blob: be4b56646f3e30f5b8a769f4eca36b53a877dd09 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
glbench_knownbad_images ... directory with images of known bugs
glbench_reference_images ... good images
glbench_sample_testoutput ... unsorted output from sample test runs (human consumption only)
These directories contains reference images for graphics_GLBench test. After
uncompressing to RGBA these images will match the checksums in their name:
For example:
> convert clear_color.pixmd5-e3609de122a164fe240a562c69367de.png rgba:- | md5sum
e3609de1022a164fe240a562c69367de -
Combining test name with MD5 makes it possible to keep multiple versions
of reference images in the same directory. Also checking against reference
images becomes a simple file existence test.
The "convert" tool comes from the imagemagick package.