factory_bug: Re-set working directory after all data are collected

This CL changes the goofy working directory from temp dir to the old
location once all data are collected. This is because the temp dir may
be deleted in the future and thus causes goofy unable to execute any
shell commands anymore.

TEST=Run "Save factory logs to USB drive" and observe factory logs.

Change-Id: I1a043a227d2306d3ba470857874c29eec717df53
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/platform/factory/+/3960648
Tested-by: Wen-Ting Tseng <wdzeng@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Wen-Ting Tseng <wdzeng@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Yu-An Wang <wyuang@google.com>
diff --git a/py/tools/factory_bug.py b/py/tools/factory_bug.py
index cf80653..f7fb33c 100755
--- a/py/tools/factory_bug.py
+++ b/py/tools/factory_bug.py
@@ -445,82 +445,92 @@
     # These are hardcoded paths because they are virtual filesystems. The data
     # we want is always in /dev and /sys, never on the real devices.
     os.symlink('/sys', os.path.join(tmp, 'sys'))
+    # TODO(wdzeng): consider set cwd for each shell command execution (if
+    # needed), rather than chdir before and after a series of command execution.
+    old_dir = os.getcwd()
-    Run = RunCommandAndSaveOutputToFile
-    files = [
-        Run('crossystem', filename='crossystem', include_stderr=True),
-        Run('dmesg', filename='dmesg'),
-        Run(['elogtool', 'list'], filename='firmware_eventlog',
-            check_call=False, include_stderr=True),
-        Run('audio_diagnostics', filename='audio_diagnostics', check_call=False,
-            include_stderr=True),
-        # Cannot zip an unseekable file, need to manually copy it instead.
-        Run(['cat', 'sys/firmware/log'], filename='bios_log', check_call=False),
-    ]
-    if HasEC():
-      files += [
-          Run(['ectool', 'version'], filename='ec_version'),
-          Run(['ectool', 'console'], filename='ec_console', check_call=False,
-              include_stderr=True),
-      ]
-    if probe:
-      files += [
-          Run(['hwid', 'probe'], filename='probe_result.json',
+    try:
+      Run = RunCommandAndSaveOutputToFile
+      files = [
+          Run('crossystem', filename='crossystem', include_stderr=True),
+          Run('dmesg', filename='dmesg'),
+          Run(['elogtool', 'list'], filename='firmware_eventlog',
+              check_call=False, include_stderr=True),
+          Run('audio_diagnostics', filename='audio_diagnostics',
+              check_call=False, include_stderr=True),
+          # Cannot zip an unseekable file, need to manually copy it instead.
+          Run(['cat', 'sys/firmware/log'], filename='bios_log',
-    if dram:
-      files += GenerateDRAMCalibrationLog()
+      if HasEC():
+        files += [
+            Run(['ectool', 'version'], filename='ec_version'),
+            Run(['ectool', 'console'], filename='ec_console', check_call=False,
+                include_stderr=True),
+        ]
+      if probe:
+        files += [
+            Run(['hwid', 'probe'], filename='probe_result.json',
+                check_call=False),
+        ]
+      if dram:
+        files += GenerateDRAMCalibrationLog()
-    _dut = device_utils.CreateDUTInterface()
-    _manager = manager.Manager()
-    active_test_list_id = _manager.GetActiveTestListId(_dut)
-    parent_test_list_id_set = test_list_checker.GetInheritSet(
-        _manager, active_test_list_id)
-    for test_list_id in parent_test_list_id_set:
-      files += [(f'usr/local/factory/py/test/test_lists/{test_list_id}'
-                 '.test_list.json')]
+      _dut = device_utils.CreateDUTInterface()
+      _manager = manager.Manager()
+      active_test_list_id = _manager.GetActiveTestListId(_dut)
+      parent_test_list_id_set = test_list_checker.GetInheritSet(
+          _manager, active_test_list_id)
+      for test_list_id in parent_test_list_id_set:
+        files += [(f'usr/local/factory/py/test/test_lists/{test_list_id}'
+                   '.test_list.json')]
-    file_utils.WriteFile(
-        os.path.join(tmp, 'release_image_version'),
-        _dut.info.release_image_version)
-    files += ['release_image_version']
+      file_utils.WriteFile(
+          os.path.join(tmp, 'release_image_version'),
+          _dut.info.release_image_version)
+      files += ['release_image_version']
-    files += GlobAll(
-        'etc/lsb-release',
-        'sys/fs/pstore',
-        'usr/local/etc/lsb-*',
-        'usr/local/factory/TOOLKIT_VERSION',
-        'usr/local/factory/hwid',
-        'var/factory',
-        'var/log',
-        'var/spool/crash',
-    )
+      files += GlobAll(
+          'etc/lsb-release',
+          'sys/fs/pstore',
+          'usr/local/etc/lsb-*',
+          'usr/local/factory/TOOLKIT_VERSION',
+          'usr/local/factory/hwid',
+          'var/factory',
+          'var/log',
+          'var/spool/crash',
+      )
-    # Patterns for those files which are excluded from factory_bug.
-    exclude_patterns = [
-        'var/log/journal/*',
-    ]
-    if not net:
-      exclude_patterns += ['var/log/net.log']
+      # Patterns for those files which are excluded from factory_bug.
+      exclude_patterns = [
+          'var/log/journal/*',
+      ]
+      if not net:
+        exclude_patterns += ['var/log/net.log']
-    if abt:
-      files += [CreateABTFile(files, exclude_patterns)]
+      if abt:
+        files += [CreateABTFile(files, exclude_patterns)]
-    file_utils.TryMakeDirs(os.path.dirname(output_file))
-    logging.info('Saving %s to %s...', files, output_file)
-    try:
-      zip_command = (['zip', '-r', output_file] + files + ['--exclude'] +
-                     exclude_patterns)
-      Spawn(zip_command, cwd=tmp, check_call=True, read_stdout=True,
-            read_stderr=True)
-    except CalledProcessError as e:
-      # 1 = non-fatal errors like "some files differ"
-      if e.returncode != 1:
-        logging.error(
-            'Command "zip" exited with return code: %d\n'
-            'Stdout: %s\n Stderr: %s\n', e.returncode, e.stdout, e.stderr)
-        raise
+      file_utils.TryMakeDirs(os.path.dirname(output_file))
+      logging.info('Saving %s to %s...', files, output_file)
+      try:
+        zip_command = (['zip', '-r', output_file] + files + ['--exclude'] +
+                       exclude_patterns)
+        Spawn(zip_command, cwd=tmp, check_call=True, read_stdout=True,
+              read_stderr=True)
+      except CalledProcessError as e:
+        # 1 = non-fatal errors like "some files differ"
+        if e.returncode != 1:
+          logging.error(
+              'Command "zip" exited with return code: %d\n'
+              'Stdout: %s\n Stderr: %s\n', e.returncode, e.stdout, e.stderr)
+          raise
+    finally:
+      # Change the current working directory to the old one. The current
+      # temporary working directory may be deleted in the future and thus causes
+      # goofy unable to run any shell commands. See b/253537848.
+      os.chdir(old_dir)
     logging.warning('Wrote %s (%d bytes)', output_file,