blob: 0fa6471eb7c20829873ba72ade6edf6653e0542f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utilities for working with code coverage files."""
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pprint
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from chromite.lib import osutils
LLVM_COVERAGE_JSON_TYPE = "llvm.coverage.json.export"
def _IsInstrumented(line: str, exclude_line_prefixes: Tuple[str]) -> bool:
"""Returns if the input line is instrumented or not.
Method does a simple prefix based check to determine if
a line is instrumendted or not.
line: Single code line to test for instrumentation.
exclude_line_prefixes: tuple of un-instrumented line prefixes.
True if the line is instrumented, otherwise false.
line = line.lstrip()
if not line:
return False
return not line.startswith(tuple(exclude_line_prefixes))
def _CreateOpenSegment(line_number: int):
"""Create a segment corresponding to start of instrumented code region.
Method to create and return a segment which represents start of an
instrumented code region. For zero coverage purpose an open segment
is always considered to start from col 1.
More details about segments can be found here: go/chromeos-zero-coverage.
line_number: The line number from where the instrumented code region starts.
An open segment.
return [
def _CreateCloseSegment(line_number: int, col: int):
"""Create a segment corresponding to end of instrumented code region.
Method to create and return a segment which represents end of an
instrumented code region.
More details about segments can be found here: go/chromeos-zero-coverage.
line_number: Marks the end of instrumented code region.
col: The col number which marks the end of the instrumented code region.
A close segment.
return [line_number, col, ZERO_COVERAGE_EXEC_COUNT, False, False, False]
def _ExtractLlvmCoverageData(coverage_json: Dict) -> List:
"""Extract coverage data from coverage json.
coverage_json: llvm formatted coverage json.
List of coverage data objects.
if not coverage_json or not coverage_json.get("data"):
return []
return coverage_json["data"][0]["files"]
def _GenerateZeroCoverageLLVMForFile(
file_path: str, src_prefix_path: str, exclude_line_prefixes: Tuple[str]
) -> Dict:
"""Generates LLVM json formatted zero % coverage for the given file.
Method to identify all the instrumented lines within a file and generate
mock coverage data json. The mock json marks all the instrumented lines
as not-covered by unit tests.
More detials: go/chromeos-zero-coverage.
file_path: path to the src file.
src_prefix_path: prefix path for source code
exclude_line_prefixes: Used to determine un-instrumented lines
in the file.
Dict representing zero coverage data for the file.
segments = []
line_index = 0
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as file:
lines = file.readlines()
if not lines:
return None
while line_index < len(lines):
# Search for next instrumented line
while line_index < len(lines) and not _IsInstrumented(
lines[line_index], exclude_line_prefixes
line_index += 1
if line_index < len(lines):
# Instrumented code block started. Add a open segment to indicate that
segments.append(_CreateOpenSegment(line_index + 1))
# Search for next un-instrumented line
while line_index < len(lines) and _IsInstrumented(
lines[line_index], exclude_line_prefixes
line_index += 1
if line_index < len(lines):
# Instrumented code block ended on previous line.
# Add a close segment to indicate that
_CreateCloseSegment(line_index, len(lines[line_index - 1]))
# If segment size is odd, this means there is an open instrumented
# code block. Lets add a close segment.
if len(segments) % 2 == 1:
_CreateCloseSegment(line_index, len(lines[line_index - 1]))
file_data = {}
file_data["filename"] = str(
file_data["segments"] = segments
# Zoss does not use summary field, so keep it empty
file_data["summary"] = {}
return file_data
def _ShouldExclude(
file: str, exclude_files: List[str], exclude_files_suffixes: Tuple[str]
) -> bool:
"""Determine if the filename should be excluded from zero coverage.
This method first does the suffixes based exclude check.
Next it iterates over all |exclude_files| to search for |file|.
Note that LLVM generated file paths are absolute paths, however
|file| is relative to src.
file: Chromium src root relative file path.
exclude_files: List of llvm generated file paths to exclude.
exclude_files_suffixes: Used to exclude files based on suffixes
True if a file should be excluded otherwise False.
should_exclude = False
if file.endswith(exclude_files_suffixes):
should_exclude = True
for exclude_file in exclude_files:
if file in exclude_file:
should_exclude = True
if should_exclude:"Excluding file %s from zero coverage generation.", file)
return should_exclude
def _ValidatePathMappingEntryList(data: Dict) -> None:
"""Function to validate path mapping json.
data: Dict of path mapping entries.
Nothing. Throws exception in case the entry is invalid.
if not data:
raise ValueError(
"Data input is not defined in" "_ValidatePathMappingEntryList"
if "mapping" not in data:
error_message = f"Missing mapping key in {json.dumps(data)}"
raise ValueError(error_message)
for entry in data["mapping"]:
if "src_path" not in entry or "build_dest_path" not in entry:
error_message = (
"Missing required keys (src_path, build_dest_path)"
f" in {json.dumps(entry)}."
raise ValueError(error_message)
def _CleanLlvmFileName(
filename: str, path_mapping_list: List, source_root: str
) -> str:
"""Clean LLVM generated file name.
Convert the destination work directory paths into
paths relative to src root. LLVM generated coverage reports
contains filepaths under work directory. Something like
" /build/nami/tmp/portage/<category>/<packagename>/work
/<packagename>/". It needs to be cleaned and mapped
to corresponding chromeos src file path. This method achieves
this by using |path_mapping_list|. LLVM also reports coverage
for generated files. So this method discards any file that does
not exists in chromeos codebase.
filename: file name that needs to be cleaned.
path_mapping_list: Path mapping list.
source_root: source root path.
Cleaned filename, None if the unable to clean file.
if not filename:
return None
filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
for entry in path_mapping_list:
build_dest_path = entry["build_dest_path"]
src_path = entry["src_path"]
if filename.startswith(build_dest_path):
relative_src_path = filename.replace(build_dest_path, src_path)
absolute_src_path = os.path.join(source_root, relative_src_path)
if os.path.exists(absolute_src_path):
return relative_src_path"Not able to clean filename %s.", filename)
return None
def CleanLlvmFileNames(
coverage_json: Dict, source_root: str, path_mapping_list: Dict
) -> Dict:
"""Clean LLVM generated file names.
Method to convert the destination work directory paths into
paths relative to src root. LLVM generated coverage reports
contains filepaths under work directory. Something like
" /build/nami/tmp/portage/<category>/<packagename>/work
/<packagename>/". It needs to be cleaned and mapped
to corresponding chromeos src file path. LLVM also reports coverage
for generated files. So this method discards any file that does
not exist in chromeos codebase.
coverage_json: llvm coverage json.
source_root: source root path.
path_mapping_list: List of src and work destination dir tuple.
llvm coverage json after required cleaning up the file names.
if not coverage_json:
return None
coverage_data = _ExtractLlvmCoverageData(coverage_json)
result_coverage_data = []
for entry in coverage_data:
cleaned_file_name = _CleanLlvmFileName(
entry["filename"], path_mapping_list, source_root
if cleaned_file_name:
entry["filename"] = cleaned_file_name
return CreateLlvmCoverageJson(result_coverage_data)
def GatherPathMapping(search_directory: str) -> List:
"""Method to gather path mapping json.
Walk through search_directory and read and merge all
json files containing mapping of src to build destination.
search_directory: Directory to look for path mapping json.
List of path mapping entries.
if not os.path.exists(search_directory):
"The path in GatherPathMapping does not exists %s.",
return None
if not os.path.isdir(search_directory):
raise ValueError("The path is not a directory: ", search_directory)
temp = []
for dirpath, _, files in os.walk(search_directory):
for f in files:
path_to_file = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
if os.path.basename(path_to_file) != "src_to_build_dest_map.json":
data = json.loads(osutils.ReadFile(path_to_file))
result = []
for entry in temp:
"build_dest_path": os.path.normpath(
"src_path": os.path.normpath(entry["src_path"]),
result.extend([{"build_dest_path": "/mnt/host/source/", "src_path": ""}])
result.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(x["build_dest_path"]))
return result
def LogLlvmCoverageJsonInformation(coverage_json: Dict, message: str):
"""Log useful information regarding coverage json.
Method to log list of file paths in the coverage json.
coverage_json: llvm coverage json.
message: Logging message.
llvm coverage json after required entries are removed.
if not coverage_json:
filenames = ExtractFilenames(coverage_json)
"%s\nNumber of entries: %d\n%s",
def GetLLVMCoverageWithFilesExcluded(
coverage_json: Dict, exclude_files_suffixes: Tuple[str]
) -> Dict:
"""Removes and returns required file entries from coverage json.
Method to remove file entries in coverage json which ends with one of
the suffixes mentioned in |exclude_files_suffixes|.
coverage_json: llvm coverage json
exclude_files_suffixes: Used to remove files based on suffixes
llvm coverage json after required entries are removed.
if not exclude_files_suffixes:
return coverage_json
coverage_data = _ExtractLlvmCoverageData(coverage_json)
result_coverage_data = []
for entry in coverage_data:
if not entry["filename"].endswith(exclude_files_suffixes):
"Excluding file %s from coverage report.", entry["filename"]
return CreateLlvmCoverageJson(result_coverage_data)
def MergeLLVMCoverageJson(coverage_json_1: Dict, coverage_json_2: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Merge coverage data of two coverage json and return single coverage json.
coverage_json_1: llvm coverage json to merge.
coverage_json_2: llvm coverage json to merge.
Single merged llvm formatted coverage json.
coverage_data_1 = _ExtractLlvmCoverageData(coverage_json_1)
coverage_data_2 = _ExtractLlvmCoverageData(coverage_json_2)
result = coverage_data_1.copy()
return CreateLlvmCoverageJson(result)
def ExtractFilenames(coverage_json: Dict) -> List[str]:
"""Extracts filenames from coverage json.
coverage_json: The coverage json in LLVM format.
List of filenames.
if (
not coverage_json
or not coverage_json.get("data")
or not coverage_json["data"][0].get("files")
return []
files = coverage_json["data"][0]["files"]
filenames = []
for file_data in files:
return filenames
def CreateLlvmCoverageJson(coverage_data: List) -> Dict:
"""Given coverage_data, generate llvm format coverage json.
coverage_data: The coverage data containing array of file cov info.
coverage json llvm format.
coverage_json = {
"data": [
"files": coverage_data,
return coverage_json
def GenerateZeroCoverageLlvm(
path_to_src_directories: List[str],
src_file_extensions: List[str],
exclude_line_prefixes: Tuple[str],
exclude_files: List[str],
exclude_files_suffixes: Tuple[str],
src_prefix_path: str,
) -> Dict:
"""Generate zero coverage for all src files under |path_to_src_directories|.
More details on how to generate zero coverage: go/chromeos-zero-coverage.
path_to_src_directories: Dir to look for files to generate zero coverage.
src_file_extensions: Filter files based on these extensions.
exclude_line_prefixes: Used to determine un-instrumented code.
exclude_files: files to exclude from zero coverage.
exclude_files_suffixes: Used to exclude files based on suffixes
src_prefix_path: prefix path for source code
llvm format coverage json.
coverage_data = []
filenames = []
for basedir in path_to_src_directories:
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
for filename in filenames:
full_file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
relative_file_path = full_file_path.replace(basedir, "")
if filename.endswith(
) and not _ShouldExclude(
relative_file_path, exclude_files, exclude_files_suffixes
zero_cov = _GenerateZeroCoverageLLVMForFile(
full_file_path, src_prefix_path, exclude_line_prefixes
if zero_cov:
return CreateLlvmCoverageJson(coverage_data)
def GetLlvmJsonCoverageDataIfValid(path_to_file: str):
"""Gets the content of a file if it matches the llvm coverage json format.
path_to_file: The path of the file to read.
The file contents if they match the llvm json structure, otherwise None.
# Only coverage.json files matter for llvm json coverage.
if os.path.basename(path_to_file) != "coverage.json":
return None
# Make sure the file exists.
if not os.path.isfile(path_to_file):
return None
# Attempt to parse as json. It's fine for this to fail,
# it means we can't manipulate it rather than an actual error.
data = json.loads(osutils.ReadFile(path_to_file))
# Validate the file structure is:
# { data: [...], type: "..", version: "..." }.
if "data" not in data or "type" not in data or "version" not in data:
return None
if data["type"] != "llvm.coverage.json.export":
return None
return data
except Exception as e:
logging.warning("GetLlvmJsonCoverageDataIfValid failed %s", e)
return None