blob: c31b0b219aa58efa78a05347a2bcb5045ddaa569 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
: ${SCRIPT_BASE:="$(dirname "$0")"}
if [ -z "${FLAGS_VERSION}" ]; then
if [ -s "$SCRIPT_BASE/shflags" ]; then
. "$SCRIPT_BASE/shflags"
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common Command Line Arguments
DEFINE_string mode "" \
"Updater mode ( startup | bootok | autoupdate | todev | tonormal |"\
" recovery | factory_install | factory_final | incompatible_update |"\
" fast_version_check )" "m"
DEFINE_string wp "" "Override write protection state (0/1)." ""
DEFINE_boolean debug $FLAGS_FALSE "Enable debug messages." "d"
DEFINE_boolean verbose $FLAGS_TRUE "Enable verbose messages." "v"
DEFINE_boolean dry_run $FLAGS_FALSE "Enable dry-run mode." ""
DEFINE_boolean force $FLAGS_FALSE "Try to force update." ""
DEFINE_boolean allow_reboot $FLAGS_TRUE \
"Allow rebooting system immediately if required."
DEFINE_string customization_id "" \
"Customization ID for keysets." ""
DEFINE_boolean update_ec $FLAGS_TRUE "Enable updating Embedded Firmware." ""
DEFINE_boolean update_pd $FLAGS_TRUE "Enable updating PD Firmware." ""
DEFINE_boolean update_main $FLAGS_TRUE "Enable updating Main Firmware." ""
DEFINE_boolean check_keys $FLAGS_TRUE "Check firmware keys before updating." ""
DEFINE_boolean check_rw_compatible $FLAGS_TRUE \
"Check if RW firmware is compatible with current RO" ""
DEFINE_boolean check_platform $FLAGS_TRUE \
"Bypass firmware updates if the system platform name is different" ""
# Required for factory compatibility
DEFINE_boolean factory $FLAGS_FALSE "Equivalent to --mode=factory_install"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common Utilities
# Reports some critical message in stderr
alert() {
echo "$*" 1>&2
# Reports error message and exit(1)
# NOTE: top level script does not exit if call to die is inside a
# sub-shell (ex: (func-call), $(func-call)) or if-blocks.
die() {
alert "ERROR: $*"
exit 1
# Alias for die, backward compatibility for custom scripts in board overlay
err_die() {
die "$@"
# Reports error message and exit(3)
# NOTE: top level script does not exit if call to die is inside a
# sub-shell (ex: (func-call), $(func-call)) or if-blocks.
die_need_reboot() {
alert "ERROR: $*"
exit 3
# Reports error message and exit(4)
# NOTE: top level script does not exit if call to die is inside a
# sub-shell (ex: (func-call), $(func-call)) or if-blocks.
die_need_ro_update() {
alert "ERROR: $*"
exit 4
# Prints a message if in verbose mode
verbose_msg() {
if [ "$FLAGS_verbose" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ] ||
[ "$FLAGS_debug" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ]; then
echo "$*"
# Prints a message if in debug mode
debug_msg() {
if [ "$FLAGS_debug" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ]; then
alert " (DEBUG) $*"
# Helps functions to check if there were given parameters in correct form.
# Syntax: check_param "prototype" "$@"
# prototype is a string in "funcname(arg1,arg2,arg3)" form.
check_param() {
local original_format="$1"
local format="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[(,) ]/ /g; s/ */ /g;')"
local has_wild_arg=0
local i=0 param=""
# truncate the function name
format="$(echo "$format" | sed 's/^[^ ]* //')"
# check parameter numbers
for param in $format ; do
if [ "$param" = "..." ]; then
# ignore everything after '...'
i=$(($i + 1))
if [ $has_wild_arg = 1 ]; then
[ $# -ge $i ] || die "$original_format: need $i+ params (got $#): $@"
[ $# -eq $i ] || die "$original_format: need $i params (got $#): $@"
# check if we have any empty parameters
for param in "$@"; do
local param_name=$(echo "$format" | cut -d" " -f $i)
# forr params started with 'opt_', allow it to be empty.
if [ -z "$param" -a "${param_name##opt_*}" != "" ]; then
shift # remove the invoke command name
die "check_param: $original_format: " \
"param '$param_name' is empty: '$@'"
i=$(($i + 1))
# Quick check and setup for basic envoronments.
set_flags() {
# Adjust WP flags.
case "$FLAGS_wp" in
on | ON | true | TRUE | 1)
off | OFF | false | FALSE | 0)
die "Invalid option for --wp: ${FLAGS_wp}"
# Adjust update_* flags according to known images.
if [ ! -s "$IMAGE_MAIN" ]; then
verbose_msg "No main firmware bundled in updater, ignored."
if [ ! -s "$IMAGE_EC" ]; then
debug_msg "No EC firmware bundled in updater, ignored."
if [ ! -s "$IMAGE_PD" ]; then
debug_msg "No PD firmware bundled in updater, ignored."
# Executes a command, and provide messages if it failed.
silent_invoke() {
local ret=$FLAGS_TRUE
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
return $ret
( eval "$@" ) >_exec.stdout 2>_exec.stderr || ret=$?
if [ "$ret" != "0" ]; then
alert " Execution failed ($ret): $*"
alert " Messages:"
cat _exec.stdout >&2
cat _exec.stderr >&2
return $ret
# Prints a verbose message before calling silent_invoke.
invoke() {
verbose_msg " * invoke: $@"
silent_invoke "$@" || die "Execution FAILED."
alert_write_protection() {
if ! cros_is_hardware_write_protected; then
echo "
WARNING: Hardware write protection may be still enabled, and a RO update is
scheduled. The update may fail.
# Prints a standard "unofficial HWID" warning message
alert_unofficial_hwid() {
# TODO(hungte) maybe we don't need this anymore - simply check if keys are
# compatible is enough.
echo "
Your system is using an unofficial version of $1 firmware,
and is forbidden to invoke this update.
Please restore your original firmware with correct HWID,
or invoke this update in factory mode.
# Prints a standard "unkonwn platform" error message
alert_unknown_platform() {
# Sytnax: alert_unknown_platform CURRENT EXPECTED
echo "
Sorry, this firmware update is only for $2 platform.
Your system ($1) is either incompatible or using an
unknown version of firmware.
# Prints a "incompatible" warning message
alert_incompatible_firmware() {
# Syntax: alert_incompatible_firmware reboot_will_autoupdate
echo "
Your current RO firmware is NOT compatible with the new RW firmware, and needs
a RO update. Please make sure you've DISABLED write protection for such
special update."
if [ "$1" = "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
echo "
A RO autoupdate is also scheduled in next boot.
echo "
If you want to start a manual update immediately, please use command:
sudo chromeos-firmwareupdate --mode=incompatible_update
alert_incompatible_rootkey() {
alert "
Incompatible firmware image (Root key is different).
You may need to disable hardware write protection and perform a factory
install by '--mode=factory_install' or recovery by '--mode=recovery'.
alert_incompatible_tpmkey() {
alert "
Incompatible firmware image (Rollback - older than keys stored in TPM).
Please update with latest recovery image and firmware, or restart a
factory setup process to reset TPM key version.