blob: bda8599b4f6243277221d6718a3ac7ad4527a7b8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Provides Descriptor class and related classes with methods for parsing info.
18-byte descriptors are found both in the base EDID and in extensions.
The various types of Descriptor all inherit the basic Descriptor object.
import collections
import coordinated_video_timings as cvt_module
import error
import standard_timings
import tools
TYPE_PRODUCT_SERIAL_NUMBER = 'Display Product Serial Number'
TYPE_ALPHANUM_DATA_STRING = 'Alphanumeric Data String (ASCII)'
TYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_LIMITS = 'Display Range Limits Descriptor'
TYPE_DISPLAY_PRODUCT_NAME = 'Display Product Name'
TYPE_COLOR_POINT_DATA = 'Color Point Data'
TYPE_STANDARD_TIMING = 'Standard Timing Identifiers'
TYPE_DISPLAY_COLOR_MANAGEMENT = 'Display Color Management (DCM) Data'
TYPE_CVT_TIMING = 'CVT 3 Byte Timing Codes'
TYPE_RESERVED = 'Error: Reserved/undefined; do not use'
TYPE_DUMMY = 'Dummy descriptor'
TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIED = 'Manufacturer Specified Display Descriptor'
TYPE_DETAILED_TIMING = 'Detailed Timing Descriptor'
SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_LIMIT_ONLY = 'Range Limits Only - no additional info'
SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_2ND_GTF = 'Secondary GTF supported - requires default too'
def GetDescriptor(edid, start, version):
"""Fetches a descriptor object.
edid: The list of bytes that make up the EDID.
start: The index in the edid at which the descriptor starts.
version: The string indicating the version of the EDID.
A descriptor object.
block = edid[start:start + 18]
class_map = {
0xFF: ProductSerialNumberDescriptor,
0xFE: AlphanumDataStringDescriptor,
0xFD: GetDisplayRangeDescriptor,
0xFC: DisplayProductNameDescriptor,
0xFB: ColorPointDescriptor,
0xF9: DisplayColorDescriptor,
0xF8: CoordinatedVideoTimingsDescriptor,
0xF7: EstablishedTimingsIIIDescriptor,
0x10: DummyDescriptor
if block[0] == block[1] == block[2] == 0x00:
tag = block[3]
if tag in class_map:
return class_map[tag](block)
elif tag == 0xFA:
return StandardTimingDescriptor(block, version)
elif tag >= 0x00 and tag <= 0x0F:
return ManuSpecifiedDescriptor(block)
else: # tag >= 0x11 and tag <= 0xF6
return ReservedDescriptor(block)
else: # Detailed timing descriptor
return DetailedTimingDescriptor(block)
def GetDisplayRangeDescriptor(block):
"""Fetches some type of Display Range Descriptor.
block: The list of bytes that make up this descriptor.
A Display Range Descriptor object.
support_flag = block[10]
if support_flag == 0x00:
return DisplayRangeDescriptor(block, SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_DEFAULT)
elif support_flag == 0x01:
return DisplayRangeDescriptor(block, SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_LIMIT_ONLY)
elif support_flag == 0x02:
return DisplayRangeGTF(block)
elif support_flag == 0x04:
return DisplayRangeCVT(block)
return DisplayRangeDescriptor(block, SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_UNKNOWN)
class Descriptor(object):
"""Defines a single descriptor and its properties."""
def __init__(self, block, my_type):
"""Creates a Descriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up the descriptor.
my_type: A string that indicates what type of Descriptor this is.
self._block = block
self._type = my_type
def type(self):
"""Fetches the type of the descriptor.
A string that indicates the type of the descriptor.
return self._type
def GetBlock(self):
"""Fetches the data block.
A list of bytes that make up this descriptor.
return self._block
def CheckErrors(self, index=None):
"""Checks the validity of this descriptor.
index: The integer index of the descriptor being checked.
A list of error.Error objects. The list is None or empty if no errors.
class StringDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes a String Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block, my_type):
"""Creates a StringDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
my_type: A string that indicates this descriptor is a String Descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, my_type)
self._type = my_type
def string(self):
"""Fetches the alphanumeric string.
A string of alphanumeric characters that this descriptor encoded.
alphanum_data = ''
for x in xrange(5, 18):
if self._block[x] == 0x0A:
alphanum_data += chr(self._block[x])
return alphanum_data
def CheckErrors(self, index=None):
"""Checks the StringDescriptor for errors.
index: The integer index of the descriptor.
A list of error.Error objects, or None.
if self._block[4] != 0x00:
loc = '%s %s' % (self._type, '#%d' % index if index else '')
return [error.Error(loc, 'Byte 5', 0x00, self._block[4])]
return None
class ProductSerialNumberDescriptor(StringDescriptor):
"""Analyzes a Product Serial Number Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a ProductSerialNumberDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
StringDescriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_PRODUCT_SERIAL_NUMBER)
class AlphanumDataStringDescriptor(StringDescriptor):
"""Analyzes an Alphanumerical Data String Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates an AlphanumDataStringDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
StringDescriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_ALPHANUM_DATA_STRING)
class DisplayProductNameDescriptor(StringDescriptor):
"""Analyzes a Display Product Name Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a DisplayProductNameDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
StringDescriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_DISPLAY_PRODUCT_NAME)
class DisplayRangeDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes a Display Range Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block, subtype):
"""Creates a DisplayRangeDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
subtype: A string that indicates the specific type of
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_LIMITS)
self._subtype = subtype
def subtype(self):
"""Fetches the subtype.
A string specifying the subtype of the DisplayRangeDescriptor.
return self._subtype
def _GetMaxVerticalRateOffset(self):
"""Fetches the maximum vertical rate offset.
An integer specifying the maximum vertical rate offset (in Hz).
if self._block[4] & 0x02:
return 255
return 0
def _GetMinVerticalRateOffset(self):
"""Fetches the minimum vertical rate offset.
An integer specifying the minimum vertical rate offset (in Hz).
if self._block[4] & 0x03 == 0x03:
return 255
return 0
def _GetMaxHorizontalRateOffset(self):
"""Fetches the maximum horizontal rate offset.
An integer specifying the maximum horizontal rate offset (in kHz).
if (self._block[4] & 0x0C) >> 2:
return 255
return 0
def _GetMinHorizontalRateOffset(self):
"""Fetches the minimum horizontal rate offset.
An integer specifying the minimum horizontal rate offset (in kHz).
if (self._block[4] >> 2) & 0x03 == 0x03:
return 255
return 0
def min_vertical_rate(self):
"""Fetches the minimum vertical rate.
An integer specifying the minimum vertical rate (in Hz).
return self._block[5] + self._GetMinVerticalRateOffset()
def max_vertical_rate(self):
"""Fetches the maximum vertical rate.
An integer specifying the maximum vertical rate (in Hz).
return self._block[6] + self._GetMaxVerticalRateOffset()
def min_horizontal_rate(self):
"""Fetches the minimum horizontal rate.
An integer specifying the minimum horizontal rate (in kHz).
return self._block[7] + self._GetMinHorizontalRateOffset()
def max_horizontal_rate(self):
"""Fetches the maximum horizontal rate.
An integer specifying the maximum horizontal rate (in kHz).
return self._block[8] + self._GetMaxHorizontalRateOffset()
def pixel_clock(self):
"""Fetches the pixel clock.
An integer specifying the pixel clock (MHz).
return self._block[9] * 10
def CheckErrors(self, index=None):
"""Checks for errors.
Errors may include maximum values being less than minimum values, or
invalid support flag values.
index: The integer index of this descriptor (1-4).
A list of error.Error objects.
errors = []
max_vert = self.max_vertical_rate
min_vert = self.min_vertical_rate
max_hor = self.max_horizontal_rate
min_hor = self.min_horizontal_rate
loc = '%s %s' % (self._type, '#%d' % index if index else '')
if max_vert < min_vert:
errors.append(error.Error(loc, 'Maximum vertical rate less than minimum',
'Max vert: %d\tMin vert: %d' % (max_vert,
if max_hor < min_hor:
errors.append(error.Error(loc, 'Maximum horizontal rate less than '
'minimum', '', 'Max hor: %d\tMin hor: %d' %
(max_hor, min_hor)))
if not self.pixel_clock:
errors.append(error.Error(loc, 'Pixel clock value invalid', 'Non-zero',
val = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04]
val_str = '0x00 0x01 0x02 0x04'
if self._block[10] not in val:
my_err = error.Error(loc + '- byte 10', 'Invalid value for Video Timing '
'Support Flags', val_str, '0x%02X' % self._block[10])
return errors
# NB: This class is untested - no sample EDIDs to check
class DisplayRangeGTF(DisplayRangeDescriptor):
"""Analyzes a Display Range GTF Descriptor (subtype of Display Range)."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a DisplayRangeGTF object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
DisplayRangeDescriptor.__init__(self, block, SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_2ND_GTF)
def start_break_freq(self):
"""Fetches start break frequency.
A string that indicates start break frequency.
return '%s kHz' % (self._block[12]*2)
def c(self):
"""Fetches the value c for the Generalized Timing Formula (GTF).
An integer that is the value of c.
return self._block[13] / 2
def m(self):
"""Fetches the value m for the Generalized Timing Formula (GTF).
An integer that is the value of m.
return (self._block[15] << 8) + self._block[14]
def k(self):
"""Fetches the value k for the Generalized Timing Formula (GTF).
An integer that is the value of k.
return self._block[16]
def j(self):
"""Fetches the value j for the Generalized Timing Formula (GTF).
An integer that is the value of j.
return self._block[17] / 2
class DisplayRangeCVT(DisplayRangeDescriptor):
"""Analyzes a Display Range CVT Descriptor (subtype of Display Range)."""
_aspect_ratios = [
[0x80, '4:3 AR'],
[0x40, '16:9 AR'],
[0x20, '16:10 AR'],
[0x10, '5:4 AR'],
[0x08, '15:9 AR']
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a DisplayRangeDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
DisplayRangeDescriptor.__init__(self, block, SUBTYPE_DISPLAY_RANGE_CVT)
def cvt_version(self):
"""Fetches CVT version - i.e., Version 1.1.
A string that indicates the version.
version = (self._block[11] >> 4) & 0x0F
revision = self._block[11] & 0x0F
return '%d.%d' % (version, revision)
def pixel_clock(self):
"""Fetches the pixel clock, overriding the general method.
Since CVT Display Range descriptors have an addtional pixel clock field,
this additional value is subtracted from the original method.
A float specifying the pixel clock (MHz).
return (self._block[9] * 10) - self.additional_pixel_clock
def additional_pixel_clock(self):
"""Fetches additional pixel clock value.
A float indicating additional pixel clock value (in MHz).
return (self._block[12] >> 2) * 0.25
def max_active_pixels(self):
"""Fetches maximum active pixels.
An int describing the limit on horizontal active pixels, or None if no
if self._block[13] == 0x00:
return None
else: # 8 x [Byte13 + (256 x (Byte 12, bits 1-0))]
byte12_end = self._block[12] & 0x03
return 8 * (self._block[13] + (256 * byte12_end))
def supported_aspect_ratios(self):
"""Fetches supported aspect ratios.
A dict of strings and bools specifying supported aspect ratios.
return tools.DictFilter(self._aspect_ratios, self._block[14])
def preferred_aspect_ratio(self):
"""Fetches the preferred aspect ratio.
A string indicating the preferred aspect ratio.
pref = (self._block[15] >> 5) & 0x07
if pref >= len(self._aspect_ratios):
return 'Undefined'
return self._aspect_ratios[pref][1]
def cvt_blanking_support(self):
"""Fetches the CVT blanking support.
A collections.OrderedDict of string keys and boolean values indicating
types of CVT blanking support.
b = collections.OrderedDict()
b['Standard CVT Blanking'] = bool(self._block[15] & 0x08)
b['Reduced CVT Blanking'] = bool(self._block[15] & 0x10)
return b
def display_scaling_support(self):
"""Fetches the types of display scaling support.
A collections.OrderedDict of string keys and boolean values indicating the
supported types of display scaling.
d = collections.OrderedDict()
d['Horizontal Shrink'] = bool(self._block[16] & 0x80)
d['Horizontal Stretch'] = bool(self._block[16] & 0x40)
d['Vertical Shrink'] = bool(self._block[16] & 0x20)
d['Vertical Stretch'] = bool(self._block[16] & 0x10)
return d
def preferred_vert_refresh(self):
"""Fetches preferred vertical refresh rate.
An int indicating preferred vertical refresh rate in Hz.
return self._block[17]
# NB: This class is untested
class ColorPointDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes a Color Point Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a ColorPointDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_COLOR_POINT_DATA)
def first_color_point(self):
"""Fetches the first color point in the descriptor.
A ColorPoint object.
return ColorPoint(self._block, 5)
def second_color_point(self):
"""Fetches the second color point in the descriptor.
A ColorPoint object.
return ColorPoint(self._block, 10)
def CheckErrors(self, index=None):
"""Checks the ColorPointDescriptor for errors.
index: The integer index of the descriptor.
A list of error.Error objects.
errors = []
if self._block[5] == 0x00:
errors.append(error.Error('ColorPointDescriptor', 'First color point is '
'invalid', 'Non-0 value', 0x00))
return errors
class ColorPoint(object):
"""Analyzes a single Color Point within a Color Point Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block, start):
"""Creates a ColorPoint object.
block: A list of bytes that make up this descriptor.
start: The start index of the ColorPoint.
self._block = block[start : (start + 5)]
def index_number(self):
"""Fetches the index number.
An integer that indicates the index number of the Color Point.
return self._block[0]
def white_x(self):
"""Fetches the White X coordinate in the Color Point.
An integer that indicates the White X coordinate in the Color Point.
return ((self._block[2] << 2)
+ ((self._block[1] >> 2) & 0x03))
def white_y(self):
"""Fetches the White Y coordinate in the Color Point.
An integer that indicates the White Y coordinate in the Color Point.
return ((self._block[3] << 2)
+ (self._block[1] & 0x03))
def gamma(self):
"""Fetches the gamma value (range 1.00-3.54).
A float describing the gamma value, or None if unspecified.
if self._block[4] == 0xFF:
return None
return (self._block[4] + 100) / 100
class StandardTimingDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes a Standard Timing Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block, version):
"""Creates a StandardTimingDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
version: The string indicating the version of the EDID.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_STANDARD_TIMING)
self._version = version
def standard_timings(self):
"""Fetches the standard timings indicated in this descriptor.
A list of StandardTiming objects.
sts = []
for x in xrange(0, 7):
st = standard_timings.GetStandardTiming(self._block, 5 + (x*2),
if st:
return sts
class DisplayColorDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes a Display Color Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a DisplayColorDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_DISPLAY_COLOR_MANAGEMENT)
def red_a3(self):
"""Fetches the red a3 value for color management.
An integer denoting the red a3 value for color management.
return (self._block[7] << 8) + self._block[6]
def red_a2(self):
"""Fetches the red a2 value for color management.
An integer denoting the red a2 value for color management.
return (self._block[9] << 8) + self._block[8]
def green_a3(self):
"""Fetches the green a3 value for color management.
An integer denoting the green a3 value for color management.
return (self._block[11] << 8) + self._block[10]
def green_a2(self):
"""Fetches the green a2 value for color management.
An integer denoting the green a2 value for color management.
return (self._block[13] << 8) + self._block[12]
def blue_a3(self):
"""Fetches the blue a3 value for color management.
An integer denoting the blue a3 value for color management.
return (self._block[15] << 8) + self._block[14]
def blue_a2(self):
"""Fetches the blue a2 value for color management.
An integer denoting the blue a2 value for color management.
return (self._block[17] << 8) + self._block[16]
class CoordinatedVideoTimingsDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes a Coordinated Video Timings Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a CoordinatedVideoTimingsDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_CVT_TIMING)
def coordinated_video_timings(self):
"""Fetches the coordinated video timings.
A list of coordinated_video_timings.CoordinatedVideoTiming objects.
cvts = []
for x in xrange(0, 4):
cvt = cvt_module.GetCoordinatedVideoTiming(self._block, 6 + (x*3))
if cvt:
return cvts
def CheckErrors(self, index=None):
"""Checks the CoordinatedVideoTimingsDescriptor for errors.
index: The integer index of the descriptor.
A list of error.Error objects.
errors = []
cvts = self.coordinated_video_timings
for x in xrange(0, len(cvts)):
err = cvts[x].CheckErrors(x + 1)
if err:
return errors
class EstablishedTimingsIIIDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Analyzes an Established Timings III Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates an EstablishedTimingsIIIDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_ESTABLISHED_TIMINGS_III)
self._timings = [
[0x80000000000, '640 x 350 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x40000000000, '640 x 400 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x20000000000, '720 x 400 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x10000000000, '640 x 480 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x8000000000, '848 x 480 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x4000000000, '800 x 600 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x2000000000, '1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x1000000000, '1152 x 864 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x800000000, '1280 x 768 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x400000000, '1280 x 768 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x200000000, '1280 x 768 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x100000000, '1280 x 768 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x80000000, '1280 x 960 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x40000000, '1280 x 960 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x20000000, '1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x10000000, '1280 x 1024 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x8000000, '1360 x 768 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x4000000, '1440 x 900 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x2000000, '1440 x 900 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x1000000, '1440 x 900 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x800000, '1440 x 900 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x400000, '1400 x 1050 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x200000, '1400 x 1050 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x100000, '1400 x 1050 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x80000, '1400 x 1050 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x40000, '1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x20000, '1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x10000, '1680 x 1050 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x8000, '1680 x 1050 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x4000, '1600 x 1200 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x2000, '1600 x 1200 @ 65 Hz'],
[0x1000, '1600 x 1200 @ 70 Hz'],
[0x800, '1600 x 1200 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x400, '1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x200, '1792 x 1344 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x100, '1792 x 1344 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x80, '1856 x 1392 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x40, '1856 x 1392 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x20, '1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz (RB)'],
[0x10, '1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x8, '1920 x 1200 @ 75 Hz'],
[0x4, '1920 x 1200 @ 85 Hz'],
[0x2, '1920 x 1440 @ 60 Hz'],
[0x1, '1920 x 1440 @ 75 Hz']
def established_timings(self):
"""Fetches the supported established timings.
A dict of strings and bools denoting the supported established timings.
# Bytes 6-10 plus first half of 11
timing_byte = ((self._block[6] << 36) + (self._block[7] << 28) +
(self._block[8] << 20) + (self._block[9] << 12) +
(self._block[10] << 4) + (self._block[11] >> 4))
return tools.DictFilter(self._timings, timing_byte)
# This descriptor is not supposed to be used yet
class ReservedDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Defines a ReservedDescriptor (which should not yet appear in EDID)."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a ReservedDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_RESERVED)
# This descriptor indicates that the descriptor space is unused
class DummyDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Defines a Dummy (placeholder) Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a DummyDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_DUMMY)
# First 5 bytes of Dummy Descriptor should be 0x00
def CheckErrors(self, index=None):
"""Checks the DummyDescriptor for errors.
index: The integer index of this descriptor (1-4).
A list of error.Error objects.
errors = []
loc = '%s %s' % (self._type, '#%d' % index if index else '')
if self._block[0:5] != [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00]:
found_header = '0x%02X ' * 5 % tuple(self._block[0:5])
errors.append(error.Error(loc, 'Bytes 0-4', '0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00',
if self._block[5:18] != [0x00] * 13:
found_body = '0x%02X ' * 13 % tuple(self._block[5:18])
errors.append(error.Error(loc, 'Bytes 5-18', 'All 0x00',
return errors
class ManuSpecifiedDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Defines a Manufacturer Specified Descriptor."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a ManuSpecifiedDescriptor object.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIED)
def GetBlob(self):
"""Fetches the data blob (13-byte manufacturer specified data).
A list of bytes that make up the data blob.
return self._block[5:18]
class DetailedTimingDescriptor(Descriptor):
"""Defines a Detailed Timing Descriptor, perhaps the most common type."""
def __init__(self, block):
"""Creates a DetailedTiming Descriptorobject.
block: A list of 18-bytes that make up this descriptor.
Descriptor.__init__(self, block, TYPE_DETAILED_TIMING)
def pixel_clock(self):
"""Fetches pixel clock measurements.
A float denoting the pixel clock measurement (in MHz).
# Bytes 0-1 | Pixel clock in kHz units
return ((self._block[1] << 8) + (self._block[0])) / 100.0
def h_active_pixels(self):
"""Fetches the number of horizontal active pixels.
An integer denoting the number of horizontal active pixels.
# Bytes 2&4 | Horizontal active pixels (0-4095)
return ((self._block[4] & 0xF0) << 4) + self._block[2]
def h_blanking_pixels(self):
"""Fetches the number of horizontal blanking pixels.
An integer denoting the number of horizontal blanking pixels.
# Bytes 3&4 | Horizontal blanking pixels (0-4095)
return ((self._block[4] & 0x0F) << 8) + self._block[3]
def v_active_lines(self):
"""Fetches the number of vertical active lines.
An integer denoting the number of vertical active lines
# Bytes 5&7 | Vertical active lines (0-4095)
return ((self._block[7] & 0xF0) << 4) + self._block[5]
def v_blanking_lines(self):
"""Fetches the number of vertical blanking lines.
An integer denoting the number of vertical blanking lines.
# Bytes 6&7 | Vertical blanking lines (0-4095)
return ((self._block[7] & 0x0F) << 8) + self._block[6]
def h_sync_offset(self):
"""Fetches the number of horizontal sync offset pixels.
An integer denoting the number of horizontal sync offset pixels.
# Bytes 8&11 | Horizontal sync offset pixels (0-1023)
return ((self._block[11] & 0xC0) << 2) + self._block[8]
def h_sync_pulse(self):
"""Fetches the horizontal sync pulse.
An integer denoting the horizontal sync pulse.
# Bytes 9&11 | Horizontal sync pulse width pixels (0-1023)
return ((self._block[11] & 0x30) << 4) + self._block[9]
def v_sync_offset(self):
"""Fetches the number of vertical sync offset pixels.
An integer denoting the number of vertical sync offset pixels.
# Bytes 10&11 | Vertical sync offset lines (0-63)
return ((self._block[11] & 0x0C) << 2) + ((self._block[10] & 0xF0) >> 4)
def v_sync_pulse(self):
"""Fetches the vertical sync pulse.
An integer denoting the vertical sync pulse.
# Bytes 10&11 | Vertical sync pulse width lines (0-63)
return ((self._block[11] & 0x03) << 4) + (self._block[10] & 0x0F)
def h_display_size(self):
"""Fetches the horizontal display size.
An integer denoting the horizontal display size.
# Bytes 12&14 | Horizontal display size (mm) (0-4095)
return ((self._block[14] & 0xF0) << 4) + self._block[12]
def v_display_size(self):
"""Fetches the vertical display size.
An integer denoting the vertical display size.
# Bytes 13&14 | Vertical display size (mm) (0-4095)
return ((self._block[14] & 0x0F) << 8) + self._block[13]
def h_border_pixels(self):
"""Fetches the number of horizontal border pixels.
An integer denoting the number of horizontal border pixels.
# Byte 15 | Horizontal border pixels (each side; total is 2x)
return self._block[15]
def v_border_lines(self):
"""Fetches the number of vertical border lines.
An integer denoting the number of vertical border lines.
# Byte 16 | Vertical border lines (each side; total is 2x)
return self._block[16]
def interlaced(self):
"""Fetches the interlace setting.
A boolean indicating whether the setting is interlaced or not.
# Byte 17 | Features bitmap
# Bit 7 | Interlaced
return self._block[17] & 0x80 != 0
def stereo_mode(self):
"""Fetches the stereo mode.
A string indicating the stereo mode.
# Bits 6-5 | Stereo mode
stereo_bits = (self._block[17] & 0x60) >> 4 + (self._block[17] & 0x01)
stereo_map = [
'No stereo',
'No stereo',
'Field sequential stereo, right image when stereo sync signal = 1',
'2-way interleaved stereo, right image on even lines',
'Field sequential stereo, left image when stereo sync signal = 1',
'2-way interleaved stereo, left image on even lines',
'4-way interleaved stereo',
'Side-by-side interleaved stereo'
return stereo_map[stereo_bits]
def sync_type(self):
"""Fetches the sync signal definition type.
A dict of strings and bools indicating sync signal definition types.
s = collections.OrderedDict()
s['Type'] = None
# Bits 4-1 | Sync signal definitions:
sync_bits = (self._block[17] >> 1) & 0x0F
if not sync_bits & 0x08: # Analog sync signal definitions
if not sync_bits & 0x04:
s['Type'] = 'Analog Composite Sync'
s['Type'] = 'Bipolar Analog Composite Sync'
s['Serrations'] = bool(sync_bits & 0x02)
s['Sync on RGB'] = bool(sync_bits & 0x01)
else: # Digital sync signal definitions
if not sync_bits & 0x04:
s['Type'] = 'Digital Composite Sync'
s['Serrations'] = bool(sync_bits & 0x02)
s['Type'] = 'Digital Separate Sync'
s['Vertical sync'] = 'Positive' if sync_bits & 0x02 else 'Negative'
s['Horizontal sync (outside of V-sync)'] = ('Positive' if sync_bits & 0x01
else 'Negative')
return s