blob: 939f57dc063c00e009cd02851c6565c42dc00212 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Test external display with optional audio playback test.
Verify the external display (HDMI, DP, USB to HDMI or USB to DP) is functional.
The test is defined by a list ``[display_label, display_id,
audio_info, usbpd_spec]``. Each item represents an external port:
- ``display_label``: I18n display name. e.g. ``_('DisplayPort)`` or
``_('HDMI External Display')`` or ``_('Type-C')``.
- ``display_id``: (str) ID used to identify target display path.
e.g. DP-1, HDMI-A-1.
- ``audio_info``: A list of ``[audio_card, audio_device, init_actions]``,
or None:
- ``audio_card`` is either the card's name (str), or the card's index (int).
- ``audio_device`` is the device's index (int).
- ``init_actions`` is a list of ``[card_name, action]`` (list).
action is a dict key defined in audio.json (ref: to be passed
e.g. ``[["rt5650", "init_audio"], ["rt5650", "enable_hdmi"]]``.
This argument is optional. If set, the audio playback test is added.
- ``usbpd_spec``: An object of cros.factory.device.usb_c.USB_PD_SPEC_SCHEMA, or
It can also be configured to run automatically by specifying ``bft_fixture``
argument, and skip some steps by setting ``connect_only``,
``start_output_only`` and ``stop_output_only``.
Test Procedure
This test can be manual or automated depends on whether ``bft_fixture``
is specified. The test loops through all items in ``display_info`` and:
1. Plug an external monitor to the port specified in dargs.
2. If ``usbpd_spec`` is specified or ``display_label`` is ``Type-C``, verify
usbpd status automatically.
3. Main display will automatically switch to the external one.
4. Press the number or HW buttons shown on the display to verify display works.
5. (Optional) If ``audio_info`` is specified, the speaker will play a random
number, and operator has to press the number to verify audio functionality.
6. Unplug the external monitor to finish the test.
- ``display`` component in device API.
- Optional ``audio`` and ``usb_c`` components in device API.
- Optional fixture can be used to support automated test.
To manually check external display, add this in test list::
"pytest_name": "external_display",
"args": {
"display_info": [
"display_label": "i18n! HDMI External Display",
"display_id": "HDMI-A-1"
To manually check external display at USB Port 0 with CC1 or CC2, add this in
test list::
"pytest_name": "external_display",
"args": {
"display_info": [
"display_label": "DisplayPort",
"display_id": "DP-1",
"usbpd_spec": 0
To manually check external display at USB Port 0 CC1, add this in test list::
"pytest_name": "external_display",
"args": {
"display_info": [
"display_label": "DisplayPort",
"display_id": "DP-1",
"usbpd_spec": {
"port": 0,
"polarity": 1
To manually check two external display USB ports and automatically detect
display_id and usbpd_spec, add this in test list::
"pytest_name": "external_display",
"args": {
"display_info": [
"display_label": "Type-C"
"display_label": "Type-C"
For tablet or Chromebox, use HW buttons instead of keyboard numbers::
"args": {
"hw_buttons": [
["KEY_VOLUMEDOWN", "Volume Down"],
["KEY_VOLUMEUP", "Volume Up"],
["KEY_POWER", "Power Button"]
"device_filter": "cros_ec_buttons"
import collections
import copy
import enum
import logging
import os
import queue
import random
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from cros.factory.device import device_types
from cros.factory.device import device_utils
from cros.factory.device import usb_c
from cros.factory.goofy.plugins.display_manager import display_manager
from cros.factory.goofy.plugins import plugin_controller
from cros.factory.probe import function as probe_function
from cros.factory.test.fixture import bft_fixture
from cros.factory.test.i18n import _
from cros.factory.test.pytests import audio
from cros.factory.test import test_case
from cros.factory.test.utils import button_utils
from cros.factory.testlog import testlog
from cros.factory.utils.arg_utils import Arg
from cros.factory.utils import schema
from cros.factory.utils import sync_utils
from cros.factory.utils import type_utils
# Interval (seconds) of probing connection state.
_DEFAULT_DRM_GLOB_PATH = '/sys/class/drm/card?'
'HDMI External Display': 'HDMI',
'DisplayPort': 'DP',
'Type-C': 'DP'
ExtDisplayTaskArg = collections.namedtuple('ExtDisplayTaskArg', [
'display_label', 'display_id', 'audio_card', 'audio_device', 'init_actions',
_AUDIO_INFO_SCHEMA = schema.JSONSchemaDict(
'audio_info schema', {
'type': 'array',
'items': [
'type': ['string', 'integer']
'type': 'integer'
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'array',
'minItems': 2,
'maxItems': 2
'minItems': 3,
'maxItems': 3
_DISPLAY_INFO_SCHEMA_V1 = schema.JSONSchemaDict(
'display_info schema v1', {
'type': 'array',
'items': [
'type': ['object', 'string']
'type': 'string'
'minItems': 2,
'maxItems': 4
_DISPLAY_INFO_SCHEMA_V2 = schema.JSONSchemaDict(
'display_info schema v2', {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'display_label': {
'type': ['object', 'string']
'display_id': {
'type': 'string'
'audio_info': _AUDIO_INFO_SCHEMA.schema,
'usbpd_spec': usb_c.USB_PD_SPEC_SCHEMA.schema
'additionalProperties': False,
'required': ['display_label']
_DISPLAY_INFO_SCHEMA = schema.JSONSchemaDict('display_info schema', {
'anyOf': [
_DISPLAY_INFO_LIST_SCHEMA = schema.JSONSchemaDict('display_info list schema', {
'type': 'array',
'items': _DISPLAY_INFO_SCHEMA.schema
def _MigrateDisplayInfo(display_info):
if isinstance(display_info, list):
output = {
'display_label': display_info[0],
'display_id': display_info[1]
if len(display_info) >= 3 and display_info[2]:
output['audio_info'] = display_info[2]
if len(display_info) == 4:
output['usbpd_spec'] = display_info[3]
return output
return display_info
def _GetLabel(label):
Returns the label in key `en-US` if `label` is a dictionary.
label: a string or a dict if it's an internationalized string.
The value of key `en-US` if `label` is a dictionary. Otherwise, the label
if isinstance(label, dict) and 'en-US' in label:
return label['en-US']
return label
class SysfsDisplayInfo:
"""The display info under /sys/class/drm/cardX-YYY."""
def __init__(self, dut: device_types.DeviceBoard, sysfs_path: str,
retry_times: int = 3):
self.sysfs_path = sysfs_path
# yapf: disable
self.status_path = dut.path.join(sysfs_path, 'status') # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.edid_path = dut.path.join(sysfs_path, 'edid') # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
self.status = None
self.edid = None
sleep = sync_utils.GetPollingSleepFunction()
for iteration in range(1, retry_times + 1):
except RuntimeError:
logging.exception('iteration %d: Fail to get sysfs display info',
if iteration != retry_times:
raise RuntimeError('All iterations fail to get sysfs display info')
def Fetch(self, dut: device_types.DeviceBoard):
"""Fetches status and edid.
Possible outcomes:
- status == 'connect' and edid is a valid edid represented by a dict.
- status != 'connect' and edid is None.
- Raise an Exception and status and edid contain meaningless value.
FileNotFoundError: If status path or edid path absent.
RuntimeError: If the status is 'connected' but the edid is invalid.
self.edid = None
# yapf: disable
self.status = dut.ReadFile(self.status_path).strip() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
if self.status != 'connected':
edid_probe_func = probe_function.GetFunctionClass("edid")
edid_data = edid_probe_func(
if len(edid_data) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"No display found in {self.sysfs_path}")
if len(edid_data) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(f"Multiple display found in {self.sysfs_path}")
self.edid = edid_data[0]
# yapf: disable
self.edid['manufacturerId'] = self.edid.pop('vendor') # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.edid['productId'] = self.edid.pop('product_id').upper() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
except KeyError as err:
raise RuntimeError(f'Bad edid {edid_data!r} found from drm_sysfs_path: '
f'{self.sysfs_path}') from err
def JoinTargetInfo(self, display_info: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
"""Joins target display info between sysfs and Chrome API.
The Chrome API doesn't tell us which port is using which display so we have
to use sysfs to find if the target port is connected.
However, the Chrome API reacts slower than the sysfs and there is a time
that sysfs thinks the port is connected and the Chrome API thinks it's not.
If we enter VerifyDisplayConfig before the sysfs and Chrome API sync, the
VerifyDisplayConfig may fail or return unexpected current and target.
display_info: A List of display info obtained from Chrome API.
One display info obtained from Chrome API which matched the target edid or
None if there is no match.
if self.status != 'connected':
return None
for info in display_info:
for key in ('manufacturerId', 'productId'):
# yapf: disable
if info['edid'][key] != self.edid[key]: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
return info
return None
# TODO(louischiu): Set up schemas for different status and refactor this.
class ConnectedExternalDisplayStatus(enum.IntEnum):
"""Enum for the test status of external display.
The following order should NOT be changed as other components depend on the
order of the state.
class ExternalDisplayFailureReason(enum.IntEnum):
"""Enum for failure test reasons.
The class is used to specify different failure reasons when the test failed.
The following order should NOT be changed as other components depend on the
order of the state.
WRONG_KEY_PRESSED = # Raised from WrongKeyPressed
TEST_ABORTED_BY_OPERATOR = # Raised from TestAbortedByOperator
class _ExternalDisplayBaseException(Exception):
"""Base exception for external display failure."""
error_code = ExternalDisplayFailureReason.UNKNOWN_ERROR
class WrongKeyPressed(_ExternalDisplayBaseException):
"""Exception to raise when incorrect key is pressed."""
error_code = ExternalDisplayFailureReason.WRONG_KEY_PRESSED
class TestAbortedByOperator(_ExternalDisplayBaseException):
"""Exception to raise when operator aborted the test."""
error_code = ExternalDisplayFailureReason.TEST_ABORTED_BY_OPERATOR
class ExtDisplayTest(test_case.TestCase):
"""Main class for external display test."""
related_components = (test_case.TestCategory.USB_INTEGRATED, )
ARGS = [
Arg('display_info', list,
('A list of tuples (display_label, display_id, audio_info, '
'usbpd_spec) represents an external port to test. display_id and '
'usbpd_spec can be detected automatically if display_label is in '
Arg('bft_fixture', dict, bft_fixture.TEST_ARG_HELP, default=None),
Arg('connect_only', bool,
('Just detect ext display connection. This is for a hack that DUT '
'needs reboot after connect to prevent X crash.'), default=False),
Arg('start_output_only', bool,
('Only start output of external display. This is for bringing up the '
'external display for other tests that need it.'), default=False),
Arg('stop_output_only', bool,
('Only stop output of external display. This is for bringing down '
'the external display that other tests have finished using.'),
Arg('already_connect', bool,
('Also for the reboot hack with fixture. With it set to True, DUT '
'does not issue plug ext display command.'), default=False),
Arg('drm_sysfs_path', str,
('Path of drm sysfs entry. When given this arg, the pytest will '
'directly get connection status from sysfs path rather than calling '
'drm_utils. This is needed when the port is running under MST and '
'thus the display id is dynamic generated.'),
'timeout_secs', int,
'Timeout in seconds when we ask operator to complete the challenge. '
'None means no timeout.', default=30),
Arg('hw_buttons', list,
('A list of [button_key_name, button_name] represents a HW button to '
'use. You can refer to HWButton test if you need the params.'),
Arg('device_filter', (int, str),
'Event ID or name for evdev. None for auto probe.', default=None),
def setUp(self):
self._dut = device_utils.CreateDUTInterface()
# yapf: disable
self._display_manager: display_manager.DisplayManager = ( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
self._fixture = None
# yapf: disable
if self.args.bft_fixture: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self._fixture = bft_fixture.CreateBFTFixture(**self.args.bft_fixture) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
self.buttons = []
# yapf: disable
if self.args.hw_buttons: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
for btn in self.args.hw_buttons: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self._dut, btn[0], self.args.device_filter), btn[1])) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.args.start_output_only, # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
self.args.connect_only, # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.args.stop_output_only # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
].count(True), # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
'Only one of start_output_only, connect_only '
'and stop_output_only can be true.')
self.do_connect, self.do_output, self.do_disconnect = False, False, False
# yapf: disable
if self.args.start_output_only: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
self.do_connect = True
self.do_output = True
# yapf: disable
elif self.args.connect_only: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
self.do_connect = True
# yapf: disable
elif self.args.stop_output_only: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
self.do_disconnect = True
self.do_connect = True
self.do_output = True
self.do_disconnect = True
if self.do_output:
'If do_output is True then do_connect must be True')
self._target_display_info = None
self.edid = None
def runTest(self):
visited = []
# yapf: disable
for info in self.args.display_info: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
args = self.ParseDisplayInfo(info)
if args in visited:
self.FailTask('This port has been tested already.')
test_status = ConnectedExternalDisplayStatus.NOT_STARTED
failed_reason = ExternalDisplayFailureReason.NONE
if self.do_connect:
if self.do_output:
if args.audio_card:
audio_label = _('{display_label} Audio',
audio.TestAudioDigitPlayback(self.ui, self._dut, audio_label,
if self.do_disconnect:
test_status = ConnectedExternalDisplayStatus.SUCCESS
except _ExternalDisplayBaseException as e:
test_status = ConnectedExternalDisplayStatus.FAILURE
failed_reason = e.error_code
except Exception as e:
test_status = ConnectedExternalDisplayStatus.FAILURE
failed_reason = ExternalDisplayFailureReason.UNKNOWN_ERROR
raise e from None
self._LogConnectedExternalDisplay(args, test_status, failed_reason)
def Reset(self):
"""Resets status between different displays."""
self._target_display_info = None
self.edid = None
def ParseDisplayInfo(self, info):
"""Parses lists from args.display_info.
info: a list in args.display_info. Refer display_info definition.
Parsed ExtDisplayTaskArg.
ValueError if parse error.
info = _MigrateDisplayInfo(info)
audio_card, audio_device, init_actions = None, None, None
if 'audio_info' in info:
audio_info = info['audio_info']
audio_card =[0])
audio_device = audio_info[1]
init_actions = audio_info[2]
#TODO(jimmysun) Provide more specific instructions on which port to connect
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
_('Connect external display and wait until it becomes primary.'))
usbpd_spec = None
display_label = _GetLabel(info['display_label'])
display_type = TYPE_FROM_LABEL.get(display_label)
if 'display_id' not in info:
display_label, TYPE_FROM_LABEL, 'display_id is not specified. It can '
f'be auto detected only if display_label is in {TYPE_FROM_LABEL}.')
info['display_id'] = sync_utils.WaitFor(
# yapf: disable
lambda: self._FetchDisplayID(display_type), self.args.timeout_secs, # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
if 'usbpd_spec' in info:
usbpd_spec = usb_c.MigrateUSBPDSpec(info['usbpd_spec'])
elif display_label == 'Type-C' and not usbpd_spec:
port = sync_utils.WaitFor(self._GetSingleActiveDPPort,
# yapf: disable
self.args.timeout_secs, # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
usbpd_spec = usb_c.MigrateUSBPDSpec(port[0])
return ExtDisplayTaskArg(display_label=info['display_label'],
audio_card=audio_card, audio_device=audio_device,
init_actions=init_actions, usbpd_spec=usbpd_spec)
def _GetSingleActiveDPPort(self):
ports = self._dut.usb_c.GetActivePorts('DP')
if len(ports) > 1:
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState(_('Please connect to one external display only.')) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
return False
return ports
def CheckVideo(self, args):
# yapf: disable
self.ui.BindStandardFailKeys() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
original, target = self.VerifyDisplayConfig()'original=%r, target=%r', original, target)
# We need to check ``target != original`` because when we test MST ports on
# a Chromebox device (i.e., no built-in display), `target` and `original`
# will be the same. In this situation, we might get the display info from
# drm sysfs path before the Chrome browser noticing the new external
# monitor, and thus fail to set the main display.
if target != original:
if self._fixture:
if target != original:
def CheckVideoManual(self, args):
if self.buttons:
# Already randomly shuffled while parsing the hw_buttons arguments.
pass_button = self.buttons[0]
pass_input = _(pass_button[1])
# TODO(treapking): Fail the test if wrong HW button is pressed.
pass_event = lambda: (
pass_button[0].IsPressed() or not self._IsDisplayConnected(args))
# yapf: disable
key_pressed = queue.Queue() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
fail_key = ['ESCAPE']
keys = fail_key + [str(i) for i in range(10)]
for key in keys:
# yapf: disable
self.ui.BindKey( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
key, (lambda k: lambda unused_event: key_pressed.put(k))(key))
pass_input = str(random.randrange(10))
pass_event = lambda: (not key_pressed.empty() or not self.
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState([ # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
_('Do you see video on {display}?', display=args.display_label),
_('Press {key} to pass the test.', key=pass_input)
# yapf: disable
sync_utils.WaitFor(pass_event, self.args.timeout_secs) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
if not self._IsDisplayConnected(args):
self.FailTask('Display disconnected during the test')
if not self.buttons:
for key in keys:
# yapf: disable
self.ui.UnbindKey(key) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
key = key_pressed.get()
if key in fail_key:
raise TestAbortedByOperator('The test is aborted by the operator')
if key != pass_input:
raise WrongKeyPressed(
f'Wrong key pressed. pressed: {key}, correct: {pass_input}')
def CheckVideoFixture(self, args):
"""Use fixture to check display.
When expected connection state is observed, it pass the task.
It probes display state every second.
args: ExtDisplayTaskArg instance.
check_interval_secs = 1
retry_times = 10
# Show light green background for Fixture's light sensor checking.
# yapf: disable
self.ui.RunJS( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
_('Fixture is checking if video is displayed on {display}?',
def _CheckExtDisplay():
# yapf: disable
self._fixture.CheckExtDisplay() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
except bft_fixture.BFTFixtureException:
'Cannot see screen on external display. Wait for %.1f seconds.',
except type_utils.MaxRetryError:
self.FailTask(f'Failed to see screen on external display after '
f'{int(retry_times)} retries.')
def VerifyDisplayConfig(self):
"""Check display configuration.
Verifies that the currently connected external displays is a valid
configuration. We may have:
- 1 internal, 1 external (e.g. chromebook)
- 1 external (e.g. chromebox)
- 2 external (e.g. chromebox)
(current, target): current and target display ids.
display_info = self._display_manager.ListDisplayInfo()
# Sort the current displays
primary = []
other = []
internal = []
external = []
for info in display_info:
if info['isInternal']:
if info['isPrimary']:
self.assertEqual(len(primary), 1, "invalid number of primary displays")
current = primary[0]['id']
# yapf: disable
if self.args.drm_sysfs_path: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
target_info = self._target_display_info.JoinTargetInfo(display_info) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
if target_info:
return (current, target_info['id'])
f'Target {self._target_display_info!r} is not in Chrome API.')
# Test for a valid configuration
config = (len(internal), len(external))
if config == (1, 1):
target = external[0]['id']
elif config == (0, 1):
target = external[0]['id']
elif config == (0, 2):
# Select non-primary display
target = other[0]['id']
f'Invalid display count: {config[0]:d} internal {config[1]:d} '
return (current, target)
def SetMainDisplay(self, display_id):
"""Sets the main display.
display_id: id of target display.
self._display_manager.SetMainDisplay(display_id=display_id, timeout=10)
def SetupAudio(self, args):
for card, action in args.init_actions:
card =, card)
def WaitConnect(self, args):
# yapf: disable
self.ui.BindStandardFailKeys() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState(_('Connect external display: {display} and wait until ' # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
'it becomes primary.',
self._WaitDisplayConnection(args, True)
# yapf: disable
self.edid = copy.deepcopy(self._target_display_info.edid) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
def WaitDisconnect(self, args):
# yapf: disable
self.ui.BindStandardFailKeys() # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
_('Disconnect external display: {display}', display=args.display_label))
self._WaitDisplayConnection(args, False)
def _IsUSBPDVerified(self, args, usbpd_spec):
"""Check USBPD status before display info."""
usbpd_verified = True
if usbpd_spec is not None:
usbpd_verified, mismatch = self._dut.usb_c.VerifyPDStatus(usbpd_spec)
if usbpd_verified or 'connected' in mismatch:
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetInstruction('') # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
elif 'polarity' in mismatch:
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetInstruction( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
_('Wrong USB side, please flip over {media}.',
mismatch_mux = set(usb_c.MUX_INFO_VALUES) & set(mismatch)
messages = ','.join(f'{key}={mismatch[key]}' for key in mismatch_mux)
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetInstruction( # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
_('Wrong MUX information: {messages}.', messages=messages))
return usbpd_verified
def _GetInfoFromSysfs(self, display_id):
# yapf: disable
candidates = self._dut.Glob(self.args.drm_sysfs_path) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
not_found_files = []
# Get display status from sysfs path.
for candidate in candidates:
card_name = os.path.basename(candidate.rstrip('/'))
sysfs_path = self._dut.path.join(candidate, f'{card_name}-{display_id}')
return SysfsDisplayInfo(self._dut, sysfs_path)
except FileNotFoundError as err:
# Ignore exception and go to the next candidate if status is not there.
except RuntimeError as err:
messages = '\n'.join(not_found_files)
# yapf: disable
f'No display found from drm_sysfs_path: {self.args.drm_sysfs_path}.\n' # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
return None
def _FetchTargetInfo(self, display_id):
target_display_info = self._GetInfoFromSysfs(display_id)
if self._target_display_info != target_display_info:
self._target_display_info = target_display_info'`cat "%s"` outputs %r', target_display_info.status_path,
target_display_info.status)'Parsing %r outputs %r', target_display_info.edid_path,
def _FetchDisplayID(self, display_type):
candidates = self._dut.Glob(f'{_DEFAULT_DRM_GLOB_PATH}-{display_type}*')
for candidate in candidates:
display_info = SysfsDisplayInfo(self._dut, candidate)
if display_info.status == 'connected':
match ='({display_type}[-\w]+)', display_info.sysfs_path)
if not match:
raise RuntimeError(
f'Unable to parse display id from {display_info.sysfs_path}')
return None
def _IsDisplayConnected(self, args: ExtDisplayTaskArg,
display_info: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None):
"""Gets connection status."""
# yapf: disable
if self.args.drm_sysfs_path: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
display_info = display_info or self._display_manager.ListDisplayInfo()
# Check that the target exists in Chrome API.
# yapf: disable
return bool(self._target_display_info.JoinTargetInfo(display_info)) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# Get display status from drm_utils.
port_info = self._dut.display.GetPortInfo()
except ValueError as e:
if str(e) == 'NULL pointer access':
url = (''
f'drm_sysfs_path argument is NULL. To resolve this, please '
f'configure drm_sysfs_path. See "{url}" for more information.')
if args.display_id not in port_info:
f'Display "{args.display_id}" not found. If this is an MST port, '
f'drm_sysfs_path argument must have been set.')
return port_info[args.display_id].connected
def _IsDisplayDisconnected(self, args: ExtDisplayTaskArg):
"""Gets disconnection status."""
# yapf: disable
if self.args.drm_sysfs_path: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
return self._target_display_info.status == 'disconnected' # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
return not self._IsDisplayConnected(args)
def _WaitDisplayConnection(self, args, connect):
# yapf: disable
if self._fixture and not (connect and self.args.already_connect): # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
bft_fixture.BFTFixture.Device.EXT_DISPLAY, connect)
except bft_fixture.BFTFixtureException as e:
self.FailTask(f'Detect display failed: {e}')
if args.usbpd_spec is None:
usbpd_spec = None
usbpd_spec = args.usbpd_spec.copy()
usbpd_spec['connected'] = connect
if 'DP' not in usbpd_spec or usbpd_spec['DP']:
usbpd_spec['DP'] = connect
# Waits for sysfs being ready.
# yapf: disable
if self.args.drm_sysfs_path and connect: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
while True:
# yapf: disable
if self._target_display_info.status == 'connected': # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
while True:
display_info = self._display_manager.ListDisplayInfo()
if self._IsUSBPDVerified(args, usbpd_spec):
# display_info item, we assume the device's default mode is mirror
# mode and try to turn off mirror mode.
# On the other hand, in the case of disconnecting an external display,
# we can not check display info has no display with 'isInternal' False
# because any display for chromebox has 'isInternal' False.
if connect:
if all(x['isInternal'] for x in display_info):
self._display_manager.SetMirrorMode(, timeout=10)
elif self._IsDisplayConnected(args, display_info):
elif self._IsDisplayDisconnected(args):
self.Sleep(_CONNECTION_CHECK_PERIOD_SECS)'Get display info %r', display_info)
def _LogConnectedExternalDisplay(self, args: ExtDisplayTaskArg,
status: ConnectedExternalDisplayStatus,
failed_reason: ExternalDisplayFailureReason):
"""Logs the connected external display and result to testlog."""
# TODO(louischiu): Set up schemas for observation and refactor this.
observation = {
'status': status.value,
'edidData': self.edid,
'displayInfo': args._asdict(),
'failureReason': failed_reason.value,
testlog.LogParam('ConnectedExternalDisplay', observation)