blob: 869f2104c6086e21fccb32504372284ade7e8529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <dbus-c++/dbus.h>
#include "adaptors/org.chromium.debugd.h"
#include "debug_logs_tool.h"
#include "debug_mode_tool.h"
#include "example_tool.h"
#include "icmp_tool.h"
#include "log_tool.h"
#include "modem_status_tool.h"
#include "netif_tool.h"
#include "network_status_tool.h"
#include "perf_tool.h"
#include "ping_tool.h"
#include "route_tool.h"
#include "systrace_tool.h"
#include "tracepath_tool.h"
namespace debugd {
class ProcessWithId;
class DebugDaemon : public org::chromium::debugd_adaptor,
public DBus::ObjectAdaptor,
public DBus::IntrospectableAdaptor {
DebugDaemon(DBus::Connection* connection, DBus::BusDispatcher* dispatcher);
virtual ~DebugDaemon();
virtual bool Init();
virtual void Run();
// Setters for tools - used for dependency injection in tests
void set_debug_logs_tool(DebugLogsTool* tool) {
debug_logs_tool_ = tool;
void set_ping_tool(PingTool* tool) {
ping_tool_ = tool;
void set_route_tool(RouteTool* tool) {
route_tool_ = tool;
void set_tracepath_tool(TracePathTool* tool) {
tracepath_tool_ = tool;
void set_systrace_tool(SystraceTool* tool) {
systrace_tool_ = tool;
void set_modem_status_tool(ModemStatusTool* tool) {
modem_status_tool_ = tool;
void set_network_status_tool(NetworkStatusTool* tool) {
network_status_tool_ = tool;
void set_log_tool(LogTool* tool) {
log_tool_ = tool;
// Public methods below this point are part of the DBus interface presented by
// this object, and are documented in </share/org.chromium.debugd.xml>.
virtual std::string PingStart(const DBus::FileDescriptor& outfd,
const std::string& dest,
const std::map<std::string,
DBus::Variant>& options,
DBus::Error& error);
virtual void PingStop(const std::string& handle, DBus::Error& error);
virtual std::string TracePathStart(const DBus::FileDescriptor& outfd,
const std::string& destination,
const std::map<std::string,
DBus::Variant>& options,
DBus::Error& error);
virtual void TracePathStop(const std::string& handle, DBus::Error& error);
virtual void SystraceStart(const std::string& categories,
DBus::Error& error);
virtual void SystraceStop(const DBus::FileDescriptor& outfd,
DBus::Error& error);
virtual std::string SystraceStatus(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT dbuscxx
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetRoutes(const std::map<std::string,
DBus::Error& error);
virtual std::string GetModemStatus(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::string RunModemCommand(const std::string& command,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::string GetNetworkStatus(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::vector<uint8> GetPerfData(const uint32_t& duration,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual void GetDebugLogs(const DBus::FileDescriptor& fd,
DBus::Error& error);
virtual void SetDebugMode(const std::string& subsystem, DBus::Error& error);
virtual std::string GetLog(const std::string& name,
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::map<std::string, std::string> GetAllLogs(
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::map<std::string, std::string> GetFeedbackLogs(
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::map<std::string, std::string> GetUserLogFiles(
DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::string GetExample(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::string GetInterfaces(DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
virtual std::string TestICMP(const std::string& host, DBus::Error& error); // NOLINT
DBus::Connection* dbus_;
DBus::BusDispatcher* dispatcher_;
DebugLogsTool* debug_logs_tool_;
DebugModeTool* debug_mode_tool_;
ExampleTool* example_tool_;
ICMPTool* icmp_tool_;
LogTool* log_tool_;
ModemStatusTool* modem_status_tool_;
NetifTool* netif_tool_;
NetworkStatusTool* network_status_tool_;
PerfTool* perf_tool_;
PingTool* ping_tool_;
RouteTool* route_tool_;
SystraceTool* systrace_tool_;
TracePathTool* tracepath_tool_;
}; // namespace debugd
#endif // DEBUG_DAEMON_H