blob: c4d29495419b7070837708b811af67048e7d831e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <hardware/hardware.h>
#include "camera3_module_fixture.h"
#include "camera3_test_gralloc.h"
#include "common/camera_buffer_handle.h"
namespace camera3_test {
class Camera3Device {
explicit Camera3Device(int cam_id)
: cam_id_(cam_id),
gralloc_(Camera3TestGralloc::GetInstance()) {}
~Camera3Device() {}
// Initialize
int Initialize(Camera3Module* cam_module,
const camera3_callback_ops_t* callback_ops);
// Destroy
void Destroy();
// Whether or not the template is supported
bool IsTemplateSupported(int32_t type) const;
// Construct default request settings
const camera_metadata_t* ConstructDefaultRequestSettings(int type);
// Add output stream in preparation for stream configuration
void AddOutputStream(int format, int width, int height);
// Configure streams
int ConfigureStreams();
// Allocate output buffers
int AllocateOutputStreamBuffers(
std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t>* output_buffers);
// Allocate output buffers by given streams. This function is designed
// specifically for testing exceptional cases like unconfigured streams. Don't
// use it otherwise. However, if |streams| is empty, this function will use
// the streams configured by |AddOutputStream| and |ConfigureStreams|; i.e. it
// will behave exacly the same as |AllocateOutputStreamBuffers| does.
int AllocateOutputStreamBuffersByStreams(
const std::vector<camera3_stream_t>& streams,
std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t>* output_buffers);
// Free stream buffers
int FreeOutputStreamBuffers(
const std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t>& output_buffers);
// Free all stream buffers
void ClearOutputStreamBuffers();
// Process capture request
int ProcessCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t* request);
// Flush all currently in-process captures and all buffers in the pipeline
int Flush();
// Get static information
class StaticInfo;
const StaticInfo* GetStaticInfo() const;
const std::string GetThreadName(int cam_id);
void InitializeOnHalThread(const camera3_callback_ops_t* callback_ops,
int* result);
void ConstructDefaultRequestSettingsOnHalThread(
int type,
const camera_metadata_t** result);
void ConfigureStreamsOnHalThread(camera3_stream_configuration_t* config,
int* result);
void ProcessCaptureRequestOnHalThread(camera3_capture_request_t* request,
int* result);
void FlushOnHalThread(int* result);
void CloseOnHalThread(int* result);
const int cam_id_;
bool initialized_;
camera3_device* cam_device_;
std::unique_ptr<StaticInfo> static_info_;
// This thread is needed because of the ARC++ HAL assumption that all the
// camera3_device_ops functions, except dump, should be called on the same
// thread. Each device is accessed through a different thread.
Camera3TestThread hal_thread_;
// Two bins of streams for swapping while configuring new streams
std::vector<camera3_stream_t> cam_stream_[2];
// Index of active streams
int cam_stream_idx_;
Camera3TestGralloc* gralloc_;
// Store allocated buffers while easy to lookup and remove
std::unordered_map<camera3_stream_t*, std::set<BufferHandleUniquePtr>>
base::Lock stream_lock_;
base::Lock stream_buffers_lock_;
class Camera3Device::StaticInfo {
StaticInfo(const camera_info& cam_info);
// Determine whether or not all the keys are available
bool IsKeyAvailable(uint32_t tag) const;
bool AreKeysAvailable(std::vector<uint32_t> tags) const;
// Whether or not the hardware level reported is at least full
bool IsHardwareLevelAtLeastFull() const;
// Whether or not the hardware level reported is at least limited
bool IsHardwareLevelAtLeastLimited() const;
// Determine whether the current device supports a capability or not
bool IsCapabilitySupported(int capability) const;
// Check if depth output is supported, based on the depth capability
bool IsDepthOutputSupported() const;
// Check if standard outputs (PRIVATE, YUV, JPEG) outputs are supported,
// based on the backwards-compatible capability
bool IsColorOutputSupported() const;
// Get available edge modes
std::set<uint8_t> GetAvailableEdgeModes() const;
// Get available noise reduction modes
std::set<uint8_t> GetAvailableNoiseReductionModes() const;
// Get available noise reduction modes
std::set<uint8_t> GetAvailableColorAberrationModes() const;
// Get available tone map modes
std::set<uint8_t> GetAvailableToneMapModes() const;
// Get available formats for a given direction
std::set<int32_t> GetAvailableFormats(int32_t direction) const;
// Check if a stream format is supported
bool IsFormatAvailable(int format) const;
// Get the image output resolutions in this stream configuration
std::vector<ResolutionInfo> GetSortedOutputResolutions(int32_t format) const;
// Determine if camera device support AE lock control
bool IsAELockSupported() const;
// Determine if camera device support AWB lock control
bool IsAWBLockSupported() const;
// Get the maximum number of partial result a request can expect
int32_t GetPartialResultCount() const;
// Get the maxium size of JPEG image
int32_t GetJpegMaxSize() const;
// Get the sensor orientation
int32_t GetSensorOrientation() const;
// Return the supported hardware level of the device, or fail if no value is
// reported
int32_t GetHardwareLevel() const;
bool IsHardwareLevelAtLeast(int32_t level) const;
std::set<uint8_t> GetAvailableModes(int32_t key,
int32_t min_value,
int32_t max_value) const;
void GetStreamConfigEntry(camera_metadata_ro_entry_t* entry) const;
const camera_metadata_t* characteristics_;
class Camera3DeviceFixture : public testing::Test,
protected camera3_callback_ops {
explicit Camera3DeviceFixture(int cam_id) : cam_device_(cam_id) {}
virtual void SetUp() override;
virtual void TearDown() override;
// Callback functions to process capture result
virtual void ProcessCaptureResult(const camera3_capture_result* result);
// Callback functions to handle notifications
virtual void Notify(const camera3_notify_msg* msg);
Camera3Module cam_module_;
Camera3Device cam_device_;
// Static callback forwarding methods from HAL to instance
static void ProcessCaptureResultCallback(
const camera3_callback_ops* cb,
const camera3_capture_result* result);
// Static callback forwarding methods from HAL to instance
static void NotifyCallback(const camera3_callback_ops* cb,
const camera3_notify_msg* msg);
} // namespace camera3_test