blob: e95021791c5a3132b00b2b5d05a85f5f3bea4662 [file] [log] [blame]
//todo: only one LE connection attempt can exist at a time
//our "extra" param for event filtering canhandle other events to as long as we're willing to have a giant switch-case... and check against it in all structs
//todo: always request remote versions & features before using them (eg: le encrypt support) and before telling anyone a link is up!
//todo: always set flush timout to infinite
//todo: since only one LE connection attempt can exist at a time, enqueue others...
//todo: when link up do not upcall to l2cap until we have all features and versions from the other side gotten already!
//todo: The LE_Create_Connection_Cancel command is used to cancel the LE_Create_Connection command. This command shall only be issued after the LE_Create_Connection command has been issued, a Command Status event has been received for the LE Create Connection command and before the LE Connection Complete event
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "workQueue.h"
#include "vendorLib.h"
#include "hci_int.h"
#include "persist.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "l2cap.h"
#include "aapi.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "uniq.h"
#include "hci.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mt.h"
#define MAX_FTR_PAGES 4 /* we'll not get any more than this */
struct hciCmdHdr {
uint16_t opcode;
uint8_t paramLen;
} __packed;
#define CMD_MAKE_OPCODE(ogf, ocf) ((((uint16_t)((ogf) & 0x3f)) << 10) | ((ocf) & 0x03ff))
#define CMD_GET_OGF(opcode) (((opcode) >> 10) & 0x3f)
#define CMD_GET_OCF(opcode) ((opcode) & 0x03ff)
struct hciAclHdr {
uint16_t hdr;
uint16_t len;
} __packed;
#define ACL_HDR_MASK_PB 0x3000
#define ACL_HDR_MASK_BC 0xC000
#define ACL_HDR_PB_CONINUED 0x1000
#define ACL_HDR_PB_FIRST_AUTO 0x2000
#define ACL_HDR_PB_COMPLETE 0x3000
struct hciScoHdr {
uint16_t hdr;
uint8_t len;
} __packed;
#define SCO_HDR_MASK_STATUS 0x3000
#define SCO_STATUS_ALL_OK 0x0000
#define SCO_STATUS_UNKNOWN 0x1000
#define SCO_STATUS_NO_DATA 0x2000
#define SCO_STATUS_SOME_DATA 0x3000
struct hciEvtHdr {
uint8_t code;
uint8_t len;
} __packed;
/* returns true if this is the event we wanted, false else. Do not block! If evt is passed as NULL, stack is shutting down. Do not try to enqueue/dequeue handlers here either */
typedef bool (*hciEvtCbk)(const struct hciEvtHdr *evt, uint32_t evtSz, void *cbkData, uniq_t evtWaitStateID, uniq_t forCmdID);
typedef void (*hciSimpleCbk)(void* cbkData1, void* cbkData2, bool stackGoingDown, struct hciEvtHdr *evt);
struct hciEvtWaitState {
uniq_t evtWaitStateID; /* used to cancel THIS waiter */
uniq_t forCmdID; /* used to cancel ALL waiters for this CMD */
struct hciEvtWaitState *next;
struct hciEvtWaitState *prev;
hciEvtCbk cbk;
void *cbkData;
uint16_t extra; /* cmd for cmd complete/statue, subevent for LE */
uint8_t evtType;
bool persistent; /* do not delete when it fires */
struct hciEvtWaitDescr {
uint8_t evtType; /* == 0 -> not valid/not enabled */
uint16_t extra;
hciEvtCbk cbk;
void *cbkData;
bool persistent;
struct hciEvtWaitDescrWithID {
struct hciEvtWaitDescr descr;
uniq_t id;
struct hciCmdSubmitWithCompleteSyncData {
sem_t *sem;
void *evtBuf;
uint8_t evtBufSz;
bool goingDown;
struct hciCmdSendWorkItem {
uniq_t cmdID;
uint8_t numEventWaiters;
sg cmd;
/* even handlers */
struct hciEvtWaitDescrWithID ewds[];
#define CBK_WORK_FLUSH 3
#define CBK_WORK_CONN_UP 4
struct hciCbkWorkItem {
uint8_t cbkWorkItemType;
union {
struct {
hciOpDoneCbk cbk;
void *cbkData;
uint8_t status;
} done;
struct {
hciSimpleCbk cbk;
void *cbkData1;
void *cbkData2;
bool stackGoingDown;
bool haveEvt;
} simple;
struct {
struct bt_addr addr;
uint8_t advType;
int8_t rssi;
uint8_t advLen;
uint8_t adv[];
} leDev;
struct {
sem_t *sem;
} flush;
struct {
hci_conn_t conn;
struct bt_addr peerAddr;
struct bt_addr selfAddr;
bool isMaster;
bool isEncrypted;
bool isMitmSafe;
} connUp;
struct {
hci_conn_t conn;
uint8_t reason;
} connDown;
struct {
hci_conn_t conn;
bool success;
uint16_t interval;
uint16_t latency;
uint16_t timeout;
} leParamChange;
struct {
hci_conn_t conn;
bool nowEncrypted;
bool isMitmSafe;
} encrChange;
struct {
hci_conn_t conn;
sg packet;
bool first;
} aclDataRx;
struct {
hci_conn_t conn;
uint64_t randomNum;
uint16_t diversifier;
} leKeyReq;
struct hciBacklogItemHdr {
uint32_t len;
uint16_t aclHdr;
} __packed;
struct hciSimpleCbkData {
hciSimpleCbk cbk; /* may be null */
void *cbkData1;
void *cbkData2;
uint8_t expectedParamLenMin;
uint8_t expectedParamLenMax;
uint8_t wantEventItself :1;
uint8_t complete :1;
struct hciAclConn {
struct hciAclConn *next;
struct hciAclConn *prev;
struct bt_addr peerAddr;
struct bt_addr selfAddr;
hci_conn_t handle;
uint16_t id;
bool isMaster;
bool encrypted;
bool mitmSafe;
uint8_t state; /* CONN_STATE_* */
sg rxBacklog; /* data we RXed during configuration stage */
uint32_t outstandingPackets;
union {
struct {
uint64_t ftrs;
uint16_t interval;
uint16_t latency;
uint16_t timeout;
uint8_t mca;
hci_adv_set_t advSet;
} le;
//EDR struct here if needed
struct hciAdvSet {
/* bookkeeping */
struct hciAdvSet *next;
struct hciAdvSet *prev;
hci_adv_set_t handle;
/* hw state */
uint16_t hwSetNum;
bool hwEnabled;
int8_t hwPowerLevel; /* if hw supports power setting, must be populated when enabled */
/* user data */
uint32_t advDataLen;
uint32_t scanRspDataLen;
uint8_t advData[HCI_ADV_DATA_MAX_LEN];
uint8_t scanRspData[HCI_SCAN_RSP_DATA_MAX_LEN];
uint16_t intervalMin;
uint16_t intervalMax;
uint8_t advType;
uint8_t ownAddressType;
struct bt_addr ownRandomAddr; //only used if random addr selected
struct bt_addr directAddr;
uint8_t channelMap;
uint8_t filterPolicy;
int8_t powerLevel;
#define CONN_STATE_CFG 2
#define CONN_CFG_STEP_LE 0x0000
#define ADV_SET_BLAME_TIMEOUT_ANDROID_VENDOR 100 /* 100ms is as good a number as any */
#define STACK_STATE_DOWN 0 //down and not ready for up
#define STACK_STATE_READY_FOR_UP 1 //ready to be brought up
#define STACK_STATE_COMING_UP 2 //on the way up
#define STACK_STATE_UP 3 //working
#define STACK_STATE_GOING_DOWN 4 //on the way down
/* useful constants */
static const char *mBtVers[] = {"1.0b", "1.1", "1.2", "2.0", "2.1", "3.0", "4.0", "4.1", "4.2", "5.0"};
/* our state */
static pthread_mutex_t mCmdWaitLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static struct hciEvtWaitState *mEvtWaitHead = NULL;
static struct hciEvtWaitState *mEvtWaitTail = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t mCmdLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static sem_t mCmdSendSem;
static struct workQueue* mCmdsSendWork;
static pthread_t mCmdsSendThread;
static uint8_t mStackState = STACK_STATE_DOWN;
static struct workQueue* mCallbackWork;
static pthread_t mCallbackThread;
static pthread_mutex_t mConnsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static struct hciAclConn *mConns = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t mAdvSetsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static struct hciAdvSet *mAdvSets = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t mDiscoveryStateLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static hciDeviceDiscoveredLeCbk mDiscoverLeCbk;
static void *mDiscoverLeData;
static uniq_t mDiscoverLeHandle = 0;
/* read from chip */
static uint8_t mBtVer = 0; /* HCI_VERSION_* */
static uint64_t mLocalFtrs[MAX_FTR_PAGES] = {0, };
static uint64_t mLocalLeFtrs = 0;
static uint16_t mScoBufSz = 0;
static uint16_t mAclBufSzEdr = 0;
static uint16_t mAclBufSzLe = 0;
static uint16_t mScoBufNum = 0;
static uint16_t mAclBufNumEdr = 0;
static uint16_t mAclBufNumLe = 0;
static bool mBtJointBuffers = true; /* use EDR buffers for LE */
static sem_t mAclPacketsLe;
static sem_t mAclPacketsEdr;
static uint8_t mInquiryState = 0;
static uint8_t mLocalAddr[BT_MAC_LEN];
static uint16_t mMaxAdvSets;
static bool mCanSetAdvTxPower;
/* fwd declarations */
static bool hciBtStackUp(void);
static bool hciScheduleConnUpNotif(hci_conn_t conn, const struct bt_addr *peerAddr, const struct bt_addr *selfAddr, bool isMaster, bool isEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe);
static bool hciScheduleConnDownNotif(hci_conn_t conn, uint8_t reason);
static bool hciScheduleConnDataRx(hci_conn_t conn, sg packet, bool first);
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusWithDoneCbk(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint8_t paramLen, hciOpDoneCbk cbk, void *cbkData);
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteSync(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint8_t paramLen, void* evtBuf, uint8_t evtBufSz);
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusSync(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void *paramData, uint8_t paramLen, struct hciEvtCmdStatus *dstEvt);
static void hciHandleConnAclDown(uint16_t cid, uint8_t reason);
static bool hciHandleConnAclLeUp(uint8_t status, uint16_t id, bool isMaster, const uint8_t *mac, bool addrRandom, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t mca);
static bool hciHandleConnAclEncr(uint16_t cid, bool encrOn);
static bool hciHandleConnAclAuth(uint16_t cid, bool authOn);
static bool hciHandleConnAclLeUpdate(uint8_t status, uint16_t cid, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout);
static bool hciHandleConnLeLtkReq(uint16_t cid, uint64_t randomNum, uint16_t diversifier);
static bool hciConnUpdate(uint16_t cid, uint16_t minInt, uint16_t maxInt, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout);
static void hciCmdStatusCbk(void *cbkData, uint8_t status);
static bool hciConnDisconnect(uint16_t cid);
static bool hciConnLeCancel(void);
static void hciConnCfg(struct hciAclConn *c, uint32_t step, uint32_t aux);
static bool hciRxAclForRunningConn(struct hciAclConn* conn, uint16_t hdr, sg packet);
static void hciConnAclStructDel(struct hciAclConn* conn);
static bool hciSetupResetEventHandler(bool cmdWaitLockHeld);
/* adv indirection function pointers. Called with mAdvSetsLock held*/
static bool (*mHciAdvSetEnable)(struct hciAdvSet *set, bool enable);
static bool (*mHciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConn)(struct hciAclConn *conn); //return true if done, false if not yet. if false is returned, you MUST later call hciConnCfg(c, CONN_CFG_STEP_LE, 0); and set state to CFG when decided
/* templated commands - they need the above vars hence include here */
#include "hci_templated_commands.h"
* FUNCTION: hciConnFindById
* USE: Find a connection struct given an ID
* PARAMS: id - the id
* RETURN: connection struct or NULL if not found
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static struct hciAclConn* hciConnFindById(uint16_t id)
struct hciAclConn *c = mConns;
while (c && c->id != id)
c = c->next;
return c;
* FUNCTION: hciConnFindByHandle
* USE: Find a connection struct given a handle
* PARAMS: addr - the address
* RETURN: connection struct or NULL if not found
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static struct hciAclConn* hciConnFindByHandle(hci_conn_t handle)
struct hciAclConn *c = mConns;
while (c && c->handle != handle)
c = c->next;
return c;
* FUNCTION: hciConnFindByAddr
* USE: Find a connection struct given an address
* PARAMS: addr - the address
* RETURN: connection struct or NULL if not found
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static struct hciAclConn* hciConnFindByAddr(const struct bt_addr *addr)
struct hciAclConn *c = mConns;
while (c && memcmp(&c->peerAddr, addr, sizeof(c->peerAddr)))
c = c->next;
return c;
* FUNCTION: hciEvtWaitDequeueInt
* USE: Dequeue a handler for an event we expect
* PARAMS: ws - the handler struct
* NOTES: call with mCmdWaitLock held
static void hciEvtWaitDequeueInt(struct hciEvtWaitState *ws)
if (ws->next)
ws->next->prev = ws->prev;
mEvtWaitTail = ws->prev;
if (ws->prev)
ws->prev->next = ws->next;
mEvtWaitHead = ws->next;
* FUNCTION: hciEvtWaitDequeue
* USE: Dequeue a handler for an event we expect
* PARAMS: evtWaitStateID - wait state ID from hciEvtWaitEnqueue()
* RETURN: true if dequeued, false if not found (already fired or never existed)
static bool hciEvtWaitDequeue(uniq_t evtWaitStateID)
struct hciEvtWaitState *ws;
bool found = true;
ws = mEvtWaitHead;
while (ws && ws->evtWaitStateID != evtWaitStateID)
ws = ws->next;
if (ws)
found = false;
return found;
* FUNCTION: hciEvtWaitDequeueAllForCmd
* USE: Dequeue all handler for a given command ID
* PARAMS: forCmdID - command ID as passed to hciEvtWaitEnqueue();
* RETURN: how many handlers were dequeued
static uint8_t hciEvtWaitDequeueAllForCmd(uniq_t forCmdID)
struct hciEvtWaitState *ws, *t;
uint8_t found = 0;
ws = mEvtWaitHead;
while (ws) {
t = ws;
ws = ws->next;
if (t->forCmdID == forCmdID) {
return found;
* FUNCTION: hciEvtWaitEnqueueUnlocked
* USE: Enqueue a handler for an event we expect
* PARAMS: ewd - the event wait descriptor
* forCmdID - the commandID this is for
* RETURN: uniq_t identifying this event wait object or 0 on failure
* NOTES: must be called with mCmdWaitLock held
static uniq_t hciEvtWaitEnqueueUnlocked(const struct hciEvtWaitDescr *ewd, uniq_t forCmdID)
struct hciEvtWaitState *ws = (struct hciEvtWaitState*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciEvtWaitState));
uniq_t ret;
if (!ws) {
loge("Failed to enqueue handler for event 0x%02X.%04X\n", ewd->evtType, ewd->extra);
return 0;
ret = uniqGetNext();
ws->cbk = ewd->cbk;
ws->cbkData = ewd->cbkData;
ws->evtType = ewd->evtType;
ws->extra = ewd->extra;
ws->persistent = ewd->persistent;
ws->next = NULL;
ws->evtWaitStateID = ret;
ws->forCmdID = forCmdID;
ws->prev = mEvtWaitTail;
mEvtWaitTail = ws;
if (ws->prev)
ws->prev->next = ws;
mEvtWaitHead = ws;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciEvtWaitEnqueue
* USE: Enqueue a handler for an event we expect
* PARAMS: ewd - the event wait descriptor
* forCmdID - the commandID this is for
* RETURN: uniq_t identifying this event wait object or 0 on failure
static uniq_t hciEvtWaitEnqueue(const struct hciEvtWaitDescr *ewd, uniq_t forCmdID)
uniq_t ret;
ret = hciEvtWaitEnqueueUnlocked(ewd, forCmdID);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciCbkChipHwUp
* USE: Called when the chip hw or fw are up
* PARAMS: cbkData - unused
* fw - true if fw status, false if hw
* up - success of bringing said component up
* RETURN: true on success, false else
static void hciCbkChipHwUp(void *cbkData, bool fw, bool up)
logi("BT %cW %s!\n", fw ? 'F' : 'H', up ? "UP" : "DOWN");
* FUNCTION: hciRxAclForRunningConn
* USE: Called with a valid ACL packet/fragment for a running connection
* PARAMS: conn - the connection this is for
* hdr - packet header
* packet - the packet we got
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static bool hciRxAclForRunningConn(struct hciAclConn* conn, uint16_t hdr, sg packet)
uint16_t pb = hdr & ACL_HDR_MASK_PB;
uint16_t bc = hdr & ACL_HDR_MASK_BC;
logw("Invalid acl.pb flag from chp: 0x%04X. Dropped\n", pb);
return false;
return hciScheduleConnDataRx(conn->handle, packet, pb == ACL_HDR_PB_FIRST_AUTO);
* FUNCTION: hciRxAcl
* USE: Called with a valid ACL packet/fragment
* PARAMS: hdr - packet header
* packet - the packet we got
static void hciRxAcl(uint16_t hdr, sg packet)
uint16_t cid = hdr & ACL_HDR_MASK_CONN_ID;
struct hciAclConn* conn;
conn = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (!conn) {
logi("Dropping packet for unknown acl link %d\n", cid);
} else if (conn->state == CONN_STATE_CFG) {
struct hciBacklogItemHdr itemHdr = {.len = sgLength(packet), .aclHdr = hdr};
if (!conn->rxBacklog)
conn->rxBacklog = sgNew();
if (conn->rxBacklog && sgConcatFrontCopy(packet, &itemHdr, sizeof(itemHdr)) && sgLength(conn->rxBacklog) + sgLength(packet) <= HCI_CONN_CFG_DATA_BACKLOG_MAX) {
sgConcat(conn->rxBacklog, packet);
logd("Added packet to RX backlog\n");
} else {
logi("Dropping connection -> we're unable to save RX in backlog\n");
} else if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_RUNNING) {
logi("Dropping arrived data for connection in state %u\n", conn->state);
} else if (!hciRxAclForRunningConn(conn, hdr, packet)) {
logi("Failed to enqueue packet RX for link %d\n", cid);
* FUNCTION: hciRxEvt
* USE: Called with a valid EVT packet
* PARAMS: packet - the packet we got
static void hciRxEvt(sg packet)
struct hciEvtWaitState *ws = NULL, *cur = NULL;
bool handled = false, addCredit = false;
const struct hciEvtCmdComplete *cmdComplete;
const struct hciEvtCmdStatus *cmdStatus;
const struct hciEvtLeMeta *leMeta;
const struct hciEvtVendor *vendor;
const struct hciEvtHdr *evt;
uint8_t evtType, len;
uint32_t i, evtLen;
void* sgiter;
* The SG may or may not be contiguous on the inside. If it is not, we'll alloc a new buffer
* and serialize the SG into it. If it is, we can just use the SG's internal buffer. How do
* we check? Iterate SG of course... Why? To save a copy and a malloc() & a free()
sgiter = sgIterStart(packet);
evtLen = sgLength(packet);
if (sgiter && sgIterCurLen(sgiter) == evtLen)
evt = (const struct hciEvtHdr*)sgIterCurData(sgiter);
else {
evt = malloc(evtLen);
if (!evt) {
loge("Failed to alloc flat event representation\n");
sgSerialize(packet, 0, evtLen, (struct hciEvtHdr*)evt);
sgiter = NULL;
leMeta = (struct hciEvtLeMeta*)(evt + 1);
vendor = (struct hciEvtVendor*)(evt + 1);
cmdComplete = (struct hciEvtCmdComplete*)(evt + 1);
cmdStatus = (struct hciEvtCmdStatus*)(evt + 1);
evtType = utilGetLE8(&evt->code);
len = utilGetLE8(&evt->len);
/* handle the cases of credits: command complete */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Command_Complete && utilGetLE8(&cmdComplete->numCmdCredits))
addCredit = true;
/* handle the cases of credits: command status */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Command_Status && utilGetLE8(&cmdStatus->numCmdCredits))
addCredit = true;
/* handle data credits */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Number_Of_Completed_Packets) {
bool hadLeCreds = false, hadEdrCreds = false;
uint16_t newCreditsEdr = 0, newCreditsLe = 0;
struct hciAclConn* conn;
struct hciEvtNumCompletedPackets *ncp = (struct hciEvtNumCompletedPackets*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtNumCompletedPacketsItem *items = ncp->items;
for (i = 0; i < utilGetLE8(&ncp->numHandles); i++, items++) {
uint16_t connID = utilGetLE16(&items->conn);
uint16_t numPackets = utilGetLE16(&items->numPackets);
uint8_t acceptCredits = 0;
conn = hciConnFindById(connID);
if (!conn) {
loge("Unknown conn 0x%04X in %d packets completed.\n", connID, numPackets);
} else {
if (conn->outstandingPackets >= numPackets) {
acceptCredits = numPackets;
conn->outstandingPackets -= numPackets;
} else {
loge("Conn %u has %u outstanding packets but got %u credits back.\n", (unsigned)conn->id, conn->outstandingPackets, numPackets);
acceptCredits = conn->outstandingPackets;
conn->outstandingPackets = 0;
if (HCI_TAKE_CREDS_FOR_UNKNOWN_CONNS && acceptCredits != numPackets) {
logw("Accepting %d credits for unknown packets\n", numPackets - acceptCredits);
acceptCredits = numPackets;
if (BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr) && !mBtJointBuffers) {
hadLeCreds = true;
newCreditsLe += acceptCredits;
} else {
hadEdrCreds = true;
newCreditsEdr += acceptCredits;
while (newCreditsLe--)
while (newCreditsEdr--)
if (hadLeCreds || (hadEdrCreds && mBtJointBuffers))
handled = true;
/* handle command complete with ocf == 0 and ogf == 0 by ignoring it as per spec */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Command_Complete && !utilGetLE16(&cmdComplete->opcode))
handled = true;
/* handle HW failure */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Hardware_Error) {
struct hciEvtHwError *hwErr = (struct hciEvtHwError*)(evt + 1);
loge("Chip reported HW failure, code %d -> catastropic stack failure\n", utilGetLE8(&hwErr->errCode));
if (!handled) {
ws = mEvtWaitHead;
while (ws && !handled) {
cur = ws;
ws = ws->next;
/* type match? If no, do not go on */
if (evtType != cur->evtType)
/* if LE & Vendor events, check code and skip handler if wrong */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_LE_Meta) {
if(len < sizeof(struct hciEvtLeMeta)) {
logw("Got LE meta event of len %ub\n", len);
if (utilGetLE8(&leMeta->subevent) != cur->extra)
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Vendor) {
if(len < sizeof(struct hciEvtVendor)) {
logw("Got vendor event of len %ub\n", len);
if (utilGetLE8(&vendor->subevent) != cur->extra)
/* same for command complete */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Command_Complete) {
if(len < sizeof(struct hciEvtCmdComplete)) {
logw("Got command complete event of len %ub\n", len);
if (utilGetLE16(&cmdComplete->opcode) != cur->extra)
/* same for command status */
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Command_Status) {
if(len < sizeof(struct hciEvtCmdStatus)) {
logw("Got command status event of len %ub\n", len);
if (utilGetLE16(&cmdStatus->opcode) != cur->extra)
/* if we're here, this handler matches - let's see what it says */
handled = cur->cbk(evt, evtLen, cur->cbkData, cur->evtWaitStateID, cur->forCmdID);
if (handled && cur && !cur->persistent)
if (mStackState == STACK_STATE_GOING_DOWN) {
//if we are now in reset, delete all waiters. reset handler code cannot do it as we still hold the lock
while (mEvtWaitHead)
if (addCredit) {
if (mStackState == STACK_STATE_DOWN)
if (!handled)
logw("Unhandled HCI event code 0x%02X with %ub of params\n", evtType, len);
if (sgiter)
free((struct hciEvtHdr*)evt);
* USE: Called when the chip gives us data/events
* PARAMS: cbkData - unused
* typ - type of thing we're getting
* packet - the packet we got
* RETURN: true on success, false else
* NOTES: we must free the "data" buffer at some point in time - we own it now
static void hciRx(void *cbkData, uint8_t typ, sg packet)
struct hciAclHdr hdrAcl;
struct hciScoHdr hdrSco;
struct hciEvtHdr hdrEvt;
uint32_t datalen = sgLength(packet);
uint32_t len;
uint16_t hdr;
switch (typ){
if (datalen < sizeof(struct hciAclHdr)) {
loge("Got ACL packet of %ub\n", datalen);
datalen -= sizeof(struct hciAclHdr);
sgSerialize(packet, 0, sizeof(struct hciAclHdr), &hdrAcl);
hdr = utilGetLE16(&hdrAcl.hdr);
len = utilGetLE16(&hdrAcl.len);
if (len != datalen) {
loge("ACL packet claims %ub but had %ub\n", len, datalen);
sgTruncFront(packet, sizeof(struct hciAclHdr));
hciRxAcl(hdr, packet);
packet = NULL;
loge("Got SCO packet\n");
if (datalen < sizeof(struct hciEvtHdr)) {
loge("Got EVT packet of %ub\n", datalen);
datalen -= sizeof(struct hciEvtHdr);
sgSerialize(packet, 0, sizeof(struct hciEvtHdr), &hdrEvt);
len = utilGetLE8(&hdrEvt.len);
if (len != datalen) {
loge("EVT packet claims %ub but had %ub\n", len, datalen);
packet = NULL;
loge("Dropping unknown packet with type %d\n", typ);
if (packet)
* FUNCTION: hciCallbackWorkDeallocator
* USE: Called to cleanup each item of callback workqueue at deinit time
* PARAMS: workItem - a work item
static void hciCallbackWorkDeallocator(void *workItem)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)workItem;
if (w->cbkWorkItemType == CBK_WORK_ACL_DATA)
* FUNCTION: hciCallbackWorkDeallocator
* USE: Called to cleanup each item of command send workqueue at deinit time
* PARAMS: workItem - a work item
static void hciCmdSendWorkDeallocator(void *workItem)
struct hciCmdSendWorkItem *w = (struct hciCmdSendWorkItem*)workItem;
* FUNCTION: hciCbkWorkLeLtkReq
* USE: Called in worker thread - request key from someone
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* randomNum - provied by other side
* diversifier - provied by other side
* RETURN: none
* NOTES: caller should soon call hciLeProvideLtk() with reply
static void hciCbkWorkLeLtkReq(hci_conn_t aclConn, uint64_t randomNum, uint16_t diversifier)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn)
logd("Conn for key req not found\n");
else if (!l2cAclLeLtkRequest(conn->id, randomNum, diversifier)) {
logd("LTK key req from L2C failed - assuming no key\n");
* FUNCTION: hciCbkWorkLeLtkReq
* USE: Called by higher layer - provide key
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* key - key to use or NULL if none
* RETURN: false on error
* NOTES: proper hci reply command will be called
bool hciLeProvideLtk(hci_conn_t aclConn, const uint8_t *key)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn)
logd("Conn for key req reply found\n");
else if (key)
ret = !hciLeLtkRequestReplySync(conn->id, key);
ret = !hciLeLtkRequestNegativeReplySync(conn->id);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciCbkWorker
* USE: Worker thread for calling callbacks for HCI completed items
* PARAMS: unused - unused
* RETURN: unused
static void* hciCbkWorker(void *unused)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
int ret;
pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "bt_hci_callbacks");
while (1) {
ret = workQueueGet(mCallbackWork, (void**)&w);
if (ret)
switch (w->cbkWorkItemType){
w->done.cbk(w->done.cbkData, w->done.status);
w->simple.cbk(w->simple.cbkData1, w->simple.cbkData2, w->simple.stackGoingDown, w->simple.haveEvt ? (struct hciEvtHdr*)(w + 1) : NULL);
mDiscoverLeCbk(mDiscoverLeData, &w->leDev.addr, w->leDev.rssi, w->leDev.advType, w->leDev.adv, w->leDev.advLen);
l2cAclLinkUp(w->connUp.conn, &w->connUp.peerAddr, &w->connUp.selfAddr, w->connUp.isMaster, w->connUp.isEncrypted, w->connUp.isMitmSafe);
l2cAclLinkDown(w->connDown.conn, w->connDown.reason);
l2cAclLinkParamsChange(w->leParamChange.conn, w->leParamChange.success, w->leParamChange.interval, w->leParamChange.latency, w->leParamChange.timeout);
l2cAclLinkEncrChange(w->encrChange.conn, w->encrChange.nowEncrypted, w->encrChange.isMitmSafe);
l2cAclDataRx(w->aclDataRx.conn, w->aclDataRx.packet, w->aclDataRx.first);
hciCbkWorkLeLtkReq(w->leKeyReq.conn, w->leKeyReq.randomNum, w->leKeyReq.diversifier);
loge("Unknown callback work type %u\n", w->cbkWorkItemType);
logd("HCI callback worker exiting\n");
return NULL;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleOpDoneCbk
* USE: Enqueue an op_done callback to be called
* PARAMS: cbk - the callback to call
* cbkData - the data for said callback
* status - the status byte
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleOpDoneCbk(hciOpDoneCbk cbk, void *cbkData, uint8_t status)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
if (!cbk) {
logw("Not scheduling done callback with a NULL function pointer\n");
return true;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_ITEM_DONE_CBK;
w->done.cbk = cbk;
w->done.cbkData = cbkData;
w->done.status = status;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleSimpleCbk
* USE: Enqueue simple callback to be called
* PARAMS: cbk - the callback to call
* cbkData1 - the data for said callback
* cbkData2 - the data for said callback
* stackGoingDown - as the name implies...
* evt - event to provide, or NULL if none
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleSimpleCbk(hciSimpleCbk cbk, void *cbkData1, void *cbkData2, bool stackGoingDown, const struct hciEvtHdr *evt)
uint16_t evtLen = evt ? (sizeof(struct hciEvtHdr) + utilGetLE8(&evt->len)) : 0;
uint32_t neededLen = sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem) + evtLen;
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
if (!cbk) {
logw("Not scheduling simple callback with a NULL function pointer\n");
return true;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(neededLen);
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_ITEM_SIMPLE_CBK;
w->simple.cbk = cbk;
w->simple.cbkData1 = cbkData1;
w->simple.cbkData2 = cbkData2;
w->simple.stackGoingDown = stackGoingDown;
w->simple.haveEvt = evt != NULL;
if (evt)
memcpy(w + 1, evt, evtLen);
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciWorkFlush
* USE: Flush the workQueue
* RETURN: true if success, false else
* NOTES: blocks till all existing work items have been finished
static bool hciWorkFlush(void)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
bool ret = false;
sem_t sem;
if (!w) {
loge("Failed to alloc workQ flush cmd\n");
return false;
if (sem_init(&sem, 0, 0)) {
loge("Failed to alloc workQ flush sem\n");
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_FLUSH;
w->flush.sem = &sem;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w)) {
ret = true;
} else
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleConnUpNotif
* USE: Enqueue a call to the ACL link up notif
* PARAMS: conn - the connection
* peerAddr - peer address
* selfAddr - whom we were being when we made the connection
* isMaster - are we master on the link
* isEncrypted - is the link encrypted
* isMitmSafe - is th elink MITM-safe?
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleConnUpNotif(hci_conn_t conn, const struct bt_addr *peerAddr, const struct bt_addr *selfAddr, bool isMaster, bool isEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_CONN_UP;
w->connUp.conn = conn;
w->connUp.isMaster = isMaster;
w->connUp.isEncrypted = isEncrypted;
w->connUp.peerAddr = *peerAddr;
w->connUp.selfAddr = *selfAddr;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleConnDownNotif
* USE: Enqueue a call to the ACL link down notif
* PARAMS: conn - the connection handle
* reason - the reason to pass to upper layers
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleConnDownNotif(hci_conn_t conn, uint8_t reason)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_CONN_DOWN;
w->connDown.conn = conn;
w->connDown.reason = reason;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleConnParamChange
* USE: Enqueue a call to the connection param change notif
* PARAMS: conn - the conenction
* success - success?
* interval - new interval
* latency - new latency
* timeout - new timeout
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleConnParamChange(hci_conn_t conn, bool success, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_PARAMS_CHANGE;
w->leParamChange.conn = conn;
w->leParamChange.success = success;
w->leParamChange.interval = interval;
w->leParamChange.latency = latency;
w->leParamChange.timeout = timeout;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleLeLtkRequest
* USE: Enqueue a call to the connection key request notif
* PARAMS: conn - the conenction
* randomNum - provied by other side
* diversifier - provied by other side
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleLeLtkRequest(hci_conn_t conn, uint64_t randomNum, uint16_t diversifier)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_LE_KEY_REQ;
w->leKeyReq.conn = conn;
w->leKeyReq.randomNum = randomNum;
w->leKeyReq.diversifier = diversifier;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleConnEncrChange
* USE: Enqueue a call to the connection encr change notif
* PARAMS: conn - the conenction
* nowEncrypted - are we now encrypted?
* isMitmSafe - are we now MITM-safe?
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
static bool hciScheduleConnEncrChange(hci_conn_t conn, bool nowEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_ENCR_CHANGE;
w->encrChange.conn = conn;
w->encrChange.nowEncrypted = nowEncrypted;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciScheduleConnDataRx
* USE: Enqueue a call to the connection RX notif
* PARAMS: conn - the conenction
* packet - the packet
* first - was packet marked as first?
* RETURN: true if enqueued, false else
* NOTES: data is copied
static bool hciScheduleConnDataRx(hci_conn_t conn, sg packet, bool first)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w;
w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem));
if (!w)
return false;
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_ACL_DATA;
w->aclDataRx.conn = conn;
w->aclDataRx.packet = packet;
w->aclDataRx.first = first;
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSendWorker
* USE: Worker thread for sending commands to the chip
* PARAMS: unused - unused
* RETURN: unused
static void* hciCmdSendWorker(void *unused)
struct hciCmdSendWorkItem *w;
bool weExpectReply = false;
struct timespec ts;
int ret, i;
pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "bt_hci_cmds_send");
while (1) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
ts.tv_sec += BT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT;
if (r_sem_timedwait(&mCmdSendSem, &ts)) {
loge("CHIP DEAD!\n");
ret = workQueueGet(mCmdsSendWork, (void**)&w);
if (ret)
* This lock makes sure adding a handler for an event and sending the
* corresponding command are handled as one atomic unit.
for (i = 0; i < w->numEventWaiters; i++) {
if (!w->ewds[i].descr.persistent)
weExpectReply = true;
w->ewds[i].id = hciEvtWaitEnqueue(&w->ewds[i].descr, w->cmdID);
if (!w->ewds[i].id) {
loge("Failed to enqueue handler [%d] \n", i);
goto failed;
if (vendorTx(HCI_PKT_TYP_CMD, w->cmd, weExpectReply))
goto success;
loge("Failed to TX a cmd\n");
loge("Command not sent\n");
while (i)
logd("HCI command send worker exiting\n");
return NULL;
* USE: Bring up HCI (comms to bt chip)
* PARAMS: addr - the BT addr
* RETURN: true on success, false else
* NOTES: may take a while
bool hciUp(const uint8_t *addr)
int ret;
logd("Vendor open\n");
if (!vendorOpen()) {
loge("Failed to open vendor lib\n");
goto out_lib_open;
logd("Vendor up\n");
if (!vendorUp(addr, hciCbkChipHwUp, hciRx, NULL)) {
loge("Failed to bring up the chip\n");
goto out_chip_up;
ret = sem_init(&mCmdSendSem, 0, 0);
if (ret) {
loge("Sem init failure\n");
goto out_sem;
mCmdsSendWork = workQueueAlloc(HCI_NUM_OUTSTANDING_CMDS);
if (!mCmdsSendWork) {
loge("Failed to create command send workqueue\n");
goto out_cmd_workq;
mCallbackWork = workQueueAlloc(HCI_NUM_OUTSTANDING_CBKS);
if (!mCallbackWork) {
loge("Failed to create hci callback workqueue\n");
goto out_cbk_workq;
ret = pthread_create(&mCallbackThread, NULL, hciCbkWorker, NULL);
if (ret) {
loge("Failed(%d) to create hci callback worker\n", ret);
goto out_cbk_worker;
ret = pthread_create(&mCmdsSendThread, NULL, hciCmdSendWorker, NULL);
if (ret) {
loge("Failed(%d) to create hci cmd send worker\n", ret);
goto out_cmd_worker;
sem_init(&mAclPacketsLe, 0, 0);
sem_init(&mAclPacketsEdr, 0, 0);
logd("Stack ready for up...awaiting reset event\n");
//in a real stack we'd call hciBtStackUp() here. but with splitter, we just wait...
return true;
workQueueWakeAll(mCallbackWork, 1);
pthread_join(mCallbackThread, NULL);
workQueueFree(mCallbackWork, hciCallbackWorkDeallocator);
workQueueFree(mCmdsSendWork, hciCmdSendWorkDeallocator);
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciDown
* USE: Bring down HCI (comms to bt chip)
* NOTES: may take a while, some shutdown actions may go
* on after this (in higher layers). does not cleanup
* chip state - assumes chip will be reset.
void hciDown(void)
logd("Cancelling all event waiters\n");
while (mEvtWaitHead) {
mEvtWaitHead->cbk(NULL, 0, mEvtWaitHead->cbkData, mEvtWaitHead->evtWaitStateID, mEvtWaitHead->forCmdID);
while (mConns) {
struct hciAclConn *t = mConns;
mConns = mConns->next;
while (mAdvSets) {
struct hciAdvSet *t = mAdvSets;
mAdvSets = mAdvSets->next;
//more deinit here
mDiscoverLeHandle = 0;
workQueueWakeAll(mCallbackWork, 1);
workQueueWakeAll(mCmdsSendWork, 1);
sem_post(&mCmdSendSem); /* wakes up cmdSend worker if it is waiting on a cmd credit */
pthread_join(mCallbackThread, NULL);
pthread_join(mCmdsSendThread, NULL);
workQueueFree(mCallbackWork, hciCallbackWorkDeallocator);
workQueueFree(mCmdsSendWork, hciCmdSendWorkDeallocator);
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmit
* USE: Atomically enqueue a command to be sent to the chip and event handlers for
* events that will result.
* PARAMS: ogf - the command group
* ocf - the command code
* paramData - command params
* paramLen - parameter length
* ... - NULL-terminated list of const struct hciEvtWaitDescr* for wanted events
* RETURN: success
static bool hciCmdSubmit(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint32_t paramLen, ...)
const struct hciEvtWaitDescr *ewd;
struct hciCmdSendWorkItem *w;
uint8_t numHandlers = 0;
struct hciCmdHdr cmdhdr;
va_list vl;
sg cmd;
/* count up the events we want to wait for */
va_start(vl, paramLen);
while (va_arg(vl, const struct hciEvtWaitDescr*))
cmd = sgNew();
if (!cmd) {
loge("Failed to alloc cmd sg\n");
goto out_ret;
/* allocate the work item */
w = (struct hciCmdSendWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCmdSendWorkItem) + sizeof(struct hciEvtWaitDescrWithID[numHandlers]));
if (!w) {
loge("Failed to alloc command work for cmd 0x%02X.%04X\n", ogf, ocf);
goto out_sgfree;
/* copy wait state objects into it */
numHandlers = 0;
va_start(vl, paramLen);
while ((ewd = va_arg(vl, const struct hciEvtWaitDescr*)) != NULL)
memcpy(&w->ewds[numHandlers++].descr, ewd, sizeof(struct hciEvtWaitDescr));
w->numEventWaiters = numHandlers;
/* create the command */
utilSetLE16(&cmdhdr.opcode, CMD_MAKE_OPCODE(ogf, ocf));
utilSetLE16(&cmdhdr.paramLen, paramLen);
if (!sgConcatBackCopy(cmd, &cmdhdr, sizeof(cmdhdr)) || !sgConcatBackCopy(cmd, paramData, paramLen)) {
loge("Failed to fill command sg\n");
goto out_wfree;
w->cmd = cmd;
/* try to enqueue it */
if (workQueuePut(mCmdsSendWork, w))
return true;
/* in case of failure, free all that we allocated */
loge("Failed to enqueue command\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitSimpleCbk
* USE: Command callback for hciCmdSubmitSimple
* PARAMS: evt - the event
* evtSz - event size
* cbkData - struct hciSimpleCbkData - our data
* evtWaitStateID - event waiterID
* forCmdID - commandID
* RETURN: true if we handled it, false else
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleCbk(const struct hciEvtHdr *evt, uint32_t evtSz, void *cbkData, uniq_t evtWaitStateID, uniq_t forCmdID)
struct hciSimpleCbkData *cbkd = (struct hciSimpleCbkData*)cbkData;
struct hciEvtCmdComplete *cmpl = (struct hciEvtCmdComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtCmdStatus *stat = (struct hciEvtCmdStatus*)(evt + 1);
const char* name = cbkd->complete ? "complete" : "status";
uint8_t paramLen;
uint8_t evtHdrLen;
bool ret = false;
if (!evt)
return hciScheduleSimpleCbk(cbkd->cbk, cbkd->cbkData1, cbkd->cbkData2, true, NULL);
paramLen = utilGetLE8(&evt->len);
evtHdrLen = cbkd->complete ? sizeof(struct hciEvtCmdComplete) : sizeof(struct hciEvtCmdStatus);
if (paramLen < evtHdrLen) {
logw("Comand %s event too short @ %ub (wanted %ub+)\n", name, paramLen, evtHdrLen);
goto out;
paramLen -= evtHdrLen;
/* is param length within bounds? */
if (paramLen < cbkd->expectedParamLenMin || paramLen > cbkd->expectedParamLenMax) {
logw("Got expected %s event, but wrong size: %u !< %u !< %u\n", name,
cbkd->expectedParamLenMin, paramLen, cbkd->expectedParamLenMax);
goto out;
/* enqueue the callback */
ret = hciScheduleSimpleCbk(cbkd->cbk, cbkd->cbkData1, cbkd->cbkData2, false, cbkd->wantEventItself ? evt : NULL);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitSimple
* USE: Send a command and setup a handler for a command complete/command status for it
* PARAMS: ogf - command group
* ocf - command code
* paramData - command params
* paramLen - length of command params
* cbk - callback to call when command complete event arrives
* cbkData1 - data1 to pass to that callback
* cbkData2 - data2 to pass to that callback
* minEvtDataLen - minimum event data length to accept (excluding command complete/status event itself)
* maxEvtDataLen - maximum event data length to accept (excluding command complete/status event itself)
* wantEvt - pass a copy of the event to callback?
* expectComplete - expect command complete event? (else command status)
* RETURN: true if we enqueued it, false else
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimple(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint8_t paramLen, hciSimpleCbk cbk, void *cbkData1,
void *cbkData2, uint8_t minEvtDataLen, uint8_t maxEvtDataLen, bool wantEvt, bool expectComplete)
struct hciEvtWaitDescr ewd;
struct hciSimpleCbkData *cbkd = (struct hciSimpleCbkData*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciSimpleCbkData));
if (!cbkd)
return false;
cbkd->cbk = cbk;
cbkd->cbkData1 = cbkData1;
cbkd->cbkData2 = cbkData2;
cbkd->complete = expectComplete ? 1 : 0;
cbkd->wantEventItself = wantEvt ? 1 : 0;
cbkd->expectedParamLenMin = minEvtDataLen;
cbkd->expectedParamLenMax = maxEvtDataLen;
ewd.evtType = expectComplete ? HCI_EVT_Command_Complete : HCI_EVT_Command_Status;
ewd.extra = CMD_MAKE_OPCODE(ogf, ocf);
ewd.cbk = hciCmdSubmitSimpleCbk;
ewd.cbkData = cbkd;
ewd.persistent = false;
if (hciCmdSubmit(ogf, ocf, paramData, paramLen, &ewd, NULL))
return true;
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitWithDoneSimpleCbk
* USE: Event callback for command complete event used by hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteWithDoneCbk()
* PARAMS: cbkData1 - 1st callback data (actually the original hciOpDoneCbk)
* cbkData2 - 2nd callback data (actually original data for hciOpDoneCbk)
* evt - the arrived event
* RETURN: true if we handled the event (always yes)
static void hciCmdSubmitWithDoneSimpleCbk(void* cbkData1, void* cbkData2, bool goingDown, struct hciEvtHdr *evt)
struct hciEvtCmdComplete *cmpl = (struct hciEvtCmdComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtCmdStatus *stat = (struct hciEvtCmdStatus*)(evt + 1);
uint8_t *paramP = (uint8_t*)(cmpl + 1); //for compelte
hciOpDoneCbk cbkF = (hciOpDoneCbk)cbkData1;
uint8_t status;
if (goingDown)
else if (utilGetLE8(&evt->code) == HCI_EVT_Command_Complete)
status = utilGetLE8(paramP);
status = utilGetLE8(&stat->status);
if (!hciScheduleOpDoneCbk(cbkF, cbkData2, status))
loge("Failed to shedule done callback for simple command complete handler\n");
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteWithDoneCbk
* USE: Send a command and setup a handler for a command complete for it. call DoneCbk
* PARAMS: ogf - command group
* ocf - command code
* paramData - command params
* paramLen - length of command params
* cbk - doneCbk
* cbkData - data1 to pass to doneCbk
* RETURN: true if we enqueued it, false else
* NOTES: This only works if the first byte of the event is a "status" byte. WATCH OUT FOR THIS!!!
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteWithDoneCbk(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint8_t paramLen, hciOpDoneCbk cbk, void *cbkData)
return hciCmdSubmitSimple(ogf, ocf, paramData, paramLen, hciCmdSubmitWithDoneSimpleCbk, (void*)cbk, cbkData, 1/* status byte required */, 255, true, true);
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusWithDoneCbk
* USE: Send a command and setup a handler for a command status for it. call DoneCbk
* PARAMS: ogf - command group
* ocf - command code
* paramData - command params
* paramLen - length of command params
* cbk - doneCbk
* cbkData - data1 to pass to doneCbk
* RETURN: true if we enqueued it, false else
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusWithDoneCbk(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint8_t paramLen, hciOpDoneCbk cbk, void *cbkData)
return hciCmdSubmitSimple(ogf, ocf, paramData, paramLen, hciCmdSubmitWithDoneSimpleCbk, (void*)cbk, cbkData, 0, 255, true, false);
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitCompleteSyncSimpleCbk
* USE: Event callback for command complete event used by hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteSync()
* PARAMS: cbkData1 - 1st callback data (struct hciCmdSubmitWithCompleteSyncData*)
* cbkData2 - 2nd callback data (unused)
* evt - the arrived event
static void hciCmdSubmitCompleteSyncSimpleCbk(void* cbkData1, void* cbkData2, bool stackGoingDown, struct hciEvtHdr *evt)
struct hciEvtCmdComplete *cmpl = (struct hciEvtCmdComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciCmdSubmitWithCompleteSyncData *data = (struct hciCmdSubmitWithCompleteSyncData*)cbkData1;
void* evtData = (void*)(cmpl + 1);
uint8_t paramLen;
data->goingDown = stackGoingDown;
if (stackGoingDown)
paramLen = utilGetLE8(&evt->len) - sizeof(struct hciEvtCmdComplete);
if (paramLen > data->evtBufSz) {
logw("Sync complete event shortened %ud->%ud\n", paramLen, data->evtBufSz);
paramLen = data->evtBufSz;
memcpy(data->evtBuf, evtData, paramLen);
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteSync
* USE: Send a command and setup a handler for a command complete for it. Wait for it to complete. Optionally provide resulting event back.
* PARAMS: ogf - command group
* ocf - command code
* paramData - command params
* paramLen - length of command params
* evtBuf - buffer where to put event (command complete event will be stripped, only params will remain)
* evtBufSz - size of said buffer. Event will be truncated if it does not fit
* RETURN: true if it happened. false else
* NOTES: Will block!
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteSync(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void* paramData, uint8_t paramLen, void* evtBuf, uint8_t evtBufSz)
bool ret = true;
sem_t sem;
struct hciCmdSubmitWithCompleteSyncData data;
if (pthread_self() == mCallbackThread) {
loge("Refusing to issue sync command from callback thread. This WILL deadlock\n");
return false;
data.sem = &sem;
data.evtBuf = evtBuf;
data.evtBufSz = evtBufSz;
if (sem_init(&sem, 0, 0)) {
loge("sem init failed\n");
return false;
if (hciCmdSubmitSimple(ogf, ocf, paramData, paramLen, hciCmdSubmitCompleteSyncSimpleCbk, &data, NULL, 0, 255, true, true)) {
if (data.goingDown) {
logi("going down\n");
ret = false;
} else
ret = false;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitStatusSyncSimpleCbk
* USE: Event callback for command complete event used by hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteSync()
* PARAMS: cbkData1 - 1st callback data (sem_t* sem)
* cbkData2 - 2nd callback data (struct hciEvtCmdStatus* dstEvt)
* evt - the arrived event
static void hciCmdSubmitStatusSyncSimpleCbk(void* cbkData1, void* cbkData2, bool stackGoingDown, struct hciEvtHdr *evt)
struct hciEvtCmdStatus *stat = (struct hciEvtCmdStatus*)(evt + 1);
sem_t *sem = (sem_t*)cbkData1;
struct hciEvtCmdStatus* dstSta = (struct hciEvtCmdStatus*)cbkData2;
if (stackGoingDown)
utilSetLE8(&dstSta->status, HCI_STAT_GOING_DOWN);
memcpy(dstSta, stat, sizeof(struct hciEvtCmdStatus));
* FUNCTION: hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusSync
* USE: Send a command and setup a handler for a command status for it. Wait for it. Provide resulting event back.
* PARAMS: ogf - command group
* ocf - command code
* paramData - command params
* paramLen - length of command params
* dstEvt - will store event here
* RETURN: true if it happened. false else
* NOTES: Will block!
static bool hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusSync(uint8_t ogf, uint16_t ocf, const void *paramData, uint8_t paramLen, struct hciEvtCmdStatus *dstEvt)
bool ret = true;
sem_t sem;
if (pthread_self() == mCallbackThread) {
loge("Refusing to issue sync command from callback thread. This WILL deadlock\n");
return false;
if (sem_init(&sem, 0, 0)) {
loge("sem init failed\n");
return false;
if (hciCmdSubmitSimple(ogf, ocf, paramData, paramLen, hciCmdSubmitStatusSyncSimpleCbk, &sem, dstEvt, 0, 0, true, false))
ret = false;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciInquiryUpdatePersistDeviceDb
* USE: Update persistent "seen devices" DB with EIR data
* PARAMS: addr - the address of the remote device
* devClsP - device class or NULL if not known
* eir - the provided EIR data (if any)
* eirLen - size of the above buffer
void hciInquiryUpdatePersistDeviceDb(const struct bt_addr *addr, const uint32_t *devClsP, const void *eir, uint8_t eirLen)
const uint8_t *name = NULL;
uint32_t nameLen = 0;
uint32_t eirDevCls;
bool nameIsFull = false;
if (eirLen) { /* parse eir to find name */
const uint8_t *eirP = (const uint8_t*)eir;
const uint8_t *eirEnd = eirP + eirLen;
while (eirP < eirEnd) {
uint8_t type, len = *eirP++;
if (!len) /* zero length item means end of EIR */
type = *eirP++;
name = eirP;
nameLen = len;
nameIsFull = type == HCI_EIR_TYPE_FULL_NAME;
} else if (type == HCI_EIR_DEV_CLS && len == 3) {
eirDevCls = utilGetLE24(eirP);
devClsP = &eirDevCls;
eirP += len;
persistAddKnownDev(addr, name, name ? &nameLen : NULL, nameIsFull, devClsP);
* FUNCTION: hciInquiryEvtLeSingleItem
* USE: Enqueue a callback to discovery LE cbk
* PARAMS: addr - the address of the remote device
* advType - type of reply
* rssi - the RSSI
* advData - the provided advertisement data
* advDataLen - size of the above buffer
* NOTES: a copy of all params is made
static void hciInquiryEvtLeSingleItem(const struct bt_addr *addr, uint8_t advType, int8_t rssi, const void *advData, uint8_t advDataLen)
struct hciCbkWorkItem *w = (struct hciCbkWorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(struct hciCbkWorkItem) + advDataLen);
if (!w) {
logw("Dropping LE discovered item due to memory error\n");
w->cbkWorkItemType = CBK_WORK_LE_DISC_DEV;
memcpy(&w->leDev.addr, addr, sizeof(w->leDev.addr));
memcpy(w->leDev.adv, advData, advDataLen);
w->leDev.advType = advType;
w->leDev.advLen = advDataLen;
w->leDev.rssi = rssi;
hciInquiryUpdatePersistDeviceDb(addr, NULL, advData, advDataLen);
if (workQueuePut(mCallbackWork, w))
logi("Dropping LE discovered item dues to queue error\n");
* FUNCTION: hciConnEvtCbk
* USE: Called with connection state events
* PARAMS: evt - the event
* evtSz - event size
* cbkData - callback data
* evtWaitStateID - event wait state ID (unused)
* forCmdID - event commadn ID (unused)
* RETURN: false on error
static bool hciConnEvtCbk(const struct hciEvtHdr *evt, uint32_t evtSz, void *cbkData, uniq_t evtWaitStateID, uniq_t forCmdID)
uint8_t evtType;
if (!evt)
return false;
evtType = utilGetLE8(&evt->code);
if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Disconnection_Complete) {
struct hciEvtDiscComplete *disc = (struct hciEvtDiscComplete*)(evt + 1);
uint8_t status = utilGetLE8(&disc->status);
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&disc->conn);
uint8_t reason = utilGetLE8(&disc->reason);
logd("ACL conn %d down for reason %d with status %d\n", cid, reason, status);
hciHandleConnAclDown(cid, reason);
} else if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Encryption_Change) {
struct hciEvtEncrChange *encr = (struct hciEvtEncrChange*)(evt + 1);
uint8_t status = utilGetLE8(&encr->status);
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&encr->conn);
bool encrOn = !status && utilGetLE8(&encr->encrOn);
logd("ACL conn %d encr %d with status %d\n", cid, encrOn, status);
if (!hciHandleConnAclEncr(cid, encrOn))
loge("Failed to handle conn encr\n");
} else if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Authentication_Complete) {
struct hciEvtEncrChange *encr = (struct hciEvtEncrChange*)(evt + 1);
uint8_t status = utilGetLE8(&encr->status);
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&encr->conn);
logd("ACL conn %d auth with status %d\n", cid, status);
if (!hciHandleConnAclAuth(cid, !status))
loge("Failed to handle conn auth\n");
} else if (evtType == HCI_EVT_LE_Meta) {
struct hciEvtLeMeta *meta = (struct hciEvtLeMeta*)(evt + 1);
evtType = utilGetLE8(&meta->subevent);
if (evtType == HCI_EVTLE_Connection_Complete) {
struct hciEvtLeConnectionComplete *conn = (struct hciEvtLeConnectionComplete*)(meta + 1);
uint8_t status = utilGetLE8(&conn->status);
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&conn->conn);
bool amSlave = !!utilGetLE8(&conn->amSlave);
bool peerAddrRandom = !!utilGetLE8(&conn->peerAddrRandom);
uint16_t interval = utilGetLE16(&conn->connInterval);
uint16_t latency = utilGetLE16(&conn->connLatency);
uint16_t timeout = utilGetLE16(&conn->supervisionTimeout);
uint8_t mca = utilGetLE8(&conn->masterClockAccuracy);
logd("ACL LE conn %d up to %c"MACFMT" as %c: {%d,%d,%d,%d}\n", cid, peerAddrRandom ? 'R' : 'P', MACCONV(conn->peerMac), amSlave ? 'S' : 'M', interval, latency, timeout, mca);
if (!hciHandleConnAclLeUp(status, cid, !amSlave, conn->peerMac, peerAddrRandom, interval, latency, timeout, mca))
loge("Failed to handle conn LE conn up\n");
} else if (evtType == HCI_EVTLE_Connection_Update_Complete) {
struct hciEvtLeConnectionUpdateComplete *updt = (struct hciEvtLeConnectionUpdateComplete*)(meta + 1);
uint8_t status = utilGetLE8(&updt->status);
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&updt->conn);
uint16_t interval = utilGetLE16(&updt->connInterval);
uint16_t latency = utilGetLE16(&updt->connLatency);
uint16_t timeout = utilGetLE16(&updt->supervisionTimeout);
logd("ACL LE conn %d update to {%d,%d,%d}\n", cid, interval, latency, timeout);
if (!hciHandleConnAclLeUpdate(status, cid, interval, latency, timeout))
loge("Failed to handle LE conn update\n");
} else if (evtType == HCI_EVTLE_LTK_Request) {
struct hciEvtLeLtkRequest *req = (struct hciEvtLeLtkRequest*)(meta + 1);
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&req->conn);
uint64_t randomNum = utilGetLE16(&req->randomNum);
uint16_t diversifier = utilGetLE16(&req->diversifier);
logd("ACL LE kery req for conn 0x%02x with rand 0x"FMT64"x and div 0x%02x\n", cid, CNV64(randomNum), diversifier);
if (!hciHandleConnLeLtkReq(cid, randomNum, diversifier))
loge("Failed to handle LE key req\n");
} else
return false;
} else if (evtType == HCI_EVT_Vendor) {
struct hciEvtVendor *vendor = (struct hciEvtVendor*)(evt + 1);
evtType = utilGetLE8(&vendor->subevent);
if (evtType == HCI_EVTVENDOR_Android_Subevent_Advt_State_Change) {
struct hciEvtVendorAndroidVendorExtAdvtStateChange *sce = (struct hciEvtVendorAndroidVendorExtAdvtStateChange*)(vendor + 1);
if (evtSz != sizeof(*vendor) + sizeof(*sce))
logw("Invalid event size for vendor subevent for advt change - ignored\n");
else if (sce->reason != HCI_EVTVENDOR_Android_Subevent_Advt_State_Change_Reason)
logw("Invalid reason code for vendor subevent for advt change - ignored\n");
else {
struct hciAclConn* conn;
hci_adv_set_t setH = 0;
struct hciAdvSet *t;
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->hwEnabled && t->hwSetNum == sce->advInstance) {
t->hwEnabled = false; //even if conn not found, this set was still fingered for being the cause so it is still already off
setH = t->handle;
conn = hciConnFindById(sce->connHandle);
if (!conn)
logw("Connection id not found for vendor advt change event\n");
else if (!setH)
logw("Adv id not found for vendor advt change event\n");
else if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_ADV_SET_BLAMING)
logw("Conn is not in blaming state for vendor advt change event\n");
else {
conn->le.advSet = setH;
conn->state = CONN_STATE_CFG;
hciConnCfg(conn, CONN_CFG_STEP_LE, 0);
} else
return false;
} else
return false;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciInquiryEvtCbk
* USE: Called with inquiry events
* PARAMS: evt - the event
* evtSz - event size
* cbkData - callback data
* evtWaitStateID - event wait state ID (unused)
* forCmdID - event commadn ID (unused)
* RETURN: false on error
static bool hciInquiryEvtCbk(const struct hciEvtHdr *evt, uint32_t evtSz, void *cbkData, uniq_t evtWaitStateID, uniq_t forCmdID)
uint8_t evtType;
struct bt_addr addr;
uint8_t i, num;
if (!evt)
return false;
evtType = utilGetLE8(&evt->code);
if(evtType == HCI_EVT_LE_Meta) {
struct hciEvtLeMeta *meta = (struct hciEvtLeMeta*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtLeAdvReport *adv = (struct hciEvtLeAdvReport*)(meta + 1);
struct hciEvtLeAdvReportItem *item = (struct hciEvtLeAdvReportItem*)(adv + 1);
uint8_t subevent = utilGetLE8(&meta->subevent);
uint8_t *rssiP;
if (subevent != HCI_EVTLE_Advertising_Report) {
loge("Unexpected LE subevent 0x%02X in discovery event handler\n", subevent);
return false;
num = utilGetLE8(&adv->numReports);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
uint8_t dataLen = utilGetLE8(&item->dataLen);
addr.type = utilGetLE8(&item->randomAddr) ? BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM : BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_PUBLIC;
memcpy(addr.addr, item->mac, sizeof(addr.addr));
rssiP = item->data + dataLen;
hciInquiryEvtLeSingleItem(&addr, utilGetLE8(&item->advType), utilGetLE8(rssiP), item->data, dataLen);
item = (struct hciEvtLeAdvReportItem*)(rssiP + 1);
} else {
loge("Unexpected event 0x%02X in discovery event handler\n", evtType);
return false;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciResetEvtCbk
* USE: Called when a reset complete event arrives. Tears down any existing state and sets the in-reset state.
* PARAMS: evt - the event (unused)
* evtSz - event size
* cbkData - callback data (unused)
* evtWaitStateID - event wait state ID (unused)
* forCmdID - event command ID (unused)
* RETURN: false on error
static bool hciResetEvtCbk(const struct hciEvtHdr *evt, uint32_t evtSz, void *cbkData, uniq_t evtWaitStateID, uniq_t forCmdID)
//notify everyone that all connections are down
while (mConns) {
//for all connections upper layers know of, tell them they are no more
if (mConns->state == CONN_STATE_CFG || mConns->state == CONN_STATE_RUNNING)
if (!hciScheduleConnDownNotif(mConns->handle, HCI_ERR_Connection_Terminated_By_Local_Host))
loge("Failed to schedule conn down notif\n");
//remove command send authority if it exists (this event may give us a credit or not, that will be handled later)
//remember that we're in reset
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciSetupResetEventHandler
* USE: Set up the handler for the "reset" event
* PARAMS: cmdWaitLockHeld - set if caller has mCmdWaitLock
* RETURN: false on error
* NOTES: may be called with mCmdWaitLock held (see params)
static bool hciSetupResetEventHandler(bool cmdWaitLockHeld)
bool ret;
struct hciEvtWaitDescr ewd = {
.cbk = hciResetEvtCbk,
.evtType = HCI_EVT_Command_Complete,
.extra = CMD_MAKE_OPCODE(HCI_OGF_Controller_and_Baseband, HCI_CMD_Reset),
.persistent = true,
if (cmdWaitLockHeld)
ret = hciEvtWaitEnqueueUnlocked(&ewd, 0);
ret = hciEvtWaitEnqueue(&ewd, 0);
return ret;
* USE: Ask if chip is ready to be used
* PARAMS: none
* RETURN: the answer
bool hciIsUp(void)
loge(" *X* state = %d\n", mStackState);
if (mStackState == STACK_STATE_READY_FOR_UP)
return hciBtStackUp();
return mStackState == STACK_STATE_UP;
* FUNCTION: hciSetManyEventPersistentHandlers
* USE: Set a few identical event handlers for variosu events
* PARAMS: evtTypes - event types list (ended with a 0)
* evtExtras - event extras array (or NULL if all zeros are to be assumed)
* cbk - the handler
* cbkData - data for the handler
* RETURN: false on error
static bool hciSetManyEventPersistentHandlers(const uint8_t *evtTypes, const uint16_t *evtExtras, hciEvtCbk cbk, void *cbkData)
struct hciEvtWaitDescr ewd = {0, };
uint8_t i;
ewd.cbk = cbk;
ewd.cbkData = cbkData;
ewd.persistent = true;
for (i = 0; evtTypes[i]; i++) {
ewd.evtType = evtTypes[i];
ewd.extra = evtExtras ? evtExtras[i] : 0;
if (!hciEvtWaitEnqueue(&ewd, 0)) {
loge("Failed to enqueue handler %d: 0x%02X.%04X\n", i, ewd.evtType, ewd.extra);
return false;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciGetLocalAddress
* USE: Get the local static BT addr
* PARAMS: addr - the buffer to stash address in. not a bt_addr struct since type is not determinable
void hciGetLocalAddress(uint8_t *addr)
memcpy(addr, mLocalAddr, sizeof(mLocalAddr));
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetEnableDisableMethodAndroidVendorCmds
* USE: Enable or disable an adv set on BT4 chips that support android-vendor BT extension
* PARAMS: set - the set to operate on
* enable - on or off?
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: called with mAdvSetsLock held
* This is one of the few "adv set on/off handlers". This one is used
* when the android-vendor methods are available and BT 5.0 is not
static bool hciAdvSetEnableDisableMethodAndroidVendorCmds(struct hciAdvSet *set, bool enable)
struct hciCmplLeReadAdvChannelTxPower pwrLvlEvt;
int8_t desiredPowerLvl = set->powerLevel;
struct hciAdvSet *t;
bool *usedSets;
uint16_t i;
int ret;
* Some explanation here: Android Vendor Extensions for BT 4 provide for multi-adv,
* but caveats exist. If the chip says it supports X slots, in reality it supports
* X - 1 slots with this custom API (indexed at 1) and the default 4.0 API (slot 0).
* "but," you might say - "default API has no TX power control!" Yes. Slot 0 has no
* tx power control. this makes our logic here a bit more complex since we can at
* times enable an adv if it has no power request, but cannot if it does. We could
* try to be clever and relocate an existing adv to slot 0, but really it is not
* worth the trouble. Android, for example, will entirely ignore slot 0. thus we
* are already doing better. This code will try to allocate slot 0 to an adv if it
* has no TX power requirement though, through the nature of how it is written. Any
* further cleverness is IMHO not worth it. So, what should you take away from all
* this? If you do not care for setting TX power, use HCI_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL_DONT_CARE.
* Usually this *WILL* be max TX power (likely what you want anyways) and will not
* use up one of the desirable configurable-power slots if slot 0 is available.
if (!enable) { // disable the set we do not need
if (set->hwSetNum)
ret = hciVendorLeMultiAdvSetAdvEnableSync(false, set->hwSetNum);
ret = hciLeSetAdvEnableSync(false);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot disable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because VendorSetAdvEnable command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
set->hwEnabled = false;
return true;
//sanity checks specific to this method
if (desiredPowerLvl != HCI_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL_DONT_CARE) {
if (desiredPowerLvl > 20) {
logi("AndroidVendorExtensions adv does not support adv power level over 20dBm - cutting set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x down to 20dBm from %ddBm\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->powerLevel);
desiredPowerLvl = 20;
if (desiredPowerLvl < -70) {
logi("AndroidVendorExtensions adv does not support adv power level below -70dBm - raising set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x up to -70dBm from %ddBm\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->powerLevel);
desiredPowerLvl = -70;
//we want to enable: first find a free slot (if any)
usedSets = alloca(mMaxAdvSets);
memset(usedSets, 0, mMaxAdvSets);
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->hwEnabled) {
if (usedSets[t->hwSetNum])
logw("It seems that HW adv set %u is used by two advs... this is bad\n", t->hwSetNum);
usedSets[t->hwSetNum] = true;
for (i = 0; i < mMaxAdvSets; i++) {
//skip slot 0 if we have a power request
if (!i && desiredPowerLvl != HCI_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL_DONT_CARE)
if (!usedSets[i])
if (i == mMaxAdvSets) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because there are no free slots\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle));
return false;
logd("picked slot %u for adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x\n", i, HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle));
//if no power level was requested, use max
if (desiredPowerLvl == HCI_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL_DONT_CARE)
desiredPowerLvl = 20;
//configure the slot: number
set->hwSetNum = i;
//configure the slot: adv data
if (set->hwSetNum)
ret = hciVendorLeMultiAdvSetAdvDataSync(set->advDataLen, set->advData, set->hwSetNum);
ret = hciLeSetAdvDataSync(set->advDataLen, set->advData);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because VendorSetAdvData command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
//configure the slot: scan rsp data
if (set->hwSetNum)
ret = hciVendorLeMultiAdvSetScanRspDataSync(set->scanRspDataLen, set->scanRspData, set->hwSetNum);
ret = hciLeSetScanResponseDataSync(set->scanRspDataLen, set->scanRspData);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because VendorSetScanRspData command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
//configure the slot: adv params
if (set->hwSetNum)
ret = hciVendorLeMultiAdvSetAdvParamsSync(set->intervalMin, set->intervalMax, set->advType, set->ownAddressType, set->ownRandomAddr.addr, set->directAddr.type == BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM ? 1 : 0, set->directAddr.addr, set->channelMap, set->filterPolicy, set->hwSetNum, desiredPowerLvl);
ret = hciLeSetAdvParamsSync(set->intervalMin, set->intervalMax, set->advType, set->ownAddressType, set->directAddr.type == BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM ? 1 : 0, set->directAddr.addr, set->channelMap, set->filterPolicy);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because VendorSetAdvParams command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
//configure the slot: own random address (if needed)
if (set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM || set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_AUTO_RESOLV_ELSE_RANDOM) {
if (set->hwSetNum)
ret = hciVendorLeMultiAdvSetRandomAddrSync(set->ownRandomAddr.addr, set->hwSetNum);
ret = hciLeSetRandomAddressSync(set->ownRandomAddr.addr);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because VendorSetRandomAddr command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
//configure the slot: record/read *actual* TX power level
if (set->hwSetNum)
set->hwPowerLevel = desiredPowerLvl;
else {
ret = hciLeReadAdvChannelTxPowerSync(&pwrLvlEvt);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because GetTxPwrLvl command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
set->hwPowerLevel = pwrLvlEvt.txPower;
//enable the slot
if (set->hwSetNum)
ret = hciVendorLeMultiAdvSetAdvEnableSync(true, set->hwSetNum);
ret = hciLeSetAdvEnableSync(true);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x on channel %u because VendorSetAdvEnable command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), set->hwSetNum, ret);
return false;
set->hwEnabled = true;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmdsTimeCbk
* USE: Timer timeout for adv-set blaming for AndroidVendor connections
* PARAMS: timer - the timer handle
* aclConnHandle - the acl connection handle
* RETURN: none
* NOTES: if the connection still has not been blamed, we blame it on adv set that was on zero (it was pre-populated in hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmds)
static void hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmdsTimeCbk(uniq_t timer, uint64_t aclConnHandle)
hci_adv_set_t blamedSet = 0;
struct hciAclConn* conn;
struct hciAdvSet *t;
//if we got here and conn is still in "wait" state we assume the current blame (set 0) is correct and kick it into config state
conn = hciConnFindByHandle((hci_conn_t)aclConnHandle);
if (conn && conn->state == CONN_STATE_ADV_SET_BLAMING) {
blamedSet = conn->le.advSet;
conn->state = CONN_STATE_CFG;
hciConnCfg(conn, CONN_CFG_STEP_LE, 0);
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->handle == blamedSet) //adv stops when a connection is formed
t->hwEnabled = false;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmds
* USE: Blame a new connection on an adv set and update accounting info
* PARAMS: conn - the ACL connection
* RETURN: false always - for this we must always wait for a later "blame" event
* NOTES: called with mAdvSetsLock held
* This is one of the few "adv set conn blame handlers". This one is used
* when the android-vendor methods are available and BT 5.0 is not
* conn->le.advSet will be set to the adv set that is currently in slot 0
* since that is the one we blame if no "blame event" shows up
static bool hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmds(struct hciAclConn *conn)
struct hciAdvSet *t;
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->hwEnabled && !t->hwSetNum)
conn->le.advSet = t->handle;
* we ALWAYS MUST wait here. Either the event will come telling us which adv set
* caused the connection or the timer will fire and we'll assume it was set zero
timerSet(ADV_SET_BLAME_TIMEOUT_ANDROID_VENDOR, hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmdsTimeCbk, conn->handle);
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetEnableDisableMethodBT4
* USE: Enable or disable an adv set on normal BT4 devices
* PARAMS: set - the set to operate on
* enable - on or off?
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: called with mAdvSetsLock held
* This is one of the few "adv set on/off handlers". This one is used
* when neither the BT 5.0 nor the android-vendor methods are available.
static bool hciAdvSetEnableDisableMethodBT4(struct hciAdvSet *set, bool enable)
struct hciCmplLeReadAdvChannelTxPower pwrLvlEvt;
struct hciAdvSet *t;
int ret;
if (!enable) { // we only have one set - simply disable it
if (hciLeSetAdvEnableSync(false)) {
logw("Failed to disable BT4 adv\n");
return false;
set->hwEnabled = false;
return true;
//we want to enable: first see if another set is already on
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->hwEnabled) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is enabled.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(t->handle));
return false;
//we want to enable and no other set is enabled - simply configure the chip and go
ret = hciLeSetAdvDataSync(set->advDataLen, set->advData);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because SetAdvData command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), ret);
return false;
ret = hciLeSetScanResponseDataSync(set->scanRspDataLen, set->scanRspData);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because SetScanRspData command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), ret);
return false;
ret = hciLeSetAdvParamsSync(set->intervalMin, set->intervalMax, set->advType, set->ownAddressType, set->directAddr.type == BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM ? 1 : 0, set->directAddr.addr, set->channelMap, set->filterPolicy);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because SetAdvParams command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), ret);
return false;
if (set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM || set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_AUTO_RESOLV_ELSE_RANDOM) {
ret = hciLeSetRandomAddressSync(set->ownRandomAddr.addr);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because SetRandomAddr command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), ret);
return false;
ret = hciLeReadAdvChannelTxPowerSync(&pwrLvlEvt);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because GetTxPwrLvl command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), ret);
return false;
set->hwPowerLevel = pwrLvlEvt.txPower;
ret = hciLeSetAdvEnableSync(true);
if (ret) {
logw("Cannot enable adv 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x because SetAdvEnable command failed: %02X\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(set->handle), ret);
return false;
set->hwEnabled = true;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodBT4
* USE: Blame a new connection on an adv set and update accounting info
* PARAMS: conn - the ACL connection
* RETURN: true always - no point in waiting. We either know or do not
* NOTES: called with mAdvSetsLock held
* This is one of the few "adv set conn blame handlers". This one is used
* when neither the BT 5.0 nor the android-vendor methods are available.
* conn->le.advSet will be set to the adv set that caused this connection,
* or to 0 if we do not know
static bool hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodBT4(struct hciAclConn *conn)
struct hciAdvSet *t;
/* easy enough here - just blame the set that is on */
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->hwEnabled) {
t->hwEnabled = false; //adv stops when a connection is formed
conn->le.advSet = t->handle;
return true;
//we do not know but waiting will not resolve it
conn->le.advSet = 0;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciBtStackUp
* USE: Brings up the chip in a sane configuration, reads versions, etc
* RETURN: false on error
static bool hciBtStackUp(void)
int ret = 0;
uint8_t inqMode = HCI_INQ_MODE_STD;
/* sanity and start */
if (mStackState != STACK_STATE_READY_FOR_UP) {
loge("Stack cannot be brought up if not ready for bringup\n");
return false;
/* read local BT version */
struct hciCmplReadLocalVersion evt;
uint8_t hciVersion, lmpVersion;
logi("BT UP: reading version\n");
ret = hciReadLocalVersionSync(&evt);
if (ret)
goto out;
hciVersion = utilGetLE8(&evt.hciVersion);
lmpVersion = utilGetLE8(&evt.lmpVersion);
logi("BT UP: bt versions reported: %u, %d\n", hciVersion, lmpVersion);
if (hciVersion > HCI_VER_MAX_SUPPORTED)
if (lmpVersion > HCI_VER_MAX_SUPPORTED)
mBtVer = hciVersion < lmpVersion ? hciVersion : lmpVersion;
if (mBtVer == HCI_VERSION_2_0) { /* do 2.0 chips really exist? */
logi("BT 2.0 chip???\n");
mBtVer = HCI_VERSION_1_2;
logi("BT UP: effective BT version: %u (BT spec %s)\n", mBtVer, mBtVers[mBtVer]);
if (mBtVer < HCI_VERSION_4_0) {
loge("BT 4.0 minimum!\n");
ret = -3;
goto out;
/* past this point, we can assume BT 4.0+ */
/* read supported features ad make sure LE is in there*/
struct hciCmplReadLocalSupportedFeatures evt;
logi("BT UP: reading features\n");
ret = hciReadLocalSupportedFeaturesSync(&evt);
if (ret)
goto out;
mLocalFtrs[0] = utilGetLE64(&evt.features);
logi("BT UP: bt features reported: "FMT64"X\n", CNV64(mLocalFtrs[0]));
loge("BT LE required!\n");
ret = -3;
goto out;
/* read extended features if possible */
uint8_t page, numPages = 1;
for (page = 0; page < numPages && page < MAX_FTR_PAGES; page++) {
struct hciCmplReadLocalExtendedFeatures evt;
uint64_t ftrs;
uint8_t claimedPage;
ret = hciReadLocalExtendedFeaturesSync(page, &evt);
if (ret)
goto out;
ftrs = utilGetLE64(&evt.features);
claimedPage = utilGetLE8(&;
numPages = utilGetLE8(&evt.maxPage) + 1;
if (claimedPage < MAX_FTR_PAGES)
mLocalFtrs[claimedPage] = ftrs;
logw("Ignoring report for ftr page %u\n", claimedPage);
logi("BT UP: bt extended features[%d/%d, requested %u] reported: "FMT64"X\n", claimedPage, numPages, page, CNV64(ftrs));
/* read MAC address and show it */
struct hciCmplReadBdAddr evt;
logi("Reading local MAC\n");
ret = hciReadBdAddrSync(&evt);
if (ret)
goto out;
memcpy(mLocalAddr, evt.mac, sizeof(mLocalAddr));
logi("Local MAC: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", evt.mac[5], evt.mac[4], evt.mac[3], evt.mac[2], evt.mac[1], evt.mac[0]);
/* read EDR buffer sizes */
struct hciCmplReadBufferSize evt;
uint16_t i;
logi("BT UP: reading EDR buffer size\n");
ret = hciReadBufferSizeSync(&evt);
if (ret)
goto out;
mScoBufSz = utilGetLE8(&evt.scoBufferLen);
mAclBufSzEdr = utilGetLE16(&evt.aclBufferLen);
mAclBufNumEdr = utilGetLE16(&evt.numAclBuffers);
mScoBufNum = utilGetLE16(&evt.numScoBuffers);
logi("BT UP: EDR buffers: %ux%ub ACL + %ux%ub SCO\n", mAclBufNumEdr, mAclBufSzEdr, mScoBufNum, mScoBufSz);
for (i = 0; i < mAclBufNumEdr; i++)
/* read LE buffer sizes & features, if LE exists */
struct hciCmplLeReadLocalSupportedFeatures evtFtrs;
struct hciCmplLeReadBufferSize evt;
uint16_t i;
logi("BT UP: reading LE buffer size\n");
ret = hciLeReadBufferSizeSync(&evt);
if (ret)
goto out;
mAclBufSzLe = utilGetLE16(&evt.leBufferSize);
mAclBufNumLe = utilGetLE8(&evt.leNumBuffers);
logi("BT UP: LE buffers: %ux%ub\n", mAclBufNumLe, mAclBufSzLe);
if (!mAclBufNumLe)
logi("BT UP: joint EDR/LE ACL buffers detected\n");
mBtJointBuffers = false;
for (i = 0; i < mAclBufNumLe; i++)
logi("Reading local LE features\n");
ret = hciLeReadLocalSupportedFeaturesSync(&evtFtrs);
if (ret)
goto out;
mLocalLeFtrs = utilGetLE64(&evtFtrs.leFeatures);
logi("BT UP: le features reported: "FMT64"X\n", CNV64(mLocalLeFtrs));
/* enable LE */
logi("Enabling LE\n");
ret = hciWriteLeHostSupportedSync(true, false);
if (ret)
goto out;
logi("LE should be on\n");
/* set event masks */
uint64_t evts = 0, evts2 = 0, evtsLe = 0;
switch (mBtVer) {
case HCI_VERSION_4_0:
evts = HCI_EVENT_ALL_BT_4_0;
evts2 = HCI_EVENT_P2_ALL_BT_4_0;
evtsLe = HCI_LE_EVENT_ALL_BT_4_0;
case HCI_VERSION_4_1:
evts = HCI_EVENT_ALL_BT_4_1;
evts2 = HCI_EVENT_P2_ALL_BT_4_1;
evtsLe = HCI_LE_EVENT_ALL_BT_4_1;
case HCI_VERSION_4_2:
evts = HCI_EVENT_ALL_BT_4_2;
evts2 = HCI_EVENT_P2_ALL_BT_4_2;
evtsLe = HCI_LE_EVENT_ALL_BT_4_2;
case HCI_VERSION_5_0:
evts = HCI_EVENT_ALL_BT_5_0;
evts2 = HCI_EVENT_P2_ALL_BT_5_0;
evtsLe = HCI_LE_EVENT_ALL_BT_5_0;
evts &=~ HCI_EVENT_REMOTE_HOST_SUPPORTED_FEATURES; /* we do not want this one - it is spammy and useless for now */
evts &=~ HCI_EVENT_MAX_SLOTS_CHANGE; /* same here, really */
evtsLe &=~ HCI_LE_EVENT_SCAN_REQUEST_RECVD; /* same here */
logi("Setting event mask to 0x"FMT64"X\n", CNV64(evts));
ret = hciSetEventMaskSync(evts);
if (ret)
goto out;
logi("Setting event mask page 2 to 0x"FMT64"X\n", CNV64(evts2));
ret = hciSetEventMaskPage2Sync(evts2);
if (ret)
goto out;
logi("Setting LE event mask to 0x"FMT64"X\n", CNV64(evtsLe));
ret = hciLeSetEventMaskSync(evtsLe);
if (ret)
goto out;
/* set up event handler(s) for reset */
/* set up event handler(s) for discovery results */
struct hciEvtWaitDescr ewd = {
.cbk = hciInquiryEvtCbk,
.evtType = HCI_EVT_LE_Meta,
.extra = HCI_EVTLE_Advertising_Report,
.persistent = true,
if (!hciEvtWaitEnqueue(&ewd, 0)) {
ret = -2;
loge("Failed to enqueue scan handler\n");
goto out;
/* set event handlers for connection states */
static const uint8_t connEvtTypes[] = {HCI_EVT_Disconnection_Complete, HCI_EVT_Encryption_Change, HCI_EVT_Authentication_Complete,
HCI_EVT_LE_Meta, HCI_EVT_LE_Meta, HCI_EVT_LE_Meta, HCI_EVT_Vendor, 0};
static const uint16_t connEvtExtras[] = {0, 0, 0, HCI_EVTLE_Connection_Complete, HCI_EVTLE_Connection_Update_Complete,
HCI_EVTLE_LTK_Request, HCI_EVTVENDOR_Android_Subevent_Advt_State_Change,};
if (!hciSetManyEventPersistentHandlers(connEvtTypes, connEvtExtras, hciConnEvtCbk, NULL)) {
ret = -2;
loge("Failed to enqueue connection state handlers\n");
goto out;
/* figure out the multi-adv situation */
mMaxAdvSets = 1;
mCanSetAdvTxPower = false;
mHciAdvSetEnable = hciAdvSetEnableDisableMethodBT4;
mHciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConn = hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodBT4;
if (mBtVer >= HCI_VERSION_5_0) {
struct hciCmplLeReadNumSupportedAdvSets evt;
logi("Will use BT5 multi-adv support\n");
ret = hciLeReadNumberOfSupportedAdvertisingSetsSync(&evt);
if (ret)
logw(" Read number supported adv sets command errored out (0x%02x) - will use normal advertising\n", ret);
else {
mMaxAdvSets = evt.maxAdvsets;
mCanSetAdvTxPower = true;
logi(" Controller supports up to %u adv sets\n", mMaxAdvSets);
else if (mBtVer >= HCI_VERSION_4_0) {
struct hciCmplVendorLeGetVendorCapabilities evt;
logi("Will try BT4 android-vendor multi-adv support\n");
ret = hciVendorLeGetVendorCapabilitiesSync(&evt);
if (!ret) {
mMaxAdvSets = evt.maxAdvtInstances;
mCanSetAdvTxPower = true;
mHciAdvSetEnable = hciAdvSetEnableDisableMethodAndroidVendorCmds;
mHciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConn = hciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConnMethodAndroidVendorCmds;
logi(" Controller supports up to %u adv sets\n", mMaxAdvSets);
else if (ret == HCI_ERR_Unknown_HCI_Command)
logi(" android-vendor extensions not found - will use normal advertising\n");
logw(" Vendor test command errored out (0x%02x) - will use normal advertising\n", ret);
else {
mMaxAdvSets = 0;
mCanSetAdvTxPower = false;
logi("BT4.0 required for advetising. Advertising will not be supported\n");
if (ret) {
loge("Status was 0x%02X\n", ret);
return false;
mStackState = STACK_STATE_UP;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetFindByHandle
* USE: Find an adv set by handle
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* RETURN: the set structure or NULL
* NOTES: call with mAdvSetsLock held
static struct hciAdvSet* hciAdvSetFindByHandle(hci_adv_set_t handle)
struct hciAdvSet* t;
for (t = mAdvSets; t; t = t->next) {
if (t->handle == handle)
return t;
return NULL;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvIsPowerLevelSettingSupported
* USE: Can adv tx power be set with our chip?
* PARAMS: none
* RETURN: the answer
bool hciAdvIsPowerLevelSettingSupported(void)
return mCanSetAdvTxPower;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvGetMaxAdvSetsSupported
* USE: How many adv sets can we support (max) on hardware
* PARAMS: none
* RETURN: the answer
uint32_t hciAdvGetMaxAdvSetsSupported(void)
return mMaxAdvSets;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetAllocate
* USE: Allocate an advertising set structure
* PARAMS: none
* RETURN: the handle to this set
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
hci_adv_set_t hciAdvSetAllocate(void)
struct hciAdvSet *set = (struct hciAdvSet*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct hciAdvSet));
hci_adv_set_t handle;
if (!set)
return 0;
set->handle = handle = uniqGetNext();
set->ownRandomAddr.type = BT_ADDR_TYPE_EDR; //definitely not valid for adv
set->directAddr.type = BT_ADDR_TYPE_EDR; //definitely not valid for adv
set->next = mAdvSets;
if (mAdvSets)
mAdvSets->prev = set;
mAdvSets = set;
return handle;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetFree
* USE: Free an advertising set structure. Set must not be enabled!
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
bool hciAdvSetFree(hci_adv_set_t handle)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is enabled - cannot delete it\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else {
if (set->next)
set->next->prev = set->prev;
if (set->prev)
set->prev->next = set->next;
mAdvSets = set->next;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetConfigureData
* USE: Configure an advertising set's data. Set must not be enabled!
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* scanRsp - which data to config? SCAN_RSP or ADV
* data - the data to use
* len - length of said data
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
bool hciAdvSetConfigureData(hci_adv_set_t handle, bool scanRsp, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t len)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is enabled - cannot edit it\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else {
uint32_t *lenP;
uint8_t *dataP;
uint32_t lenLimit;
if (scanRsp) {
lenP = &set->scanRspDataLen;
dataP = set->scanRspData;
else {
lenP = &set->advDataLen;
dataP = set->advData;
if (len > lenLimit)
logw("%s data is too long (%u > %u)\n", scanRsp ? "SCAN_RSP" : "ADV", len, lenLimit);
else {
memcpy(dataP, data, len);
*lenP = len;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetOwnRandomAddr
* USE: Configure an advertising set's random adress. Set must not be enabled!
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* ownRandomAddr - the random address to use when random address requested for advertising
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
bool hciAdvSetOwnRandomAddr(hci_adv_set_t handle, const struct bt_addr *ownRandomAddr)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is enabled - cannot edit it\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (ownRandomAddr->type != BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x random address cannot be set - provided addr is nto random\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else {
set->ownRandomAddr = *ownRandomAddr;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetSetAdvParams
* USE: Configure an advertising set's parameters. Set must not be enabled!
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* advIntervalMin - minimum adv interval (in units of 0.625ms)
* advIntervalMax - maximum adv interval (in units of 0.625ms)
* advType - adv type: HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_*
* ownAddressType - own addr type: HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_*
* directAddr - if direct adv, the address of target, else ignored
* advChannelMap - channels to use: bitmask of HCI_ADV_CHAN_MAP_USE_*
* advFilterPolicy - filter policy: HCI_ADV_FILTER_POL_*
* advPower - TX power in dBm, ignored if not suported, see hciAdvIsPowerLevelSettingSupported()
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
bool hciAdvSetSetAdvParams(hci_adv_set_t handle, uint16_t advIntervalMin, uint16_t advIntervalMax, uint8_t advType, uint8_t ownAddressType, struct bt_addr *directAddr, uint8_t advChannelMap, uint8_t advFilterPolicy, int8_t advPower)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is enabled - cannot edit it\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else {
set->intervalMin = advIntervalMin;
set->intervalMax = advIntervalMax;
set->advType = advType;
set->ownAddressType = ownAddressType;
if (directAddr)
set->directAddr = *directAddr;
set->directAddr.type = BT_ADDR_TYPE_EDR; //definitely not valid for adv
set->channelMap = advChannelMap;
set->filterPolicy = advFilterPolicy;
set->powerLevel = advPower;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetGetCurTxPowerLevel
* USE: Get the current tx power level of an adv set. Set must be enabled!
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* advTxPowerLevelP - where to store the result
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
bool hciAdvSetGetCurTxPowerLevel(hci_adv_set_t handle, int8_t *advTxPowerLevelP)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (!set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is not enabled - cannot get its power\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else {
if (advTxPowerLevelP)
*advTxPowerLevelP = set->hwPowerLevel;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetGetCurAdvAddr
* USE: Get the current adv addr of an adv set. Set must be enabled!
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* ownAddr - where to store the result
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this does not in any way touch hardware
bool hciAdvSetGetCurAdvAddr(hci_adv_set_t handle, struct bt_addr *ownAddr)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (!set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is not enabled - cannot get its address\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else {
if (set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM)
*ownAddr = set->ownRandomAddr;
else {
memcpy(ownAddr->addr, mLocalAddr, sizeof(ownAddr->addr));
ownAddr->type = BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_PUBLIC;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetEnable
* USE: Try to enable a given adv set
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: this may fail sometimes and succeed other times based on hw state
bool hciAdvSetEnable(hci_adv_set_t handle)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is enabled - cannot enable it again\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (!mHciAdvSetEnable)
logw("No method for enable/disable defined for this chip - cannot enable adv set\n");
else {
ret = true;
/* Sanity checks. All constantrs are from spec */
if (!set->advDataLen) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has no adv data.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
if (set->advType != HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND && (set->intervalMin > set->intervalMax || set->intervalMin < 0x20 || set->intervalMax > 0x4000)) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has invalid interval params.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
if (set->advType != HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_IND && set->advType != HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND && set->advType != HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_SCAN_IND && set->advType != HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND && set->advType != HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW_DUTY) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has invalid adv type.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
if (set->ownAddressType != HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC && set->ownAddressType != HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM && set->ownAddressType != HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_AUTO_RESOLV_ELSE_PUBLIC && set->ownAddressType != HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_AUTO_RESOLV_ELSE_RANDOM) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has invalid own addr type.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
if ((set->advType == HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND || set->advType == HCI_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW_DUTY) && set->directAddr.type != BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_PUBLIC && set->directAddr.type != BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has invalid peer addr type.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
if (!(set->channelMap & 7)) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has invalid channel map.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has invalid filter policy.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
if ((set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM || set->ownAddressType == HCI_ADV_OWN_ADDR_TYPE_AUTO_RESOLV_ELSE_RANDOM) && set->ownRandomAddr.type != BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM) {
logw("Cannot enable adv set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x since it has no valid random address and might need it.\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
ret = false;
//if all checks pass - do the actual ON procedure
ret = ret && mHciAdvSetEnable(set, true);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciAdvSetDisable
* USE: Try to disable a given adv set
* PARAMS: handle - the handle to this set
* RETURN: success
bool hciAdvSetDisable(hci_adv_set_t handle)
struct hciAdvSet *set;
bool ret = false;
set = hciAdvSetFindByHandle(handle);
if (!set)
logw("Set handle 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x not found\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (!set->hwEnabled)
logw("Set 0x"HCI_ADV_SET_FMT"x is disabled - cannot disable it again\n", HCI_ADV_SET_CONV(handle));
else if (!mHciAdvSetEnable)
logw("No method for enable/disable defined for this chip - cannot enable adv set\n");
ret = mHciAdvSetEnable(set, false);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciDiscoverLeStart
* USE: Starts LE discovery
* PARAMS: cbk - device discovered callback
* cbkData - data for said callback
* active - do active scan?
* RETURN: discovery handle or 0 for error
* NOTES: Callbacks might be called even if func returns false, but
* will stop once said return value is actually returned.
* Discovery goes on until stopped.
uniq_t hciDiscoverLeStart(hciDeviceDiscoveredLeCbk cbk, void *cbkData, bool active, bool useRandomAddr)
uniq_t ret = 0;
int sta;
if (!cbk) {
loge("Refusing discovery with no callback\n");
return 0;
if (mDiscoverLeHandle)
logw("Refusing to do LE discovery while another in progress\n");
else {
ret = mDiscoverLeHandle = uniqGetNext();
mDiscoverLeCbk = cbk;
mDiscoverLeData = cbkData;
if (!ret)
return 0;
sta = hciLeSetScanParamsSync(active, HCI_LE_SCAN_INTERVAL, HCI_LE_SCAN_WINDOW, useRandomAddr, false);
if (sta) {
loge("Failed to set LE scan params: %d\n", sta);
goto err;
sta = hciLeSetScanEnableSync(true, false);
if (sta) {
loge("Failed to set LE scan on: %d\n", sta);
goto err;
return ret;
mDiscoverLeHandle = 0;
return 0;
* FUNCTION: hciDiscoverLeStop
* USE: Stops LE discovery
* PARAMS: handle - the handle from hciDiscoverLeStart()
* RETURN: false on error
* NOTES: Callbacks will stop once this returns
bool hciDiscoverLeStop(uniq_t handle)
int sta;
if (!handle) {
loge("Cannot pass NULL handle here\n");
return false;
if (mDiscoverLeHandle != handle)
handle = 0;
mDiscoverLeHandle = 0;
if (handle){
sta = hciLeSetScanEnableSync(false, false);
if (sta)
loge("Failed to set LE scan off: %d\n", sta);
return !!handle;
* FUNCTION: hciInfoSharedBuffers
* USE: Provide info on whether EDR & LE ACL buffers are shared in our controller
* RETURN: the answer
bool hciInfoSharedBuffers(void)
return mBtJointBuffers;
* FUNCTION: hciInfoScoBufSize
* USE: Provide info on SCO buffer size in our controller and SCO support
* PARAMS: bufSz - where to store buffer sizes (or NULL if uninterested)
* bufNum - where to store number of buffers (or NULL if uninterested)
* RETURN: true if SCO supported
bool hciInfoScoBufSize(uint16_t *bufSz, uint16_t *bufNum)
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciInfoSharedBuffers
* USE: Provide info on LE ACL buffer size in our controller and LE support
* PARAMS: bufSz - where to store buffer sizes (or NULL if uninterested)
* bufNum - where to store number of buffers (or NULL if uninterested)
* RETURN: true if LE supported
bool hciInfoAclBufSizeLe(uint16_t *bufSz, uint16_t *bufNum)
if (bufSz)
*bufSz = mAclBufSzLe;
if (bufNum)
*bufNum = mAclBufNumLe;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciCmdStatusCbk
* USE: Gives us the status of a command we started
* PARAMS: cbkData - non-null for LE
* status - status from the chip
* NOTES: This is the universal sink for status events we do not care much about
static void hciCmdStatusCbk(void *cbkData, uint8_t status)
logd("status: %d\n", status);
* FUNCTION: hciConnEncryptLe
* USE: Start an encryption attempt for an LE connection
* PARAMS: conn - the connection
* demandMitmSafe - do we want mitm-safety?
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static bool hciConnEncryptLe(struct hciAclConn *conn, bool demandMitmSafe)
if (!(mLocalLeFtrs & HCI_LE_FTR_ENCRYPTION)) {
loge("Encryption not supported\n");
return false;
if (!(conn->le.ftrs & HCI_LE_FTR_ENCRYPTION)) {
loge("Encryption not supported remotely\n");
return false;
//TODO: LE Security Manager integration
return false;
* FUNCTION: hciConnectLe
* USE: Start an LE connection to a given address
* PARAMS: mac - the mac
* randomAddr - peer address is random?
* scanInt - connect scan interval
* scanWindow - connect scan window
* intMin - minimum wanted interval
* intMax - maximum wanted interval
* latency - wanted latency
* timeout - wanted timeout
* useOwnRandomAddr - send peer our random addr?
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static bool hciConnectLe(const uint8_t *mac, bool randomAddr, uint16_t scanInt, uint16_t scanWindow, uint16_t intMin, uint16_t intMax, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout, bool useOwnRandomAddr)
struct hciLeCreateConnection cmd;
utilSetLE16(&cmd.scanInterval, scanInt);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.scanWindow, scanWindow);
utilSetLE8(&cmd.connectToAnyWhitelistedDevice, 0);
utilSetLE8(&cmd.peerRandomAddr, randomAddr ? 1 : 0);
memcpy(cmd.peerMac, mac, sizeof(cmd.peerMac));
utilSetLE8(&cmd.useOwnRandomAddr, useOwnRandomAddr ? 1 : 0);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.connIntervalMin, intMin);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.connIntervalMax, intMax);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.connLatency, latency);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.supervisionTimeout, timeout);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.minConnLen, 0); /* not a useful hint, i know */
utilSetLE16(&cmd.maxConnLen, intMin * 2);
if (!hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusWithDoneCbk(HCI_OGF_Link_Control, HCI_CMD_LE_Create_Connection, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), hciCmdStatusCbk, NULL)) {
logi("Failed to request connect to "MACFMT"\n", MACCONV(mac));
return false;
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciConnAclStructDel
* USE: Delete a connection structure
* PARAMS: conn - the structure
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void hciConnAclStructDel(struct hciAclConn* conn)
if (conn->outstandingPackets) {
if (BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
while (conn->outstandingPackets--)
} else {
while (conn->outstandingPackets--)
if (conn->next)
conn->next->prev = conn->prev;
if (conn->prev)
conn->prev->next = conn->next;
mConns = conn->next;
if (conn->rxBacklog)
logd("deleting conn struct for "ADDRFMT" h="HANDLEFMT"\n", ADDRCONV(conn->peerAddr), HANDLECNV(conn->handle));
* FUNCTION: hciConnAclStructNew
* USE: Create a connection structure
* PARAMS: id - the ACL connection ID
* addr - the peer address
* state - the state to create the connection in
* isMaster - set us as master?
* RETURN: the new conn struct or NULL
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static struct hciAclConn* hciConnAclStructNew(uint16_t id, const struct bt_addr *addr, uint8_t state, bool isMaster)
struct hciAclConn *conn = (struct hciAclConn*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct hciAclConn));
if (!conn)
return NULL;
memcpy(&conn->peerAddr, addr, sizeof(conn->peerAddr));
conn->state = state;
conn->isMaster = isMaster;
conn->id = id;
conn->handle = uniqGetNext();
conn->next = mConns;
mConns = conn;
return conn;
* FUNCTION: hciConnect
* USE: Start a connection to a given address
* PARAMS: addr - the address
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
* NOTES: For LE default params will be used
bool hciConnect(const struct bt_addr* addr)
bool ret = false;
logd("Requested a conect to "ADDRFMT"\n", ADDRCONV(*addr));
if (hciConnFindByAddr(addr))
logw("refusing to connect to address i already have a connection to\n");
else {
struct hciAclConn* conn = hciConnAclStructNew(ACL_CONN_ID_INVALID, addr, CONN_STATE_WAIT, true);
if (!conn)
loge("Failed to allocate conn struct\n");
else {
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(*addr))
ret = hciConnectLe(addr->addr, addr->type == BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM, HCI_LE_CONN_SCAN_INTERVAL,
if (!ret)
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciDisconnect
* USE: Kill a connection [attempt] to a given address
* PARAMS: addr - the address
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
bool hciDisconnect(const struct bt_addr* addr)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
conn = hciConnFindByAddr(addr);
if (!conn)
logw("Failed to find connection to disconnect "ADDRFMT"\n", ADDRCONV(*addr));
else {
bool isLE = BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr);
switch (conn->state) {
if (isLE) {
if (!hciConnLeCancel())
loge("Failed to request LE conection cancellation for "ADDRFMT"\n", ADDRCONV(conn->peerAddr));
} else
logd("cannot cancel in-progress EDR connection\n");
conn->state = CONN_STATE_DELETING;
logd("cannot cancel already-in-cancellation connection\n");
loge("Invalid connection state %d\n", conn->state);
return !!conn;
* FUNCTION: hciUpdateLeParams
* USE: Try to update LE params
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* minInt - the minimum wanted interval
* maxInt - the maximum wanted interval
* lat - wanted latency
* to - wanted timeout
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
bool hciUpdateLeParams(hci_conn_t aclConn, uint16_t minInt, uint16_t maxInt, uint16_t lat, uint16_t to)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn)
logw("Conection for update not found\n");
else if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_RUNNING)
logw("Cannot update params for not-yet-established connection\n");
ret = hciConnUpdate(conn->id, minInt, maxInt, lat, to);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciDemandEncr
* USE: Try to encrypt a connection
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
bool hciDemandEncr(hci_conn_t aclConn, bool demandMitmSafe)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn)
logw("Conection for encrypt not found\n");
else if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_RUNNING)
logw("Cannot update encryption for not-yet-established connection\n");
else if (conn->encrypted && (conn->mitmSafe || !demandMitmSafe))
logw("Connection already encrypted up to requested level\n");
else if (BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr))
ret = hciConnEncryptLe(conn, demandMitmSafe);
return conn && ret;
* FUNCTION: hciLeConnGetInfo
* USE: Query info for an LE connection
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* masterP - where to stor if we're master (or NULL)
* peerFtrsP - where to store peer features (or NULL)
* intP - where to store connection interval (or NULL)
* latP - where to sotre connectio nlatency (or NULL)
* toP - where to store connection timeout (or NULL)
* mcaP - where to store MCA (meaningless if we're master) (or NULL)
* RETURN: true if connection was found and results have been returned
bool hciLeConnGetInfo(hci_conn_t aclConn, bool *masterP, uint64_t *peerFtrsP, uint16_t *intP, uint16_t *latP, uint16_t *toP, uint8_t *mcaP)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn)
logw("Conection for encrypt not found\n");
else if (!BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr))
logw("Not an LE connection\n");
else {
if (masterP)
*masterP = conn->isMaster;
if (peerFtrsP)
*peerFtrsP = conn->le.ftrs;
if (intP)
*intP = conn->le.interval;
if (latP)
*latP = conn->le.latency;
if (toP)
*toP = conn->le.timeout;
if (mcaP)
*mcaP = conn->le.mca;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciLeEncryptConn
* USE: Encrypt a connection using the given key
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* rand - random value
* ediv - encrypted diversifier value
* key - the key used for encryption
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
bool hciLeEncryptConn(hci_conn_t aclConn, uint64_t rand, uint16_t ediv, const uint8_t *key)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn)
logw("Cannot find Connection to encrypt\n");
else if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_RUNNING)
logw("Cannot encrypt a not-yet-established connection\n");
else if (conn->encrypted)
logw("Connection already encrypted up to requested level\n");
else if (!BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr))
logw("Not an LE connection\n");
else if (key)
ret = hciLeStartEncryptionSync(conn->id, rand, ediv, key);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciTryToTx
* USE: Try to send some data
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* data - the data
* first - mark as first fragment?
* RETURN: true if attempt will be made
* NOTES: all data larger then controller's buffer WILL be dropped. WILL NOT BLOCK!
uint8_t hciTryToTx(hci_conn_t aclConn, sg data, uint8_t boundary)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
uint8_t ret = HCI_TX_SEND_ERROR;
conn = hciConnFindByHandle(aclConn);
if (!conn) {
logw("Cannot send on a nonexistent connection\n");
} else if (conn->state != CONN_STATE_RUNNING) {
logw("Cannot send on a not-yet-established connection\n");
} else {
bool isLE = BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr);
bool useLeBuffers = isLE && !mBtJointBuffers;
sem_t *relevantSem = useLeBuffers ? &mAclPacketsLe : &mAclPacketsEdr;
int rv;
rv = r_sem_trywait(relevantSem);
if (rv && errno == EAGAIN)
else if (!rv) {
struct hciAclHdr hdr;
uint16_t pb = 0xFFFF; /* this will catch all other cases */
uint16_t complete_pb = /*mBtVer >= HCI_VERSION_3_0 ? ACL_HDR_PB_COMPLETE : */start_pb; /* XXX: this causes problems with TI BT chips - they send "complete" as a "continue" confusing the other side */
switch(boundary) {
pb = isLE ? start_pb : complete_pb;
pb = start_pb;
utilSetLE16(&hdr.len, sgLength(data));
utilSetLE16(&hdr.hdr, conn->id | pb);
if (sgConcatFrontCopy(data, &hdr, sizeof(hdr))) {
if (vendorTx(HCI_PKT_TYP_ACL, data, false)) {
} else {
/* undo our concat of header in case caller wants to use this sg again */
sgTruncFront(data, sizeof(hdr));
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciHandleConnAclDown
* USE: Called when a connection has gone down
* PARAMS: cid - the connection ID
* reason - the reason
static void hciHandleConnAclDown(uint16_t cid, uint8_t reason)
struct hciAclConn* conn;
conn = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (!conn)
logd("Conn down not found %d\n", cid);
else {
switch(conn->state) {
logw("Unexpected connection down in wait state!\n");
/* fallthrough */
if (!hciScheduleConnDownNotif(conn->handle, reason))
loge("Failed to schedule conn down notif\n");
/* nothing here really */
* FUNCTION: hciConnCfgCbk
* USE: event handler for hciConnCfg()
* PARAMS: evt - the resuting event
* evtSz - event size
* cbkData - the data from hciConnCfg (step and aux encoded into a pointer)
* evtWaitStateID - unused
* forCmdID - unused
* RETURN: true if this is our event (always yes)
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static bool hciConnCfgCbk(const struct hciEvtHdr *evt, uint32_t evtSz, void *cbkData, uniq_t evtWaitStateID, uniq_t forCmdID)
struct hciEvtLeMeta *leMetaEvt = (struct hciEvtLeMeta*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete *rrsf = (struct hciEvtReadRemoteSupportedFeaturesComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtLeReadRemoteFeaturesComplete *rrf = (struct hciEvtLeReadRemoteFeaturesComplete*)(leMetaEvt + 1);
struct hciEvtReadRemoteExtFeturesComplete *rref = (struct hciEvtReadRemoteExtFeturesComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtReadRemoteVersionComplete *rrv = (struct hciEvtReadRemoteVersionComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtCmdComplete *cmpl = (struct hciEvtCmdComplete*)(evt + 1);
struct hciEvtCmdStatus *stat = (struct hciEvtCmdStatus*)(evt + 1);
struct hciCmplWriteAutoFlushTimeout *waft = (struct hciCmplWriteAutoFlushTimeout*)(cmpl + 1);
uint16_t step = ((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)cbkData) >> 16;
uint16_t aux = (uint16_t)(uintptr_t)cbkData;
uint8_t evtType = utilGetLE8(&evt->code);
struct hciAclConn *c = NULL;
uint8_t sta = 0xff;
uint16_t cid;
switch (step) {
case CONN_CFG_STEP_LE + 0: /* first LE config step = get remote features & get self addr */
cid = utilGetLE16(&rrf->conn);
sta = utilGetLE8(&rrf->status);
c = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (!c)
if (sta)
if (!hciAdvSetGetCurAdvAddr(c->le.advSet, &c->selfAddr)) {
logw("Unable to get self addr from adv - assuming public things may not work well for this connection\n");
memcpy(c->selfAddr.addr, mLocalAddr, sizeof(c->selfAddr.addr));
c->selfAddr.type = BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_PUBLIC;
c->le.ftrs = utilGetLE64(&rrf->leFeatures);
loge("unknown connection config step step 0x%04X.05%04X\n", step, aux);
if (!c)
loge("connection config failed: unable to find connection\n");
else if (!sta)
hciConnCfg(c, step, aux);
else if (sta) {
loge("connection config failed: sta 0x%02X. Closing.\n", sta);
return true;
* FUNCTION: hciConnCfg
* USE: Configure a new connection to our liking and tell upper layer when done
* PARAMS: c - the connection struct
* step - the step to perform
* aux - substep
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void hciConnCfg(struct hciAclConn *c, uint32_t step, uint32_t aux)
struct hciEvtWaitDescr ewd[2] = {{.cbk = hciConnCfgCbk, .persistent = false}, {.cbk = hciConnCfgCbk, .persistent = false}};
void *userData = (void*)(uintptr_t)((step << 16) | aux);
struct hciReadRemoteSupportedFeatures rrsf;
struct hciReadRemoteExtendedFeatures rref;
struct hciLeReadRemoteUsedFeatures rrf;
struct hciWriteAutoFlushTimeout waft;
struct hciReadRemoteVersionInfo rrv;
bool success = true;
if (c->state != CONN_STATE_CFG) {
logw("Tried to config a connection not in config state\n");
switch (step) {
case CONN_CFG_STEP_LE + 0: /* first LE config step = get remote features */
if (!c->isMaster)
break; /* as a slave there is no config to do */
utilSetLE16(&rrf.conn, c->id);
ewd[0].evtType = HCI_EVT_LE_Meta;
ewd[0].extra = HCI_EVTLE_Read_Remote_Used_Features_Complete;
ewd[0].cbkData = userData;
if (!hciCmdSubmit(HCI_OGF_LE, HCI_CMD_LE_Read_Remote_Used_Features, &rrf, sizeof(rrf), ewd + 0, NULL)) {
success = false;
loge("Failed to send read remote used features command\n");
case CONN_CFG_STEP_LE + 1: /* second LE config step = done! */
/* if we got here, the configuration step ended and it is time to proceed */
if (success) {
if (hciScheduleConnUpNotif(c->handle, &c->peerAddr, &c->selfAddr, c->isMaster, c->encrypted, c->mitmSafe)) {
/* if there are any backlogged RX messages, queue them up too */
while (c->rxBacklog) {
struct hciBacklogItemHdr itemHdr;
sg packet;
if (!sgSerializeCutFront(c->rxBacklog, &itemHdr, sizeof(itemHdr))) {
loge("backlog header dequque fail!\n");
goto fail;
packet = sgSplit(c->rxBacklog, itemHdr.len);
if (!packet) {
loge("backlog packet dequeue fail\n");
goto fail;
sgSwap(packet, c->rxBacklog);
if (!sgLength(c->rxBacklog)) {
c->rxBacklog = NULL;
if (!hciRxAclForRunningConn(c, itemHdr.aclHdr, packet)) {
loge("backlog packet rx enqueue fail\n");
goto fail;
} else
loge("Failed to enqueue upcall for conn up\n");
* FUNCTION: hciConnAclUp
* USE: Setup a local ACL conn struct for this conn
* PARAMS: established - is it established?
* id - the id
* mac - the mac
* addrType - the address type for bt_addr struct
* encrypted - true if encrypted
* isMaster - am i master?
* RETURN: connection struct or NULL if error
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static struct hciAclConn* hciConnAclUp(bool established, uint16_t id, const uint8_t *mac, uint8_t addrType, bool encrypted, bool isMaster)
bool isLE = addrType != BT_ADDR_TYPE_EDR;
struct hciAclConn *c;
struct bt_addr addr;
memcpy(addr.addr, mac, sizeof(addr.addr));
addr.type = addrType;
c = hciConnFindByAddr(&addr);
if (!established) {
if (!c)
logw("cannection we didn't know about failed. Do we care?\n");
return NULL;
if (hciConnFindById(id)) {
loge("Refusing to create conn struct for existing connection %d\n", id);
return NULL;
if (!c) {
c = hciConnAclStructNew(id, &addr, CONN_STATE_CFG, isMaster);
if (!c) {
loge("Failed to alloc conn struct for new ACL link\n");
return NULL;
c->isMaster = isLE ? isMaster : false;
} else if (c->state == CONN_STATE_WAIT) {
c->state = CONN_STATE_CFG;
if (isLE)
c->isMaster = isMaster;
/* TODO: start next LE connection/restart adv/etc? */
} else {
loge("Connection in state %d at up time\n", c->state);
c->encrypted = encrypted;
return c;
* FUNCTION: hciHandleConnAclLeUp
* USE: Setup a local ACL.LE conn struct for this conn
* PARAMS: status - the connection status
* id - the conection id
* isMaster - true if we're the master
* mac - the mac
* addrRandom - true if adddress is random
* interval - LE connection interval
* latency - LE conenction latency
* timeout - LE connection timeout
* mca - LE connection master clock accuracy
* RETURN: true on success
static bool hciHandleConnAclLeUp(uint8_t status, uint16_t id, bool isMaster, const uint8_t *mac, bool addrRandom, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t mca)
struct hciAclConn *c;
bool advSetDetermined;
c = hciConnAclUp(!status, id, mac, addrRandom ? BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_RANDOM : BT_ADDR_TYPE_LE_PUBLIC, false, isMaster);
if (c) {
c->le.interval = interval;
c->le.latency = latency;
c->le.timeout = timeout;
c->le.mca = mca;
advSetDetermined = mHciAdvSetHandleAndBlameNewConn(c);
if (!advSetDetermined)
else {
c->state = CONN_STATE_CFG;
hciConnCfg(c, CONN_CFG_STEP_LE, 0);
return !!c;
* FUNCTION: hciHandleConnAclEncr
* USE: Notify all interested in encryption change
* PARAMS: cid - the connection id
* encrOn - is encryption on?
* RETURN: true on success
static bool hciHandleConnAclEncr(uint16_t cid, bool encrOn)
struct hciAclConn *c;
bool ret = false;
logd("cid %d now %sencrypted\n", cid, encrOn ? "" : "not ");
c = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (c) {
logd("cid %d was %sencrypted\n", cid, c->encrypted ? "" : "not ");
c->encrypted = encrOn;
ret = hciScheduleConnEncrChange(c->handle, c->encrypted, c->mitmSafe
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciHandleConnAclAuth
* USE: Notify all interested in authentication change
* PARAMS: cid - the connection id
* authOn - is auth on
* RETURN: true on success
static bool hciHandleConnAclAuth(uint16_t cid, bool authOn)
struct hciAclConn *c;
bool ret = false;
logd("cid %d now %sauthed\n", cid, authOn ? "" : "not ");
c = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (c) {
logd("cid %d was %sauthed\n", cid, c->mitmSafe ? "" : "not ");
c->mitmSafe = authOn;
ret = hciScheduleConnEncrChange(c->handle, c->encrypted, c->mitmSafe);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciHandleConnAclLeUpdate
* USE: Notify all interested in conn param update
* PARAMS: status - did update succeed?
* cid - the connection id
* interval - the new interval (valid only in case of success)
* latency - the new latency (valid only in case of success)
* timeout - the new timeout (valid only in case of success)
* RETURN: true on success
static bool hciHandleConnAclLeUpdate(uint8_t status, uint16_t cid, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout)
struct hciAclConn *c;
bool ret = false;
logd("cid %d update success: %d\n", cid, status);
c = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (c) {
if (!status) {
logd("update: {%d,%d,%d} -> {%d,%d,%d}\n", c->le.interval, c->le.latency, c->le.timeout, interval, latency, timeout);
c->le.interval = interval;
c->le.latency = latency;
c->le.timeout = timeout;
ret = hciScheduleConnParamChange(c->handle, !status, c->le.interval, c->le.latency, c->le.timeout);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciHandleConnLeLtkReq
* USE: Handle key request for an LE connection
* PARAMS: cid - the connection id
* randomNum - provied by other side
* diversifier - provied by other side
* RETURN: true on success
static bool hciHandleConnLeLtkReq(uint16_t cid, uint64_t randomNum, uint16_t diversifier)
struct hciAclConn *c;
bool ret = false;
c = hciConnFindById(cid);
if (c)
ret = hciScheduleLeLtkRequest(c->handle, randomNum, diversifier);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: hciConnLeCancel
* USE: Cancel an ongoing LE connection attempt
* PARAMS: addr - whom the connection was to
* RETURN: true on success
static bool hciConnLeCancel(void)
return hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithCompleteWithDoneCbk(HCI_OGF_LE, HCI_CMD_LE_Create_Connection_Cancel, NULL, 0, hciCmdStatusCbk, NULL);
* FUNCTION: hciConnUpdate
* USE: Start a connection update for an LE connection
* PARAMS: cid - the cid
* intMin - minimum wanted interval
* intMax - maximum wanted itnerval
* latency - wanted latency
* timeout - wanted timeout
* RETURN: false on failure. else wait.
static bool hciConnUpdate(uint16_t cid, uint16_t intMin, uint16_t intMax, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout)
struct hciLeConnectionUpdate cmd;
utilSetLE16(&cmd.conn, cid);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.connIntervalMin, intMin);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.connIntervalMax, intMax);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.connLatency, latency);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.supervisionTimeout, timeout);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.minConnLen, 0); /* not a useful hint, i know */
utilSetLE16(&cmd.maxConnLen, intMin * 2);
return hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusWithDoneCbk(HCI_OGF_LE, HCI_CMD_LE_Connection_Update, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), hciCmdStatusCbk, NULL);
* FUNCTION: hciConnDisconnect
* USE: Start a disconnection process
* PARAMS: cid - the cid
* RETURN: false on failure. else wait.
static bool hciConnDisconnect(uint16_t cid)
struct hciDisconnect cmd;
utilSetLE16(&cmd.conn, cid);
utilSetLE16(&cmd.reason, 0x13); //TODO: better dealings with this value...
return hciCmdSubmitSimpleWithStatusWithDoneCbk(HCI_OGF_Link_Control, HCI_CMD_Disconnect, &cmd, sizeof(cmd), hciCmdStatusCbk, NULL);