregate *createTempDeclaration(const TType &type);
// Create a node that initializes the current temporary symbol with initializer having the given qualifier.
TIntermAggregate *createTempInitDeclaration(TIntermTyped *initializer, TQualifier qualifier);
// Create a node that initializes the current temporary symbol with initializer.
TIntermAggregate *createTempInitDeclaration(TIntermTyped *initializer);
// Create a node that assigns rightNode to the current temporary symbol.
TIntermBinary *createTempAssignment(TIntermTyped *rightNode);
// Increment temporary symbol index.
void nextTemporaryIndex();
enum class OriginalNode
void clearReplacementQueue();
void queueReplacement(TIntermNode *original,
TIntermNode *replacement,
OriginalNode originalStatus);
void queueReplacementWithParent(TIntermNode *parent,
TIntermNode *original,
TIntermNode *replacement,
OriginalNode originalStatus);
const bool preVisit;
const bool inVisit;
const bool postVisit;
int mDepth;
int mMaxDepth;
// All the nodes from root to the current node's parent during traversing.
TVector<TIntermNode *> mPath;
bool mInGlobalScope;
// During traversing, save all the changes that need to happen into
// mReplacements/mMultiReplacements, then do them by calling updateTree().
// Multi replacements are processed after single replacements.
std::vector<NodeReplaceWithMultipleEntry> mMultiReplacements;
std::vector<NodeInsertMultipleEntry> mInsertions;
// To replace a single node with another on the parent node
struct NodeUpdateEntry
NodeUpdateEntry(TIntermNode *_parent,
TIntermNode *_original,
TIntermNode *_replacement,
bool _originalBecomesChildOfReplacement)
: parent(_parent),
TIntermNode *parent;
TIntermNode *original;
TIntermNode *replacement;
bool originalBecomesChildOfReplacement;
struct ParentBlock
ParentBlock(TIntermAggregate *nodeIn, TIntermSequence::size_type posIn)
: node(nodeIn),
TIntermAggregate *node;
TIntermSequence::size_type pos;
std::vector<NodeUpdateEntry> mReplacements;
// All the code blocks from the root to the current node's parent during traversal.
std::vector<ParentBlock> mParentBlockStack;
unsigned int *mTemporaryIndex;
// Traverser parent class that tracks where a node is a destination of a write operation and so is
// required to be an l-value.
class TLValueTrackingTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
TLValueTrackingTraverser(bool preVisit,
bool inVisit,
bool postVisit,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
int shaderVersion)
: TIntermTraverser(preVisit, inVisit, postVisit),
virtual ~TLValueTrackingTraverser() {}
void traverseBinary(TIntermBinary *node) final;
void traverseUnary(TIntermUnary *node) final;
void traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node) final;
bool isLValueRequiredHere() const
return mOperatorRequiresLValue || mInFunctionCallOutParameter;
// Return true if the prototype or definition of the function being called has been encountered
// during traversal.
bool isInFunctionMap(const TIntermAggregate *callNode) const;
// Track whether an l-value is required in the node that is currently being traversed by the
// surrounding operator.
// Use isLValueRequiredHere to check all conditions which require an l-value.
void setOperatorRequiresLValue(bool lValueRequired)
mOperatorRequiresLValue = lValueRequired;
bool operatorRequiresLValue() const { return mOperatorRequiresLValue; }
// Add a function encountered during traversal to the function map.
void addToFunctionMap(const TName &name, TIntermSequence *paramSequence);
// Return the parameters sequence from the function definition or prototype.
TIntermSequence *getFunctionParameters(const TIntermAggregate *callNode);
// Track whether an l-value is required inside a function call.
void setInFunctionCallOutParameter(bool inOutParameter);
bool isInFunctionCallOutParameter() const;
bool mOperatorRequiresLValue;
bool mInFunctionCallOutParameter;
struct TNameComparator
bool operator()(const TName &a, const TName &b) const
int compareResult = a.getString().compare(b.getString());
if (compareResult != 0)
return compareResult < 0;
// Internal functions may have same names as non-internal functions.
return !a.isInternal() && b.isInternal();
// Map from mangled function names to their parameter sequences
TMap<TName, TIntermSequence *, TNameComparator> mFunctionMap;
const TSymbolTable &mSymbolTable;
const int mShaderVersion;
// For traversing the tree, and computing max depth.
// Takes a maximum depth limit to prevent stack overflow.
class TMaxDepthTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
TMaxDepthTraverser(int depthLimit)
: TIntermTraverser(true, true, false),
mDepthLimit(depthLimit) { }
bool visitBinary(Visit, TIntermBinary *) override { return depthCheck(); }
bool visitUnary(Visit, TIntermUnary *) override { return depthCheck(); }
bool visitSelection(Visit, TIntermSelection *) override { return depthCheck(); }
bool visitAggregate(Visit, TIntermAggregate *) override { return depthCheck(); }
bool visitLoop(Visit, TIntermLoop *) override { return depthCheck(); }
bool visitBranch(Visit, TIntermBranch *) override { return depthCheck(); }
bool depthCheck() const { return mMaxDepth < mDepthLimit; }
int mDepthLimit;