Add hwid_tool command to generate legacy hwid data files.

This is useful to allow maintaining data in the new format with
the tool, but allowing that data to be consumed by code from
older factory branches.

TEST=run 'hwid_tool legacy_export'

Change-Id: I13a4993ca7cc82b0c65c4f39df8bd052691225bb
Commit-Ready: Tammo Spalink <>
Reviewed-by: Tammo Spalink <>
Tested-by: Tammo Spalink <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 6f84cf6..4241870 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -825,6 +825,84 @@
   # the schema for that has been refactored to be cleaner.
+         CmdArg('-b', '--board', required=True),
+         CmdArg('-d', '--dest_dir', required=True),
+         CmdArg('-e', '--extra'),
+         CmdArg('-s', '--status', default='supported'))
+def LegacyExport(config, data):
+  """Generate legacy-format 'components_<HWID>' files.
+  For the specified board, in the specified destination directory,
+  this will create a hash.db file and one file per HWID.  All of these
+  files should be compatible with the pre-hwid-tool era code.
+  The goal of this command is to enable maintaining data in the new
+  format for use with factory branches that can only consume the older
+  format.
+  The 'extra' argument can specify a file that contains extra dict
+  extries that will be included in each of the hwid files.  This is
+  useful for specifying the legacy fields that no longer exist in the
+  new data format.
+  This command will be removed once we are no longer supporting any
+  boards that depend on the old-style data formatting.
+  """
+  from pprint import pprint
+  if config.board not in data.device_db:
+    print 'ERROR: unknown board %r.' % config.board
+    return
+  if not os.path.exists(config.dest_dir):
+    print 'ERROR: destination directory %r does not exist.' % config.dest_dir
+    return
+  extra_fields = eval(open(config.extra).read()) if config.extra else None
+  device = data.device_db[config.board]
+  hash_db_path = os.path.join(config.dest_dir, 'hash.db')
+  with open(hash_db_path, 'w') as f:
+    pprint(device.volatile_value_map, f)
+  ic_reverse_map = {}
+  for ic_index, bom_list in device.initial_config_use_map.items():
+    for bom in bom_list:
+      ic_reverse_map[bom] = ic_index
+  def WriteLegacyHwidFile(bom, volind, variant, hwid):
+    hwid_str = FmtHwid(config.board, bom, volind, variant)
+    export_data = {'part_id_hwqual': [hwid_str]}
+    for comp_class, comp_name in hwid.component_map.items():
+      if comp_name == 'NONE':
+        probe_result = ''
+      elif comp_name == 'ANY':
+        probe_result = '*'
+      else:
+        probe_result = data.comp_db.registry[comp_class][comp_name]
+      export_data['part_id_' + comp_class] = [probe_result]
+    for vol_class, vol_name in device.volatile_map[volind].items():
+      export_data['hash_' + vol_class] = [vol_name]
+    variant_data = device.variant_map[variant]
+    if len(variant_data) not in [0, 1]:
+      print ('ERROR: legacy_export expects zero or one variants, '
+             'hwid %s has %d.' % (hwid_str, len(variant_data)))
+    for variant_value in variant_data:
+      export_data['part_id_keyboard'] = [variant_value]
+    initial_config = device.initial_config_map[ic_reverse_map[bom]]
+    for ic_class, ic_value in initial_config.items():
+      export_data['version_' + ic_class] = [ic_value]
+    export_data['config_factory_initial'] = initial_config.keys()
+    export_data.update(extra_fields)
+    hwid_file_name = ('components ' + hwid_str).replace(' ', '_')
+    hwid_file_path = os.path.join(config.dest_dir, hwid_file_name)
+    with open(hwid_file_path, 'w') as f:
+      pprint(export_data, f)
+  for bom, hwid in device.hwid_map.items():
+    for volind in device.volatile_map:
+      for variant in hwid.variant_list:
+        status = LookupHwidStatus(device, bom, volind, variant)
+        if (config.status != '' and
+            (status is None or config.status != status)):
+           continue
+        WriteLegacyHwidFile(bom, volind, variant, hwid)
 class HackedArgumentParser(ArgumentParser):
   """Replace the usage and help strings to better format command names.