blob: 806ed2817432e5620b3b46b09861aca904b67ea9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <glib.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h> // NOLINT
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h> // NOLINT
#include "src/flimflam_manager_client_glue.h"
#include "src/property_changed_handler.h"
#include "src/service.h"
#include "src/service_manager.h"
namespace cashew {
// monitors Flimflam and maintains a collection of cellular service objects
class ServiceManagerImpl : public ServiceManager,
public org::chromium::flimflam::Manager_proxy,
public DBus::IntrospectableProxy,
public DBus::ObjectProxy,
public PropertyChangedDelegate {
ServiceManagerImpl(DBus::Connection& connection, // NOLINT
GMainLoop * const main_loop);
virtual ~ServiceManagerImpl();
// ServiceManager methods
virtual const Service* GetService(const std::string& service_path) const;
virtual void SetCashewServer(CashewServer *cashew_server);
virtual Service::Type GetDefaultTechnology() const;
virtual ConnectivityState GetConnectivityState() const;
static bool IsOfflineConnectivityState(ConnectivityState state);
static bool IsOnlineConnectivityState(ConnectivityState state);
// Flimflam Manager D-Bus Proxy methods
// receive incoming PropertyChanged D-Bus signal from Flimflam and
// schedule deferred processing
virtual void PropertyChanged(const std::string& property_name,
const DBus::Variant& new_value);
// receive incoming StateChanged D-Bus signal from Flimflam, convert to a
// PropertyChanged signal, and schedule deferred processing
virtual void StateChanged(const std::string& new_state_string);
// PropertyChangedDelegate methods
// Perform deferred processing for an incoming PropertyChanged D-Bus signal
// from Flimflam
virtual void OnPropertyChanged(const PropertyChangedHandler *handler,
const std::string& property_name,
const DBus::Variant& new_value);
// Service methods
virtual void EmitDataPlansUpdate(const Service& service);
virtual void OnDataPlanInactive(const Service& service,
const DataPlan& plan);
// D-Bus connection owned by our creator
// shared with Service objs that we create
DBus::Connection& connection_;
// glib main loop
GMainLoop * const main_loop_;
// collection of Service objs representing cellular services
ServiceMap services_;
// Cashew server implementing our front-end interface
CashewServer *cashew_server_;
// default technology most recently reported by Flimflam
Service::Type default_technology_;
// the cellular service, if any, that we think is the default service
// can be NULL if we don't know the default service or a non-cellular
// service is the default
Service *default_cellular_service_;
// global connectivity state most recently reported by Flimflam
ConnectivityState connectivity_state_;
// GetProperties timer glib source id
// 0 means no source
guint get_properties_source_id_;
// are we in the process of retrying our GetProperties call?
// this flag exists to distinguish between our initial g_idle_add call
// and our subsequent timer calls
bool retrying_get_properties_;
// Handler for deferred processing of D-Bus PropertyChanged signals.
// We construct and enqueue PropertyChangedSignal objects as D-Bus signals
// arrive, and the handler calls our OnPropertyChanged method (part of our
// PropertyChangedDelegate interface) later from the glib main loop.
// This is done to avoid a libdbus-c++ deadlock that can occur when dbus
// messages are sent from within a dbus callback.
PropertyChangedHandler property_changed_handler_;
// delete a collection of services
void DeleteServices(ServiceMap *service_map);
// glib integration: static wrapper for GetFlimflamProperties
// takes object ptr as data and invokes object->GetFlimflamProperties()
static gboolean StaticGetFlimflamPropertiesCallback(gpointer data);
// get interesting properties from Flimflam such as Services and
// DefaultTechnology
// returns true on success and false on failure
bool GetFlimflamProperties();
// we've received updated State info from Flimflam
void OnStateUpdate(const std::string& new_state_string);
// we've received updated DefaultTechnology info from Flimflam
void OnDefaultTechnologyUpdate(const std::string& default_technology);
// we've received updated Services info from Flimflam
void OnServicesUpdate(const ServicePathList& paths);
// Flimflam has started advertising a new service
void OnNewService(const DBus::Path& path);
// we've received updated default service info from Flimflam
// NULL |path| means that there is no default service
void OnDefaultServiceUpdate(const DBus::Path *path);
// if |default_cellular_service_| points to a service, tell it
// that it is no longer the default service and clear our ptr
void ClearDefaultCellularService();
// tell |service| that it is now the default service and set our
// |default_cellular_service_| ptr to point to it.
// if there is already a default service, first clear it.
// NULL |service| is ok and is equivalent to ClearDefaultCellularService
// no-op if |service| == |default_cellular_service_|
void SetDefaultCellularService(Service *service);
// convert connectivity state string to ConnectivityState enum value
static ConnectivityState ConnectivityStateFromString(
const std::string& state);
// Flimflam has told us that it has come online
void OnFlimflamOnline();
// Flimflam has told us that it has gone offline
void OnFlimflamOffline();
} // namespace cashew