Make ExecutionContext aware about how it can return CoreProbeSink

Currently ToCoreProbe code checks the given ExecutionContext's type
and calls different code to get its CoreProbeSink, but in this way
we need to keep adding new ToCoreProbe code every time we add
new ExecutionContext, which sounds a bit cumbersome.

This CL adds ExecutionContext::GetProbeSink() virtual method
to mitigate that.


Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#468243}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: b66ac187d7971914c0cbff0bf3733feb5b27f006
9 files changed
tree: 4204c2f44f3fa34c706c721d4fde0b0958c366cf
  1. accessibility-audit/
  2. accessibility_test_framework/
  3. adobe/
  4. afl/
  5. analytics/
  6. android_async_task/
  7. android_crazy_linker/
  8. android_data_chart/
  9. android_media/
  10. android_opengl/
  11. android_platform/
  12. android_protobuf/
  13. android_support_test_runner/
  14. android_swipe_refresh/
  15. apache-portable-runtime/
  16. apache-win32/
  17. apache_velocity/
  18. apk-patch-size-estimator/
  19. apple_apsl/
  20. apple_sample_code/
  21. ashmem/
  22. binutils/
  23. blanketjs/
  24. boringssl/
  25. bouncycastle/
  26. brotli/
  27. bspatch/
  28. byte_buddy/
  29. cacheinvalidation/
  30. ced/
  31. chaijs/
  32. checkstyle/
  33. cld/
  34. cld_2/
  35. cld_3/
  36. closure_compiler/
  37. colorama/
  38. crashpad/
  39. custom_tabs_client/
  40. d3/
  41. decklink/
  42. deqp/
  43. devscripts/
  44. dom_distiller_js/
  45. drmemory/
  46. elfutils/
  47. errorprone/
  48. espresso/
  49. expat/
  50. fips181/
  51. flatbuffers/
  52. flot/
  53. fontconfig/
  54. freetype/
  55. gardiner_mod/
  56. gestures/
  57. gif_player/
  58. glslang/
  59. glslang-angle/
  60. google_appengine_cloudstorage/
  61. google_input_tools/
  62. google_toolbox_for_mac/
  63. guava/
  64. gvr-android-sdk/
  65. haha/
  66. hamcrest/
  67. harfbuzz-ng/
  68. hunspell/
  69. iaccessible2/
  70. iccjpeg/
  71. icu4j/
  72. ijar/
  73. inspector_protocol/
  74. instrumented_libraries/
  75. intellij/
  76. isimpledom/
  77. javax_inject/
  78. jinja2/
  79. jmake/
  80. jsoncpp/
  81. jsr-305/
  82. jstemplate/
  83. junit/
  84. khronos/
  85. lcov/
  86. leakcanary/
  87. leveldatabase/
  88. libaddressinput/
  89. libdrm/
  90. libevdev/
  91. libFuzzer/
  92. libjingle_xmpp/
  93. libjpeg/
  94. liblouis/
  95. libphonenumber/
  96. libpng/
  97. libprotobuf-mutator/
  98. libsecret/
  99. libsync/
  100. libudev/
  101. libusb/
  102. libva/
  103. libvpx/
  104. libwebm/
  105. libwebp/
  106. libxml/
  107. libXNVCtrl/
  108. libxslt/
  109. logilab/
  110. lzma_sdk/
  111. mach_override/
  112. markdown/
  113. markupsafe/
  114. mesa/
  115. minigbm/
  116. mocha/
  117. mockito/
  118. modp_b64/
  119. molokocacao/
  120. motemplate/
  121. mozilla/
  122. mt19937ar/
  123. netty-tcnative/
  124. netty4/
  125. node/
  126. objenesis/
  127. ocmock/
  128. openh264/
  129. opus/
  130. ots/
  131. ow2_asm/
  132. pexpect/
  133. ply/
  134. polymer/
  135. proguard/
  136. protobuf/
  137. py_trace_event/
  138. pycoverage/
  139. pyftpdlib/
  140. pylint/
  141. pymock/
  142. Python-Markdown/
  143. pywebsocket/
  144. qcms/
  145. qunit/
  146. re2/
  147. requests/
  148. retrolambda/
  149. robolectric/
  150. sfntly/
  151. shaderc/
  152. simplejson/
  153. sinonjs/
  154. smhasher/
  155. snappy/
  156. speech-dispatcher/
  157. spirv-headers/
  158. SPIRV-Tools/
  159. spirv-tools-angle/
  160. sqlite/
  161. sqlite4java/
  162. sudden_motion_sensor/
  163. tcmalloc/
  164. tlslite/
  165. typ/
  166. ub-uiautomator/
  167. usb_ids/
  168. usrsctp/
  169. v4l-utils/
  170. visualmetrics/
  171. vulkan/
  172. vulkan-validation-layers/
  173. wayland/
  174. wayland-protocols/
  175. wds/
  176. web-animations-js/
  177. webdriver/
  178. webgl/
  179. WebKit/
  180. webrtc_overrides/
  181. widevine/
  182. woff2/
  183. wtl/
  184. xstream/
  185. yasm/
  186. zlib/
  187. .gitignore
  189. DEPS
  190. OWNERS
  192. README.chromium
  193. README.chromium.template