blob: 62ccf521151e5f6c25f5a091473d95ab81b8cc06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// BootloaderType implementation
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include "bootloader_type.h"
namespace cros_boot_mode {
const char *BootloaderType::kBootloaderTypeText[] = {
"debug", // cros_debug (cros_fw with developer override)
"chromeos", // cros_fw (any platform)
"efi", // cros_efi
"legacy", // cros_legacy
const size_t BootloaderType::kBootloaderTypeCount =
sizeof(kBootloaderTypeText) / sizeof(*kBootloaderTypeText);
// These values are expected to be found in the kernel commandline with space
// or '\0' word boundaries. The ordering of this array must correspond to
// the array above and the defined enum.
const char *BootloaderType::kSupportedBootloaders[] = {
const int BootloaderType::kMaxKernelCmdlineSize = 4096; // one page.
BootloaderType::BootloaderType() { }
BootloaderType::~BootloaderType() { }
// This function looks for given argument space or nul delimited in
// a /proc/cmdline style char array. See bootloader_type.h for details.
int BootloaderType::Process(const char *contents, size_t length) {
if (!length || !contents)
return kUnsupported;
static const char kDelimiter = ' ';
static const char kTerminal = '\0';
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kBootloaderTypeCount; ++i) {
const char *candidate = kSupportedBootloaders[i];
const char *start = strstr(contents, candidate);
while (start) {
const char *end = start + strlen(candidate);
if ((*end == kTerminal || *end == kDelimiter) &&
(start == contents || *(start - 1) == kDelimiter))
return i;
start = strstr(end, candidate);
return kUnsupported;
} // namespace cros_boot_mode