blob: f4b65c708fffd7288446254ecaa2a1c0cb9d95b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Checks if Whale's cover is opened / closed.
Internal references
- go/cros_whale_slides
Test Procedure
1. Display instruction to tell the operator to open/close the cover.
2. The operator opens/closes the cover.
- bft_fixture
- Whale
An example of checking if whale is closed::
"pytest_name": "whale_cover",
"args": {
"bft_fixture": {
"params": {}
"check_interval_secs": 0.2,
"check_open": false
import logging
from cros.factory.test.fixture import bft_fixture
from cros.factory.test.i18n import _
from cros.factory.test import test_case
from cros.factory.utils.arg_utils import Arg
class WhaleCoverTest(test_case.TestCase):
"""Checks if Whale's cover is opened / closed."""
related_components = tuple()
ARGS = [
Arg('bft_fixture', dict, bft_fixture.TEST_ARG_HELP),
Arg('check_interval_secs', (int, float),
'Interval of checking cover', default=0.5),
Arg('check_open', bool,
"True to check if the cover is open; False to check if it's closed",
def CheckCoverStatus(self):
"""Checks the cover until it's open or closed."""
# yapf: disable
if self.args.check_open: # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
hint = _('Please open the cover!')
expect_status = self._bft.Status.OPEN
hint = _('Please close the cover!')
expect_status = self._bft.Status.CLOSED
done = False
while not done:
done = self._bft.CoverStatus() == expect_status
if not done:
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState(hint) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
# yapf: disable
self.Sleep(self.args.check_interval_secs) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
except Exception:
logging.exception('Failed to check cover status')
self.FailTask('Failed to check cover status')
def setUp(self):
# yapf: disable
self._bft = bft_fixture.CreateBFTFixture(**self.args.bft_fixture) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable
def runTest(self):
# yapf: disable
self.ui.SetState(_('Checking The Cover')) # type: ignore #TODO(b/338318729) Fixit! # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# yapf: enable