blob: da0f31020ae41869b0a00f6c896000d4b076b4b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides base classes used to issue HTTP requests for Google
// APIs.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "google_apis/common/api_error_codes.h"
#include "google_apis/common/base_requests.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/simple_url_loader.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/simple_url_loader_stream_consumer.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom-forward.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace google_apis {
class FileResource;
class RequestSender;
// Content type for multipart body.
enum class MultipartType { kRelated, kMixed };
// Pair of content type and data.
struct ContentTypeAndData {
std::string type;
std::string data;
// Callback used for requests that the server returns FileResource data
// formatted into JSON value.
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
std::unique_ptr<FileResource> entry)>
// Generate multipart body. If |predetermined_boundary| is not empty, it uses
// the string as boundary. Otherwise it generates random boundary that does not
// conflict with |parts|. If |data_offset| is not nullptr, it stores the
// index of first byte of each part in multipart body.
void GenerateMultipartBody(MultipartType multipart_type,
const std::string& predetermined_boundary,
const std::vector<ContentTypeAndData>& parts,
ContentTypeAndData* output,
std::vector<uint64_t>* data_offset);
//============================ DriveUrlFetchRequestBase =======================
// Base class for Drive requests that are fetching URLs.
class DriveUrlFetchRequestBase : public UrlFetchRequestBase {
DriveUrlFetchRequestBase(const DriveUrlFetchRequestBase&) = delete;
DriveUrlFetchRequestBase& operator=(const DriveUrlFetchRequestBase&) = delete;
DriveUrlFetchRequestBase(RequestSender* sender,
ProgressCallback upload_progress_callback,
ProgressCallback download_progress_callback);
~DriveUrlFetchRequestBase() override;
ApiErrorCode MapReasonToError(ApiErrorCode code,
const std::string& reason) override;
bool IsSuccessfulErrorCode(ApiErrorCode error) override;
//============================ BatchableDelegate ============================
// Delegate to be used by |SingleBatchableDelegateRequest| and
// |BatchUploadRequest|.
class BatchableDelegate {
virtual ~BatchableDelegate() = default;
// See UrlFetchRequestBase.
virtual GURL GetURL() const = 0;
virtual HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const = 0;
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const = 0;
virtual void Prepare(PrepareCallback callback) = 0;
virtual bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) = 0;
// Notifies result of the request. Usually, it parses the |code| and
// |response_body|, then notifies the parsed value to client code of the
// API. |callback| must be called on completion. The instance must not
// do anything after calling |callback| since the instance may be deleted in
// |callback|.
virtual void NotifyResult(ApiErrorCode code,
const std::string& response_body,
base::OnceClosure callback) = 0;
// Notifies error. Unlike |NotifyResult|, it must report error
// synchronously. The instance may be deleted just after calling
// NotifyError.
virtual void NotifyError(ApiErrorCode code) = 0;
// Notifies progress.
virtual void NotifyUploadProgress(int64_t current, int64_t total) = 0;
//============================ EntryActionRequest ============================
// Callback type for requests that return only error status, like: Delete/Move.
using EntryActionCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error)>;
// This class performs a simple action over a given entry (document/file).
// It is meant to be used for requests that return no JSON blobs.
class EntryActionRequest : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
// |callback| is called when the request is finished either by success or by
// failure. It must not be null.
EntryActionRequest(RequestSender* sender, EntryActionCallback callback);
EntryActionRequest(const EntryActionRequest&) = delete;
EntryActionRequest& operator=(const EntryActionRequest&) = delete;
~EntryActionRequest() override;
// Overridden from UrlFetchRequestBase.
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override;
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode code) override;
EntryActionCallback callback_;
//=========================== InitiateUploadRequestBase=======================
// Callback type for DriveServiceInterface::InitiateUpload.
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error, const GURL& upload_url)>
// This class provides base implementation for performing the request for
// initiating the upload of a file.
// |callback| will be called with the obtained upload URL. The URL will be
// used with requests for resuming the file uploading.
// Here's the flow of uploading:
// 1) Get the upload URL with a class inheriting InitiateUploadRequestBase.
// 2) Upload the first 1GB (see kUploadChunkSize in
// of the target file to the upload URL
// 3) If there is more data to upload, go to 2).
class InitiateUploadRequestBase : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
InitiateUploadRequestBase(const InitiateUploadRequestBase&) = delete;
InitiateUploadRequestBase& operator=(const InitiateUploadRequestBase&) =
// |callback| will be called with the upload URL, where upload data is
// uploaded to with ResumeUploadRequestBase. It must not be null.
// |content_type| and |content_length| should be the attributes of the
// uploading file.
InitiateUploadRequestBase(RequestSender* sender,
InitiateUploadCallback callback,
const std::string& content_type,
int64_t content_length);
~InitiateUploadRequestBase() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override;
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode code) override;
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
InitiateUploadCallback callback_;
const std::string content_type_;
const int64_t content_length_;
//========================== UploadRangeRequestBase ==========================
// Struct for response to ResumeUpload and GetUploadStatus.
struct UploadRangeResponse {
UploadRangeResponse(ApiErrorCode code,
int64_t start_position_received,
int64_t end_position_received);
ApiErrorCode code = HTTP_SUCCESS;
// The values of "Range" header returned from the server. The values are
// used to continue uploading more data. These are set to -1 if an upload
// is complete.
// |start_position_received| is inclusive and |end_position_received| is
// exclusive to follow the common C++ manner, although the response from
// the server has "Range" header in inclusive format at both sides.
int64_t start_position_received = 0;
int64_t end_position_received = 0;
// Base class for a URL fetch request expecting the response containing the
// current uploading range. This class processes the response containing
// "Range" header and invoke OnRangeRequestComplete.
class UploadRangeRequestBase : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
UploadRangeRequestBase(const UploadRangeRequestBase&) = delete;
UploadRangeRequestBase& operator=(const UploadRangeRequestBase&) = delete;
// |upload_url| is the URL of where to upload the file to.
UploadRangeRequestBase(RequestSender* sender,
const GURL& upload_url,
ProgressCallback upload_progress_callback);
~UploadRangeRequestBase() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
HttpRequestMethod GetRequestType() const override;
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override;
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode code) override;
// This method will be called when the request is done, regardless of
// whether it is succeeded or failed.
// 1) If there is more data to upload, |code| of |response| is set to
// HTTP_RESUME_INCOMPLETE, and positions are set appropriately. Also, |value|
// will be set to NULL.
// 2) If the upload is complete, |code| is set to HTTP_CREATED for a new file
// or HTTP_SUCCESS for an existing file. Positions are set to -1, and |value|
// is set to a parsed JSON value representing the uploaded file.
// 3) If a premature failure is found, |code| is set to a value representing
// the situation. Positions are set to 0, and |value| is set to NULL.
// See also the comments for UploadRangeResponse.
// Note: Subclasses should have responsibility to run some callback
// in this method to notify the finish status to its clients (or ignore it
// under its responsibility).
virtual void OnRangeRequestComplete(const UploadRangeResponse& response,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value) = 0;
// Called when ParseJson() is completed.
void OnDataParsed(ApiErrorCode code, std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value);
const GURL upload_url_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<UploadRangeRequestBase> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
//========================== ResumeUploadRequestBase =========================
// This class performs the request for resuming the upload of a file.
// More specifically, this request uploads a chunk of data carried in |buf|
// of ResumeUploadResponseBase. This class is designed to share the
// implementation of upload resuming between GData WAPI and Drive API v2.
// The subclasses should implement OnRangeRequestComplete inherited by
// UploadRangeRequestBase, because the type of the response should be
// different (although the format in the server response is JSON).
class ResumeUploadRequestBase : public UploadRangeRequestBase {
ResumeUploadRequestBase(const ResumeUploadRequestBase&) = delete;
ResumeUploadRequestBase& operator=(const ResumeUploadRequestBase&) = delete;
// |start_position| is the start of range of contents currently stored in
// |buf|. |end_position| is the end of range of contents currently stared in
// |buf|. This is exclusive. For instance, if you are to upload the first
// 500 bytes of data, |start_position| is 0 and |end_position| is 500.
// |content_length| and |content_type| are the length and type of the
// file content to be uploaded respectively.
// |buf| holds current content to be uploaded.
// See also UploadRangeRequestBase's comment for remaining parameters
// meaning.
ResumeUploadRequestBase(RequestSender* sender,
const GURL& upload_location,
int64_t start_position,
int64_t end_position,
int64_t content_length,
const std::string& content_type,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
ProgressCallback progress_callback);
~ResumeUploadRequestBase() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
bool GetContentFile(base::FilePath* local_file_path,
int64_t* range_offset,
int64_t* range_length,
std::string* upload_content_type) override;
// The parameters for the request. See ResumeUploadParams for the details.
const int64_t start_position_;
const int64_t end_position_;
const int64_t content_length_;
const std::string content_type_;
const base::FilePath local_file_path_;
//======================== GetUploadStatusRequestBase ========================
// This class performs the request for getting the current upload status
// of a file.
// This request calls OnRangeRequestComplete() with:
// - HTTP_RESUME_INCOMPLETE and the range of previously uploaded data,
// if a file has been partially uploaded. |value| is not used.
// - HTTP_SUCCESS or HTTP_CREATED (up to the upload mode) and |value|
// for the uploaded data, if a file has been completely uploaded.
// See also UploadRangeRequestBase.
class GetUploadStatusRequestBase : public UploadRangeRequestBase {
// |content_length| is the whole data size to be uploaded.
// See also UploadRangeRequestBase's constructor comment for other
// parameters.
GetUploadStatusRequestBase(RequestSender* sender,
const GURL& upload_url,
int64_t content_length);
GetUploadStatusRequestBase(const GetUploadStatusRequestBase&) = delete;
GetUploadStatusRequestBase& operator=(const GetUploadStatusRequestBase&) =
~GetUploadStatusRequestBase() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
const int64_t content_length_;
//=========================== MultipartUploadRequestBase=======================
// This class provides base implementation for performing the request for
// uploading a file by multipart body.
class MultipartUploadRequestBase : public BatchableDelegate {
MultipartUploadRequestBase(const MultipartUploadRequestBase&) = delete;
MultipartUploadRequestBase& operator=(const MultipartUploadRequestBase&) =
// Set boundary. Only tests can use this method.
void SetBoundaryForTesting(const std::string& boundary);
// |callback| will be called with the file resource.upload URL.
// |content_type| and |content_length| should be the attributes of the
// uploading file. Other parameters are optional and can be empty or null
// depending on Upload URL provided by the subclasses.
MultipartUploadRequestBase(base::SequencedTaskRunner* blocking_task_runner,
const std::string& metadata_json,
const std::string& content_type,
int64_t content_length,
const base::FilePath& local_file_path,
FileResourceCallback callback,
ProgressCallback progress_callback);
~MultipartUploadRequestBase() override;
// BatchableDelegate.
std::vector<std::string> GetExtraRequestHeaders() const override;
void Prepare(PrepareCallback callback) override;
bool GetContentData(std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content) override;
void NotifyResult(ApiErrorCode code,
const std::string& body,
base::OnceClosure callback) override;
void NotifyError(ApiErrorCode code) override;
void NotifyUploadProgress(int64_t current, int64_t total) override;
// Parses the response value and invokes |callback_| with |FileResource|.
void OnDataParsed(ApiErrorCode code,
base::OnceClosure callback,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> value);
// Continues to rest part of |Start| method after determining boundary string
// of multipart/related.
void OnPrepareUploadContent(PrepareCallback callback,
std::string* upload_content_type,
std::string* upload_content_data,
bool result);
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> blocking_task_runner_;
const std::string metadata_json_;
const std::string content_type_;
const base::FilePath local_path_;
FileResourceCallback callback_;
const ProgressCallback progress_callback_;
// Boundary of multipart body.
std::string boundary_;
// Upload content of multipart body.
std::string upload_content_type_;
std::string upload_content_data_;
// Note: This should remain the last member so it'll be destroyed and
// invalidate its weak pointers before any other members are destroyed.
base::WeakPtrFactory<MultipartUploadRequestBase> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
//============================ DownloadFileRequest ===========================
// Callback type for receiving the completion of DownloadFileRequest.
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(ApiErrorCode error,
const base::FilePath& temp_file)>
// This is a base class for performing the request for downloading a file.
class DownloadFileRequestBase : public DriveUrlFetchRequestBase {
// download_action_callback:
// This callback is called when the download is complete. Must not be null.
// get_content_callback:
// This callback is called when some part of the content is
// read. Used to read the download content progressively. May be null.
// progress_callback:
// This callback is called for periodically reporting the number of bytes
// downloaded so far. May be null.
// download_url:
// Specifies the target file to download.
// output_file_path:
// Specifies the file path to save the downloaded file.
DownloadFileRequestBase(RequestSender* sender,
DownloadActionCallback download_action_callback,
const GetContentCallback& get_content_callback,
ProgressCallback progress_callback,
const GURL& download_url,
const base::FilePath& output_file_path);
DownloadFileRequestBase(const DownloadFileRequestBase&) = delete;
DownloadFileRequestBase& operator=(const DownloadFileRequestBase&) = delete;
~DownloadFileRequestBase() override;
// UrlFetchRequestBase overrides.
GURL GetURL() const override;
void GetOutputFilePath(base::FilePath* local_file_path,
GetContentCallback* get_content_callback) override;
void ProcessURLFetchResults(
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response_head,
base::FilePath response_file,
std::string response_body) override;
void RunCallbackOnPrematureFailure(ApiErrorCode code) override;
DownloadActionCallback download_action_callback_;
const GetContentCallback get_content_callback_;
const GURL download_url_;
const base::FilePath output_file_path_;
} // namespace google_apis