blob: caddee79ce40df2af90149cd59efc2ea6a308c05 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, namedtuple, OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from mtreplay import MTReplay
from queryengine import Query, QueryEngine, QueryMatch, QueryResult
import re
class MTStatQuery(Query):
""" Searches for MTStat lines.
An MTStat line looks like 'MTStat:124.321:Key=Value' and is used
for generating statistics and searching of numeric values.
line_regex = re.compile('MTStat:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+):(\w+)([=:])(\w+)')
line_match = namedtuple("LineMatch", "timestamp key operator value")
def MatchLine(cls, line):
match = cls.line_regex.match(line)
if match:
return cls.line_match(,,,
return None
# supported operators for queries
search_operators = {
">": lambda a, b: float(a) > float(b),
">=": lambda a, b: float(a) >= float(b),
"<": lambda a, b: float(a) < float(b),
"<=": lambda a, b: float(a) <= float(b),
"=": lambda a, b: str(a) == str(b),
"==": lambda a, b: str(a) == str(b),
"!=": lambda a, b: str(a) != str(b)
def __init__(self, query=None, capture_logs=False):
self.query = query
self.capture_logs = capture_logs
# parse search query
if self.query:
# example: Key >= 32
query_regex = re.compile('\s*(\w+)\s*([<>=!]+)\s*([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s*')
match = query_regex.match(query)
if not match:
raise ValueError(query, " is not a valid query")
self.key =
self.op =
self.value =
def FindMatches(self, replay_results, filename):
# find MTStat lines in log
lines = replay_results.gestures_log.splitlines()
lines = filter(lambda line: MTStatQuery.MatchLine(line), lines)
all_matches = map(lambda line: MTStatMatch(line, filename), lines)
# samples are denoted by the : operator, all of them are returned.
samples = filter(lambda match: match.operator == ":", all_matches)
# updates are denoted by the = operator and force only the last
# update to be returned.
updates = filter(lambda match: match.operator == "=", all_matches)
last_updates = dict([(update.key, update) for update in updates])
matches = samples + last_updates.values()
# filter by search query if requested
if self.query:
matches = filter(self.Match, matches)
return matches
def Match(self, match):
op = MTStatQuery.search_operators[self.op]
return (match.key == self.key and
op(match.value, self.value))
class MTStatMatch(QueryMatch):
def __init__(self, line, file):
match = MTStatQuery.MatchLine(line)
QueryMatch.__init__(self, file, float(match.timestamp), line)
self.key = match.key
self.operator = match.operator
self.value = match.value
class RegexQuery(Query):
""" Searches the raw gestures log with a regular expression """
def __init__(self, query):
self.regex = re.compile(query)
self.capture_logs = True
def FindMatches(self, replay_results, filename):
lines = replay_results.gestures_log.splitlines()
lines = filter(lambda line: self.regex.match(line), lines)
matches = map(lambda line: QueryMatch(filename, None, line), lines)
return matches
class GesturesQuery(Query):
""" Searches for gestures with matching type """
def __init__(self, type, capture_logs):
self.type = type
self.capture_logs = capture_logs
def FindMatches(self, replay_results, filename):
gestures = replay_results.gestures.gestures
if self.type:
gestures = filter(lambda g: g.type == self.type, gestures)
return map(lambda g: GesturesMatch(filename, g), gestures)
class GesturesMatch(QueryMatch):
def __init__(self, filename, gesture):
QueryMatch.__init__(self, filename, gesture.start, str(gesture))
self.gesture = gesture
class GesturesDiffQuery(GesturesQuery):
""" Compare gestures to 'original' QueryResult and search for changes """
def __init__(self, type, original):
self.type = type
self.original = original
self.capture_logs = True
def FindMatches(self, replay_results, filename):
self_matches = GesturesQuery.FindMatches(self, replay_results, filename)
original_matches = self.original.matches
size = min(len(original_matches), len(self_matches))
matches = []
for i in range(size):
if str(self_matches[i].gesture) != str(original_matches[i].gesture):
match = GesturesDiffMatch(filename, self_matches[i].gesture,
return matches
class GesturesDiffMatch(GesturesMatch):
def __init__(self, filename, new, original):
GesturesMatch.__init__(self, filename, new)
self.original = original
def __str__(self):
return "%f: %s != %s" % (self.timestamp, str(self.gesture),
class MTStat(object):
def SearchChanges(self, type=None, number=None, platform=None, parallel=True):
""" Search for changed gestures.
This command will compare the gestures output of the HEAD version of
the gestures library with the local version.
Optionally the type of gestures to look at can be specified by 'type'
engine = QueryEngine()
files = engine.SelectFiles(number, platform)
gestures_query = GesturesQuery(type, False)
original_results = engine.Execute(files, gestures_query, parallel=parallel)
diff_queries =dict([
(file, GesturesDiffQuery(type, original_results[file]))
for file in files if file in original_results])
return engine.Execute(files, diff_queries, parallel=parallel)
def Search(self, search=None, gestures=None, regex=None,
number=None, platform=None, parallel=True):
""" Search for occurences of a specific tag or regex.
Specify either a 'search' or a 'regex'. Search queries are formatted
in a simple "key operator value" format. For example:
"MyKey > 5" will return all matches where MyKey has a value
of greater than 5.
Supported operators are: >, <, >=, <=, =, !=
number: optional number of random reports to use
parallel: use parallel processing
returns a dictionary of lists containing the matches
for each file.
engine = QueryEngine()
files = engine.SelectFiles(number, platform)
if search:
query = MTStatQuery(search, True)
elif regex:
query = RegexQuery(regex)
elif gestures:
query = GesturesQuery(gestures, True)
return None
return engine.Execute(files, query, parallel=parallel)
def GatherStats(self, number=None, platform=None, parallel=True, num_bins=10):
""" Gathers stats on feedback reports.
Returns a dictionary with a histogram for each recorded key.
engine = QueryEngine()
files = engine.SelectFiles(number, platform)
results = engine.Execute(files, MTStatQuery(), parallel=parallel)
# gather values for each key in a list
all_matches = chain(*[result.matches for result in results.values()])
value_collection = defaultdict(list)
for match in all_matches:
# build histograms
histograms = {}
for key, values in value_collection.items():
histograms[key] = self._Histogram(values, num_bins)
return OrderedDict(sorted(histograms.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
def Download(self, num, offset, parallel=True):
QueryEngine().Download(num, offset, parallel)
def _Histogram(self, values, num_bins):
def RawHistogram(values):
return OrderedDict(Counter(values))
# convert all items to integers.
integers = []
for value in values:
# not an integer.
return RawHistogram(values)
# don't condense lists that are already small enough
if len(set(integers)) <= num_bins:
return RawHistogram(integers)
# all integer values, use bins for histogram
histogram = OrderedDict()
integers = sorted(integers)
# calculate bin size (append one at the end to include last value)
begin = integers[0]
end = integers[-1] + 1
bin_size = float(end - begin) / float(num_bins)
# remove each bins integers from the list and count them.
for i in range(num_bins):
high_v = round((i + 1) * bin_size) + begin
filtered = filter(lambda i: i >= high_v, integers)
histogram["<%d" % high_v] = len(integers) - len(filtered)
integers = filtered
return histogram