blob: eb15cd6953dd2e3c8b0e5086f89385a3d90f8f8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Simple microbenchmark framework
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/command_line.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/scoped_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
// CHROMEOS_MICROBENCHMARK_WITH_SETUP is the primary macro for
// using a microbenchmark from this framework.
// For quick use, create a new .cc file in your project.
// Include this header and create two static functions,
// one for setup and one for executing the test once.
// After both are defined, append:
// The last argument is the default number of runs. This may
// be overridden at run-time and, in the future, may be automatically
// tweaked to avoid measurement errors.
// The _NAME function should be of the prototype:
// void MyTest(bool scaffold_only);
// The _SETUP_NAME function should be of the prototype:
// void SetupMyTest(uint64 number_of_runs);
class _NAME ## Class : public Microbenchmark { \
public: \
_NAME ## Class() {} \
~_NAME ## Class() {} \
const char *name() const { return #_NAME; } \
void Setup(uint64 runs) { _SETUP_NAME(runs); } \
void SingleTest(bool scaffold_only) { _NAME(scaffold_only); } \
}; \
TEST(_NAME, Microbenchmark) { \
_NAME ## Class chromeos_benchmark; \
CommandLine *cl = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); \
errno = 0; \
std::string runs_str = \
cl->GetSwitchValueASCII(chromeos::Microbenchmark::kRunsSwitch); \
unsigned long long runs = _RUNS; \
if (!runs_str.empty()) { \
errno = 0; \
runs = strtoull(runs_str.c_str(), NULL, 0); \
if (errno) \
runs = _RUNS; \
} \
chromeos_benchmark.Run(runs); \
chromeos_benchmark.Print(); \
// This is a shortcut macro. If you don't need to setup any global state for
// use in your test, you can use this instead of _WITH_SETUP.
CHROMEOS_MICROBENCHMARK_WITH_SETUP(chromeos::microbenchmark_helper::NoSetup, \
_NAME, \
namespace chromeos {
namespace microbenchmark_helper {
void NoSetup(uint64 runs);
} // microbenchmark_helper
// A simple microbenchmarking abstract class.
// This class is not thread-safe and should only be invoked
// from one thread at a time.
class Microbenchmark {
Microbenchmark() : scaffold_total_ns_(0),
runs_(0) {}
virtual ~Microbenchmark() {}
// Switch to override the number of runs to perform.
static const char *kRunsSwitch;
// Performs the actual microbenchmarking.
void Run(uint64 number_of_runs);
// Outputs a standard format of the testing data to stdout.
void Print() const;
// Accessors
const uint64 total_nanoseconds() const { return total_ns_; }
const uint64 per_run_nanoseconds() const { return per_run_ns_; }
const uint64 scaffold_total_nanoseconds() const
{ return scaffold_total_ns_; }
const uint64 scaffold_per_run_nanoseconds() const
{ return scaffold_per_run_ns_; }
const uint64 runs() const { return runs_; }
//// Test code to be implemented by the class consumer.
virtual const char *name() const = 0;
// Called automatically before the benchmark.
virtual void Setup(uint64 runs) = 0;
// Should execute the test to benchmark once.
virtual void SingleTest(bool scaffold_only) = 0;
uint64 scaffold_total_ns_;
uint64 scaffold_per_run_ns_;
uint64 total_ns_;
uint64 per_run_ns_;
uint64 runs_;
} // chromeos