blob: e9accd7fc54063889717cfdf10503027352bdd7f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unit tests for
This mocks out all tools so it can run fairly quickly.
from __future__ import print_function
from contextlib import contextmanager
import glob
import mock
import os
import shutil
import struct
import sys
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib_unittest
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import partial_mock
import pack_firmware
import pack_firmware_utils
from cros_config_host import libcros_config_host
# We need to poke around in internal members of PackFirmware.
# pylint: disable=W0212
# Pre-set ID expected for test/image.bin. Note the 'R' in the first is a 'W'
# in the second. It is confusing but this is how the firmware images are
# currently created.
RO_FRID = 'Google_Reef.9264.0.2017_02_09_1240'
RW_FWID = 'Google_Reef.9264.0.2017_02_09_1250'
# Expected output from vbutil.
VBUTIL_OUTPUT = '''Key block:
Size: 2232
Flags: 7 (ignored)
Data key algorithm: 7 RSA4096 SHA256
Data key version: 1
Data key sha1sum: e2c1c92d7d7aa7dfed5e8375edd30b7ae52b7450
Size: 2164
Header version: 2.1
Firmware version: 1
Kernel key algorithm: 7 RSA4096 SHA256
Kernel key version: 1
Kernel key sha1sum: 5d2b220899c4403d564092ada3f12d3cc4483223
Firmware body size: 920000
Preamble flags: 1
Body verification succeeded.
# Expected output from 'futility dump_fmap -p' for main image.
FMAP_OUTPUT = '''WP_RO 0 4194304
SI_DESC 0 4096
IFWI 4096 2093056
RO_VPD 2097152 16384
RO_SECTION 2113536 2080768
FMAP 2113536 2048
RO_FRID 2115584 64
RO_FRID_PAD 2115648 1984
COREBOOT 2117632 1552384
GBB 3670016 262144
RO_UNUSED 3932160 262144
MISC_RW 4194304 196608
UNIFIED_MRC_CACHE 4194304 135168
RECOVERY_MRC_CACHE 4194304 65536
RW_MRC_CACHE 4259840 65536
RW_VAR_MRC_CACHE 4325376 4096
RW_ELOG 4329472 12288
RW_SHARED 4341760 16384
SHARED_DATA 4341760 8192
VBLOCK_DEV 4349952 8192
RW_VPD 4358144 8192
RW_NVRAM 4366336 24576
RW_SECTION_A 4390912 4718592
VBLOCK_A 4390912 65536
FW_MAIN_A 4456448 4652992
RW_FWID_A 9109440 64
RW_SECTION_B 9109504 4718592
VBLOCK_B 9109504 65536
FW_MAIN_B 9175040 4652992
RW_FWID_B 13828032 64
RW_LEGACY 13828096 2097152
BIOS_UNUSABLE 15925248 323584
DEVICE_EXTENSION 16248832 524288
UNUSED_HOLE 16773120 4096
# Expected output from 'futility dump_fmap -p' for alternate main image.
# This FMAP contains EC_MAIN_A and PD_MAIN_A sections, which will alter
# the behavior of repack. A similar FMAP is used on some legacy Chrome OS
# devices.
SI_DESC 0 4096
SI_ME 4096 2093056
SI_BIOS 2097152 6291456
RW_SECTION_A 2097152 983040
VBLOCK_A 2097152 65536
FW_MAIN_A 2162688 720896
PD_MAIN_A 2883584 65536
EC_MAIN_A 2949120 131008
RW_FWID_A 3080128 64
RW_SECTION_B 3080192 983040
VBLOCK_B 3080192 65536
FW_MAIN_B 3145728 720896
PD_MAIN_B 3866624 65536
EC_MAIN_B 3932160 131008
RW_FWID_B 4063168 64
RW_MRC_CACHE 4063232 65536
RW_ELOG 4128768 16384
RW_SHARED 4145152 16384
SHARED_DATA 4145152 8192
VBLOCK_DEV 4153344 8192
RW_VPD 4161536 8192
RW_UNUSED 4169728 24576
RW_LEGACY 4194304 2097152
WP_RO 6291456 2097152
RO_VPD 6291456 16384
RO_UNUSED 6307840 49152
RO_SECTION 6356992 2031616
FMAP 6356992 2048
RO_FRID 6359040 64
RO_FRID_PAD 6359104 1984
GBB 6361088 978944
BOOT_STUB 7340032 1048576
# Size of dummy 'ecrw' file.
ECRW_SIZE = 0x38000
# Expected output from 'futility dump_fmap -p' for EC image.
FMAP_OUTPUT_EC = '''EC_RO 64 229376
FR_MAIN 64 229376
RO_FRID 388 32
FMAP 135232 350
WP_RO 0 262144
EC_RW 262144 229376
RW_FWID 262468 32
# Common flags that we use in several tests.
'', '--tools', 'flashrom futility',
'--tool_base', 'test', '-b', 'test/image.bin', '-q', '-o',
# Use this to suppress stdout/stderr output:
# with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr)
# something...
def capture_sys_output():
capture_out, capture_err = StringIO(), StringIO()
old_out, old_err = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = capture_out, capture_err
yield capture_out, capture_err
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_out, old_err
class TestUnit(cros_test_lib.MockTempDirTestCase):
"""Test cases for common program flows."""
def setUp(self):
self.output = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'out')
self.common_flags = _COMMON_FLAGS + [self.output]
self.packer = pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker('.')
# Limit the resolution of timestamps to aid comparison.
self._ExtractFrid = pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker._ExtractFrid
def tearDown(self):
pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker._ExtractFrid = self._ExtractFrid
def testBadStartup(self):
"""Test various bad start-up conditions"""
# Starting up in another directory (without required files) should fail.
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
self.assertIn("'/pack_stub'", str(e.exception))
# Should complain if the selected updater is not available.
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
pack_firmware.main(['test', '-o', 'out', '--tool_base', 'test', '-L',
'--tools', 'flashrom', '-b', 'test/image.bin'])
self.assertIn("'pack_dist/'", str(e.exception))
# Should check for 'shar' tool.
with mock.patch.object(osutils, 'Which', return_value=None):
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
self.assertIn("'shar'", str(e.exception))
# Should complain about missing tools.
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
pack_firmware.main(['.', '', '--tool_base', 'test',
'--tools', 'missing-tool', '-o', 'out', '-L'])
self.assertIn("'missing-tool'", str(e.exception))
# Should complain if we don't provide at least one image.
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
args = ['.', '', '--tools', 'ls', '-L',
'--tool_base', '/bin:test', '-o', 'out']
self.assertIn('Must assign at least one', str(e.exception))
def testArgParse(self):
"""Test some basic argument parsing as a sanity check."""
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with capture_sys_output():
self.packer.ParseArgs(['-b', '/bios.bin']).bios_image)
def testEnsureCommand(self):
"""Check that we detect a missing command."""
self.packer._EnsureCommand('ls', 'sample-package')
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
self.packer._EnsureCommand('does-not-exist', 'sample-package')
self.assertIn("You need 'does-not-exist'", str(e.exception))
def testFindTool(self):
"""Check finding of required tools."""
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--tool_base', 'test'])
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
self.packer._FindTool(['test'], 'does-not-exist')
self.assertIn("'does-not-exist'", str(e.exception))
self.packer._FindTool(['test'], 'flashrom')
def testTmpdirs(self):
"""Check creation and removal of temporary directories."""
dir1 = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
dir2 = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
def testAddFlashromVersion(self):
"""Test we can add the flashrom version to the version information."""
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--tool_base', 'test'])
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('file'), returncode=0,
output='ELF 64-bit LSB executable, etc.\n')
result = self.packer._versions.getvalue().splitlines()
self.assertIn('flashrom(8)', result[1])
self.assertIn('ELF 64-bit LSB executable', result[2])
self.assertEqual('%s0.9.4 : 1bb61e1 : Feb 07 2017 18:29:17 UTC' %
(' ' * 13), result[3])
def testAddFlashromMissingVersion(self):
"""Test we can add the local flashrom version to the version information.
A local flashrom is built with cros_workon enabled for the flashrom ebuild.
It does not include the git hash or date, but is still considered to be
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--tool_base', 'local_flashrom'])
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('file'), returncode=0,
output='ELF 64-bit LSB executable, etc.\n')
result = self.packer._versions.getvalue().splitlines()
self.assertIn('flashrom(8)', result[1])
self.assertIn('ELF 64-bit LSB executable', result[2])
self.assertEqual(' ' * 13, result[3])
def testAddVersionInfoMissingFile(self):
"""Trying to add version info for a missing file should be detected."""
with self.assertRaises(IOError) as e:
self.packer._AddVersionInfo('BIOS', 'missing-file', 'v123')
self.assertIn("'missing-file'", str(e.exception))
def testAddVersionInfoNoFile(self):
"""Check adding version info with no filename."""
self.packer._AddVersionInfo('BIOS', '', 'v123')
self.assertEqual('BIOS version: v123\n', self.packer._versions.getvalue())
def testAddVersionNoVersion(self):
"""Check adding version info with no version."""
self.packer._AddVersionInfo('BIOS', 'test/image.bin', '')
self.assertEqual('BIOS image: 8ce05b02847603aef6cfa01f1bab73d0 '
def testAddVersionInfo(self):
"""Check adding version info with both a filename and version."""
self.packer._AddVersionInfo('BIOS', 'test/image.bin', 'v123')
self.assertEqual('BIOS image: 8ce05b02847603aef6cfa01f1bab73d0 '
'*test/image.bin\nBIOS version: v123\n',
def testExtractFrid(self):
"""Check extracting the firmware ID from a bios image."""
self.packer._tmpdir = 'test'
self.packer._testing = True
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--bios_image', 'image.bin'])
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap'),
self.assertEqual(RO_FRID, self.packer._ExtractFrid('image.bin'))
def testExtractFridTrailingSpace(self):
"""Check extracting a firmware ID with a trailing space."""
def _SetupImage(_, **kwargs):
destdir = kwargs['cwd']
osutils.WriteFile(os.path.join(destdir, 'RO_FRID'),
'TESTING \0\0\0', mode='wb')
self.packer._tmpdir = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
self.packer._testing = True
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--bios_image', 'image.bin'])
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap'),
returncode=0, side_effect=_SetupImage)
self.assertEqual('TESTING', self.packer._ExtractFrid('image.bin'))
def testUntarFile(self):
"""Test operation of the tar file unpacker."""
self.packer._tmpdir = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
dirname = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
fname = self.packer._UntarFile('functest/Reef.9042.50.0.tbz2', dirname)
self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(fname), 'image.bin')
# Unpack again with a different suffix. We should get a different filename
# and the file contents should be different.
fname2 = self.packer._UntarFile('functest/Reef.9000.0.0.tbz2', dirname,
self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(fname2), 'image.bin-rw')
self.assertNotEqual(fname, fname2)
data = osutils.ReadFile(fname)
data2 = osutils.ReadFile(fname2)
self.assertNotEqual(data, data2)
dirname = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
fname = self.packer._UntarFile('functest/Reef.9042.50.0.tbz2', dirname)
self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(fname), 'image.bin')
# This tar file has two files in it.
# -rw-r----- sjg/eng 64 2017-03-03 16:12 RO_FRID
# -rw-r----- sjg/eng 64 2017-03-15 13:38 RW_FRID
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
fname = self.packer._UntarFile('test/two_files.tbz2', dirname)
self.assertIn('Expected 1 member', str(e.exception))
# This tar file has as directory name in its member's filename.
# -rw-r----- sjg/eng 64 2017-03-03 16:12 test/RO_FRID
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
fname = self.packer._UntarFile('test/path.tbz2', dirname)
self.assertIn('should be a simple name', str(e.exception))
def _FilesInDir(dirname):
"""Get a list of files in a directory.
dirname: Directory name to check.
List of files in that directory (basename only). Any subdirectories are
return sorted([os.path.basename(fname)
for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*'))
if not os.path.isdir(fname)])
def testCopyExtraFiles(self):
"""Test that we can copy 'extra' files."""
self.packer._basedir = dirname = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
self.packer._CopyExtraFiles(['test/RO_FRID', 'test/RW_FWID'])
self.assertEqual(self._FilesInDir(dirname), ['RO_FRID', 'RW_FWID'])
def testCopyExtraDir(self):
"""Test that we can copy 'extra' directories."""
self.packer._basedir = dirname = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
self.assertEqual(self._FilesInDir(dirname), self._FilesInDir('test'))
def testCopyExtraTarfile(self):
"""Test that we can extract 'extra' tarfile contents."""
self.packer._tmpdir = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
self.packer._basedir = dirname = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--imagedir', 'functest'])
# The bcs:// prefix tells us that the file was downloaded from BCS, and
# that we should unpack its contents. This file contains 'image.bin'.
self.assertEqual(self._FilesInDir(dirname), ['image.bin'])
def testBaseDirPath(self):
"""Check that _BaseDirPath() works as expected."""
self.packer._basedir = 'base'
self.assertEqual('base/fred', self.packer._BaseDirPath('fred'))
def _SetUpConfigNode(self):
"""Set up ready our test configuration ready for use.
Integer offset of the firmware node.
config = libcros_config_host.CrosConfig('test/config.dtb')
return config.GetFamilyNode('/firmware/reef')
def testExtractFileLocal(self):
"""Test handling file extraction based on a configuration property,"""
node = self._SetUpConfigNode()
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['-l'])
# Since the 'extra' property exists, this should give as a valid file.
extra = node.GetStrList('extra')
self.packer._ExtractFile('reef', 'test/MODEL-files/MODEL_fake_extra',
extra, None),
# Since 'missing-prop' does not exist, this should return None.
self.packer._ExtractFile('reef', 'test/MODEL-files/MODEL_fake_extra',
None, None))
def testExtractFileBcs(self):
"""Test handling file extraction based on a configuration property,"""
self.packer._tmpdir = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
self.packer._args = self.packer.ParseArgs(['--imagedir', 'functest'])
dirname = self.packer._CreateTmpDir()
node = self._SetUpConfigNode()
# This should look up main-image, find that file in functest/, copy it to
# our directory and return its filename.
main_image = node.GetStr('main-image')
self.packer._ExtractFile(None, None, main_image, dirname),
os.path.join(dirname, 'image.bin'))
ec_image = node.GetStr('ec-image')
self.packer._ExtractFile(None, None, ec_image, dirname),
os.path.join(dirname, 'ec.bin'))
def _AddMocks(rc):
def _CopySections(_, **kwargs):
destdir = kwargs['cwd']
for fname in ['RO_FRID', 'RW_FWID']:
shutil.copy2(os.path.join('test', fname), destdir)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.Regex('type shar'), returncode=0)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('file'), returncode=0,
output='ELF 64-bit LSB executable, etc.\n')
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -x .*image.bin'),
side_effect=_CopySections, returncode=0)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility gbb'), returncode=0,
output=' - exported root_key to file: rootkey.bin')
partial_mock.ListRegex('futility vbutil_firmware'),
returncode=0, output=VBUTIL_OUTPUT)
partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -x .*bios_rw.bin'),
side_effect=_CopySections, returncode=0)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('--sb_repack'), returncode=0)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -x .*ec.bin'),
side_effect=_CopySections, returncode=0)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -x .*pd.bin'),
side_effect=_CopySections, returncode=0)
def _CreateCbfstoolFile(cmd, **_kwargs):
"""Called as a side effect to emulate the effect of cbfstool.
This handles the 'cbfstool...extract' command which is supposed to
extract a particular 'file' from inside the CBFS archive. We deal with
this by creating a zero-filled file with the correct name and size.
See _ExtractEcRwUsingCbfs() for where this command is generated.
cmd: Arguments, of the form:
['', ..., '-f', <filename>, ...]
See _SetPreambleFlags() for where this is generated.
file_arg = cmd.index('-f')
fname = cmd[file_arg + 1]
with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
def _CreateDumpfmapFile(cmd, **_kwargs):
"""Called as a side effect to emulate the effect of dump_fmap.
This handles the 'dump_fmap -x' command which is supposed to
extract a particular region from a file with an FMAP descriptor.
See _ExtractEcRwUsingFMAP() for where this command is generated.
cmd: Arguments, of the form:
['dump_fmap', '-x', <filename>, <region>]
<region> specifies the region to extract from <filename>, which
will be extracted to cwd in a file named <region>.
See _ExtractEcRwUsingFMAP() for where this is generated.
fname = os.path.join(_kwargs['cwd'], cmd.pop())
with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
# Write a dummy header with image size = ECRW_SIZE, and payload of zeros
fd.write(struct.pack('<III', 1, 12, ECRW_SIZE))
fd.truncate(ECRW_SIZE + 12)
def _AddMergeMocks(cls, rc, mocked_dump_fmap_output):
'futility dump_fmap -x .*test/image_rw.bin'), returncode=0)
partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -p .*/test/image_rw.bin'),
returncode=0, output=mocked_dump_fmap_output)
partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -p .*image.binrw'),
returncode=0, output=mocked_dump_fmap_output)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -p .*bios.bin'),
returncode=0, output=mocked_dump_fmap_output)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.Regex('extract_ecrw'), returncode=0)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -p .*ec.bin'),
returncode=0, output=FMAP_OUTPUT_EC)
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('cbfstool'), returncode=0,
rc.AddCmdResult(partial_mock.ListRegex('futility dump_fmap -p .*pd.bin'),
returncode=0, output=FMAP_OUTPUT_EC)
'futility dump_fmap -x .*/bios.bin .*_MAIN_A'),
returncode=0, side_effect=cls._CreateDumpfmapFile)
# If we use _ to indicate an unused parameter, cros lint wants us to call it
# 'kwargs'. If we call it 'kwargs' it complains about an unused parameter.
# We need the kwargs paramter since the caller provides it and the real
# implementation of this function (that we are mocking) needs it.
# pylint: disable=C9011
def _ResignFirmware(cls, cmd, **_):
"""Called as a side effect to emulate the effect of
This copies the input file to the output file.
cmd: Arguments, of the form:
['', <infile>, <outfile>, ...]
See _SetPreambleFlags() for where this command is generated.
infile, outfile = cmd[1], cmd[2]
shutil.copy(infile, outfile)
def _MockGetPreambleFlags(fname, **_):
"""Mock of _GetPreambleFlags(). Uses the filename to determine value.
fname: Image filename to check.
0 if the image appears to be an RW image, 1 if not.
return 0 if 'rw' in fname else 1
def testMockedRun(self):
"""Start up with a valid updater script and BIOS."""
pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker._GetPreambleFlags = (
args = ['.', '--create_bios_rw_image', '-L', '-e',
'test/ec.bin'] + self.common_flags
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
side_effect=self._ResignFirmware, returncode=0)
def _testMockedRunWithMerge(self, mocked_dump_fmap_output):
pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker._GetPreambleFlags = (
args = ['--bios_rw_image', 'test/image_rw.bin', '-L',
'--merge_bios_rw_image', '-e', 'test/ec.bin', '-p', 'test/pd.bin',
'--remove_inactive_updaters'] + self.common_flags
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
self._AddMergeMocks(rc, mocked_dump_fmap_output)
self.packer.Start(args, remove_tmpdirs=False)
result = self.packer._versions.getvalue().splitlines()
self.assertEqual(15, len(result))
self.assertIn(RO_FRID, self._FindLineInList(result, 'EC version'))
self.assertIn(RW_FWID, self._FindLineInList(result, 'EC (RW) version'))
rw_fname = self.packer._BaseDirPath(pack_firmware.IMAGE_EC)
ec_fname = self.packer._BaseDirPath(pack_firmware.IMAGE_EC)
def testMockedRunWithMerge(self):
"""Start up with a valid updater script and merge the RW BIOS."""
def testMockedRunWithMergeLegacyFmap(self):
"""Repeat merge test with alternate FMAP used on legacy devices."""
def testMockedRunUnibuildBad(self):
"""Try unified build options with invalid arguments."""
args = ['.', '-m', 'reef', '-o', 'output', '--tool_base', 'test']
with self.assertRaises(pack_firmware.PackError) as e:
self.assertIn("Missing master configuration file", str(e.exception))
def SetupRunWithUnibuild(self, config_fname):
"""Set up to run with a valid updater script and BIOS.
config_fname: Master configuration file to use.
List of arguments to pass to pack_firmware.main()
args = ['.', '-m', 'reef', '-m', 'pyro', '-q', '-o', self.output,
'-c', 'test/%s' % config_fname, '--tool_base', 'test',
'--tools', 'flashrom futility', '-i', 'functest']
os.environ['SYSROOT'] = 'test'
os.environ['FILESDIR'] = 'test'
return args
def testMockedRunWithUnibuild(self):
"""Start up with a valid updater script and BIOS."""
args = self.SetupRunWithUnibuild('config.dtb')
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
def testMockedRunWithUnibuildMerge(self):
"""Start up with a valid updater script and both RO and RW BIOS."""
pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker._GetPreambleFlags = (
args = self.SetupRunWithUnibuild('config_rw.dtb')
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
self._AddMergeMocks(rc, FMAP_OUTPUT)
def _FindLineInList(self, lines, start_text):
"""Helper to find a single line starting with the given text and return it.
lines: List of lines to check.
start_text: Text to find.
Line found, as a string (or assertion failure if exactly one matching
line was not found).
found = [line for line in lines if line.strip().startswith(start_text)]
self.assertEqual(len(found), 1)
return found[0]
def testRWFirmware(self):
"""Simple test of creating RW firmware."""
pack_firmware.FirmwarePacker._GetPreambleFlags = (
args = ['--create_bios_rw_image', '-L',
'-e', 'test/ec.bin'] + self.common_flags
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
side_effect=self._ResignFirmware, returncode=0)
self.packer.Start(args, remove_tmpdirs=False)
rw_fname = self.packer._BaseDirPath(pack_firmware.IMAGE_MAIN_RW)
# This VERSION file should contain 12 lines of output:
# 1 blank line
# 3 for flashrom
# 1 blank line
# 2 for RO BIOS filename and version
# 2 for RW BIOS filename and version
# 2 for EC filename and version
# 1 blank line
result = self.packer._versions.getvalue().splitlines()
self.assertEqual(12, len(result))
rw_line = self._FindLineInList(result, 'BIOS (RW) image')
self.assertIn(pack_firmware.IMAGE_MAIN_RW, rw_line)
self.assertNotIn(self.packer._basedir, rw_line)
def testNoECFirmware(self):
"""Simple test of creating firmware without an EC image."""
args = self.common_flags + ['-L']
with cros_build_lib_unittest.RunCommandMock() as rc:
# There should be no EC version in the VERSION file.
result = self.packer._versions.getvalue()
self.assertNotIn('EC version', result)
self.assertEqual(8, len(result.splitlines()))
# In the script, the EC version should be ''.
lines = osutils.ReadFile(self.output).splitlines()
self.assertIn('', self._FindLineInList(lines, 'TARGET_ECID'))
if __name__ == '__main__':