blob: b12718a20fad934aa44b3e99f67d9aad510bf8da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bootstat.h"
#include "bootstat_test.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace {
using std::string;
static void RemoveFile(const string& file_path) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, unlink(file_path.c_str()))
<< "can't unlink file " << file_path << ": "
<< strerror(errno);
// Class to track and test the data associated with a single event.
// The primary function is TestLogEvent(): This method wraps calls
// to bootstat_log() with code to track the expected contents of the
// event files. After logging, the expected content is tested
// against the actual content.
class EventTracker {
EventTracker(const string& name, const string& uptime_prefix,
const string& disk_prefix);
void TestLogEvent(const string& uptime, const string& diskstats);
void Reset();
string event_name_;
string uptime_file_name_;
string uptime_content_;
string diskstats_file_name_;
string diskstats_content_;
EventTracker::EventTracker(const string& name,
const string& uptime_prefix,
const string& diskstats_prefix)
: event_name_(name),
diskstats_content_("") {
string truncated_name =
event_name_.substr(0, BOOTSTAT_MAX_EVENT_LEN - 1);
uptime_file_name_ = uptime_prefix + truncated_name;
diskstats_file_name_ = diskstats_prefix + truncated_name;
// Basic helper function to test whether the contents of the
// specified file exactly match the given contents string.
static void ValidateEventFileContents(const string& file_name,
const string& file_contents) {
int rv = access(file_name.c_str(), W_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rv) << file_name << " is not writable: "
<< strerror(errno);
rv = access(file_name.c_str(), R_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(0, rv) << file_name << " is not readable: "
<< strerror(errno);
char *buffer = new char[file_contents.length() + 1];
int fd = open(file_name.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
rv = read(fd, buffer, file_contents.length());
EXPECT_EQ(file_contents.length(), rv);
buffer[file_contents.length()] = '\0';
string actual_contents(buffer);
EXPECT_EQ(file_contents, actual_contents);
rv = read(fd, buffer, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(0, rv) << "found data in event file past expected EOF";
delete buffer;
// Call bootstat_log() once, and update the expected content for
// this event. Test that the new content of the event's files
// matches the updated expected content.
void EventTracker::TestLogEvent(const string& uptime,
const string& diskstats) {
uptime_content_ += uptime;
diskstats_content_ += diskstats;
ValidateEventFileContents(uptime_file_name_, uptime_content_);
ValidateEventFileContents(diskstats_file_name_, diskstats_content_);
// Reset event state back to initial conditions, by deleting the
// associated event files, and clearing the expected contents.
void EventTracker::Reset() {
// Bootstat test class. We use this class to override the
// dependencies in bootstat_log() on the file paths for /proc/uptime
// and /sys/block/<device>/stat.
// The class uses test-specific interfaces that change the default
// paths from the kernel statistics psuedo-files to temporary paths
// selected by this test. This class also redirects the location for
// the event files created by bootstat_log() to a temporary directory.
class BootstatTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void TearDown();
EventTracker MakeEvent(const string& event_name) {
return EventTracker(event_name, uptime_event_prefix_,
void SetStatsContent(const char* uptime_content,
const char* disk_content);
void TestLogEvent(EventTracker& event);
string stats_output_dir_;
string uptime_event_prefix_;
string disk_event_prefix_;
string uptime_stats_file_name_;
string uptime_stats_content_;
string disk_stats_file_name_;
string disk_stats_content_;
void BootstatTest::SetUp() {
char dir_template[] = "bootstat_test_XXXXXX";
stats_output_dir_ = string(mkdtemp(dir_template));
uptime_event_prefix_ = stats_output_dir_ + "/uptime-";
disk_event_prefix_ = stats_output_dir_ + "/disk-";
uptime_stats_file_name_ = stats_output_dir_ + "/proc_uptime";
disk_stats_file_name_ = stats_output_dir_ + "/block_stats";
void BootstatTest::TearDown() {
EXPECT_EQ(0, rmdir(stats_output_dir_.c_str()))
<< "Can't remove directory " << stats_output_dir_
<< ": " << strerror(errno) << ".";
static void WriteStatsContent(const string& content, const string& file_path) {
const int kFileOpenFlags = O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT;
const mode_t kFileCreationMode =
int fd = open(file_path.c_str(), kFileOpenFlags, kFileCreationMode);
int nwrite = write(fd, content.c_str(), content.length());
EXPECT_EQ(content.length(), nwrite)
<< "write to stats file " << file_path
<< " failed: " << strerror(errno);
// Set the content of the files mocking the contents of the kernel's
// statistics pseudo-files. The strings provided here will be the
// ones recorded for subsequent calls to bootstat_log() for all
// events.
void BootstatTest::SetStatsContent(const char* uptime_stats,
const char* disk_stats) {
uptime_stats_content_ = string(uptime_stats);
WriteStatsContent(uptime_stats_content_, uptime_stats_file_name_);
disk_stats_content_ = string(disk_stats);
WriteStatsContent(disk_stats_content_, disk_stats_file_name_);
void BootstatTest::TestLogEvent(EventTracker& event) {
event.TestLogEvent(uptime_stats_content_, disk_stats_content_);
// Test data to be used as input to SetStatsContent().
// The structure of this array is pairs of strings, terminated by a
// single NULL. The first string in the pair is content for
// /proc/uptime, the second for /sys/block/<device>/stat.
// This data is taken directly from a development system, and is
// representative of valid stats content, though not typical of what
// would be seen immediately after boot.
static const char* bootstat_data[] = {
/* 0 */
/* uptime */ "691448.42 11020440.26\n",
/* disk */ " 1417116 14896 55561564 10935990 4267850 78379879"
" 661568738 1635920520 158 17856450 1649520570\n",
/* 1 */
/* uptime */ "691623.71 11021372.99\n",
/* disk */ " 1420714 14918 55689988 11006390 4287385 78594261"
" 663441564 1651579200 152 17974280 1665255160\n",
/* EOT */ NULL
// Tests that event file content matches expectations when an
// event is logged multiple times.
TEST_F(BootstatTest, ContentGeneration) {
EventTracker ev = MakeEvent(string("test_event"));
int i = 0;
while (bootstat_data[i] != NULL) {
SetStatsContent(bootstat_data[i], bootstat_data[i+1]);
i += 2;
// Tests that name truncation of logged events works as advertised.
TEST_F(BootstatTest, EventNameTruncation) {
static const char kMostVoluminousEventName[] =
// 16 32 48 64
"event-6789abcdef_123456789ABCDEF.123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" // 64
"=064+56789abcdef_123456789ABCDEF.123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" // 128
"=128+56789abcdef_123456789ABCDEF.123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" // 191
"=191+56789abcdef_123456789ABCDEF.123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" // 256
string very_long(kMostVoluminousEventName);
SetStatsContent(bootstat_data[0], bootstat_data[1]);
EventTracker ev = MakeEvent(very_long);
ev = MakeEvent(very_long.substr(0, 1));
ev = MakeEvent(very_long.substr(0, BOOTSTAT_MAX_EVENT_LEN - 1));
ev = MakeEvent(very_long.substr(0, BOOTSTAT_MAX_EVENT_LEN));
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();