blob: 5a98a0a92c5c7c3cdb556612125c4f4c95a0a6b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// mtl_render_utils.h:
// Defines the class interface for RenderUtils, which contains many utility functions and shaders
// for converting, blitting, copying as well as generating data, and many more.
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/RenderTargetMtl.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_command_buffer.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/mtl_state_cache.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/metal/shaders/constants.h"
namespace rx
class BufferMtl;
class ContextMtl;
class DisplayMtl;
class VisibilityBufferOffsetsMtl;
namespace mtl
struct ClearRectParams : public ClearOptions
MTLColorWriteMask clearColorMask = MTLColorWriteMaskAll;
gl::Extents dstTextureSize;
// Only clear enabled buffers
gl::DrawBufferMask enabledBuffers;
gl::Rectangle clearArea;
bool flipY = false;
struct BlitParams
gl::Extents dstTextureSize;
gl::Rectangle dstRect;
gl::Rectangle dstScissorRect;
// Destination texture needs to have viewport Y flipped?
// The difference between this param and unpackFlipY is that unpackFlipY is from
// glCopyImageCHROMIUM()/glBlitFramebuffer(), and dstFlipY controls whether the final viewport
// needs to be flipped when drawing to destination texture. It is possible to combine the two
// flags before passing to RenderUtils. However, to avoid duplicated works, just pass the two
// flags to RenderUtils, they will be combined internally by RenderUtils logic.
bool dstFlipY = false;
bool dstFlipX = false;
TextureRef src;
uint32_t srcLevel = 0;
uint32_t srcLayer = 0;
// Source rectangle:
// NOTE: if srcYFlipped=true, this rectangle will be converted internally to flipped rect before
// blitting.
gl::Rectangle srcRect;
bool srcYFlipped = false; // source texture has data flipped in Y direction
bool unpackFlipX = false; // flip texture data copying process in X direction
bool unpackFlipY = false; // flip texture data copying process in Y direction
struct ColorBlitParams : public BlitParams
MTLColorWriteMask blitColorMask = MTLColorWriteMaskAll;
gl::DrawBufferMask enabledBuffers;
GLenum filter = GL_NEAREST;
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha = false;
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha = false;
bool dstLuminance = false;
struct DepthStencilBlitParams : public BlitParams
TextureRef srcStencil;
// Stencil blit via an intermediate buffer. NOTE: source depth texture parameter is ignored.
// See DepthStencilBlitUtils::blitStencilViaCopyBuffer()
struct StencilBlitViaBufferParams : public DepthStencilBlitParams
StencilBlitViaBufferParams(const DepthStencilBlitParams &src);
TextureRef dstStencil;
uint32_t dstStencilLevel = 0;
uint32_t dstStencilLayer = 0;
bool dstPackedDepthStencilFormat = false;
struct TriFanFromArrayParams
uint32_t firstVertex;
uint32_t vertexCount;
BufferRef dstBuffer;
// Must be multiples of kIndexBufferOffsetAlignment
uint32_t dstOffset;
struct IndexConversionParams
gl::DrawElementsType srcType;
uint32_t indexCount;
const BufferRef &srcBuffer;
uint32_t srcOffset;
const BufferRef &dstBuffer;
// Must be multiples of kIndexBufferOffsetAlignment
uint32_t dstOffset;
struct IndexGenerationParams
gl::DrawElementsType srcType;
GLsizei indexCount;
const void *indices;
BufferRef dstBuffer;
uint32_t dstOffset;
// Utils class for clear & blitting
class ClearUtils final : angle::NonCopyable
void onDestroy();
// Clear current framebuffer
angle::Result clearWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ClearRectParams &params);
void ensureRenderPipelineStateCacheInitialized(ContextMtl *ctx, uint32_t numColorAttachments);
void setupClearWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ClearRectParams &params);
id<MTLDepthStencilState> getClearDepthStencilState(const gl::Context *context,
const ClearRectParams &params);
id<MTLRenderPipelineState> getClearRenderPipelineState(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ClearRectParams &params);
// Render pipeline cache for clear with draw:
std::array<RenderPipelineCache, kMaxRenderTargets + 1> mClearRenderPipelineCache;
class ColorBlitUtils final : angle::NonCopyable
void onDestroy();
// Blit texture data to current framebuffer
angle::Result blitColorWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ColorBlitParams &params);
void ensureRenderPipelineStateCacheInitialized(ContextMtl *ctx,
uint32_t numColorAttachments,
int alphaPremultiplyType,
int sourceTextureType,
RenderPipelineCache *cacheOut);
void setupColorBlitWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ColorBlitParams &params);
id<MTLRenderPipelineState> getColorBlitRenderPipelineState(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ColorBlitParams &params);
// Blit with draw pipeline caches:
// First array dimension: number of outputs.
// Second array dimension: source texture type (2d, ms, array, 3d, etc)
using ColorBlitRenderPipelineCacheArray =
std::array<std::array<RenderPipelineCache, mtl_shader::kTextureTypeCount>,
ColorBlitRenderPipelineCacheArray mBlitRenderPipelineCache;
ColorBlitRenderPipelineCacheArray mBlitPremultiplyAlphaRenderPipelineCache;
ColorBlitRenderPipelineCacheArray mBlitUnmultiplyAlphaRenderPipelineCache;
class DepthStencilBlitUtils final : angle::NonCopyable
void onDestroy();
angle::Result blitDepthStencilWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const DepthStencilBlitParams &params);
// Blit stencil data using intermediate buffer. This function is used on devices with no
// support for direct stencil write in shader. Thus an intermediate buffer storing copied
// stencil data is needed.
// NOTE: this function shares the params struct with depth & stencil blit, but depth texture
// parameter is not used. This function will break existing render pass.
angle::Result blitStencilViaCopyBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
const StencilBlitViaBufferParams &params);
void ensureRenderPipelineStateCacheInitialized(ContextMtl *ctx,
int sourceDepthTextureType,
int sourceStencilTextureType,
RenderPipelineCache *cacheOut);
void setupDepthStencilBlitWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const DepthStencilBlitParams &params);
id<MTLRenderPipelineState> getDepthStencilBlitRenderPipelineState(
const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const DepthStencilBlitParams &params);
id<MTLComputePipelineState> getStencilToBufferComputePipelineState(
ContextMtl *ctx,
const StencilBlitViaBufferParams &params);
std::array<RenderPipelineCache, mtl_shader::kTextureTypeCount> mDepthBlitRenderPipelineCache;
std::array<RenderPipelineCache, mtl_shader::kTextureTypeCount> mStencilBlitRenderPipelineCache;
std::array<std::array<RenderPipelineCache, mtl_shader::kTextureTypeCount>,
std::array<AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>>, mtl_shader::kTextureTypeCount>
// Intermediate buffer for storing copied stencil data. Used when device doesn't support
// writing stencil in shader.
BufferRef mStencilCopyBuffer;
// util class for generating index buffer
class IndexGeneratorUtils final : angle::NonCopyable
void onDestroy();
// Convert index buffer.
angle::Result convertIndexBufferGPU(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexConversionParams &params);
// Generate triangle fan index buffer for glDrawArrays().
angle::Result generateTriFanBufferFromArrays(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const TriFanFromArrayParams &params);
// Generate triangle fan index buffer for glDrawElements().
angle::Result generateTriFanBufferFromElementsArray(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexGenerationParams &params);
// Generate line loop's last segment index buffer for glDrawArrays().
angle::Result generateLineLoopLastSegment(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
uint32_t firstVertex,
uint32_t lastVertex,
const BufferRef &dstBuffer,
uint32_t dstOffset);
// Generate line loop's last segment index buffer for glDrawElements().
angle::Result generateLineLoopLastSegmentFromElementsArray(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexGenerationParams &params);
// Index generator compute pipelines:
// - First dimension: index type.
// - second dimension: source buffer's offset is aligned or not.
using IndexConversionPipelineArray =
std::array<std::array<AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>>, 2>,
// Get compute pipeline to convert index between buffers.
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> getIndexConversionPipeline(
ContextMtl *contextMtl,
gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
uint32_t srcOffset);
// Get compute pipeline to generate tri fan index for glDrawElements().
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> getTriFanFromElemArrayGeneratorPipeline(
ContextMtl *contextMtl,
gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
uint32_t srcOffset);
// Defer loading of compute pipeline to generate tri fan index for glDrawArrays().
void ensureTriFanFromArrayGeneratorInitialized(ContextMtl *contextMtl);
angle::Result generateTriFanBufferFromElementsArrayGPU(
ContextMtl *contextMtl,
gl::DrawElementsType srcType,
uint32_t indexCount,
const BufferRef &srcBuffer,
uint32_t srcOffset,
const BufferRef &dstBuffer,
// Must be multiples of kIndexBufferOffsetAlignment
uint32_t dstOffset);
angle::Result generateTriFanBufferFromElementsArrayCPU(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexGenerationParams &params);
angle::Result generateLineLoopLastSegmentFromElementsArrayCPU(
ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexGenerationParams &params);
IndexConversionPipelineArray mIndexConversionPipelineCaches;
IndexConversionPipelineArray mTriFanFromElemArrayGeneratorPipelineCaches;
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> mTriFanFromArraysGeneratorPipeline;
// Util class for handling visibility query result
class VisibilityResultUtils
void onDestroy();
void combineVisibilityResult(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
bool keepOldValue,
const VisibilityBufferOffsetsMtl &renderPassResultBufOffsets,
const BufferRef &renderPassResultBuf,
const BufferRef &finalResultBuf);
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> getVisibilityResultCombPipeline(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
bool keepOldValue);
// Visibility combination compute pipeline:
// - 0: This compute pipeline only combine the new values and discard old value.
// - 1: This compute pipeline keep the old value and combine with new values.
std::array<AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>>, 2> mVisibilityResultCombPipelines;
// Util class for handling mipmap generation
class MipmapUtils final : angle::NonCopyable
void onDestroy();
// Compute based mipmap generation. Only possible for 3D texture for now.
angle::Result generateMipmapCS(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const TextureRef &srcTexture,
bool sRGBMipmap,
gl::TexLevelArray<mtl::TextureRef> *mipmapOutputViews);
void ensure3DMipGeneratorPipelineInitialized(ContextMtl *contextMtl);
// Mipmaps generating compute pipeline:
AutoObjCPtr<id<MTLComputePipelineState>> m3DMipGeneratorPipeline;
// RenderUtils: container class of various util classes above
class RenderUtils : public Context, angle::NonCopyable
RenderUtils(DisplayMtl *display);
~RenderUtils() override;
angle::Result initialize();
void onDestroy();
// Clear current framebuffer
angle::Result clearWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ClearRectParams &params);
// Blit texture data to current framebuffer
angle::Result blitColorWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const ColorBlitParams &params);
// Same as above but blit the whole texture to the whole of current framebuffer.
// This function assumes the framebuffer and the source texture have same size.
angle::Result blitColorWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const TextureRef &srcTexture);
angle::Result blitDepthStencilWithDraw(const gl::Context *context,
RenderCommandEncoder *cmdEncoder,
const DepthStencilBlitParams &params);
// See DepthStencilBlitUtils::blitStencilViaCopyBuffer()
angle::Result blitStencilViaCopyBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
const StencilBlitViaBufferParams &params);
// See IndexGeneratorUtils
angle::Result convertIndexBufferGPU(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexConversionParams &params);
angle::Result generateTriFanBufferFromArrays(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const TriFanFromArrayParams &params);
angle::Result generateTriFanBufferFromElementsArray(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexGenerationParams &params);
angle::Result generateLineLoopLastSegment(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
uint32_t firstVertex,
uint32_t lastVertex,
const BufferRef &dstBuffer,
uint32_t dstOffset);
angle::Result generateLineLoopLastSegmentFromElementsArray(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const IndexGenerationParams &params);
void combineVisibilityResult(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
bool keepOldValue,
const VisibilityBufferOffsetsMtl &renderPassResultBufOffsets,
const BufferRef &renderPassResultBuf,
const BufferRef &finalResultBuf);
// Compute based mipmap generation. Only possible for 3D texture for now.
angle::Result generateMipmapCS(ContextMtl *contextMtl,
const TextureRef &srcTexture,
bool sRGBMipmap,
gl::TexLevelArray<mtl::TextureRef> *mipmapOutputViews);
// override ErrorHandler
void handleError(GLenum error,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override;
void handleError(NSError *_Nullable error,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override;
ClearUtils mClearUtils;
ColorBlitUtils mColorBlitUtils;
DepthStencilBlitUtils mDepthStencilBlitUtils;
IndexGeneratorUtils mIndexUtils;
VisibilityResultUtils mVisibilityResultUtils;
MipmapUtils mMipmapUtils;
} // namespace mtl
} // namespace rx