blob: 2e87a7bfda1dba3e065ae941cf6d7186371745ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <math.h>
#include "include/gestures.h"
#include "include/interpreter.h"
namespace gestures {
inline bool FloatEq(float a, float b) {
return fabsf(a - b) <= 1e-5;
inline bool DoubleEq(float a, float b) {
return fabsf(a - b) <= 1e-8;
// Returns the square of the distance between the two contacts.
template<typename ContactTypeA, typename ContactTypeB>
float DistSq(const ContactTypeA& finger_a, const ContactTypeB& finger_b) {
float dx = finger_a.position_x - finger_b.position_x;
float dy = finger_a.position_y - finger_b.position_y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
template<typename ContactType> // UnmergedContact or FingerState
float DistSqXY(const ContactType& finger_a, float pos_x, float pos_y) {
float dx = finger_a.position_x - pos_x;
float dy = finger_a.position_y - pos_y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
template<typename ContactType>
int CompareX(const void* a_ptr, const void* b_ptr) {
const ContactType* a = *static_cast<const ContactType* const*>(a_ptr);
const ContactType* b = *static_cast<const ContactType* const*>(b_ptr);
return a->position_x < b->position_x ? -1 : a->position_x > b->position_x;
template<typename ContactType>
int CompareY(const void* a_ptr, const void* b_ptr) {
const ContactType* a = *static_cast<const ContactType* const*>(a_ptr);
const ContactType* b = *static_cast<const ContactType* const*>(b_ptr);
return a->position_y < b->position_y ? -1 : a->position_y > b->position_y;
inline float DegToRad(float degrees) {
return M_PI * degrees / 180.0;
template<typename Map, typename Key> static inline
bool MapContainsKey(const Map& the_map, const Key& the_key) {
return the_map.find(the_key) != the_map.end();
// Removes any ids from the map that are not finger ids in hs.
// This implementation supports returning removed elements for
// further processing.
template<typename Data>
void RemoveMissingIdsFromMap(std::map<short, Data>* the_map,
const HardwareState& hs,
std::map<short, Data>* removed) {
for (typename std::map<short, Data>::const_iterator it =
the_map->begin(); it != the_map->end(); ++it)
if (!hs.GetFingerState((*it).first))
(*removed)[it->first] = it->second;
for (typename std::map<short, Data>::const_iterator it =
removed->begin(); it != removed->end(); ++it)
// Removes any ids from the map that are not finger ids in hs.
template<typename Data>
void RemoveMissingIdsFromMap(std::map<short, Data>* the_map,
const HardwareState& hs) {
std::map<short, Data> removed;
RemoveMissingIdsFromMap(the_map, hs, &removed);
// Removes any ids from the set that are not finger ids in hs.
static inline
void RemoveMissingIdsFromSet(std::set<short>* the_set,
const HardwareState& hs) {
short old_ids[the_set->size() + 1];
size_t old_ids_len = 0;
for (typename std::set<short>::const_iterator it = the_set->begin();
it != the_set->end(); ++it)
if (!hs.GetFingerState(*it))
old_ids[old_ids_len++] = *it;
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_ids_len; i++)
template<typename Set, typename Elt>
inline bool SetContainsValue(const Set& the_set,
const Elt& elt) {
return the_set.find(elt) != the_set.end();
} // namespace gestures
#endif // GESTURES_UTIL_H_