blob: 997ef456fe8d5ecaca5ba6dba198cc686f22d168 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/abstract_dbus_service.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/dbus.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "login_manager/child_job.h"
#include "login_manager/system_utils.h"
class CommandLine;
namespace login_manager {
namespace gobject {
struct SessionManager;
} // namespace gobject
class ChildJob;
// Provides a wrapper for exporting SessionManagerInterface to
// D-Bus and entering the glib run loop.
// ::g_type_init() must be called before this class is used.
class SessionManagerService : public chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService {
// Takes ownership of |child|.
explicit SessionManagerService(ChildJob* child);
virtual ~SessionManagerService();
// Implementing chromeos::dbus::AbstractDbusService
virtual bool Initialize();
virtual bool Reset();
// Runs the command specified on the command line as |desired_uid_| and
// watches it, restarting it whenever it exits abnormally -- UNLESS
// |magic_chrome_file| exists.
// So, this function will run until one of the following occurs:
// 1) the specified command exits normally
// 2) |magic_chrome_file| exists AND the specified command exits for any
// reason
// 3) We can't fork/exec/setuid to |desired_uid_|
virtual bool Run();
virtual const char* service_name() const {
return kSessionManagerServiceName;
virtual const char* service_path() const {
return kSessionManagerServicePath;
virtual const char* service_interface() const {
return kSessionManagerInterface;
virtual GObject* service_object() const {
return G_OBJECT(session_manager_);
// If you want to call any of these setters, you should do so before calling
// any other methods on this class.
void set_child_pid(pid_t pid) { child_pid_ = pid; }
void set_systemutils(SystemUtils* utils) { system_.reset(utils); }
void set_exit_on_child_done(bool do_exit) { exit_on_child_done_ = do_exit; }
// Returns true if |child_job_| believes it should be run.
bool should_run_child() { return child_job_->ShouldRun(); }
// Fork, then call child_job_->Run() in the child and set a
// babysitter in the parent's glib default context that calls
// HandleChildExit when the child is done.
int RunChild();
// Tell us that, if we want, we can cause a graceful exit from g_main_loop.
void AllowGracefulExit();
// SessionManagerService commands
// Emits the "login-prompt-ready" upstart signal.
gboolean EmitLoginPromptReady(gboolean* OUT_emitted, GError** error);
// In addition to emitting "start-user-session", this function will
// also call child_job_->Toggle().
gboolean StartSession(gchar* email_address,
gchar* unique_identifier,
gboolean* OUT_done,
GError** error);
// In addition to emitting "stop-user-session", this function will
// also call child_job_->Toggle().
gboolean StopSession(gchar* unique_identifier,
gboolean* OUT_done,
GError** error);
virtual GMainLoop* main_loop() { return main_loop_; }
static void do_nothing(int sig) {}
// Common code between SIG{HUP, INT, TERM}Handler.
static void GracefulShutdownHandler(int signal);
static void SIGHUPHandler(int signal);
static void SIGINTHandler(int signal);
static void SIGTERMHandler(int signal);
// |data| is a SessionManagerService*
static void HandleChildExit(GPid pid,
gint status,
gpointer data);
// |data| is a SessionManagerService*. This is a wrapper around
// ServiceShutdown() so that we can register it as the callback for
// when |source| has data to read.
static gboolean HandleKill(GIOChannel* source,
GIOCondition condition,
gpointer data);
// So that we can enqueue an event that will exit the main loop.
// |data| is a SessionManagerService*
static gboolean ServiceShutdown(gpointer data);
// Perform very, very basic validation of |email_address|.
static bool ValidateEmail(const std::string& email_address);
// Setup any necessary signal handlers.
void SetupHandlers();
// Terminate all children, with increasing prejudice.
void CleanupChildren(int timeout);
void SetGError(GError** error, ChromeOSLoginError, const char* message);
static const uint32 kMaxEmailSize;
static const char kEmailSeparator;
static const char kLegalCharacters[];
scoped_ptr<ChildJob> child_job_;
bool exit_on_child_done_;
pid_t child_pid_;
gobject::SessionManager* session_manager_;
GMainLoop* main_loop_;
scoped_ptr<SystemUtils> system_;
bool session_started_;
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, SessionNotStartedCleanupTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, SessionNotStartedSlowKillCleanupTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, SessionStartedCleanupTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, SessionStartedSlowKillCleanupTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, EmailAddressTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, EmailAddressNonAsciiTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, EmailAddressNoAtTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SessionManagerTest, EmailAddressTooMuchAtTest);
} // namespace login_manager