Remove obsolete public buildspec conversion module.

This was only used in, which was removed in


Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4ff67af0-8c30-449e-8e8b-ad334ec8d88c
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd4bf31..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Public buildspec to GIT mapping."""
-import re
-from deps2git import SplitScmUrl
-GIT_HOST = ''
-webkit_git = GIT_HOST + 'chromium/blink.git'
-# Remove the ffmpeg overrides, since the buildspec DEPS have stripped out these
-# (and other) vars that they don't use, and without them in the DEPS, deps2git
-# complains about missing vars.
-  'src/third_party/ffmpeg': None
-# pylint: disable=W0613
-def CleanDeps(deps, deps_os, include_rules, skip_child_includes, hooks):
-  global webkit_git
-  webkit_rev = None
-  for os, deps_section in ([(None, deps)] +
-                           [(os, deps_os[os]) for os in deps_os]):
-    del_deps = []
-    add_deps = {}
-    for dep, dep_url in deps_section.iteritems():
-      # Skip 'None' exclusion entries.
-      if not dep_url:
-        continue
-      url, rev = SplitScmUrl(dep_url)
-      # Some m27 DEPS have blink entries that are just paths. Prepend the host
-      # info so the rest of the processing can proceed as normal.
-      m = re.match('/branches/chromium/[^/]+/'
-                   '(LayoutTests|Source|Tools)(/.*)?$', url)
-      if m:
-        dep_url = '' + dep_url
-        deps_section[dep] = dep_url
-        url, rev = SplitScmUrl(dep_url)
-      # During m29 (and maybe earlier), there was some fetching (and branching)
-      # of just blink LayoutTests, rather than the whole repo, with entries to
-      # checkout a bunch of individual sub-paths to
-      # 'src/content/test/data/layout_tests/*'.
-      # Consolidate all of those deps into a single, top-level 'layout_tests'
-      # entry so the whole blink repo can be checkout out there (putting
-      # LayoutTests in the expected 'layout_tests/LayoutTests/' path).
-      m = re.match('^https?://'
-                   '(trunk|branches/chromium/[^/]+)/LayoutTests(/.*)?', url)
-      if m:
-        if not add_deps.get('src/content/test/data/layout_tests'):
-          add_deps['src/content/test/data/layout_tests'] = dep_url
-        del_deps.append(dep)
-        continue
-      # Ignore webkit sub-path entries since git checks out all in one repo,
-      is_webkit = False
-      if url.startswith('/trunk/deps/third_party/WebKit/'):
-        is_webkit = True
-      else:
-        m = re.match('https?://(|'
-                     ''
-                     '/(trunk|branches/chromium/[^/]+)/', url)
-        if m:
-          # Don't remove 'ios' sub-path entries, which are set explicitly to
-          # just pull the headers or something. Unfortunately, the sub-path
-          # repos don't mirror the branches, so if the dep is for a branch, even
-          # 'ios' will have to pull the full WebKit.
-          if os == 'ios' and == 'trunk':
-            continue
-          is_webkit = True
-          # If svn DEPS refers to the repo, rather than blink, use
-          # the old mirror of that repo instead of blink.git.
-          if '' in
-            webkit_git = GIT_HOST + 'external/WebKit_trimmed.git'
-      if is_webkit:
-        if not webkit_rev:
-          webkit_rev = rev
-        else:
-          # All the sub-path repos should be pinned to the same revision. If
-          # they're not, then not sure how to decide what revision to use for
-          # the umbrella git repo.
-          if rev != webkit_rev:
-            raise Exception('WebKit entry revision mismatch: %s != %s' %
-                            (rev, webkit_rev))
-        del_deps.append(dep)
-        continue
-      # Some older DEPS have a split selenium py/test|selenium checkout but the
-      # git selenium py repo encompasses both, so delete everything except the
-      # base checkout to python/selenium.
-      if dep.startswith('src/third_party/webdriver/python/selenium/'):
-        del_deps.append(dep)
-        continue
-      # Ugh. For a while during m29, there was an entry with an incomplete URL
-      # and incorrect path. How this worked even once, let alone through
-      # multiple releases, is a mystery.
-      if url.startswith('sctp-refimpl'):
-        dep_url = 'https://' + dep_url.replace('/snv/', '/svn/')
-        deps_section[dep] = dep_url
-        continue
-    for dep in del_deps:
-      del deps_section[dep]
-    deps_section.update(add_deps)
-  # Make sure the top-level webkit entry that's left refers to the common
-  # revision from the sub-path entries, and not to the revision of the
-  # top-level "placeholder" repository. webkit_rev won't be set for recent
-  # DEPS, since they use the blink repo and have no webkit sub-path entries.
-  if webkit_rev:
-    dep_url = deps['src/third_party/WebKit']
-    url, rev = SplitScmUrl(dep_url)
-    deps['src/third_party/WebKit'] = '%s@%s' % (url, webkit_rev)
-def SvnUrlToGitUrl(path, svn_url):
-  """Convert a chromium SVN URL to a chromium Git URL."""
-  match = re.match(
-      '(https?://|svn://*)',
-      svn_url)
-  if match:
-    svn_url =
-  # Handle the main 'src' repo which only appears in buildspecs.
-  match = re.match('/(branches/(?P<branch>[^/]+)|trunk)/src$', svn_url)
-  if match:
-    if match.groupdict().get('branch'):
-      return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/src.git', GIT_HOST,
-              match.groupdict().get('branch'))
-    else:
-      return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/src.git', GIT_HOST)
-  # libvpx branches in the chrome branches area.
-  match = re.match('/branches/libvpx/(?P<branch>[^/]+)', svn_url)
-  if match:
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/deps/libvpx.git', GIT_HOST,
-  'branch'))
-  # New location of libvpx branches.
-  match = re.match('/branches/(?P<branch>[^/]+)/deps/third_party/libvpx',
-                   svn_url)
-  if match:
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/deps/libvpx.git', GIT_HOST,
-  'branch'))
-  # Since the ffmpeg overrides are gone, we can't use the upstream git repo
-  # (which is what those overrides referenced), so use the mirror of the svn
-  # repo.
-  if svn_url == '/trunk/deps/third_party/ffmpeg':
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/deps/ffmpeg.git', GIT_HOST)
-  match = re.match('/branches/ffmpeg/(?P<branch>[^/]+)', svn_url)
-  if match:
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/deps/ffmpeg.git', GIT_HOST,
-  'branch'))
-  # openssl branches
-  match = re.match('/branches/third_party/openssl/(?P<branch>[^/]+)', svn_url)
-  if match:
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/deps/openssl.git', GIT_HOST,
-  'branch'))
-  # The webrtc repo used to be mirrored into multiple stable/trunk repos,
-  # but branches were mirrored to both, so either would work here.
-  match = re.match('^https?://[^/]+)/(.*)',
-                   svn_url)
-  if match:
-    branch =
-    if == 'src':
-      repo = 'webrtc/src.git'
-    else:
-      repo = 'webrtc/trunk/%s.git' %
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'external/%s' % repo, GIT_HOST, branch)
-  # Skia also split into multiple repos, and has unusual chrome-specific branch
-  # naming.
-  #
-  match = re.match('^https?://'
-                   'chrome/([^/]+)/(?:trunk/)?(.*)', svn_url)
-  if match:
-    branch =
-    repo = 'skia/%s.git' %
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'external/%s' % repo, GIT_HOST, 'chrome/' + branch)
-  # Make the top-level webkit entry checkout the full webkit git repository,
-  # which replaces all the (non-iOS) sub-path entries.
-  if svn_url == '/trunk/deps/third_party/WebKit':
-    return (path, webkit_git, GIT_HOST)
-  # Make the top-level python/selenium entry checkout the full selenium/py git
-  # repository, which replaces all the sub-path entries.
-  if svn_url == '':
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'external/selenium/py.git', GIT_HOST)
-  # Projects that are subdirectories of the native_client repository.
-  match = re.match('^https?://'
-                   '(?P<branch>[^/]+)/(?P<path>.*)',
-                   svn_url)
-  if match:
-    if'path'):
-      repo = '%s.git' %'path')
-    else:
-      repo = 'src/native_client.git'
-    return (path, GIT_HOST + 'native_client/%s' % repo, GIT_HOST,
-  'branch'))
-  # blink LayoutTests.
-  match = re.match('^https?://'
-                   '(trunk|branches/(?P<branch>chromium/[^/]+))/'
-                   'LayoutTests(/.*)?',
-                   svn_url)
-  if match:
-    repo = GIT_HOST + 'chromium/blink.git'
-    if'branch'):
-      return (path, repo, GIT_HOST,'branch'))
-    else:
-      return (path, repo, GIT_HOST)
-  # blink branches.
-  match = re.match('^https?://'
-                   '(?P<branch>chromium/[^/]+)(?P<path>/public)?/?$',
-                   svn_url)
-  if match:
-    # ios has a special headers-only repo
-    if'path'):
-      repo = GIT_HOST + 'chromium/blink-public.git'
-    else:
-      repo = GIT_HOST + 'chromium/blink.git'
-    return (path, repo, GIT_HOST,'branch'))
-  # reference builds
-  # TODO(mmoss): This is no longer appropriate for current buildspecs, where
-  # each platform has its own repo, as defined in git_updater. Not sure if
-  # there's a way to detect and handle the current and the old repo configs at
-  # the same time. Turning off for now, since we care more about current
-  # configs.
-  #if svn_url.startswith('/trunk/deps/reference_builds/chrome'):
-  #  return (path, GIT_HOST + 'chromium/reference_builds/chrome.git',
-  #          GIT_HOST)