blob: 95218281e90fd9e2c8faae292263de559829525a [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* Helper to declare IRQ handling routines */
#define bl_task_start_irq_handler "bl task_start_irq_handler\n"
#define bl_task_start_irq_handler ""
/* Helper macros to build the IRQ handler and priority struct names */
#define IRQ_HANDLER(irqname) CONCAT3(irq_, irqname, _handler)
#define IRQ_PRIORITY(irqname) CONCAT2(prio_, irqname)
* Macro to connect the interrupt handler "routine" to the irq number "irq" and
* ensure it is enabled in the interrupt controller with the right priority.
#define DECLARE_IRQ(irq, routine, priority) DECLARE_IRQ_(irq, routine, priority)
#define DECLARE_IRQ_(irq, routine, priority) \
void IRQ_HANDLER(irq)(void) __attribute__((naked)); \
typedef struct { \
int dummy[irq >= CONFIG_IRQ_COUNT ? -1 : 1]; \
} irq_num_check_##irq; \
void __keep routine(void); \
void IRQ_HANDLER(irq)(void) \
{ \
asm volatile("mov r0, lr\n" \
"push {r0, lr}\n" \
bl_task_start_irq_handler \
"bl "#routine"\n" \
"pop {r0, lr}\n" \
"b task_resched_if_needed\n" \
); \
} \
const struct irq_priority __keep IRQ_PRIORITY(irq) \
__attribute__((section(".rodata.irqprio"))) \
= {irq, priority}
#endif /* __CROS_EC_IRQ_HANDLER_H */