blob: 83979e22e5592a695239a09e3c48904c9c7e9d8d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Wrapper for running platform2 tests.
This handles the fun details like running against the right sysroot, via
qemu, bind mounts, etc...
import argparse
import glob
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from platform2 import Platform2
class Platform2Test(object):
"""Framework for running platform2 tests"""
_BIND_MOUNT_PATHS = ('dev', 'proc', 'sys')
def __init__(self, test_bin, board, host, use_flags, package, framework,
run_as_root, gtest_filter, user_gtest_filter):
self.bin = test_bin
self.board = board = host
self.package = package
self.use_flags = use_flags
self.run_as_root = run_as_root
(self.gtest_filter, self.user_gtest_filter) = \
self.generateGtestFilter(gtest_filter, user_gtest_filter)
self.framework = framework
if self.framework == 'auto':
self.framework = 'qemu' if self.use('arm') else 'ldso'
p2 = Platform2(self.use_flags, self.board,
self.sysroot = p2.sysroot
self.qemu_path = os.path.join(p2.get_buildroot(), 'qemu-arm')
self.lib_dir = os.path.join(p2.get_products_path(), 'lib')
def generateGtestSubfilter(cls, gtest_filter):
"""Split a gtest_filter down into positive and negative filters.
gtest_filter: A filter string as normally passed to --gtest_filter.
A tuple of format (positive_filters, negative_filters).
filters = gtest_filter.split('-', 1)
positive_filters = [x for x in filters[0].split(':') if x]
if len(filters) > 1:
negative_filters = [x for x in filters[1].split(':') if x]
negative_filters = []
return (positive_filters, negative_filters)
def generateGtestFilter(cls, filters, user_filters):
"""Merge internal gtest filters and user-supplied gtest filters.
A string that can be passed to --gtest_filter.
gtest_filter = cls.generateGtestSubfilter(filters)
user_gtest_filter = {}
pkg_filters = dict([x.split('::') for x in user_filters.split()])
for pkg, pkg_filter in pkg_filters.items():
user_gtest_filter[pkg] = cls.generateGtestSubfilter(pkg_filter)
return (gtest_filter, user_gtest_filter)
def removeSysrootPrefix(self, path):
"""Returns the given path with any sysroot prefix removed."""
if path.startswith(self.sysroot):
path = path.replace(self.sysroot, '', 1)
return path
def pre_test(self):
"""Runs pre-test environment setup.
Sets up any required mounts and copying any required files to run tests
(not those specific to tests) into the sysroot.
if not self.use('cros_host'):
for mount in self._BIND_MOUNT_PATHS:
path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, mount)
if not os.path.isdir(path):
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'mkdir', '-p', path])
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'mount', '--bind', '/' + mount, path])
if self.framework == 'qemu':
shutil.copy('/usr/bin/qemu-arm', self.qemu_path)
def post_test(self):
"""Runs post-test teardown, removes mounts/files copied during pre-test."""
if not self.use('cros_host'):
for mount in self._BIND_MOUNT_PATHS:
path = os.path.join(self.sysroot, mount)
subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'umount', path])
if self.framework == 'qemu':
def use(self, use_flag):
return use_flag in self.use_flags
def run(self):
"""Runs the test in a proper environment (e.g. qemu)."""
positive_filters = self.gtest_filter[0]
negative_filters = self.gtest_filter[1]
if self.user_gtest_filter:
if self.package not in self.user_gtest_filter:
positive_filters += self.user_gtest_filter[self.package][0]
negative_filters += self.user_gtest_filter[self.package][1]
filters = (':'.join(positive_filters), ':'.join(negative_filters))
gtest_filter = '%s-%s' % filters
cmd = []
env = {}
if self.framework == 'qemu':
self.lib_dir = self.removeSysrootPrefix(self.lib_dir)
self.bin = self.removeSysrootPrefix(self.bin)
# TODO(lmcloughlin): This code is fundamentally "broken" in the non-QEMU
# case: it uses the SDK ldso, not the board ldso.
ld_paths = [self.lib_dir]
ld_paths += glob.glob(self.sysroot + '/lib*/')
ld_paths += glob.glob(self.sysroot + '/usr/lib*/')
if self.framework == 'qemu':
ld_paths = [self.removeSysrootPrefix(path) for path in ld_paths]
env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(ld_paths)
# Passthrough TERM so that we get colors in test output where supported.
env['TERM'] = os.environ.get("TERM")
if self.run_as_root or self.framework == 'qemu':
for var, val in env.items():
cmd += ['-E', '%s=%s' % (var, val)]
if self.framework == 'qemu':
if len(self.gtest_filter) > 0:
cmd.append('--gtest_filter=' + gtest_filter)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
raise AssertionError('Error running test binary ' + self.bin)
class _ParseStringSetAction(argparse.Action):
"""Support flags that store into a set (vs a list)."""
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
setattr(namespace, self.dest, set(values.split()))
def main(argv):
actions = ['pre_test', 'post_test', 'run']
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--action', required=True,
choices=actions, help='action to run')
help='test binary to run')
parser.add_argument('--board', required=True,
help='board to build for')
parser.add_argument('--framework', default='auto',
choices=('auto', 'ldso', 'qemu'),
help='framework to be used to run tests')
parser.add_argument('--gtest_filter', default='',
help='args to pass to gtest/test binary')
parser.add_argument('--host', action='store_true',
help='specify that we\'re testing for the host')
parser.add_argument('--package', required=True,
help='name of the package we\'re running tests for')
parser.add_argument('--run_as_root', action='store_true',
help='should the test be run as root')
parser.add_argument('--use_flags', default=set(),
help='USE flags to enable')
options = parser.parse_args(argv)
if options.action == 'run' and (not options.bin or len(options.bin) == 0):
raise AssertionError('You must specify a binary for the "run" action')
if not ( ^ (options.board != None)):
raise AssertionError('You must provide only one of --board or --host')
p2test = Platform2Test(options.bin, options.board,,
options.use_flags, options.package, options.framework,
options.run_as_root, options.gtest_filter,
getattr(p2test, options.action)()
if __name__ == '__main__':