blob: 6819b00bc531d078f91c2f59100ebba0f6735c57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// WorkaroundsGL.h: Workarounds for GL driver bugs and other issues.
namespace rx
struct WorkaroundsGL
// When writing a float to a normalized integer framebuffer, desktop OpenGL is allowed to write
// one of the two closest normalized integer representations (although round to nearest is
// preferred) (see section of the GL 4.5 core specification). OpenGL ES requires that
// round-to-nearest is used (see "Conversion from Floating-Point to Framebuffer Fixed-Point" in
// section 2.1.2 of the OpenGL ES 2.0.25 spec). This issue only shows up on Intel and AMD
// drivers on framebuffer formats that have 1-bit alpha, work around this by using higher
// precision formats instead.
bool avoid1BitAlphaTextureFormats = false;
// On some older Intel drivers, GL_RGBA4 is not color renderable, glCheckFramebufferStatus
// returns GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. Work around this by using a known color-renderable
// format.
bool rgba4IsNotSupportedForColorRendering = false;
// When clearing a framebuffer on Intel or AMD drivers, when GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB is enabled, the
// driver clears to the linearized clear color despite the framebuffer not supporting SRGB
// blending. It only seems to do this when the framebuffer has only linear attachments, mixed
// attachments appear to get the correct clear color.
bool doesSRGBClearsOnLinearFramebufferAttachments = false;
// On Mac some GLSL constructs involving do-while loops cause GPU hangs, such as the following:
// int i = 1;
// do {
// i --;
// continue;
// } while (i > 0)
// Work around this by rewriting the do-while to use another GLSL construct (block + while)
bool doWhileGLSLCausesGPUHang = false;
// Calling glFinish doesn't cause all queries to report that the result is available on some
// (NVIDIA) drivers. It was found that enabling GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS before the finish
// causes it to fully finish.
bool finishDoesNotCauseQueriesToBeAvailable = false;
// Always call useProgram after a successful link to avoid a driver bug.
// This workaround is meant to reproduce the use_current_program_after_successful_link
// workaround in Chromium ( It has been shown that this workaround is
// not necessary for MacOSX 10.9 and higher (
bool alwaysCallUseProgramAfterLink = false;
// In the case of unpacking from a pixel unpack buffer, unpack overlapping rows row by row.
bool unpackOverlappingRowsSeparatelyUnpackBuffer = false;
// In the case of packing to a pixel pack buffer, pack overlapping rows row by row.
bool packOverlappingRowsSeparatelyPackBuffer = false;
// During initialization, assign the current vertex attributes to the spec-mandated defaults.
bool initializeCurrentVertexAttributes = false;
// abs(i) where i is an integer returns unexpected result on Intel Mac.
// Emulate abs(i) with i * sign(i).
bool emulateAbsIntFunction = false;
// On Intel Mac, calculation of loop conditions in for and while loop has bug.
// Add "&& true" to the end of the condition expression to work around the bug.
bool addAndTrueToLoopCondition = false;
// When uploading textures from an unpack buffer, some drivers count an extra row padding when
// checking if the pixel unpack buffer is big enough. Tracking bug:
// For example considering the pixel buffer below where in memory, each row data (D) of the
// texture is followed by some unused data (the dots):
// +-------+--+
// |DDDDDDD|..|
// |DDDDDDD|..|
// |DDDDDDD|..|
// |DDDDDDD|..|
// +-------A--B
// The last pixel read will be A, but the driver will think it is B, causing it to generate an
// error when the pixel buffer is just big enough.
bool unpackLastRowSeparatelyForPaddingInclusion = false;
// Equivalent workaround when uploading data from a pixel pack buffer.
bool packLastRowSeparatelyForPaddingInclusion = false;
// On some Intel drivers, using isnan() on highp float will get wrong answer. To work around
// this bug, we use an expression to emulate function isnan().
// Tracking bug:
bool emulateIsnanFloat = false;
// On Mac with OpenGL version 4.1, unused std140 or shared uniform blocks will be
// treated as inactive which is not consistent with WebGL2.0 spec. Reference all members in a
// unused std140 or shared uniform block at the beginning of main to work around it.
// Also used on Linux AMD.
bool useUnusedBlocksWithStandardOrSharedLayout = false;
// This flag will keep invariant declaration for input in fragment shader for GLSL >=4.20
// on AMD.
bool dontRemoveInvariantForFragmentInput = false;
// This flag is used to fix spec difference between GLSL 4.1 or lower and ESSL3.
bool removeInvariantAndCentroidForESSL3 = false;
// On Intel Mac OSX 10.11 driver, using "-float" will get wrong answer. Use "0.0 - float" to
// replace "-float".
// Tracking bug:
bool rewriteFloatUnaryMinusOperator = false;
// On NVIDIA drivers, atan(y, x) may return a wrong answer.
// Tracking bug:
bool emulateAtan2Float = false;
// Some drivers seem to forget about UBO bindings when using program binaries. Work around
// this by re-applying the bindings after the program binary is loaded or saved.
// This only seems to affect AMD OpenGL drivers, and some Android devices.
bool reapplyUBOBindingsAfterUsingBinaryProgram = false;
// Some OpenGL drivers return 0 when we query MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_STRIDE in an OpenGL 4.4 or
// higher context.
// This only seems to affect AMD OpenGL drivers.
// Tracking bug:
bool emulateMaxVertexAttribStride = false;
// Initializing uninitialized locals caused odd behavior on Mac in a few WebGL 2 tests.
// Tracking bug: http://anglebug/2041
bool dontInitializeUninitializedLocals = false;
// On some NVIDIA drivers the point size range reported from the API is inconsistent with the
// actual behavior. Clamp the point size to the value from the API to fix this.
bool clampPointSize = false;
// On some NVIDIA drivers certain types of GLSL arithmetic ops mixing vectors and scalars may be
// executed incorrectly. Change them in the shader translator. Tracking bug:
bool rewriteVectorScalarArithmetic = false;
// On some Android devices for loops used to initialize variables hit native GLSL compiler bugs.
bool dontUseLoopsToInitializeVariables = false;
// On some NVIDIA drivers gl_FragDepth is not clamped correctly when rendering to a floating
// point depth buffer. Clamp it in the translated shader to fix this.
bool clampFragDepth = false;
// On some NVIDIA drivers before version 397.31 repeated assignment to swizzled values inside a
// GLSL user-defined function have incorrect results. Rewrite this type of statements to fix
// this.
bool rewriteRepeatedAssignToSwizzled = false;
inline WorkaroundsGL::WorkaroundsGL() = default;
} // namespace rx