blob: 257f47777af414c5f1d2a70ace6ae0e35bc54a89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "gestures/include/finger_metrics.h"
#include "gestures/include/gestures.h"
#include "gestures/include/interpreter.h"
#include "gestures/include/prop_registry.h"
#include "gestures/include/map.h"
#include "gestures/include/set.h"
namespace gestures {
// This interpreter keeps some memory of the past and, for each incoming
// frame of hardware state, immediately determines the gestures to the best
// of its abilities.
class ImmediateInterpreter;
class TapRecord {
explicit TapRecord(const ImmediateInterpreter* immediate_interpreter)
: immediate_interpreter_(immediate_interpreter),
t5r2_released_size_(0) {}
void Update(const HardwareState& hwstate,
const HardwareState& prev_hwstate,
const set<short, kMaxTapFingers>& added,
const set<short, kMaxTapFingers>& removed,
const set<short, kMaxFingers>& dead);
void Clear();
// if any gesturing fingers are moving
bool Moving(const HardwareState& hwstate, const float dist_max) const;
bool Motionless(const HardwareState& hwstate,
const HardwareState& prev_hwstate,
const float max_speed) const;
bool TapBegan() const; // if a tap has begun
bool TapComplete() const; // is a completed tap
// return GESTURES_BUTTON_* value or 0, if tap was too light
int TapType() const;
// If any contact has met the minimum pressure threshold
bool MinTapPressureMet() const;
void NoteTouch(short the_id, const FingerState& fs); // Adds to touched_
void NoteRelease(short the_id); // Adds to released_
void Remove(short the_id); // Removes from touched_ and released_
float CotapMinPressure() const;
map<short, FingerState, kMaxTapFingers> touched_;
set<short, kMaxTapFingers> released_;
// At least one finger must meet the minimum pressure requirement during a
// tap. This set contains the fingers that have.
set<short, kMaxTapFingers> min_tap_pressure_met_;
// All fingers must meet the cotap pressure, which is half of the min tap
// pressure.
set<short, kMaxTapFingers> min_cotap_pressure_met_;
// Used to fetch properties
const ImmediateInterpreter* immediate_interpreter_;
// T5R2: For these pads, we try to track individual IDs, but if we get an
// input event with insufficient data, we switch into T5R2 mode, where we
// just track the number of contacts. We still maintain the non-T5R2 records
// which are useful for tracking if contacts move a lot.
// The following are for T5R2 mode:
bool t5r2_; // if set, use T5R2 hacks
unsigned short t5r2_touched_size_; // number of contacts that have arrived
unsigned short t5r2_released_size_; // number of contacts that have left
struct ScrollEvent {
float dx, dy, dt;
static ScrollEvent Add(const ScrollEvent& evt_a, const ScrollEvent& evt_b);
class ScrollEventBuffer {
explicit ScrollEventBuffer(size_t size)
: buf_(new ScrollEvent[size]), max_size_(size), size_(0), head_(0) {}
void Insert(float dx, float dy, float dt);
void Clear();
size_t Size() const { return size_; }
// 0 is newest, 1 is next newest, ..., size_ - 1 is oldest.
const ScrollEvent& Get(size_t offset) const;
scoped_array<ScrollEvent> buf_;
size_t max_size_;
size_t size_;
size_t head_;
class ImmediateInterpreter : public Interpreter, public PropertyDelegate {
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, AmbiguousPalmCoScrollTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, AvoidAccidentalPinchTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, ChangeTimeoutTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, ClickTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, FlingDepthTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, GetGesturingFingersTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, PalmAtEdgeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, PalmReevaluateTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, PalmTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, PinchTests);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, ScrollResetTapTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, ScrollThenFalseTapTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, SemiMtActiveAreaTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, SemiMtNoPinchTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, StationaryPalmTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, SwipeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, TapRecordTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, TapToClickEnableTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, TapToClickKeyboardTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, TapToClickLowPressureBeginOrEndTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, TapToClickStateMachineTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, ThumbRetainReevaluateTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, ThumbRetainTest);
FRIEND_TEST(ImmediateInterpreterTest, WarpedFingersTappingTest);
friend class TapRecord;
struct Point {
Point() : x_(0.0), y_(0.0) {}
Point(float x, float y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
bool operator==(const Point& that) const {
return x_ == that.x_ && y_ == that.y_;
bool operator!=(const Point& that) const { return !((*this) == that); }
float x_, y_;
enum TapToClickState {
ImmediateInterpreter(PropRegistry* prop_reg, FingerMetrics* finger_metrics);
virtual ~ImmediateInterpreter();
virtual Gesture* SyncInterpret(HardwareState* hwstate,
stime_t* timeout);
virtual Gesture* HandleTimer(stime_t now, stime_t* timeout);
void SetHardwareProperties(const HardwareProperties& hw_props);
TapToClickState tap_to_click_state() const { return tap_to_click_state_; }
float tap_min_pressure() const { return tap_min_pressure_.val_; }
// Reset the member variables corresponding to same-finger state and
// updates changed_time_ to |now|.
void ResetSameFingersState(stime_t now);
// Sets pointing_.
void UpdatePointingFingers(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Returns the square of the distance that this contact has travelled since
// fingers changed.
float DistanceTravelledSq(const FingerState& fs) const;
// Returns a vector describing the movement of the finger since the
// fingers changed.
Point FingerTraveledVector(const FingerState& fs) const;
// Returns the square of distance between two fingers.
// Returns -1 if not exactly two fingers are present.
float TwoFingerDistanceSq(const HardwareState& hwstate) const;
// Updates thumb_ below.
void UpdateThumbState(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Returns true iff the keyboard has been recently used.
bool KeyboardRecentlyUsed(stime_t now) const;
// Gets the finger or fingers we should consider for gestures.
// Currently, it fetches the (up to) two fingers closest to the keyboard
// that are not palms. There is one exception: for t5r2 pads with > 2
// fingers present, we return all fingers.
set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers> GetGesturingFingers(
const HardwareState& hwstate) const;
// Updates current_gesture_type_ based on passed-in hwstate and
// considering the passed in fingers as gesturing.
void UpdateCurrentGestureType(
const HardwareState& hwstate,
const set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers>& gs_fingers);
// If the fingers are near each other in location and pressure and might
// to be part of a 2-finger action, returns true.
bool TwoFingersGesturing(const FingerState& finger1,
const FingerState& finger2) const;
// Given that TwoFingersGesturing returns true for 2 fingers,
// This will further look to see if it's really 2 finger scroll or not.
// Returns the current state (move or scroll) or kGestureTypeNull if
// unknown.
GestureType GetTwoFingerGestureType(const FingerState& finger1,
const FingerState& finger2);
// Check for a pinch gesture and update the state machine for detection.
// If a pinch was detected it will return true. False otherwise.
// To reset the state machine call with reset=true
bool UpdatePinchState(const HardwareState& hwstate, bool reset);
// Returns the current three-finger gesture, or kGestureTypeNull if no gesture
// should be produced.
GestureType GetThreeFingerGestureType(const FingerState* const fingers[3]);
const char* TapToClickStateName(TapToClickState state);
stime_t TimeoutForTtcState(TapToClickState state);
void SetTapToClickState(TapToClickState state,
stime_t now);
void UpdateTapGesture(const HardwareState* hwstate,
const set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers>& gs_fingers,
const bool same_fingers,
stime_t now,
stime_t* timeout);
void UpdateTapState(const HardwareState* hwstate,
const set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers>& gs_fingers,
const bool same_fingers,
stime_t now,
unsigned* buttons_down,
unsigned* buttons_up,
stime_t* timeout);
// Returns true iff the given finger is too close to any other finger to
// realistically be doing a tap gesture.
bool FingerTooCloseToTap(const HardwareState& hwstate, const FingerState& fs);
// Does a deep copy of hwstate into prev_state_
void SetPrevState(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Returns true iff finger is in the bottom, dampened zone of the pad
bool FingerInDampenedZone(const FingerState& finger) const;
// Called when fingers have changed to fill start_positions_.
void FillStartPositions(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Fills the origin_* member variables.
void FillOriginInfo(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Called to detect if fingers have started moving.
void UpdateStartedMovingTime(
const HardwareState& hwstate,
const set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers>& gs_fingers);
// Updates the internal button state based on the passed in |hwstate|.
void UpdateButtons(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// By looking at |hwstate| and internal state, determins if a button down
// at this time would correspond to a left/middle/right click. Returns
int EvaluateButtonType(const HardwareState& hwstate);
// Looking at this finger and the previous, returns true iff the pressure
// is changing so quickly that we expect it's arriving on the pad or
// departing.
bool PressureChangingSignificantly(const HardwareState& hwstate,
const FingerState& current,
const FingerState& prev) const;
// Returns the number of most recent event events in the scroll_buffer_ that
// should be considered for fling. If it returns 0, there should be no fling.
size_t ScrollEventsForFlingCount() const;
// Returns a ScrollEvent that contains velocity estimates for x and y based
// on an N-point linear regression.
void RegressScrollVelocity(int count, ScrollEvent* out) const;
// Returns a ScrollEvent that can be turned directly into a fling.
void ComputeFling(ScrollEvent* out) const;
// Precondition: current_mode_ is set to the mode based on |hwstate|.
// Computes the resulting gesture, storing it in result_.
void FillResultGesture(const HardwareState& hwstate,
const set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers>& fingers);
virtual void IntWasWritten(IntProperty* prop);
HardwareState prev_state_;
set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers> prev_gs_fingers_;
set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers> prev_tap_gs_fingers_;
HardwareProperties hw_props_;
Gesture result_;
Gesture prev_result_;
// Button data
// Which button we are going to send/have sent for the physical btn press
int button_type_; // left, middle, or right
// If we have sent button down for the currently down button
bool sent_button_down_;
// If we haven't sent a button down by this time, send one
stime_t button_down_timeout_;
// When fingers change, we record the time
stime_t changed_time_;
// When gesturing fingers move after change, we record the time
stime_t started_moving_time_;
// When fingers leave, we record the time
stime_t finger_leave_time_;
// When fingers change, we keep track of where they started.
// Map: Finger ID -> (x, y) coordinate
map<short, Point, kMaxFingers> start_positions_;
// tracking ids of known fingers that are not palms, nor thumbs.
set<short, kMaxFingers> pointing_;
// tracking ids of known non-palms. But might be thumbs.
set<short, kMaxFingers> fingers_;
// contacts believed to be thumbs, and when they were inserted into the map
map<short, stime_t, kMaxFingers> thumb_;
// Tap-to-click
// The current state:
TapToClickState tap_to_click_state_;
// When we entered the state:
stime_t tap_to_click_state_entered_;
TapRecord tap_record_;
// Record time when the finger showed motion (uses different motion detection
// than last_movement_timestamp_)
stime_t tap_drag_last_motion_time_;
// True when the finger was stationary for a while during tap to drag
bool tap_drag_finger_was_stationary_;
// Time when the last motion (scroll, movement) occurred
stime_t last_movement_timestamp_;
// Time when the last swipe gesture was generated
stime_t last_swipe_timestamp_;
// If we are currently pointing, scrolling, etc.
GestureType current_gesture_type_;
// Cache for distance between fingers at start of pinch gesture
float two_finger_start_distance_;
// If the last time we were called, we did a scroll, it contains the ids
// of the scrolling fingers. Otherwise it's empty.
set<short, kMaxGesturingFingers> prev_scroll_fingers_;
ScrollEventBuffer scroll_buffer_;
// Set to true when a scroll is blocked b/c of high pressure change. Cleared
// when a normal scroll goes through.
bool prev_result_high_pressure_change_;
FingerMetrics* finger_metrics_;
scoped_ptr<FingerMetrics> test_finger_metrics_;
// When guessing a pinch gesture. Do we guess pinch (true) or no-pinch?
bool pinch_guess_;
// Time when pinch guess was made. -1 if no guess has been made yet.
stime_t pinch_guess_start_;
// True when the pinch decision has been locked.
bool pinch_locked_;
// Properties
// Is Tap-To-Click enabled
BoolProperty tap_enable_;
// Allows Tap-To-Click to be paused
BoolProperty tap_paused_;
// General time limit [s] for tap gestures
DoubleProperty tap_timeout_;
// General time limit [s] for time between taps.
DoubleProperty inter_tap_timeout_;
// Time [s] before a tap gets recognized as a drag.
DoubleProperty tap_drag_delay_;
// Time [s] it takes to stop dragging when you let go of the touchpad
DoubleProperty tap_drag_timeout_;
// True if drag lock is enabled
BoolProperty drag_lock_enable_;
// Time [s] the finger has to be stationary to be considered dragging
DoubleProperty tap_drag_stationary_time_;
// Distance [mm] a finger can move and still register a tap
DoubleProperty tap_move_dist_;
// Minimum pressure a finger must have for it to click when tap to click is on
DoubleProperty tap_min_pressure_;
// Maximum distance [mm] per frame that a finger can move and still be
// considered stationary.
DoubleProperty tap_max_movement_;
// If three finger click should be enabled. This is a temporary flag so that
// we can deploy this feature behind a file while we work out the bugs.
BoolProperty three_finger_click_enable_;
// If T5R2 should support three-finger click/tap, which can in some situations
// be unreliable.
BoolProperty t5r2_three_finger_click_enable_;
// Distance [mm] a finger must move after fingers change to count as real
// motion
DoubleProperty change_move_distance_;
// Time [s] to block movement after number or identify of fingers change
DoubleProperty change_timeout_;
// Time [s] to wait before locking on to a gesture
DoubleProperty evaluation_timeout_;
// A finger in the damp zone must move at least this much as much as
// the other finger to count toward a gesture. Should be between 0 and 1.
DoubleProperty damp_scroll_min_movement_factor_;
// If two fingers have a pressure difference greater than diff thresh and
// the larger is more than diff factor times the smaller, we assume the
// larger is a thumb.
DoubleProperty two_finger_pressure_diff_thresh_;
DoubleProperty two_finger_pressure_diff_factor_;
// If a large contact moves more than this much times the lowest-pressure
// contact, consider it not to be a thumb.
DoubleProperty thumb_movement_factor_;
// This much time after fingers change, stop allowing contacts classified
// as thumb to be classified as non-thumb.
DoubleProperty thumb_eval_timeout_;
// Consider scroll vs pointing if finger moves at least this distance [mm]
DoubleProperty two_finger_scroll_distance_thresh_;
// Maximum distance [mm] between the outermost fingers while performing a
// three-finger gesture.
DoubleProperty three_finger_close_distance_thresh_;
// Minimum distance [mm] each of the three fingers must move to perform a
// swipe gesture.
DoubleProperty three_finger_swipe_distance_thresh_;
// A finger must change in pressure by less than this per second to trigger
// motion.
DoubleProperty max_pressure_change_;
// If a contact crosses max_pressure_change_, motion continues to be blocked
// until the pressure change per second goes below
// max_pressure_change_hysteresis_.
DoubleProperty max_pressure_change_hysteresis_;
// During a scroll one finger determines scroll speed and direction.
// Maximum distance [mm] the other finger can move in opposite direction
DoubleProperty scroll_stationary_finger_max_distance_;
// Height [mm] of the bottom zone
DoubleProperty bottom_zone_size_;
// Time [s] to evaluate number of fingers for a click
DoubleProperty button_evaluation_timeout_;
// Timeval of time when keyboard was last touched. After the low one is set,
// the two are converted into an stime_t and stored in keyboard_touched_.
IntProperty keyboard_touched_timeval_high_; // seconds
IntProperty keyboard_touched_timeval_low_; // microseconds
stime_t keyboard_touched_;
// During this timeout, which is time [s] since the keyboard has been used,
// we are extra aggressive in palm detection. If this time is > 10s apart
// from now (either before or after), it's disregarded. We disregard old
// values b/c they no longer apply. Because of delays in other interpreters
// (LooaheadInterpreter), it's possible to get "future" keyboard used times.
// We wouldn't want a single bad future value to stop all tap-to-click, so
// we sanity check.
DoubleProperty keyboard_palm_prevent_timeout_;
// Motion (pointer movement, scroll) must halt for this length of time [s]
// before a tap can generate a click.
DoubleProperty motion_tap_prevent_timeout_;
// A finger must be at least this far from other fingers when it taps [mm].
DoubleProperty tapping_finger_min_separation_;
// y| V /
// | / D _-
// | / _-'
// | / _-'
// |/_-' H
// |'____________x
// The above quadrant of a cartesian plane shows the angles where we snap
// scrolling to vertical or horizontal. Very Vertical or Horizontal scrolls
// are snapped, while Diagonal scrolls are not. The two properties below
// are the slopes for the two lines.
DoubleProperty vertical_scroll_snap_slope_;
DoubleProperty horizontal_scroll_snap_slope_;
// Ratio between finger movement that indicates not-a-pinch gesture
DoubleProperty no_pinch_guess_ratio_;
// Ratio between finger movement that certainly indicates not-a-pinch gesture
DoubleProperty no_pinch_certain_ratio_;
// Movement [mm] that is considered as noise during pinch detection
DoubleProperty pinch_noise_level_;
// Minimal distance [mm] fingers have to move to indicate a pinch gesture.
DoubleProperty pinch_guess_min_movement_;
// Minimal distance [mm] fingers have to move to lock a pinch gesture.
DoubleProperty pinch_certain_min_movement_;
// Temporary flag to turn pinch on/off while we tune it.
BoolProperty pinch_enable_;
// Depth of recent scroll event buffer used to compute Fling velocity.
// For most systems this will be 3. However, for systems that use 2x
// interpolation, this should be 6, to ensure that the scroll events for 3
// actual hardware states are used.
IntProperty fling_buffer_depth_;
} // namespace gestures