blob: 2e8864d2d63dbc9081f4938f66dbb60689c4a805 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ChromeOS Specific Utilities
# Compares two files on Chrome OS (there may be no cmp/diff)
cros_compare_file() {
local hash1="$(md5sum -b "$1" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ .*//')"
local hash2="$(md5sum -b "$2" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ .*//')"
debug_msg "cros_compare_file($1, $2): $hash1, $hash2)"
[ -n "$hash1" ] && [ "$hash1" = "$hash2" ]
# Gets file size.
cros_get_file_size() {
[ -e "$1" ] || err_die "cros_get_file_size: invalid file: $1"
stat -c "%s" "$1" 2>/dev/null
# Gets a Chrome OS system property (must exist).
cros_get_prop() {
crossystem "$@" || err_die "cannot get crossystem property: $@"
# Sets a Chrome OS system property.
cros_set_prop() {
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
alert "dry_run: cros_set_prop $@"
return ${FLAGS_TRUE}
crossystem "$@" || err_die "cannot SET crossystem property: $@"
# Queries a Chrome OS system property, return error if not available.
cros_query_prop() {
crossystem "$@" 2>/dev/null || debug_msg "FAILURE: crossystem $@"
# Sets the "startup update tries" counter.
cros_set_startup_update_tries() {
local startup_update_tries="$1"
local fwupdate_tries=$(crossystem fwupdate_tries)
if [ -n "$fwupdate_tries" ]; then
cros_set_prop fwupdate_tries=$startup_update_tries
# Gets the "startup update tries" counter.
cros_get_startup_update_tries() {
local fwupdate_tries=$(crossystem fwupdate_tries || echo 0)
echo $fwupdate_tries
# Sets the "firmare B tries" counter
cros_set_fwb_tries() {
cros_set_prop fwb_tries="$1"
cros_get_fwb_tries() {
cros_query_prop fwb_tries
# Reboots the system immediately
cros_reboot() {
verbose_msg "Rebooting system..."
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
alert "dry_run: reboot"
return ${FLAGS_TRUE}
sync; sync; sync
# Returns if the hardware write-protection switch is enabled.
cros_is_hardware_write_protected() {
local ret=${FLAGS_FALSE}
# In current design, hardware write protection is one single switch for all
# targets. NOTE: if wpsw_cur gives error, we should treat like "protected"
# so the test uses "!= 0" instead of "= 1".
if [ "$(cros_query_prop wpsw_cur)" != "0" ]; then
verbose_msg "Hardware write protection is enabled!"
return $ret
# Checks if the root keys (from Google Binary Block) are the same.
cros_check_same_root_keys() {
check_param "chromeos_check_same_root_keys(current, target)" "$@"
local keyfile1="_gk1"
local keyfile2="_gk2"
local keyfile1_strip="${keyfile1}_strip"
local keyfile2_strip="${keyfile2}_strip"
local ret=${FLAGS_TRUE}
# current(1) may not contain root key, but target(2) MUST have a root key
if silent_invoke "gbb_utility -g --rootkey=$keyfile1 $1" 2>/dev/null; then
silent_invoke "gbb_utility -g --rootkey=$keyfile2 $2" ||
err_die "Cannot find ChromeOS GBB RootKey in $2."
# to workaround key paddings...
cat $keyfile1 | sed 's/\xff*$//g; s/\x00*$//g;' >$keyfile1_strip
cat $keyfile2 | sed 's/\xff*$//g; s/\x00*$//g;' >$keyfile2_strip
cros_compare_file "$keyfile1_strip" "$keyfile2_strip" || ret=$FLAGS_FALSE
debug_msg "warning: cannot get rootkey from $1"
return $ret