blob: d928a1f324e493b22b633d7385a8b379a4fddc63 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
CONTRIB_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")/.."
. "${CONTRIB_DIR}/" || exit 1
Repack the official firmware tarball (such as ChromeOS-firmware-R109-15194.10.0-corsola.tar.bz2)
for uploading to Binary Component Server (BCS).
Usage: $0 [flags] tarball
tarball: The firmware tarball to be repacked"
# Flags.
DEFINE_string model "" "Comma-separated list of models (variants)" m
DEFINE_string output "." "Output directory" o
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Only after this point should you enable `set -e` as shflags does not work
# when that is turned on first.
set -e
make_tar() {
local file=$1
local tar=$2
tar -cjvf "${tar}" -C "$(dirname "${file}")" "$(basename "${file}")"
make_fw_tar() {
local fw_dir=$1
local model=$2
info "Packing ${model} firmware..."
local output=$3
local ap="${fw_dir}/image-${model}.bin"
local ec="${fw_dir}/${model}/ec.bin"
local model_uc="${model^}"
local version
version="$(futility update --manifest -i "${ap}" | jq -r -c"
version="$(cut -d "." -f2- <<< "${version}")"
local ap_tar="${output}/${model_uc}.${version}.tbz2"
local ec_tar="${output}/${model_uc}_EC.${version}.tbz2"
make_tar "${ap}" "${ap_tar}"
make_tar "${ec}" "${ec_tar}"
main() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
die "tarball missing"
local tarball
tarball=$(readlink -f "$1")
if [[ -z "${FLAGS_model}" ]]; then
die "-m or --model required"
IFS=',' read -ra models <<< "${FLAGS_model}"
# Extract from tarball
local temp_dir
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
info "Extracting images from tarball to ${temp_dir}..."
local files=()
for model in "${models[@]}"; do
files+=("image-${model}.bin" "${model}/ec.bin")
(cd "${temp_dir}" && tar -xjf "${tarball}" "${files[@]}")
for model in "${models[@]}"; do
make_fw_tar "${temp_dir}" "${model}" "${FLAGS_output}"
info "Output files saved to ${FLAGS_output}/"
info "Done"
main "$@"