blob: 8640ac96c59316b12600d821f1e11b7e3c3a38bc [file] [log] [blame]
When adding a new policy setting, please consider the following:
- Ideally, your new policy should be expressing the intention of an
administrator and/or cover a well-scoped user-visible behavior of the
browser as opposed to an implementation-specific parameter. Consider
that your implementation may change in the future, and you might have
to re-implement your policy on top of the new feature implementation.
- Make sure your policy definition has proper supported_on declarations
specifying the platform and versions this policy is supported on.
- Make sure feature flags are correct. In particular:
- dynamic_refresh - whether your feature can adjust to changes in
policy at run time. You typically use PrefChangeRegistrar to do so.
- per_profile - whether your policy is browser-global or can be set
independently for each Chrome Profile. This is usually true if you
read the policy value from the Profile's PrefService and false if
you read it from the local_state PrefService.
- can_be_recommended - whether your feature supports admin-supplied
default values that the user can override.
- Make sure you put a helpful policy description:
- Describe the effect of setting the policy in a way that makes sense
to somebody who is not intimately familiar with your feature, such
as administrators and other Chromium developers.
- Do mention behavior for the cases where the policy gets ignored
(i.e. when not configured and for booleans where only one value is
effective). It's nice for completeness and admins have been asking
specifically for this piece of information in the past.
- Write a browser_test for you new policy. The ideal test would fire up
the browser with the policy set and check whether the policy affects
user-visible behavior in the intended way. See
chrome/browser/policy/ for examples.
- If you're adding a device policy for Chrome OS, be sure to update
so the policy shows up on the chrome://policy page.