blob: a153f5b4d8195b3e768880db65c0c4366aca8755 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "bs_drm.h"
static int64_t ns_since(struct timespec *since)
struct timespec now;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
return (int64_t)(now.tv_sec - since->tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (int64_t)now.tv_nsec -
static drmModeModeInfoPtr find_best_mode(int mode_count, drmModeModeInfoPtr modes)
if (mode_count <= 0 || modes == NULL)
return NULL;
for (int m = 0; m < mode_count; m++)
if (modes[m].type & DRM_MODE_TYPE_PREFERRED)
return &modes[m];
return &modes[0];
static bool is_format_supported(uint32_t format_count, uint32_t *formats, uint32_t format)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < format_count; i++)
if (formats[i] == format)
return true;
return false;
static bool find_overlay_planes(int fd, uint32_t crtc_id, size_t plane_count, uint32_t *formats,
uint32_t *plane_ids)
drmModeRes *res = drmModeGetResources(fd);
if (res == NULL) {
bs_debug_error("failed to get drm resources");
return false;
uint32_t crtc_mask = 0;
for (int crtc_index = 0; crtc_index < res->count_crtcs; crtc_index++) {
if (res->crtcs[crtc_index] == crtc_id) {
crtc_mask = (1 << crtc_index);
if (crtc_mask == 0) {
bs_debug_error("invalid crtc id %u", crtc_id);
return false;
drmModePlaneRes *plane_res = drmModeGetPlaneResources(fd);
if (plane_res == NULL) {
bs_debug_error("failed to get plane resources");
return false;
for (size_t out_index = 0; out_index < plane_count; out_index++)
plane_ids[out_index] = 0;
size_t remaining_out = plane_count;
for (uint32_t plane_index = 0; remaining_out > 0 && plane_index < plane_res->count_planes;
plane_index++) {
drmModePlane *plane = drmModeGetPlane(fd, plane_res->planes[plane_index]);
if (plane == NULL) {
bs_debug_error("failed to get plane id %u", plane_res->planes[plane_index]);
size_t out_index;
for (out_index = 0; out_index < plane_count; out_index++) {
if (plane_ids[out_index] == 0 &&
is_format_supported(plane->count_formats, plane->formats,
if ((plane->possible_crtcs & crtc_mask) == 0 || out_index == plane_count) {
drmModeObjectPropertiesPtr props =
drmModeObjectGetProperties(fd, plane->plane_id, DRM_MODE_OBJECT_PLANE);
for (uint32_t prop_index = 0; prop_index < props->count_props; ++prop_index) {
drmModePropertyPtr prop = drmModeGetProperty(fd, props->props[prop_index]);
if (strcmp(prop->name, "type")) {
uint64_t desired_value = 0;
bool has_value = false;
for (int enum_index = 0; enum_index < prop->count_enums; enum_index++) {
struct drm_mode_property_enum *penum = &prop->enums[enum_index];
if (!strcmp(penum->name, "Overlay")) {
desired_value = penum->value;
has_value = true;
if (has_value && desired_value == props->prop_values[prop_index]) {
plane_ids[out_index] = plane->plane_id;
return remaining_out == 0;
struct test_plane {
const struct bs_draw_format *format;
bool has_bo_size;
uint32_t bo_w;
uint32_t bo_h;
bool has_dst_position;
int32_t dst_x;
int32_t dst_y;
int32_t dst_center_x;
int32_t dst_center_y;
int32_t dst_vx;
int32_t dst_vy;
bool has_dst_size;
uint32_t dst_w;
uint32_t dst_h;
uint32_t dst_min_w;
uint32_t dst_max_w;
uint32_t dst_min_h;
uint32_t dst_max_h;
bool has_dst_scale;
uint32_t dst_downscale_factor;
uint32_t dst_upscale_factor;
int32_t src_x;
int32_t src_y;
int32_t src_vx;
int32_t src_vy;
bool has_src_size;
uint32_t src_w;
uint32_t src_h;
struct gbm_bo *bo;
uint32_t fb_id;
static bool update_test_plane(int step, int32_t max_x, int32_t max_y, struct test_plane *tp)
bool needs_set = (step == 0);
if (tp->has_dst_scale) {
float scale_factor = (sinf(step / 120.0f) / 2.0f + 0.5f);
scale_factor = powf(scale_factor, 4);
tp->dst_w = tp->dst_min_w + scale_factor * (tp->dst_max_w - tp->dst_min_w);
tp->dst_h = tp->dst_min_h + scale_factor * (tp->dst_max_h - tp->dst_min_h);
needs_set = true;
if (tp->dst_vx != 0) {
tp->dst_center_x += tp->dst_vx;
if (tp->dst_center_x > max_x || tp->dst_center_x < 0) {
tp->dst_vx = -tp->dst_vx;
tp->dst_x += tp->dst_vx * 2;
needs_set = true;
tp->dst_x = tp->dst_center_x - tp->dst_w / 2;
if (tp->dst_vy != 0) {
tp->dst_center_y += tp->dst_vy;
if (tp->dst_center_y > max_y || tp->dst_center_y < 0) {
tp->dst_vy = -tp->dst_vy;
tp->dst_y += tp->dst_vy * 2;
needs_set = true;
tp->dst_y = tp->dst_center_y - tp->dst_h / 2;
if (tp->src_vx != 0) {
tp->src_x += tp->src_vx;
if (tp->src_x + tp->src_w > gbm_bo_get_width(tp->bo) || tp->src_x < 0) {
tp->src_vx = -tp->src_vx;
tp->src_x += tp->src_vx * 2;
needs_set = true;
if (tp->src_vy != 0) {
tp->src_y += tp->src_vy;
if (tp->src_y + tp->src_h > gbm_bo_get_height(tp->bo) || tp->src_y < 0) {
tp->src_vy = -tp->src_vy;
tp->src_y += tp->src_vy * 2;
needs_set = true;
return needs_set;
static bool parse_format(const char *str, const struct bs_draw_format **format)
if (strlen(str) == 4) {
const struct bs_draw_format *bs_draw_format = bs_get_draw_format(*(uint32_t *)str);
if (bs_draw_format) {
*format = bs_draw_format;
return true;
} else {
const struct bs_draw_format *bs_draw_format = bs_get_draw_format_from_name(str);
if (bs_draw_format) {
*format = bs_draw_format;
return true;
printf("plane format %s is not recognized\n", str);
return false;
static bool parse_size(const char *str, uint32_t *w, uint32_t *h)
if (sscanf(str, "%ux%u", w, h) == 2)
return true;
printf("unrecognized size format \"%s\"\n", str);
return false;
static bool parse_scale(const char *str, uint32_t *down, uint32_t *up)
if (sscanf(str, "%u/%u", down, up) == 2)
return true;
printf("unrecognized scale format \"%s\"\n", str);
return false;
static bool parse_rect(const char *str, int32_t *x, int32_t *y, uint32_t *w, uint32_t *h,
bool *has_position, bool *has_size)
if (sscanf(str, "%d,%d,%u,%u", x, y, w, h) == 4) {
if (has_position)
*has_position = true;
if (has_size)
*has_size = true;
return true;
if (sscanf(str, "%d,%d", x, y) == 2) {
if (has_position)
*has_position = true;
if (has_size)
*has_size = false;
return true;
if (sscanf(str, "%ux%u", w, h) == 2) {
if (has_position)
*has_position = false;
if (has_size)
*has_size = true;
return true;
printf("unrecognized rectangle format \"%s\"\n", str);
return false;
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{ "plane", no_argument, NULL, 'p' },
{ "format", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{ "size", required_argument, NULL, 'z' },
{ "scale", required_argument, NULL, 'c' },
{ "translate", no_argument, NULL, 't' },
{ "src", required_argument, NULL, 's' },
{ "dst", required_argument, NULL, 'd' },
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
static void print_help(const char *argv0)
// clang-format off
printf("usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", argv0);
printf(" -p, --plane indicates that subsequent parameters are for a new plane\n");
printf(" -f, --format FOURCC format of source buffer (defaults to NV12)\n");
printf(" -z, --size WIDTHxHEIGHT size of the source buffer (defaults to screen size)\n");
printf(" -c, --scale DOWN/UP scale plane over time between (1/DOWN)x and UPx\n");
printf(" -t, --translate translate plane over time\n");
printf(" -s, --src RECT source rectangle (defaults to full buffer)\n");
printf(" -d, --dst RECT destination rectangle (defaults to buffer size centered in screen)\n");
printf(" -h, --help show help\n");
printf("The format of RECT arguments is X,Y or X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT or WIDTHxHEIGHT.\n");
printf("To test more than one plane, separate plane arguments with -p. For example:\n");
printf(" %s --format NV12 --size 400x400 -p --format XR24 --size 100x100 --translate\n", argv0);
// clang-format on
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int ret = 0;
bool help_flag = false;
size_t test_planes_count = 1;
struct test_plane test_planes[MAX_TEST_PLANES] = { { 0 } };
uint32_t test_planes_formats[MAX_TEST_PLANES] = { 0 };
uint32_t test_planes_ids[MAX_TEST_PLANES] = { 0 };
int c;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "pf:z:c:ts:d:h", longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
struct test_plane *current_plane = &test_planes[test_planes_count - 1];
switch (c) {
case 'p':
if (test_planes_count > MAX_TEST_PLANES) {
printf("only %d planes are allowed\n", MAX_TEST_PLANES);
return 1;
case 'f':
if (!parse_format(optarg, &current_plane->format))
return 1;
case 'z':
if (!parse_size(optarg, &current_plane->bo_w, &current_plane->bo_h))
return 1;
current_plane->has_bo_size = true;
case 'c':
if (!parse_scale(optarg, &current_plane->dst_downscale_factor,
return 1;
current_plane->has_dst_scale = true;
case 't':
current_plane->dst_vx = 7;
current_plane->dst_vy = 7;
case 's':
if (!parse_rect(optarg, &current_plane->src_x,
&current_plane->src_y, &current_plane->src_w,
&current_plane->src_h, NULL,
return 1;
case 'd':
if (!parse_rect(optarg, &current_plane->dst_x,
&current_plane->dst_y, &current_plane->dst_w,
return 1;
case '?':
ret = 1;
case 'h':
help_flag = true;
if (help_flag)
if (ret)
return ret;
drmModeConnector *connector;
struct bs_drm_pipe pipe = { 0 };
struct bs_drm_pipe_plumber *plumber = bs_drm_pipe_plumber_new();
bs_drm_pipe_plumber_connector_ranks(plumber, bs_drm_connectors_internal_rank);
bs_drm_pipe_plumber_connector_ptr(plumber, &connector);
if (!bs_drm_pipe_plumber_make(plumber, &pipe)) {
bs_debug_error("failed to make pipe");
return 1;
drmModeModeInfo *mode_ptr = find_best_mode(connector->count_modes, connector->modes);
if (!mode_ptr) {
bs_debug_error("failed to find preferred mode");
return 1;
drmModeModeInfo mode = *mode_ptr;
printf("Using mode %s\n",;
printf("Using CRTC:%u ENCODER:%u CONNECTOR:%u\n", pipe.crtc_id, pipe.encoder_id,
struct gbm_device *gbm = gbm_create_device(pipe.fd);
if (!gbm) {
bs_debug_error("failed to create gbm");
return 1;
struct gbm_bo *bg_bo = gbm_bo_create(gbm, mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay, GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888,
if (!bg_bo) {
bs_debug_error("failed to create background buffer ojbect");
return 1;
struct bs_mapper *mapper = bs_mapper_dma_buf_new();
if (mapper == NULL) {
bs_debug_error("failed to create mapper object");
return 1;
void *map_data;
void *bo_ptr = bs_mapper_map(mapper, bg_bo, 0, &map_data);
if (bo_ptr == MAP_FAILED) {
bs_debug_error("failed to mmap background buffer object");
return 1;
memset(bo_ptr, 0xff, gbm_bo_get_height(bg_bo) * gbm_bo_get_stride(bg_bo));
bs_mapper_unmap(mapper, bg_bo, map_data);
uint32_t crtc_fb_id = bs_drm_fb_create_gbm(bg_bo);
if (!crtc_fb_id) {
bs_debug_error("failed to create frame buffer for buffer object");
return 1;
for (size_t test_plane_index = 0; test_plane_index < test_planes_count;
test_plane_index++) {
struct test_plane *tp = &test_planes[test_plane_index];
if (!tp->format)
tp->format = bs_get_draw_format(GBM_FORMAT_NV12);
test_planes_formats[test_plane_index] = bs_get_pixel_format(tp->format);
if (!tp->has_bo_size) {
tp->bo_w = mode.hdisplay;
tp->bo_h = mode.vdisplay;
if (!tp->has_src_size) {
tp->src_w = tp->bo_w;
tp->src_h = tp->bo_h;
if (!tp->has_dst_size) {
tp->dst_w = tp->bo_w;
tp->dst_h = tp->bo_h;
if (tp->has_dst_position) {
tp->dst_center_x = tp->dst_x + mode.hdisplay / 2;
tp->dst_center_y = tp->dst_y + mode.vdisplay / 2;
} else {
tp->dst_center_x = mode.hdisplay / 2;
tp->dst_center_y = mode.vdisplay / 2;
tp->dst_x = tp->dst_center_x - tp->dst_w / 2;
tp->dst_y = tp->dst_center_y - tp->dst_h / 2;
if (tp->has_dst_scale) {
tp->dst_min_w = tp->dst_w / tp->dst_downscale_factor;
tp->dst_max_w = tp->dst_w * tp->dst_upscale_factor;
tp->dst_min_h = tp->dst_h / tp->dst_downscale_factor;
tp->dst_max_h = tp->dst_h * tp->dst_upscale_factor;
printf("Creating buffer %ux%u %s\n", tp->bo_w, tp->bo_h,
tp->bo = gbm_bo_create(gbm, tp->bo_w, tp->bo_h, bs_get_pixel_format(tp->format),
if (!tp->bo) {
bs_debug_error("failed to create buffer object");
return 1;
tp->fb_id = bs_drm_fb_create_gbm(tp->bo);
if (!tp->fb_id) {
bs_debug_error("failed to create plane frame buffer for buffer object");
return 1;
if (!bs_draw_pattern(mapper, tp->bo, tp->format)) {
bs_debug_error("failed to draw pattern to buffer object");
return 1;
if (!find_overlay_planes(pipe.fd, pipe.crtc_id, test_planes_count, test_planes_formats,
test_planes_ids)) {
bs_debug_error("failed to find overlay planes for given formats");
return 1;
ret = drmModeSetCrtc(pipe.fd, pipe.crtc_id, crtc_fb_id, 0, 0, &pipe.connector_id, 1, &mode);
if (ret < 0) {
bs_debug_error("Could not set mode on CRTC %d %s", pipe.crtc_id, strerror(errno));
return 1;
struct timespec start;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
const int64_t ten_seconds_in_ns = 10000000000;
for (int i = 0; ns_since(&start) < ten_seconds_in_ns; i++) {
for (size_t test_plane_index = 0; test_plane_index < test_planes_count;
test_plane_index++) {
struct test_plane *current_plane = &test_planes[test_plane_index];
bool needs_set =
update_test_plane(i, mode.hdisplay, mode.vdisplay, current_plane);
if (!needs_set)
ret = drmModeSetPlane(
pipe.fd, test_planes_ids[test_plane_index], pipe.crtc_id,
current_plane->fb_id, 0 /* flags */, current_plane->dst_x,
current_plane->dst_y, current_plane->dst_w, current_plane->dst_h,
current_plane->src_x << 16, current_plane->src_y << 16,
current_plane->src_w << 16, current_plane->src_h << 16);
if (ret) {
"failed to set plane "
ret, current_plane->dst_x, current_plane->dst_y,
current_plane->dst_w, current_plane->dst_h,
current_plane->src_x, current_plane->src_y,
current_plane->src_w, current_plane->src_h);
return 1;
usleep(1000000 / 60);
ret = drmModeSetCrtc(pipe.fd, pipe.crtc_id, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (ret < 0) {
bs_debug_error("Could not disable CRTC %d %s", pipe.crtc_id, strerror(errno));
return 1;
for (size_t test_plane_index = 0; test_plane_index < test_planes_count;
test_plane_index++) {
struct test_plane *current_plane = &test_planes[test_plane_index];
drmModeRmFB(pipe.fd, current_plane->fb_id);
drmModeRmFB(pipe.fd, crtc_fb_id);
return 0;