blob: 2ba1170d92af1129455d36f08dad4bb9b632072d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This shell script checks out the NSS source tree from CVS and prepares
# it for Chromium.
# Make the script exit as soon as something fails.
set -ex
rm -rf mozilla/security/nss/lib
cvs -q -d export \
-r NSS_3_12_6_RC0 mozilla/security/nss/lib
# Rename one of the utf8.c files to avoid name conflict.
mv mozilla/security/nss/lib/base/utf8.c mozilla/security/nss/lib/base/nssutf8.c
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/ckfw
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/crmf
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/tests
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/doc
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/tests
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl/mpi/utils
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/jar
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/libpkix
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/pkcs12
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/pki/doc
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken/legacydb
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/sqlite
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/sysinit
rm -r mozilla/security/nss/lib/zlib
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name .cvsignore -print | xargs rm
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name README -print | xargs rm
# Remove the build system.
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name Makefile -print | xargs rm
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name -print | xargs rm
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name "*.mk" -print | xargs rm
# Remove files for building shared libraries/DLLs.
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name "*.def" -print | xargs rm
find mozilla/security/nss/lib -name "*.rc" -print | xargs rm
# Remove obsolete files or files we don't need.
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/util/secplcy.c
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/util/secplcy.h
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfypkix.c
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/certhigh/certvfypkixprint.c
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/pki1/*.c
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/pki1/oidgen.perl
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/pki1/oids.txt
rm mozilla/security/nss/lib/smime/*.c
find mozilla/security/nss/lib/ssl -type f ! -name sslerr.h | xargs rm
find mozilla/security/nss/lib/freebl -type f \
! -name aeskeywrap.c ! -name alg2268.c ! -name alghmac.c \
! -name alghmac.h ! -name arcfive.c ! -name arcfour.c \
! -name blapi.h ! -name blapii.h ! -name blapit.h \
! -name camellia.c ! -name camellia.h ! -name des.c \
! -name des.h ! -name desblapi.c ! -name dh.c \
! -name drbg.c ! -name dsa.c ! -name ec.c \
! -name ec.h ! -name ec2.h ! -name ecl-curve.h \
! -name ecl-exp.h ! -name ecl-priv.h ! -name ecl.c \
! -name ecl.c ! -name ecl.h ! -name ecl_curve.c \
! -name ecl_gf.c ! -name ecl_mult.c ! -name ecp.h \
! -name ecp_aff.c ! -name ecp_jac.c ! -name ecp_jm.c \
! -name ecp_mont.c ! -name ec_naf.c ! -name hasht.h \
! -name md2.c ! -name md5.c ! -name logtab.h \
! -name mpcpucache.c \
! -name mpi-config.h \
! -name mpi-priv.h ! -name mpi.c ! -name mpi.h \
! -name mpi_amd64.c ! -name mpi_x86_asm.c ! -name mplogic.c \
! -name mplogic.h ! -name mpmontg.c ! -name mpprime.c \
! -name mpprime.h \
! -name mp_gf2m-priv.h ! -name mp_gf2m.c ! -name mp_gf2m.h \
! -name primes.c ! -name pqg.c ! -name rawhash.c \
! -name rijndael.c ! -name rijndael.h ! -name \
! -name rsa.c ! -name sechash.h ! -name secmpi.h \
! -name secrng.h ! -name seed.c ! -name seed.h \
! -name sha256.h ! -name sha512.c ! -name sha_fast.c \
! -name sha_fast.h ! -name shsign.h ! -name shvfy.c \
! -name sysrand.c ! -name tlsprfalg.c ! -name unix_rand.c \
! -name win_rand.c \
| xargs rm