Add gesture properties service documentation

TEST=Check rendering in Gitiles, run through instructions on a

Change-Id: If009f1494a03035254a2e62e8294ff2e99f1aef8
Tested-by: Harry Cutts <>
Reviewed-by: Sean O'Brien <>
Commit-Queue: Harry Cutts <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed4127a
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+++ b/docs/
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+# Gesture Properties
+The Gestures library has many parameters which affect its operation. Examples
+include acceleration curves, whether to reverse the scroll direction, and
+thresholds for determining whether a touch is from a palm or a finger.
+These parameters are represented by gesture properties, values which can be
+changed by Chromium (though not always through the settings UI). This document
+describes the gesture properties system and how it can be used by developers.
+## Property representation
+Each pointing device (touchpad, mouse, etc.) connected to a system has its own
+set of gesture properties. Properties are identified by human-readable names,
+such as "Scroll Accel Curve", "Mouse Reverse Scrolling", or "Palm Pressure".
+Each property has a type (integer, double, boolean, or string), and a size,
+which is the number of values of that type that it stores. (For strings, the
+size is always 1.) Some properties are read-only, which normally means that
+modifying them wouldn't make sense (for example, the "Device Vendor ID"
+property, which reflects a hardware ID).
+## Changing properties without recompiling
+All properties have default values which are set in source code. These are
+sometimes overridden by one of the configuration files in the [xorg-conf
+repository][xorg-conf] (normally to tune a touchpad or set the resolution for a
+mouse). However, since most of the time these are things you want to tweak many
+times or toggle quickly, it's easiest to change them using the Gesture
+Properties Service.
+### Enabling the Gesture Properties Service
+First, enable the service by going to
+chrome://flags/#gesture-properties-dbus-service, set the flag to "Enabled", and
+restart Chromium. You should only have to do this once per Chromium profile.
+### From crosh
+Now that the service is enabled, you can change property values from `crosh`. To
+open it, press Ctrl+Alt+T.
+To determine the ID number of the input device you want to change properties
+for, run `gesture_prop devices` (or `gesture_prop devs` for short). Here's some
+example output:
+crosh> gesture_prop devices
+method return time=1576605764.119024 sender=:1.65 -> destination=:1.77 serial=330 reply_serial=2
+   uint32 1
+   array [
+      dict entry(
+         int32 9
+         string "Atmel maXTouch Touchpad"
+      )
+   ]
+In this case, there is one input device with gesture properties, the maXTouch
+Touchpad with ID 9. We can see all of the properties it supports with
+`gesture_prop list 9`:
+crosh> gesture_prop list 9
+method return time=1576606086.727507 sender=:1.65 -> destination=:1.81 serial=503 reply_serial=2
+   uint32 205
+   array [
+      string "Two Finger Vertical Close Distance Thresh"
+      string "Two Finger Horizontal Close Distance Thresh"
+      string "Logging Notify"
+      string "Damp Scroll Min Move Factor"
+      string "No-Pinch Certain Ratio"
+      string "Merged Finger Suspicious Angle Min Displacement"
+      string "Merged Finger X Jump Min Disp"
+      string "Finger Merge Maximum Pressure"
+      string "Device Touchpad"
+      string "Merged Finger Max Age"
+      string "Mouse CPI"
+      ...
+      string "Australian Scrolling"
+      ...
+   ]
+Let's find the value of the "Australian Scrolling" property, which determines
+whether the scrolling direction is inverted:
+crosh> gesture_prop get 9 "Australian Scrolling"
+method return time=1576606330.909750 sender=:1.65 -> destination=:1.86 serial=574 reply_serial=2
+   boolean false
+   uint32 1
+   variant       array [
+         boolean true
+      ]
+The output tells us multiple things:
+*   `boolean false` tells us that the property is not read-only;
+*   `uint32 1` is the number of values this property has, in this case 1; and
+*   the lines inside `variant array [` are the values of the property.
+At the moment, "Australian Scrolling" is true, meaning that scroll direction is
+inverted. If we move two fingers up on the pad, the content will scroll down.
+Let's change the value:
+crosh> gesture_prop set 9 "Australian Scrolling" array:boolean:false
+method return time=1576606314.847606 sender=:1.65 -> destination=:1.84 serial=566 reply_serial=2
+This should immediately take effect, meaning that moving two fingers up on the
+pad scrolls the content up. Unless you change it again, the value will remain
+the same until Chromium next restarts.
+#### Value syntax
+In the example above, we specified the value as `array:boolean:false`, which may
+seem rather obtuse for setting a simple flag. This is because all properties
+(except strings) are counted as arrays, hence the `array:` prefix, and we have
+to specify the type of value we're setting, in this case `boolean`. (The
+available types are `int32`, `double`, `boolean`, and `string`.) To specify
+multiple values, separate them by commas:
+crosh> gesture_prop set 9 "Some array property" array:int32:1,2,3,4
+This syntax is actually borrowed from the Linux `dbus-send` command, so see [its
+`man` page]( for a
+full description.
+### Over D-Bus
+On Chromebooks with developer mode enabled, it's also possible to use the
+service over D-Bus from your own program. This could be useful if you need to
+write more advanced tooling to change certain properties, such as the
+acceleration curves, which would be tedious to modify manually. See the
+`cmd_gesture_prop` function in the [`crosh` script][crosh] and the handlers in
+[``][service-provider] as references for
+the D-Bus API.
+## Pointer acceleration curves
+Perhaps the most important gesture properties are those that represent
+acceleration curves. These define how fast the mouse pointer moves in relation
+to the speed at which the user moves the mouse or their finger. While a default
+for each curve is compiled in to Chromium, a custom curve can be activated by
+setting a corresponding boolean property (e.g. "Use Custom Mouse Pointer Accel
+(Note that mouse wheel scrolling curves are defined more simply, as a single
+polynomial with five terms, so they aren't covered here.)
+Acceleration curves are defined by up to 20 quadratic curve segments. Each curve
+segment has four parameters defining a quadratic, where *x* is the magnitude of
+the motion:
+*   the maximum value of *x* for which this segment will be applied (default
+    infinity, called `x_` in code)
+*   *a*, the *x²* multiplier (default 0, called `sqr_`)
+*   *b*, the *x* multiplier (default 1, called `mul_`)
+*   *c*, the constant (default 0, called `int_`)
+So, each quadratic (of the form *ax² + bx + c*) applies to values of
+*x* between the maximum value of the previous segment and its own maximum value.
+In the gesture properties, the four parameters from each curve segment are
+concatenated together into an array of 80 doubles. (These are then cast to
+[`struct CurveSegment`][struct-curvesegment]s by `AccelFilterInterpreter`.)
+Putting all of this together, we might change the mouse pointer acceleration
+"curve" into a straight line where *y = -x* (therefore inverting pointer
+movement) with the following commands:
+crosh> gesture_prop set 12 "Mouse Pointer Accel Curve" array:double:inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0,inf,0,-1,0
+crosh> gesture_prop set 12 "Use Custom Mouse Pointer Accel Curve" array:boolean:true
+(Of course, really only the first four values of the curve matter here, as the
+maximum *x* of the first segment is infinite.)