Ensure that builders that use goma strip absolute paths by default.

This CL tweaks the MB configs so that any builder that is using goma
also sets strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols_by_default=true.
This helps ensure that we get the best goma cache hit rate possible.
We don't just make the default equal to use_goma=true because doing
so may make it harder for devs to debug binaries, and we want devs
to be able to both debug binaries and use goma by default; the
tradeoff is that their builds are slightly slower.

R=thakis@chromium.org, jochen@chromium.org
BUG=603286, 712790

Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2837863005
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#467574}
Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 050dbe550d14e99ad4e83093d4f4e79642b9edc3
1 file changed