blob: b54da204dfa7dd5dbb56c4cae585cf7363de54ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
//todo: check all lengths followed, all log levels correct
//todo: hci QoS is same as L2CAP QoS, so we can probably support L2CAP QoS via HCI QoS easily
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include "newblue-macros.h"
#include "multiNotif.h"
#include "workQueue.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "l2cap.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "uniq.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "hci.h"
#include "mt.h"
/* constants from spec */
#define L2C_FTR_FLOW_CTRL_MODE 0x00000001
#define L2C_FTR_RETR_MODE 0x00000002
#define L2C_FTR_BIDIR_QOS 0x00000004
#define L2C_FTR_ENH_RETR_MODE 0x00000008
#define L2C_FTR_STREAMING_MODE 0x00000010
#define L2C_FTR_FCS_OPTION 0x00000020
#define L2C_FTR_EXTD_FLOW_SPEC 0x00000040
#define L2C_FTR_FIXED_CHS 0x00000080
#define L2C_FTR_EXTD_WINDOW_SZ 0x00000100
#define L2C_FTR_CONNLESS_DATA_RX 0x00000200
#define L2C_FIXED_CHS_SUPPORTED 0x6 /* as mandated by the spec */
#define L2C_MIN_SIG_MTU 48
/* also, the first non-fixed channel */
/* PSM length minimum as per spec */
#define L2C_PSM_MIN_LEN 2
/* L2CAP channel defines as per spec */
#define L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_EDR 0x0001
#define L2C_CH_CONNECTIONLESS 0x0002
#define L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_LE 0x0005
#define L2C_MODE_BASIC 0
#define L2C_MODE_RETR 1
#define L2C_MODE_FLOW_CTRL 2
#define L2C_MODE_STREAM 3
#define L2C_MODE_ENH_RETR 4
#define L2C_FLG_S_FRM 0x0001
#define L2C_FLG_R 0x0080
#define L2C_FLG_F 0x0080
#define L2C_MASK_SAR 0xC000
#define L2C_SHFT_SAR 14
#define L2C_MASK_S 0x000C
#define L2C_SHFT_S 2
#define L2C_FLG_P 0x0010
#define L2C_FLG_RSVD_S 0x0002
#define L2C_FLG_MASK_REQ_SEQ 0x3F00
#define L2C_FLG_SHFT_REQ_SEQ 8
#define L2C_FLG_MASK_TX_SEQ 0x007E
#define L2C_FLG_SHFT_TX_SEQ 1
#define L2C_SAR_COMPLETE 0
#define L2C_SAR_START 1
#define L2C_SAR_END 2
#define L2C_SAR_CONT 3
#define L2C_S_RR 0
#define L2C_S_REJ 1
#define L2C_S_RNR 2
#define L2C_S_SREJ 3
/* L2CAP signalling packet codes and respective formats */
#define L2C_SIG_CMD_REJ 0x01
struct l2cSigCmdRej {
uint16_t reason;
/* optional data */
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CMD_NOT_UNDERSTOD 0x0001
/* no data */
#define L2C_SIG_INVALID_CID 0x0003
struct l2cSigInvalidCid {
uint16_t rxedDcid;
uint16_t rxedScid;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_REQ 0x02
struct l2cSigConnReq {
psm_t psm;
uint16_t scid;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP 0x03
struct l2cSigConnRsp {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t result;
uint16_t status;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_OK 0x0000
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_PEND 0x0001
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_BAD_PSM 0x0002
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_BAD_SEC 0x0003
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_NO_RSRC 0x0004
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_PEND_UNKNOWN 0x0000
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_PEND_AUTH 0x0001
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_PEND_ATHORIZ 0x0002
#define L2C_SIG_CONF_REQ 0x04
struct l2cSigConfReq {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t flags;
/* optional data */
} __packed;
#define L2C_CONF_MTU 0x01 /* payload: uint16 mtu */
#define L2C_CONF_FLUSH_TIMEOUT 0x02 /* payload: uint16 timeout */
#define L2C_CONF_QOS 0x03 /* 22 bytes of payload, beginning with uint8 SBZ, uint8 type (=1 for us) */
#define L2C_CONF_RETR_AND_FLOW 0x04 /* 9 bytes of payload, beginnign with mode (=0 for us) */
#define L2C_CONF_FCS 0x05 /* payload: uint8_t fcsType */
#define L2C_CONF_EXT_FLOW 0x06 /* 16 bytes of payload, beginning with uint8 id(=1) and svc(=1) */
struct l2cConfQosOpts {
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t serviceType;
uint32_t tokenRate;
uint32_t tockenBucketSz;
uint32_t peakBandwidth;
uint32_t latency;
uint32_t delayVariation;
} __packed;
struct l2cConfRetrOpts {
uint8_t mode;
uint8_t txWindowSize;
uint8_t maxTransmit;
uint16_t retrTimeout;
uint16_t monitorTimeout;
uint16_t maxPduSz;
} __packed;
#define L2C_RETR_MODE_BASIC 0x00
#define L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP 0x05
struct l2cSigConfRsp {
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t result;
/* optional data */
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP_OK 0x0000
#define L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP_REJECTED 0x0002
#define L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP_PENDING 0x0004
#define L2C_SIG_CONF_FLAG_C 0x0001
#define L2C_SIG_DISC_REQ 0x06
struct l2cSigDiscReq {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_DISC_RSP 0x07
struct l2cSigDiscRsp {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_ECHO_REQ 0x08
/* all data is optional */
#define L2C_SIG_ECHO_RSP 0x09
/* all data is optional */
#define L2C_SIG_INFO_REQ 0x0A
struct l2cSigInfoReq {
uint16_t infoType;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_INFO_TYPE_EXT_FTRS 0x0002
#define L2C_SIG_INFO_TYPE_FIXED_CHS 0x0003
#define L2C_SIG_INFO_RSP 0x0B
struct l2cSigInfoRsp {
uint16_t infoType;
uint16_t result;
/* optional data */
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_INFO_RESULT_OK 0x0000
#define L2C_SIG_INFO_RESULT_NO 0x0001
#define L2C_SIG_CH_CREAT_REQ 0x0C
struct l2cSigChCreatReq {
psm_t psm;
uint16_t scid;
uint8_t controller;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CH_CREAT_RSP 0x0D
struct l2cSigChCreatRsp {
uint16_t dcid;
uint16_t scid;
uint16_t result;
uint16_t status;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CH_MOVE_REQ 0x0E
struct l2cSigChMoveReq {
uint16_t icid;
uint8_t controller;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CH_MOVE_RSP 0x0F
struct l2cSigChMoveRsp {
uint16_t icid;
uint16_t result;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CH_MOVE_CNF_REQ 0x10
struct l2cSigChMoveCnfReq {
uint16_t icid;
uint16_t result;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CH_MOVE_CNF_RSP 0x11
struct l2cSigChMoveCnfRsp {
uint16_t icid;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_REQ 0x12
struct l2cSigConnUpdtReq {
uint16_t intMin;
uint16_t intMax;
uint16_t latency;
uint16_t timeoutMult;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_RSP 0x13
struct l2cSigConnUpdtRsp {
uint16_t result;
} __packed;
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_OK 0x0000
#define L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_NO 0x0001
/* low level L2CAP frame */
struct l2cFrmHdr { /* header of all frames */
uint16_t len;
uint16_t cid;
} __packed;
/* L2CAP signalling channel frame */
struct l2cSigFrm {
uint8_t code;
uint8_t ident;
uint16_t len;
} __packed;
/* our per-ACL-connection structure */
struct l2cAclConn {
struct l2cAclConn *next;
struct l2cAclConn *prev;
uniq_t handle;
uniq_t openTimer;
uniq_t teardownTimer;
hci_conn_t conn;
sg reassSg;
uint32_t peerFeatures;
uint64_t peerFixedChs;
uint8_t ident; /* next ident to use */
uint16_t nextChan; /* a guess to a currently-free channel */
uint16_t connectionlessMtu;
uint16_t sigMtu;
struct bt_addr peerAddr; /* who the peer is */
struct bt_addr selfAddr; /* who we were acting as when we made the connection */
uint8_t state;
uint8_t isMaster : 1;
uint8_t encrypted : 1;
uint8_t mitmSafe : 1;
uint8_t reqIdent; /* ident for an outstanding request */
l2c_handle_t securityManager; /* 0 if none yet */
struct {
union { /* LE-only data */
l2cConnUpdateDoneCbk connUpdtDoneCbk;
void *connUpdtDoneCbkData;
uint8_t connUpdtRequestIdent; /* 0 if none inflight */
/* EDR-only data here, if any */
struct l2cSigPduSendItem {
struct l2cSigPduSendItem *next;
struct l2cSigPduSendItem *prev;
hci_conn_t aclConnID;
sg pdu;
uint16_t cid;
bool hasL2cHdr; /* if we've added a header already, we can no longer merge */
/* our work struct for service worker theread */
union l2cPsmOrChan {
psm_t psm;
uint16_t chan;
struct l2cSvcWork {
int type;
union {
struct {
l2c_handle_t handle;
union l2cPsmOrChan which;
} i_alloc;
struct {
l2c_handle_t handle;
sg payload;
uint32_t size;
psm_t psm;
} cl_rx;
struct {
union l2cPsmOrChan which;
void (*doneCbk)(void*);
void *cbkData;
} unreg;
struct {
l2cStateCbk stateCbk;
void *userData;
void *instance;
uint8_t state;
uint32_t len;
} state;
struct {
l2cConnUpdateDoneCbk doneCbk;
void *cbkData;
bool success;
} connUpdtCbk;
struct {
struct bt_addr addr;
//todo: more params for non-default conns?
} linkOpen;
struct {
hci_conn_t aclConn;
} linkClose;
struct {
hci_conn_t aclConnID;
uint16_t minInt;
uint16_t maxInt;
uint16_t lat;
uint16_t to;
} connUpdt;
struct {
hci_conn_t aclConnID;
bool demandMitmSafe;
} demandEncr;
struct {
bool useLeBuffers;
} tryTx;
struct {
L2capDefaultSecurityManagerCbk cbk;
hci_conn_t hciConn;
uint64_t randomNum;
uint16_t diversifier;
} defaultSm;
struct {
sem_t *sem;
} flush;
#define L2C_WORK_PSM_UNREGISTER 2 /* does not call service itself */
#define L2C_WORK_FIXEDCH_UNREGISTER 4 /* does not call service itself */
#define L2C_WORK_STATE_CBK 5
#define L2C_WORK_TRY_HCI_TX 11
#define L2C_WORK_FLUSH 13
/* our per-service struct for PSM-based services */
struct l2cPsmSvc {
struct l2cPsmSvc *next;
struct l2cPsmSvc *prev;
psm_t psm;
struct l2cServicePsmDescriptor desc;
uint32_t beingRemoved : 1;
/* our per-service struct for PSM-based services */
struct l2cFixedChSvc {
struct l2cFixedChSvc *next;
struct l2cFixedChSvc *prev;
uint16_t chan;
struct l2cServiceFixedChDescriptor desc;
uint32_t beingRemoved : 1;
struct l2cAdvFrag {
sg data;
uint8_t sar;
/* our per-l2c connection struct */
/* also used for fixed ch "connections" */
struct l2cConn {
uniq_t handle;
struct l2cConn *next;
struct l2cConn *prev;
uniq_t timer;
l2cStateCbk stateCbk;
void *userData;
void *instance;
uniq_t acl; /* the acl connection */
uint8_t ident; /* for control channel ops */
uint8_t state;
uint8_t mode; /* L2C_MODE_* */
psm_t psm; /* 0 for fixedCh */
uint16_t localCh; /* both this & remCh ==0 means */
uint16_t remCh; /* this is connectionless conn struct */
uint16_t ourMtu; /* for our side */
uint16_t theirMtu; /* for other side */
uint8_t weOpened : 1; /* 1 if we asked for this, 0 if peer */
uint8_t inUse : 1; /* 1 if connection is in use, 0 else */
uint8_t fcs : 1; /* 1 if FCS is on */
sg queuedRx;
union { /* per-state info */
struct { /* config */
uint8_t cfgTxState;
uint8_t cfgRxState;
/* advanced mode structures for TX */
struct l2cAdvFrag advTxFrags[L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS]; /* our tx buffers */
sg advEnqueuedPacket; /* may be more than a fragment long */
uint8_t advTxSendPos; /* where next send will come from */
uint8_t advTxWritePos; /* where the next write will go */
uint8_t advTxFirstUnacked; /* what the first non-acked packet was */
uint8_t advTxWindowSz; /* how many outstanding not-acked packets there can be in our TX path */
bool advTxShutUp; /* set if peer wants us to stop sending *DATA* */
bool advTxWeOweAck; /* do we owe them an ack */
uint16_t advTxMps; /* max payload per fragment */
/* advanced mode structures for RX */
struct l2cAdvFrag advRxFrags[L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS]; /* our rx buffers */
sg advTxReassBuf; /* our current work on reassembling a frame */
uint16_t advTxReassExpectLen; /* expected extra length of packet we're reassembling */
uint8_t advRxFirstMissing; /* first fragment we need */
uint8_t advRxWindowSz; /* how many outstanding not-acked packets there can be in our RX path */
bool advRxWeOweAck; /* do we owe them an ack */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_CONN_WAIT 0 /* waiting for ACL link up */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_RX_OPEN_SVC 1 /* call to service in pipeline */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_TX_OPEN_TXED 2 /* request sent to other side */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_ENCR_WAIT 3 /* waiting for encr/auth */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_ATHORIZ_WAIT 4 /* waiting for user athorization */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_CFG 5 /* configuration ongoing */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_ESTABLISHED 6 /* connected */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_DIE_REQD 7 /* we closed, call to svc in pipeline */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_DIE_RXED 8 /* other side closed, call to svc in pipeline */
#define L2C_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN 9 /* tearing down */
#define L2C_ACL_STATE_PENDING 0 /* not yet established */
#define L2C_ACL_STATE_CFG 1 /* we are still finding out peer config. do not yet start outbound connections */
#define L2C_ACL_STATE_ESTABLISHED 2 /* we can now start outbound connections */
#define L2C_ACL_STATE_TEARDOWN 3 /* going down - do not use */
/* work for seg send thread */
struct l2cSigFrameWork {
hci_conn_t aclConnID;
void *data;
uint32_t len;
bool isLE;
/* some fwd declarations */
static uint8_t l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendErrInvalidCid(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t rxedDcid, uint16_t rxedScid);
static uint16_t l2cAclFreeCid(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t result, uint16_t status);
static struct l2cConn* l2cConnFindByHandle(l2c_handle_t handle);
static void l2cConnStructDelete(struct l2cConn *conn);
static void l2cAclConnStructDelete(struct l2cAclConn *conn);
static void l2cPsmSendConfig(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cConn *conn);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConfigReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t flags, const void *cfgData, uint16_t cfgLen);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConfigRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t flags, uint16_t result, const void *cfgData, uint16_t cfgLen);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendInfoRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t infoType, uint16_t result, const void *infoData, uint16_t infoLen);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendEchoRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, const void *echoData, uint16_t echoLen);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnUpdateRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t result);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnUpdateReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t intMin, uint16_t intMax, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeoutMult);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendDiscRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh);
static void l2cConnRequestClose(struct l2cAclConn* aclConn, struct l2cConn *conn, bool tellOtherSide);
static void l2cAclDownTimerStart(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn);
static void l2cAclDownTimerStop(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn);
static void l2cAclLinkDownInt(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, bool tellOtherSide);
static void l2cPsmCfgStart(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cConn *conn);
static void l2cTryMakeSendProgress(bool forLeBuffers);
static uint8_t l2cSigSendInfoReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t infoType);
static uint16_t l2cUtilFcs(uint16_t fcs, const void *data, uint32_t len);
static uint16_t l2cUtilFcsSg(uint16_t fcs, sg s);
static bool l2cAdvMayTx(void);
static bool l2cAdvMayTxLocked(void);
static uint8_t l2cAdvUserTx(struct l2cConn *conn, sg data); /* -> L2C_TX_* */
static uint8_t l2cDataSendOnAclLink(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, const void *hdr, uint32_t hdrLen, sg data);
/* our state */
static bool mChipJointBuffers;
static uint16_t mChipBufLenEdr;
static uint16_t mChipBufLenLe;
static uint16_t mChipBufNumLe;
static pthread_t mSvcWorker;
static struct workQueue *mServiceWork = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t mSvcsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static struct l2cPsmSvc *mPsmSvcs = NULL;
static struct l2cFixedChSvc *mFixedSvcs = NULL;
static psm_t mNextPsm;
static pthread_mutex_t mConnsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static struct l2cAclConn *mAclConns = NULL;
static struct l2cConn *mConns = NULL;
static struct l2cConn *mNextToTx = NULL;
static sg mQueueBufLe = NULL;
static sg mQueueBufEdr = NULL;
static bool mQueueFirstLe;
static bool mQueueFirstEdr;
static hci_conn_t mQueueConnLe = 0;
static hci_conn_t mQueueConnEdr = 0;
static struct l2cSigPduSendItem *sigSendHeadEdr = NULL;
static struct l2cSigPduSendItem *sigSendTailEdr = NULL;
static struct l2cSigPduSendItem *sigSendHeadLe = NULL;
static struct l2cSigPduSendItem *sigSendTailLe = NULL;
static struct multiNotifList *mWriteNotif = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t mSecMgrLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static L2capDefaultSecurityManagerCbk mDefaultSecMgr = NULL;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclConnFindById
* USE: Find a l2cConn structure for a given ACL connection ID
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL connection ID
* RETURN: the found struct or null
* NOTES: requires mConnsLock held
static struct l2cAclConn* l2cAclConnFindById(hci_conn_t aclConn)
struct l2cAclConn *c = mAclConns;
while (c && c->conn != aclConn)
c = c->next;
return c;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclConnFindByHandle
* USE: Find a l2cConn structure for a given a UniqID
* PARAMS: uniq - the UniqID
* RETURN: the found struct or null
* NOTES: requires mConnsLock held
static struct l2cAclConn* l2cAclConnFindByHandle(uniq_t handle)
struct l2cAclConn *c = mAclConns;
while (c && c->handle != handle)
c = c->next;
return c;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclConnFindByAddr
* USE: Find a l2cConn structure for a given a peer addr
* PARAMS: addr - the addr
* RETURN: the found struct or null
* NOTES: requires mConnsLock held
static struct l2cAclConn* l2cAclConnFindByAddr(const struct bt_addr* addr)
struct l2cAclConn *c = mAclConns;
while (c && memcmp(&c->peerAddr, addr, sizeof(struct bt_addr)))
c = c->next;
return c;
* FUNCTION: l2cPsmValid
* USE: Check a PSM for validity
* PARAMS: psm - the PSM
* RETURN: true if valid, else false
* NOTES: we only support PSMs of 16-bit size
static bool l2cPsmValid(psm_t psm)
/* PSMs are odd */
if (!(psm & 1))
return false;
/* LSB of top byte shall be zero */
if (psm & 0x0100)
return false;
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkAlloc
* USE: Allocate a work item for the service worker
* PARAMS: type - the type of work
* extraLen - how many bytes extra to allocate (for data past work struct)
* RETURN: work item or null
static struct l2cSvcWork* l2cSvcWorkAlloc(int type, uint32_t extraLen)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = (struct l2cSvcWork*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cSvcWork) + extraLen);
if (w)
w->type = type;
loge("Failed to allocate service work item\n");
return w;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmAlloc
* USE: Schedule a service allocation
* PARAMS: psm - the psm which this is for
* handle - the handle to pass to the service alloc handler
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread
static bool l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmAlloc(psm_t psm, l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_PSM_INST_ALLOC, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->i_alloc.handle = handle;
w->i_alloc.which.psm = psm;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for service instance allocation!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmConnectionlessRx
* USE: Schedule a service data RX for connectionless data
* PARAMS: psm - the psm which this is for
* handle - the handle to pass to the service RX connectionless handler
* payload - the data that arrived
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread. Buffer is copied
static bool l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmConnectionlessRx(psm_t psm, l2c_handle_t handle, sg payload)
struct l2cSvcWork* w;
if (!w) {
return false;
w->cl_rx.handle = handle;
w->cl_rx.payload = payload;
w->cl_rx.psm = psm;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for service connectionless RX!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChAlloc
* USE: Schedule a service allocation
* PARAMS: chan - the channel this is for
* handle - the handle to pass to the service alloc handler
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChAlloc(uint16_t chan, l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_FIXEDCH_INST_ALLOC, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->i_alloc.handle = handle;
w->i_alloc.which.chan = chan;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for service instance allocation!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChUnregister
* USE: Schedule a service unregistering
* PARAMS: chan - the channel this is for
* doneCbk - callback to call when done (or NULL)
* cbkData - data to pass to callback
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual work will happen in the worker thread
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChUnregister(uint16_t chan, void (*doneCbk)(void*), void *cbkData)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_FIXEDCH_UNREGISTER, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->unreg.doneCbk = doneCbk;
w->unreg.cbkData = cbkData;
w->unreg.which.chan = chan;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for service unregistering!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmUnregister
* USE: Schedule a service unregistering
* PARAMS: psm - the psm which this is for
* doneCbk - callback to call when done (or NULL)
* cbkData - data to pass to callback
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual work will happen in the worker thread
static bool l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmUnregister(psm_t psm, void (*doneCbk)(void*), void *cbkData)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_PSM_UNREGISTER, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->unreg.doneCbk = doneCbk;
w->unreg.cbkData = cbkData;
w->unreg.which.psm = psm;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for service unregistering!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCallDirect
* USE: Schedule a "state" callback with directly-passed params
* PARAMS: stateCbk - the callback to call
* userData - data pointer to pass to the callback
* instance - second data pointer to pass to the callback
* state - state vaklue to pass to the callback
* data - buffer a copy of which is passed to the callback
* len - the length of the buffer
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread. cannot supply a buffer!
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCallDirect(l2cStateCbk stateCbk, void *userData, void *instance, uint8_t state, const void *data, uint32_t len)
struct l2cSvcWork* w;
w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_STATE_CBK, len);
if (!w)
return false;
w->state.stateCbk = stateCbk;
w->state.userData = userData;
w->state.instance = instance;
w->state.state = state;
w->state.len = len;
memcpy(w + 1, data, len);
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for state call!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall
* USE: Schedule a "state" callback for a connection
* PARAMS: conn - the connection
* state - state vaklue to pass to the callback
* data - buffer a copy of which is passed to the callback
* len - the length of the buffer
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread. Buffer is copied
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(struct l2cConn* conn, uint8_t state, const void *data, uint32_t len)
return l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCallDirect(conn->stateCbk, conn->userData, conn->instance, state, data, len);
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleConnUpdtCbk
* USE: Schedule a "connection update" callback
* PARAMS: doneCbk - the callback to call
* cbkData - data pointer to pass to the callback
* success - success sttaus to pass to the callback
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleConnUpdtCbk(l2cConnUpdateDoneCbk doneCbk, void *cbkData, bool success)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_CONN_UPDT_CBK, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->connUpdtCbk.doneCbk = doneCbk;
w->connUpdtCbk.cbkData = cbkData;
w->connUpdtCbk.success = success;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for connection update callback!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkOpen
* USE: Schedule an ACL link open call to the lower layer
* PARAMS: addr - the address of peer to connect to
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkOpen(const struct bt_addr *addr)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_ACL_LINK_OPEN, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->linkOpen.addr = *addr;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for ACL link open!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkClose
* USE: Schedule an ACL link close call to the lower layer
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection to close
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkClose(hci_conn_t aclConn)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_ACL_LINK_CLOSE, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->linkClose.aclConn = aclConn;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for ACL link close!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclConnUpdt
* USE: Schedule a connection update call to the lower layer
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the connection ID
* minInt - update command parameter
* maxInt - update command parameter
* lat - update command parameter
* to - update command parameter
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclConnUpdt(hci_conn_t aclConnID, uint16_t minInt, uint16_t maxInt, uint16_t lat, uint16_t to)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_ACL_CONN_UPDT, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->connUpdt.aclConnID = aclConnID;
w->connUpdt.minInt = minInt;
w->connUpdt.maxInt = maxInt;
w-> = lat;
w-> = to;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for ACL connection update!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclDemandEncr
* USE: Schedule a connection encryption request
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the connection ID
* demandMitmSafe - demand authentication too?
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclDemandEncr(hci_conn_t aclConnID, bool demandMitmSafe)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_ACL_DEMAND_ENCR, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->demandEncr.aclConnID = aclConnID;
w->demandEncr.demandMitmSafe = demandMitmSafe;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for ACL connection encprypt!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleTryTx
* USE: Schedule an attempt to do some TX
* PARAMS: useLeBuffers - which buffer set to try TX on
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleTryTx(bool useLeBuffers)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_TRY_HCI_TX, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->tryTx.useLeBuffers = useLeBuffers;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for ACL TX!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleDefaultSmCall
* USE: Schedule an attempt to call the dafult security manager
* PARAMS: mgrCbk - the manager to call
* hciConn - the hci acl connection
* randomNum - the random number gotten from peer
* diversifier - the diversifier gotten from peer
* RETURN: false on immediate error
* NOTES: actual call will happen in the worker thread.
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleDefaultSmCall(L2capDefaultSecurityManagerCbk mgrCbk, hci_conn_t hciConn, uint64_t randomNum, uint16_t diversifier)
struct l2cSvcWork* w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_DEFAULT_SM_CALL, 0);
if (!w)
return false;
w->defaultSm.cbk = mgrCbk;
w->defaultSm.hciConn = hciConn;
w->defaultSm.randomNum = randomNum;
w->defaultSm.diversifier = diversifier;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w))
return true;
loge("Failed to enqueue service work for ACL default SM call!\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorkScheduleFlush
* USE: Flush the workQueue
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: blocks till all existing work items have been finished
static bool l2cSvcWorkScheduleFlush(void)
struct l2cSvcWork *w = l2cSvcWorkAlloc(L2C_WORK_FLUSH,0);
bool ret = false;
sem_t sem;
if (!w)
return false;
if (sem_init(&sem, 0, 0)) {
loge("Failed to alloc workQ flush sem\n");
return false;
w->flush.sem = &sem;
if (workQueuePut(mServiceWork, w)) {
ret = true;
} else
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cConnTimeout
* USE: Timer timeout callback for per-connection timers
* PARAMS: timerH - the timer handle
* connH - the connection handle
static void l2cConnTimeout(uniq_t timerH, uint64_t connH)
struct l2cConn *conn;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(connH);
if (!conn)
logw("Timer callback "HANDLEFMT" for nonexistent connection "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(timerH), HANDLECNV(connH));
else if (conn->timer != timerH)
logd("Stale timer callback "HANDLEFMT" for connection "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(timerH), HANDLECNV(connH));
else {
/* We found a genuine timeout - figure out what kind by looking at state
* Note that this is purely for logging purposes, since we handle them all
* the same - by closing the connection.
switch (conn->state) {
loge("Unexpected timeout in state %d for "HANDLEFMT" - closing connection\n", conn->state, HANDLECNV(connH));
logi("Connection open timeout for "HANDLEFMT" - closing connection\n", HANDLECNV(connH));
logi("Connection configuration timeout for "HANDLEFMT" - closing connection\n", HANDLECNV(connH));
logi("Connection open after auth timeout for "HANDLEFMT" - closing connection\n", HANDLECNV(connH));
loge("Unknown state %d for "HANDLEFMT" at timeout time - closing connection\n", conn->state, HANDLECNV(connH));
l2cConnRequestClose(NULL, conn, true);
* FUNCTION: l2cConnTimer
* USE: Set or clear a per-L2C-connection timer
* PARAMS: conn - the connection
* timeout - time to set ot 0 to clear
* NOTES: call mConnsLock held
static void l2cConnTimer(struct l2cConn *conn, uint64_t timeout)
if (conn->timer) {
logd("Removing existing timer "HANDLEFMT" for conn "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(conn->timer), HANDLECNV(conn->handle));
conn->timer = 0;
if (timeout) {
logd("Setting a timer for %llu ms for conn "HANDLEFMT"\n", (unsigned long long)timeout, HANDLECNV(conn->handle));
conn->timer = timerSet(timeout, l2cConnTimeout, conn->handle);
if (!conn->timer)
loge("Failed to set per-conn timer\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cNewConnStruct
* USE: Create a new l2cConn and prepopulate with some values
* PARAMS: acl - acl connection handle
* state - state value to set
* localCh - localCh value to set
* remCh - remCh value to set
* psm - psm value to set
* ourMtu - the MTU we're willing to accept
* remCh - the remote channel used to make the request
* weOpened - true if we're opening this conn, false if peer
* RETURN: The struct or NULL on error
static struct l2cConn* l2cNewConnStruct(uint8_t state, uniq_t acl, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh, psm_t psm, uint16_t ourMtu, bool weOpened)
struct l2cConn* conn = (struct l2cConn*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cConn));
if (!conn)
return NULL;
conn->acl = acl;
conn->psm = psm;
conn->theirMtu = 0xFFFF;
conn->ourMtu = ourMtu;
conn->handle = uniqGetNext();
conn->remCh = remCh;
conn->localCh = localCh;
conn->state = state;
conn->weOpened = weOpened ? 1 : 0;
conn->timer = 0;
return conn;
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleConnReq
* USE: Process request to open a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident to use for response
* psm - the requested psm
* remCh - the remote channel used to make the request
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleConnReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, psm_t psm, uint16_t remCh)
struct l2cPsmSvc *svc = NULL;
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
uint16_t localCh = 0;
bool enqueued = false;
uint16_t result;
if (!l2cPsmValid(psm))
goto out_nolocks;
svc = mPsmSvcs;
while (svc && (svc->psm != psm || svc->beingRemoved || !svc->desc.serviceInstanceAlloc))
svc = svc->next;
if (!svc)
goto out_svcs_lock;
conn = l2cNewConnStruct(L2C_CONN_STATE_RX_OPEN_SVC, aclConn->handle, 0, remCh, psm, svc->desc.mtu, false);
if (!conn) {
loge("Failed to allocate an L2C conn\n");
goto out_svcs_lock;
localCh = l2cAclFreeCid(aclConn);
if (!localCh) {
logw("No free channels for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
goto out_svcs_lock;
conn->localCh = localCh;
conn->ident = ident;
conn->inUse = 1;
/* safe to call this enqueue here, since worker thread cannot work on it till we release this lock */
enqueued = l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmAlloc(psm, conn->handle);
if (enqueued) {
conn->next = mConns;
if (mConns)
mConns->prev = conn;
mConns = conn;
} else {
if (!svc) {
logi("Request for connect to unknown psm %d\n", psm);
} else if (!conn) {
logi("Couldnt allocate a connection struct for incoming psm %d open request\n", psm);
} else if (!localCh) {
logi("Couldnt find a local channel for incoming psm %d open request\n", psm);
} else if (!enqueued) {
logi("Couldnt enqueue a service alloc request for incoming psm %d open request\n", psm);
} else {
logd("Scheduled service open for psm %d\n", psm);
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, ident, 0, remCh, result, 0))
loge("Failed to sent negative connection request response frame\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleConnRsp
* USE: Randle a response to a open PSM channel request we had sent
* PARAMS: aclConn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* remCh - remote channel number
* localCh -local channel number
* result - the result the remote side sent
* status - the status from the remote side
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held. May destroy your conn
static void l2cHandleConnRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t result, uint16_t status)
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
conn = mConns;
while (conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->localCh != localCh))
conn = conn->next;
if (!conn) {
logw("Unexpected Connection Response id %d for ch %d %d with result %d\n", ident, localCh, remCh, result);
if (ident != conn->ident) {
logi("RXed a Connection Response witrh an invalid ident %d (expected %d). Dropping\n", ident, conn->ident);
if (!conn->psm) {
logw("Unexpected Connection Response for a FixedCh conn chan %d\n", localCh);
if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_TX_OPEN_TXED) {
logw("Connection Response for connection in bad state %d %d for ch %d %d with result %d\n", conn->state, ident, localCh, remCh, result);
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to schedule 'closed' state call\n");
l2cConnTimer(conn, 0);
if (result == L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_BAD_PSM || result == L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_BAD_SEC || result == L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_NO_RSRC) {
logi("Other side refused our connection for psm %d\n", conn->psm);
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to schedule 'closed' state call\n");
if (result == L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_PEND) {
logd("Connection pending for reason %d\n", status);
l2cConnTimer(conn, L2C_L2CAP_OPEN_PEND_TIMEOUT);
/* stay in current state until next reply received */
if (result != L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_OK) {
loge("Unexpected result %d for connection to psm %d\n", result, conn->psm);
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to schedule 'closed' state call\n");
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_CFG;
l2cConnTimer(conn, L2C_L2CAP_CONFIG_TIMEOUT);
conn->cfg.cfgTxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL;
conn->cfg.cfgRxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL;
conn->remCh = remCh;
l2cPsmSendConfig(aclConn, conn);
* FUNCTION: l2cPsmSendConfig
* USE: RStart a config negotiation with a peer for a new PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* conn - the l2c connection struct
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held, when *first* entering config state. May destroy your conn
static void l2cPsmSendConfig(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cConn *conn)
/* for now our hardwired config is a large MTU */
uint8_t ident;
uint8_t config[] = {
L2C_CONF_MTU, 0x02, conn->ourMtu & 0xFF, conn->ourMtu >> 8
if (conn->cfg.cfgTxState != L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL) {
loge("Unexpectred call to l2cPsmSendConfig with state %d\n", conn->cfg.cfgTxState);
ident = l2cSigSendConfigReq(aclConn, conn->remCh, 0, config, sizeof(config));
if (ident) {
conn->ident = ident;
conn->cfg.cfgTxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_REQ_SENT;
} else {
loge("Failed to send config request on conn for chs %d %d on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", conn->localCh, conn->remCh, HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
* FUNCTION: l2cChannelReadyForData
* USE: Called when a channel is ready for data to flow
* PARAMS: aclConn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* conn - the connection struct
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cChannelReadyForData(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cConn *conn)
uint32_t len;
uint16_t mtu = conn->theirMtu;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_OPEN, &conn->handle, sizeof(l2c_handle_t))) {
loge("Failed to send open call\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
/* this failure is non-fatal. they can just ask later */
if (conn->psm && !l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_MTU, &mtu, sizeof(mtu)))
logw("Failed to notify user of MTU\n");
/* send all queued data, if any */
if (conn->queuedRx) {
sg packet;
while (sgLength(conn->queuedRx) >= sizeof(uint32_t)) {
if (!sgSerializeCutFront(conn->queuedRx, &len, sizeof(len))) {
loge("Failed to grab queued packet len\n");
if (sgLength(conn->queuedRx) < len) {
loge("Queued packet claims %ub, left %ub\n", len, sgLength(conn->queuedRx));
packet = sgSplit(conn->queuedRx, len);
if (!packet) {
loge("Failed to split off packet\n");
sgSwap(packet, conn->queuedRx);
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_RX, &packet, sizeof(packet))) {
loge("Failed to send queued packet\n");
if (sgLength(conn->queuedRx))
loge("QueuedRX had leftover data!\n");
conn->queuedRx = NULL;
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleConfReq
* USE: Handle a configuration request for a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* localCh -local channel number
* flags - the flags the remote side sent
* payload - the conf payload
* len - the length of the abovementioned payload
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleConfReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t flags, sg payload, uint16_t len)
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
uint8_t *reply, *end;
uint16_t result = L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP_OK;
uint32_t offset = 0;
conn = mConns;
while (conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->localCh != localCh))
conn = conn->next;
if (!conn) {
logw("Unexpected Configuration Request id %d for ch %d with result %d\n", ident, localCh, result);
if (!l2cSigSendErrInvalidCid(aclConn, ident, localCh, 0))
loge("Failed to send 'invalid cid' reply\n");
if (!conn->psm) {
logw("Unexpected Configuration Request for a FixedCh conn chan %d\n", localCh);
if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_CFG) {
logw("Configuration Request for connection in bad state %d for ch %d with flags %d\n", conn->state, localCh, flags);
if (conn->cfg.cfgRxState != L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL)
loge("Unexpected internal inconsistency on conf req: expected %d saw %d\n", L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL, conn->cfg.cfgRxState);
/* go through every option and make up a reply. Note: no reply is longer than request, so this allocation works */
end = reply = (uint8_t*)malloc(len);
if (!reply) {
loge("Cannot allocate a conf reply\n");
while (len > 2) {
uint8_t optType;
uint8_t optLen;
uint32_t optOfst;
sgSerialize(payload, offset++, 1, &optType);
sgSerialize(payload, offset++, 1, &optLen);
len -= 2;
if (optLen > len) {
logw("Got invalid conf req option len %d/%d\n", optLen, len);
optLen = len;
optOfst = offset;
offset += optLen;
len -= optLen;
switch (optType){
case L2C_CONF_MTU:
if (optLen != sizeof(uint16_t)) {
logi("other side sent bad sized mtu conf: %db\n", optLen);
} else {
utilSetLE8(end + 0, L2C_CONF_MTU);
utilSetLE8(end + 1, sizeof(uint16_t));
sgSerialize(payload, optOfst, sizeof(uint16_t), end + 2); /* copy their mtu */
conn->theirMtu = utilGetLE16(end + 2);
end += 4;
/* we accept whatever the other side says here */
if (optLen != sizeof(uint16_t)) {
logi("other side sent bad sized flush to conf: %db\n", optLen);
} else {
utilSetLE8(end + 0, L2C_CONF_FLUSH_TIMEOUT);
utilSetLE8(end + 1, sizeof(uint16_t));
sgSerialize(payload, optOfst, sizeof(uint16_t), end + 2); /* copy the timeout */
end += 4;
case L2C_CONF_QOS:
if (optLen != sizeof(struct l2cConfQosOpts)) {
logi("other side sent bad sized qos to conf: %db\n", optLen);
} else {
struct l2cConfQosOpts *qosOut;
// copy over all data first
utilSetLE8(end + 0, L2C_CONF_QOS);
utilSetLE8(end + 1, sizeof(struct l2cConfQosOpts));
end += 2;
qosOut = (struct l2cConfQosOpts*)end;
end += sizeof(struct l2cConfQosOpts);
sgSerialize(payload, optOfst, sizeof(struct l2cConfQosOpts), qosOut);
// change any "required"s to "best effort"s
if (utilGetLE8(&qosOut->serviceType) == L2C_QOS_SVC_TYPE_GUARANTEED)
utilSetLE8(&qosOut->serviceType, L2C_QOS_SVC_TYPE_BEST_EFFORT);
// we do not care what they ask for, we send back basic mode only
if (optLen != sizeof(struct l2cConfRetrOpts)) {
logi("other side sent bad sized retr to conf: %db\n", optLen);
} else {
struct l2cConfRetrOpts *retrOut;
// copy over all data first
utilSetLE8(end + 0, L2C_CONF_RETR_AND_FLOW);
utilSetLE8(end + 1, sizeof(struct l2cConfRetrOpts));
end += 2;
retrOut = (struct l2cConfRetrOpts*)end;
end += sizeof(struct l2cConfRetrOpts);
memset(retrOut, 0, sizeof(struct l2cConfRetrOpts));
utilSetLE8(&retrOut->mode, L2C_RETR_MODE_BASIC);
case L2C_CONF_FCS:
// we do not care what they ask for, we send back "no FCS" only
if (optLen != sizeof(suint8_t)) {
logi("other side sent bad sized fcs to conf: %db\n", optLen);
} else {
struct l2cConfRetrOpts *retrOut;
utilSetLE8(end + 0, L2C_CONF_FCS);
utilSetLE8(end + 1, sizeof(uint8_t));
utilSetLE8(end + 2, 0);
end += 3;
logw("Unexpected config data received (t=%d l=%d) ignoring\n", optType, optLen);
if (len) {
logw("Conf req not processed: %d\n", len);
if (!l2cSigSendConfigRsp(aclConn, ident, conn->remCh, flags, result, reply, end - reply))
loge("Failed to sent configuration request response frame\n");
if (flags & L2C_SIG_CONF_FLAG_C)
logi("Conf Rsp continues\n");
else {
conn->cfg.cfgRxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_CFG_ACCEPTED;
if (conn->cfg.cfgTxState == L2C_CFG_STATE_CFG_ACCEPTED) {
l2cConnTimer(conn, 0);
l2cChannelReadyForData(aclConn, conn);
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleConfRsp
* USE: Handle a configuration request for a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* localCh -local channel number
* flags - the flags the remote side sent
* result - the result the remote side sent
* payload - the payload from the remote side
* len - the length of the abovementioned payload
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleConfRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t flags, uint16_t result, sg payload, uint16_t len)
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
conn = mConns;
while (conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->localCh != localCh))
conn = conn->next;
if (!conn) {
logw("Unexpected Configuration Response id %d for ch %d with result %d\n", ident, localCh, result);
if (ident != conn->ident) {
logi("RXed a Configuration Response witrh an invalid ident %d (expected %d). Dropping\n", ident, conn->ident);
if (!conn->psm) {
logw("Unexpected Configuration Response for a FixedCh conn chan %d\n", localCh);
if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_CFG) {
logw("Configuration Response for connection in bad state %d %d for ch %d with result %d\n", conn->state, ident, localCh, result);
logi("Other side refused our configuration for psm %d\n", conn->psm);
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
if (result != L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP_OK) {
loge("Unexpected result %d for connection to psm %d\n", result, conn->psm);
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
if (conn->cfg.cfgTxState != L2C_CFG_STATE_REQ_SENT)
loge("Unexpected internal inconsistency on conf rsp: expected %d saw %d\n", L2C_CFG_STATE_REQ_SENT, conn->cfg.cfgTxState);
if (flags & L2C_SIG_CONF_FLAG_C)
logi("Conf Rsp continues\n");
else {
conn->cfg.cfgTxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_CFG_ACCEPTED;
if (conn->cfg.cfgRxState == L2C_CFG_STATE_CFG_ACCEPTED) {
l2cChannelReadyForData(aclConn, conn);
l2cConnTimer(conn, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleInfoReq
* USE: Handle an incoming information request
* PARAMS: conn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* infoType - the requested info type
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleInfoReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t infoType)
uint8_t reply[8];
uint32_t infoLen = 0;
uint16_t result = L2C_SIG_INFO_RESULT_OK;
switch (infoType) {
utilSetLE16(reply, OUR_MTU);
infoLen = sizeof(uint16_t);
utilSetLE32(reply, L2C_EXT_FTRS_SUPPORTED);
infoLen = sizeof(uint32_t);
utilSetLE64(reply, L2C_FIXED_CHS_SUPPORTED);
infoLen = sizeof(uint64_t);
if (!l2cSigSendInfoRsp(aclConn, ident, infoType, result, reply, infoLen))
loge("Failed to sent information request response frame\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleInfoRsp
* USE: Handle an incoming information response, enqueue the next one we need, if we need one
* PARAMS: conn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* infoType - the requested info type
* result - the result of the request
* payload - the returned data
* infoLen - the returned data's length
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleInfoRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t infoType, uint16_t result, sg payload, uint32_t infoLen)
uint8_t buf[8];
if (aclConn->state != L2C_ACL_STATE_CFG)
logw("ACL conn in state %u when RXing info RSPs\n", aclConn->state);
if (ident != aclConn->reqIdent) {
logw("Got info resp with mismatching ident (got %d wanted %d)\n", ident, aclConn->reqIdent);
aclConn->reqIdent = 0;
switch (infoType) {
aclConn->connectionlessMtu = 0;
if (result == L2C_SIG_INFO_RESULT_OK && sgSerializeCutFront(payload, buf, sizeof(uint16_t)))
aclConn->connectionlessMtu = utilGetLE16(buf);
logi("Peer did not properly tell us the connectionless MTU. Asuming not supported\n");
aclConn->peerFeatures = 0;
if (result == L2C_SIG_INFO_RESULT_OK && sgSerializeCutFront(payload, buf, sizeof(uint32_t)))
aclConn->peerFeatures = utilGetLE32(buf);
logi("Peer did not properly tell us supported features. Asuming none.\n");
/* if peer supports fixed channels, find out which */
infoType = (aclConn->peerFeatures & L2C_FTR_FIXED_CHS) ? L2C_SIG_INFO_TYPE_FIXED_CHS : 0;
aclConn->peerFixedChs = 0;
if (result == L2C_SIG_INFO_RESULT_OK && sgSerializeCutFront(payload, buf, sizeof(uint64_t)))
aclConn->peerFixedChs = utilGetLE64(buf);
logi("Peer did not properly tell us supported fixed channels. Asuming none.\n");
if (aclConn->state == L2C_ACL_STATE_CFG)
infoType = 0;
logw("Unknown info type 0x%04X RXed. Ignoring\n", infoType);
infoType = 0;
if (infoType) {
aclConn->reqIdent = l2cSigSendInfoReq(aclConn, infoType);
if (!aclConn->reqIdent) {
logw("Failed to send req for info %u for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. It will not be known\n", infoType, HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleEchoReq
* USE: Handle an incoming echo request
* PARAMS: conn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* payload - the data we got
* echoLen - the len we got
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleEchoReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, sg payload, uint32_t echoLen)
logi("Got echo packet with %db of data\n", echoLen);
/* no data in reply is valid as per spec */
if (!l2cSigSendEchoRsp(aclConn, ident, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to sent echo response frame\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleConnUpdtReq
* USE: Process an incoming connection update request
* PARAMS: conn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* intMin - minimum requester interval
* intMax - maximum requested interval
* latency - requested latency
* timeoutMult - requester timeout multiplier
* RETURN: num bytes used/needed or 0 for error
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleConnUpdtReq(struct l2cAclConn *conn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t intMin, uint16_t intMax, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeoutMult)
logd("Accepting requested connection update for {%u-%u, %u, %u} with id %u\n", intMin, intMax, latency, timeoutMult, ident);
/* verify intervals are in valid range */
if (intMin < BT_LE_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN || intMax < intMin || intMax > BT_LE_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX)
goto error;
/* verify latency and to params are in valid ranges */
if (latency > BT_LE_LATENCY_MAX || timeoutMult < BT_LE_TIMEOUT_MIN || timeoutMult > BT_LE_TIMEOUT_MAX)
goto error;
/* verify timout meets BTLE criteria for valid timeout given latency & max interval */
if (timeoutMult < BT_LE_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALID(intMin, latency))
goto error;
/* see if we're the master on this cunnection at all */
if (!conn->isMaster)
goto error;
/* see if another is inflight for this ACL connection and reject if so, else record this one */
if (conn->connUpdtRequestIdent)
goto error;
conn->connUpdtRequestIdent = ident;
/* try to execute it */
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclConnUpdt(conn->conn, intMin, intMax, latency, timeoutMult))
loge("Failed to schedule connection update work call\n");
logw("Unable to request connection update to {[%d, %d], %d, %d}, inflight=%d master=%d\n",
intMin, intMax, latency, timeoutMult, ident, conn->isMaster);
if (!l2cSigSendConnUpdateRsp(conn, ident, L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_NO))
loge("Failed to sent connection update response frame\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleConnUpdtReq
* USE: Process an incoming connection update response
* PARAMS: conn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* result - success or failure of our request
* RETURN: num bytes used/needed or 0 for error
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cHandleConnUpdtRsp(struct l2cAclConn *conn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t result)
if (conn->isMaster) /* this shouldnt happen if we're master */
loge("Unexpected connection update (ac master) on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(conn->conn));
else if (!conn->connUpdtRequestIdent) /* if we made no request for this, - error */
loge("Unexpected connection update response on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(conn->conn));
else {
conn->connUpdtRequestIdent = 0;
if (conn->connUpdtDoneCbk) {
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleConnUpdtCbk(conn->connUpdtDoneCbk, conn->connUpdtDoneCbkData, result == L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_OK))
loge("Failed to schedule connection update callback\n");
conn->connUpdtDoneCbk = NULL;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiUpdateConnectionParams
* USE: Try to update params on an LE link
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* intMin - minimum requester interval
* intMax - maximum requested interval
* latency - requested latency
* timeoutMult - requester timeout multiplier
* RETURN: num bytes used/needed or 0 for error
bool l2cApiUpdateConnectionParams(l2c_handle_t handle, uint16_t intMin, uint16_t intMax, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout, l2cConnUpdateDoneCbk doneCbk, void *userData)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false;
/* verify intervals are in valid range */
if (intMin < BT_LE_CONN_INTERVAL_MIN || intMax < intMin || intMax > BT_LE_CONN_INTERVAL_MAX)
return false;
/* verify latency and to params are in valid ranges */
if (latency > BT_LE_LATENCY_MAX || timeout < BT_LE_TIMEOUT_MIN || timeout > BT_LE_TIMEOUT_MAX)
return false;
/* verify timout meets BTLE criteria for valid timeout given latency & max interval */
if (timeout < BT_LE_TIMEOUT_MIN_VALID(intMin, latency))
return false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Connection not found\n");
goto out;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
goto out;
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_LE(aclConn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Connection Update Request API call on a non-LE link\n");
goto out;
if (aclConn->isMaster) {
aclConn->connUpdtDoneCbk = doneCbk;
aclConn->connUpdtDoneCbkData = userData;
ret = l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclConnUpdt(aclConn->conn, intMin, intMax, latency, timeout);
if (!ret)
loge("Failed to schedule connection update work\n");
else if (aclConn->connUpdtRequestIdent)
logw("Connection update request while another still in progress on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. Ignored\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
else {
uint8_t ident;
aclConn->connUpdtDoneCbk = doneCbk;
aclConn->connUpdtDoneCbkData = userData;
ident = l2cSigSendConnUpdateReq(aclConn, intMin, intMax, latency, timeout);
if (!ident)
loge("Failed to send connection update request for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
aclConn->connUpdtRequestIdent = ident;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiIsConnEncrypted
* USE: Check if connection is encrypted
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* RETURN: true if exists and encrypted, false else
bool l2cApiIsConnEncrypted(l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Connection not found\n");
goto out;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
goto out;
ret = aclConn->encrypted;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiIsConnMitmSafe
* USE: Check if connection is encrypted using a MITM-safe key
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* RETURN: true if exists and encrypted, false else
bool l2cApiIsConnMitmSafe(l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Connection not found\n");
goto out;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
goto out;
ret = aclConn->mitmSafe;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiDemandEncryption
* USE: Demand a connection be encrypted
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* demandMitmSafe - shoudl it be MITM-safe?
* RETURN: true if request taken or already encrypted, false else
bool l2cApiDemandEncryption(l2c_handle_t handle, bool demandMitmSafe)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Connection not found\n");
goto out;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
goto out;
if (aclConn->encrypted && (aclConn->mitmSafe || !demandMitmSafe))
logd("Ignoring redundant encr request\n");
else if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclDemandEncr(aclConn->conn, demandMitmSafe)) {
loge("Failed to demand encryption/authentication by api call\n");
goto out;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiUserAthorizNotify
* USE: Notify other size of successful (or not) user athorization.
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* RETURN: true if request taken or already encrypted, false else
bool l2cApiUserAthorizNotify(l2c_handle_t handle, bool authorized)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
logi("Connection not found for authorization\n");
goto out;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
goto out;
if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_ATHORIZ_WAIT) {
loge("Authorization notification for connection in wrong state\n");
goto out;
if (authorized) {
if (conn->psm) {
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, conn->ident, conn->localCh, conn->remCh, L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_OK, 0)) {
loge("Failed to sent positive connection request response frame for athoriz - dropping connection\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
goto out;
logd("config start for PSM %d up after athoriz\n", conn->psm);
l2cPsmCfgStart(aclConn, conn);
} else {
/* handle FixedCh */
logd("Service up for FixedCh %d up after athoriz\n", conn->localCh);
l2cChannelReadyForData(aclConn, conn);
} else {
logd("Closing conn due to lack of user athorization\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleDiscReq
* USE: Handle a disconnect request from peer
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* localCh - local channel number
* remCh - remote channel number
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
void l2cHandleDiscReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh)
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
conn = mConns;
while (conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->localCh != localCh || conn->remCh != remCh))
conn = conn->next;
if (!conn) {
logw("Unexpected Disconnection Request id %d for ch %d %d\n", ident, localCh, remCh);
if (!l2cSigSendErrInvalidCid(aclConn, ident, localCh, remCh))
loge("Failed to send 'invalid cid' reply\n");
if (!conn->psm) {
logw("Unexpected Disconnection Request for a FixedCh conn chan %d %d\n", localCh, remCh);
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, false);
if (!l2cSigSendDiscRsp(aclConn, ident, localCh, remCh))
loge("Failed to sent disconnect request response frame\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleDiscRsp
* USE: Handle a disconnect response from peer
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* ident - the ident in the response packet
* localCh - local channel number
* remCh - remote channel number
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
void l2cHandleDiscRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t localCh)
/* We do not care about this, really. We commit to the disconnect whenwe send the request */
logd("Disconnect response from acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x for ch %d %d\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn), localCh, remCh);
* FUNCTION: l2cSignallingRx
* USE: Process arriving data over signalling channels
* PARAMS: conn - the per-ACL-connection structure
* payload - the signalling packet payload
* RETURN: num bytes used/needed or 0 for error
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cSignallingRx(struct l2cAclConn *conn, sg payload)
struct l2cSigFrm sig;
while (sgLength(payload) >= sizeof(struct l2cSigFrm)) {
uint8_t code, ident;
bool cmdParamsSkipped = false;
uint16_t len;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(struct l2cSigFrm), &sig);
sgTruncFront(payload, sizeof(struct l2cSigFrm));
code = utilGetLE8(&sig.code);
ident = utilGetLE8(&sig.ident);
len = utilGetLE16(&sig.len);
if (!ident)
logw("Got signalling ident 0. Dropping\n");
else switch (code){
case L2C_SIG_CMD_REJ: {
struct l2cSigCmdRej params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Command Reject packet\n");
logw("Got a reject for id %d with reason %d\n", ident, utilGetLE16(&params.reason));
case L2C_SIG_CONN_REQ: {
struct l2cSigConnReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Connection Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Connection Request packet\n");
else {
psm_t psm = utilGetLE16(&params.psm);
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
l2cHandleConnReq(conn, ident, psm, scid);
case L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP: {
struct l2cSigConnRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Connection Response packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Connection Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t dcid = utilGetLE16(&params.dcid);
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
uint16_t result = utilGetLE16(&params.result);
uint16_t status = utilGetLE16(&params.status);
l2cHandleConnRsp(conn, ident, dcid, scid, result, status);
case L2C_SIG_CONF_REQ: {
struct l2cSigConfReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Configuration Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Configuration Request packet\n");
else {
uint16_t dcid = utilGetLE16(&params.dcid);
uint16_t flags = utilGetLE16(&params.flags);
sgTruncFront(payload, sizeof(params));
l2cHandleConfReq(conn, ident, dcid, flags, payload, len - sizeof(params));
sgTruncFront(payload, len - sizeof(params));
cmdParamsSkipped = true;
case L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP: {
struct l2cSigConfRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Configuration Response packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Configuration Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
uint16_t flags = utilGetLE16(&params.flags);
uint16_t result = utilGetLE16(&params.result);
sgTruncFront(payload, sizeof(params));
l2cHandleConfRsp(conn, ident, scid, flags, result, payload, len - sizeof(params));
sgTruncFront(payload, len - sizeof(params));
cmdParamsSkipped = true;
case L2C_SIG_DISC_REQ: {
struct l2cSigDiscReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Disconnect Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Disconnect Request packet\n");
else {
uint16_t dcid = utilGetLE16(&params.dcid);
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
l2cHandleDiscReq(conn, ident, dcid, scid);
case L2C_SIG_DISC_RSP: {
struct l2cSigDiscRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Disconnect Response packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Disconnect Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t dcid = utilGetLE16(&params.dcid);
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
l2cHandleDiscRsp(conn, ident, dcid, scid);
case L2C_SIG_ECHO_REQ: {
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Echo Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else
l2cHandleEchoReq(conn, ident, payload, len);
/* case L2C_SIG_ECHO_RSP: is not needed (we do not ping anyone) */
case L2C_SIG_INFO_REQ: {
struct l2cSigInfoReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Info Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Info Request packet\n");
else {
uint16_t infoType = utilGetLE16(&params.infoType);
l2cHandleInfoReq(conn, ident, infoType);
case L2C_SIG_INFO_RSP: {
struct l2cSigInfoRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Info Response packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Info Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t infoType = utilGetLE16(&params.infoType);
uint16_t result = utilGetLE16(&params.result);
sgTruncFront(payload, sizeof(params));
l2cHandleInfoRsp(conn, ident, infoType, result, payload, len - sizeof(params));
sgTruncFront(payload, len - sizeof(params));
cmdParamsSkipped = true;
struct l2cSigChCreatReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Channel Create Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Channel Create Request packet\n");
else {
psm_t psm = utilGetLE16(&params.psm);
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
uint8_t controller = utilGetLE8(&params.controller);
l2cHandleChCreatReq(conn, ident, psm, scid, controller);
struct l2cSigChCreatRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Channel Create Response packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Channel Create Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t dcid = utilGetLE16(&params.dcid);
uint16_t scid = utilGetLE16(&params.scid);
uint16_t result = utilGetLE16(&params.result);
uint16_t status = utilGetLE16(&params.status);
l2cHandleChCreatRsp(conn, ident, dcid, scid, result, status);
struct l2cSigChMoveReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Channel Move Request packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Channel Move Request packet\n");
else {
uint16_t icid = utilGetLE16(&params.icid);
uint8_t controller = utilGetLE8(&params.controller);
l2cHandleChMoveReq(conn, ident, icid, controller);
struct l2cSigChMoveRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Channel Move Response packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Channel Move Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t icid = utilGetLE16(&params.icid);
uint16_t result = utilGetLE8(&params.result);
l2cHandleChMoveRsp(conn, ident, icid, result);
struct l2cSigChMoveCnfReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Channel Move Confirmation packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Channel Move Confirmation packet\n");
else {
uint16_t icid = utilGetLE16(&params.icid);
uint16_t result = utilGetLE8(&params.result);
l2cHandleChMoveCnfReq(conn, ident, icid, result);
struct l2cSigChMoveCnfRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Channel Move Confirmation Response "
"packet on a non-EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Channel Move Confirmation Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t icid = utilGetLE16(&params.icid);
l2cHandleChMoveCnfRsp(conn, ident, icid);
struct l2cSigConnUpdtReq params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Connection Update Request packet on an EDR link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Connection Update Request packet\n");
else {
uint16_t intMin = utilGetLE16(&params.intMin);
uint16_t intMax = utilGetLE16(&params.intMax);
uint16_t latency = utilGetLE16(&params.latency);
uint16_t timeoutMult = utilGetLE16(&params.timeoutMult);
l2cHandleConnUpdtReq(conn, ident, intMin, intMax, latency, timeoutMult);
struct l2cSigConnUpdtRsp params;
sgSerialize(payload, 0, sizeof(params), &params);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_LE(conn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Got a Connection Update Response packet on a non-LE link\n");
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
} else if (len < sizeof(params))
logw("Got a short Connection Update Response packet\n");
else {
uint16_t result = utilGetLE8(&params.result);
l2cHandleConnUpdtRsp(conn, ident, result);
default: {
logw("Got unknown code %d on signalling channel\n", code);
if (!l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(conn, ident))
loge("Failed to send command not understood msg to the other side\n");
/* truncate off all the params this command had */
if (!cmdParamsSkipped)
sgTruncFront(payload, len);
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(conn->peerAddr)) /* only EDR can put multiple commands here */
if (sgLength(payload))
loge("Leftover %d bytes in signalling frame\n", sgLength(payload));
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvTxCreateFragments
* USE: Called when we may have space in the buffer list and may want to create a fragment
* PARAMS: conn - the conn struct
* first - will this be a first fragment?
* RETURN: success
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held.
static bool l2cAdvTxCreateFragments(struct l2cConn *conn, bool first)
bool ret = false;
uint16_t len;
while (conn->advEnqueuedPacket && !conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].data) {
len = sgLength(conn->advEnqueuedPacket);
if (len <= conn->advTxMps) { /* fist in one fragment */
if (first)
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].sar = L2C_SAR_COMPLETE;
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].sar = L2C_SAR_END;
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].data = conn->advEnqueuedPacket;
conn->advEnqueuedPacket = NULL;
} else {
sg data = sgSplit(conn->advEnqueuedPacket, conn->advTxMps - (first ? sizeof(uint16_t) : 0));
if (!data) {
loge("Failed to split data sg\n");
return false;
sgSwap(data, conn->advEnqueuedPacket);
if (first) {
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].sar = L2C_SAR_START;
utilSetLE16(&len, len);
if (!sgConcatFrontAlloced(data, &len, sizeof(len))) {
loge("Failed to append len. Dropping fragment.\n");
return false;
} else
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].sar = L2C_SAR_CONT;
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].data = data;
conn->advTxWritePos = (conn->advTxWritePos + 1) % L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS;
first = false;
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvUserTx
* USE: Called when a user wants us to send data on an advanced connection
* PARAMS: conn - the conn struct
* data - the data
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cAdvUserTx(struct l2cConn *conn, sg data) /* -> L2C_TX_* */
if (conn->advEnqueuedPacket) /* if a packet is half-sent, we have no space */
return L2C_TX_TRY_LATER;
if (conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxWritePos].data) /* if current write pointer is not empty - we have no space */
return L2C_TX_TRY_LATER;
conn->advEnqueuedPacket = data;
if (l2cAdvTxCreateFragments(conn, true))
conn->advEnqueuedPacket = NULL;
return L2C_TX_ERROR;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvTxWrapNextPacket
* USE: Produce a valid I-frame for a given connection
* RETURN: true if we enqueued a frame
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held. Note that conn is not modified here
static sg l2cAdvTxWrapNextPacket(struct l2cConn *conn)
uint16_t control = 0, fcs = 0, hdrSz = sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + sizeof(uint16_t);
struct l2cAdvFrag *frag = conn->advTxFrags + conn->advTxSendPos;
uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + sizeof(uint16_t)];
struct l2cFrmHdr *hdr = (struct l2cFrmHdr*)buf;
uint16_t *ctrlP = (uint16_t*)(hdr + 1);
sg packet = frag->data;
if (!packet)
return NULL;
control |= (uint16_t)conn->advRxFirstMissing << L2C_FLG_SHFT_REQ_SEQ;
control |= (uint16_t)conn->advTxSendPos << L2C_FLG_SHFT_TX_SEQ;
control |= (uint16_t)frag->sar << L2C_SHFT_SAR;
utilSetLE16(&hdr->cid, conn->remCh);
utilSetLE16(&hdr->len, sgLength(packet) + hdrSz + (conn->fcs ? sizeof(uint16_t) : 0));
utilSetLE16(ctrlP, control);
if (!sgConcatFrontCopy(packet, hdr, hdrSz)) {
logw("Failed to append header\n");
return NULL;
if (conn->fcs) {
fcs = l2cUtilFcsSg(fcs, packet);
utilSetLE16(&fcs, fcs);
if (!sgConcatBackCopy(packet, &fcs, sizeof(uint16_t))) {
loge("Failed to append FCS\n");
sgTruncFront(packet, hdrSz);
return NULL;
return packet;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvTxUnWrapNextPacket
* USE: Remove I-frame headers and footers and put it back into the connection's buffer list.
* Essentially undoes what l2cAdvTxWrapNextPacket() did. Only safe to call after a call
* to l2cAdvTxWrapNextPacket() and with the struct not modifie din between!
* RETURN: true if we enqueued a frame
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held. Note that conn is not modified here
static void l2cAdvTxUnWrapNextPacket(struct l2cConn *conn, sg packet)
if (conn->fcs)
sgTruncBack(packet, sizeof(uint16_t));
sgTruncFront(packet, sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + sizeof(uint16_t));
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvTxPrepareSFrame
* USE: Prepare an S-frame for transmission
* PARAMS: conn - the conn struct
* RETURN: said frame or NULL
* NOTES: call with mConnsLockHeld
static sg l2cAdvTxPrepareSFrame(struct l2cConn *conn)
const uint16_t l2cPayloadLen = sizeof(uint16_t) + (conn->fcs ? sizeof(uint16_t) : 0);
const uint16_t maxPacketLen = sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + sizeof(uint16_t[2]); /* control and fcs */
const uint16_t checksummedLen = sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + sizeof(uint16_t);
const uint16_t packetLen = sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + l2cPayloadLen;
uint8_t buf[maxPacketLen];
struct l2cFrmHdr *hdr = (struct l2cFrmHdr*)buf;
uint16_t *ctrlP = (uint16_t*)(hdr + 1);
uint16_t control = L2C_FLG_S_FRM;
uint16_t *fcsP = ctrlP + 1;
control |= (uint16_t)conn->advRxFirstMissing << L2C_FLG_SHFT_REQ_SEQ;
control |= (uint16_t)L2C_S_RR; /* we only do this for now. it i snot necessarily the best idea */
utilSetLE16(&hdr->len, l2cPayloadLen);
utilSetLE16(&hdr->cid, conn->remCh);
utilSetLE16(ctrlP, control);
if (conn->fcs)
utilSetLE16(fcsP, l2cUtilFcs(0, buf, checksummedLen));
return sgNewWithCopyData(buf, packetLen);
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvMayTxLocked
* USE: Called to try to TX on any advanced connection
* RETURN: true if we enqueued a frame
* NOTES: call with mConnsLockHeld
static bool l2cAdvMayTxLocked(void)
struct l2cConn *orig, *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false, isFrmS = false;
sg packet;
if (!mConns) /* no connections -> we have nothing to send */
return false;
orig = mNextToTx;
do {
if (!mNextToTx)
mNextToTx = mConns;
conn = mNextToTx;
mNextToTx = mNextToTx->next;
/* basic connections do not participate */
if (conn->mode == L2C_MODE_BASIC)
/* send S-frames first and foremost */
if (conn->advRxWeOweAck) {
packet = l2cAdvTxPrepareSFrame(conn);
if (!packet) {
loge("Failed to produce S frame\n");
isFrmS = true;
} else {
/* if the window is full, we cannot send */
if ((conn->advTxSendPos + L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS - conn->advTxFirstUnacked) % L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS >= conn->advTxWindowSz)
/* if there is no more data, we cannot send */
if (!conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxSendPos].data)
/* if peer asked us to stop sending data, do so, except s-frames */
if (conn->advTxShutUp)
/* if we got here, this connection can send */
packet = l2cAdvTxWrapNextPacket(conn);
if (!packet) {
logw("Failed to wrap a packet for tx\n");
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
logw("Cannot find the ACL link for this connection\n");
switch (l2cDataSendOnAclLink(aclConn, NULL, 0, packet)) {
conn->advRxWeOweAck = false;
if (!isFrmS) {
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxSendPos++].data = NULL;
conn->advTxSendPos %= L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS;
ret = true;
case L2C_TX_NO_CONN:
case L2C_TX_ERROR:
logd("ADV TX Failed\n");
if (isFrmS)
l2cAdvTxUnWrapNextPacket(conn, packet);
return false;
} while (mNextToTx != orig);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvMayTx
* USE: Called when TX buffer may have space for more frames
* RETURN: true if we enqueued a frame
* NOTES: takes mConnsLock
static bool l2cAdvMayTx(void)
bool ret;
ret = l2cAdvMayTxLocked();
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvRxAck
* USE: Called when the peer acks some packets
* PARAMS: conn - the connection struct
* newFirstUnackedPacket - new index of first unacked packet
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static void l2cAdvRxAck(struct l2cConn *conn, uint16_t newFirstUnackedPacket)
uint8_t ackedPackets = (newFirstUnackedPacket + L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS - conn->advTxFirstUnacked) % L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS;
bool somethingNewAcked = false;
if (ackedPackets > conn->advTxWindowSz) {
loge("Peer acked more packets than allowed. Ignoring\n");
while (conn->advTxFirstUnacked != newFirstUnackedPacket) {
if (conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxFirstUnacked].data)
loge("Peer acked NULL data\n");
conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxFirstUnacked++].data = NULL;
conn->advTxFirstUnacked %= L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS;
somethingNewAcked = true;
if (somethingNewAcked && l2cAdvTxCreateFragments(conn, false))
l2cSvcWorkScheduleTryTx(false /*advanced L2C works only on EDR links */);
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvEnhFrameRxS
* USE: Called to RX an enhanced L2C S-frame with FCS checked
* PARAMS: conn - the connection struct
* reqSeq - sent reqSeq as per spec
* flgF - F flag as per spec
* flgP - P flag as per spec
* s - sent S value as per spec
* RETURN: false if data went nowhere
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static bool l2cAdvEnhFrameRxS(struct l2cConn *conn, uint16_t reqSeq, bool flgF, bool flgP, uint8_t s)
loge("enhanced mode.s not impl yet\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvEnhFrameRxI
* USE: Called to RX an enhanced L2C I-frame with FCS checked
* PARAMS: conn - the connection struct
* sar - the far flags as per spec
* reqSeq - sent reqSeq as per spec
* flgF - F flag as per spec
* txSeq - sent txSeq as per spec
* payload - the actual data
* RETURN: false if data went nowhere
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static bool l2cAdvEnhFrameRxI(struct l2cConn *conn, uint8_t sar, uint16_t reqSeq, bool flgF, uint16_t txSeq, sg payload)
loge("enhanced mode.i not impl yet\n");
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvFrameRxS
* USE: Called to RX a non-enhanced L2C S-frame with FCS checked
* PARAMS: conn - the connection struct
* reqSeq - sent reqSeq as per spec
* flgR - R flag as per spec
* s - sent S value as per spec
* RETURN: false if data went nowhere
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static bool l2cAdvFrameRxS(struct l2cConn *conn, uint16_t reqSeq, bool flgR, uint8_t s) //XXX: TODO: timers for adv modes!
l2cAdvRxAck(conn, reqSeq);
conn->advTxShutUp = flgR;
if (s == L2C_S_RR) {
//TODO: timers
} else if (s == L2C_S_REJ) { // two of these shall never happen again, see "rej exception condition" in spec
//TODO: timers
conn->advTxSendPos = reqSeq;
} else {
logw("unexpected S value %d\n", s);
return false;
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvRxReass
* USE: Called to attempt to reassemble an incoming fragment using ONE fragment at idx conn->advRxFirstMissing
* PARAMS: conn - the connection struct
* RETURN: true if we used ONE fragment
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static bool l2cAdvRxReass(struct l2cConn *conn)
struct l2cAdvFrag *frag = conn->advRxFrags + conn->advRxFirstMissing;
uint8_t buf[sizeof(uint16_t)];
if (!frag->data)
return false;
if (conn->advTxReassBuf && (frag->sar == L2C_SAR_START || frag->sar == L2C_SAR_COMPLETE)) {
logd("Dropping existing reass buffer because of new packet seen\n");
conn->advTxReassBuf = NULL;
if (!conn->advTxReassBuf && (frag->sar == L2C_SAR_CONT || frag->sar == L2C_SAR_END)) {
logd("Incosistent RX buf state\n");
return false;
switch (frag->sar) {
conn->advTxReassExpectLen = 0;
conn->advTxReassBuf = frag->data;
frag->data = NULL;
conn->advTxReassExpectLen = sgLength(frag->data);
conn->advTxReassBuf = frag->data;
frag->data = NULL;
if (!sgSerializeCutFront(conn->advTxReassBuf, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
loge("Failed to read length\n");
return false;
conn->advTxReassExpectLen = utilGetLE16(buf);
if (conn->advTxReassExpectLen < sgLength(conn->advTxReassBuf)) {
loge("Start fragment longer than entire packet\n");
conn->advTxReassBuf = NULL;
return false;
conn->advTxReassExpectLen -= sgLength(conn->advTxReassBuf);
return true;
case L2C_SAR_END:
case L2C_SAR_CONT:
if (sgLength(frag->data) > conn->advTxReassExpectLen) {
loge("Non-start fragment longer than expected\n");
return false;
if (sgLength(frag->data) == conn->advTxReassExpectLen && frag->sar == L2C_SAR_CONT) {
loge("Non-end fragment ends the expected length\n");
return false;
} else if (sgLength(frag->data) != conn->advTxReassExpectLen && frag->sar == L2C_SAR_END) {
loge("End fragment does not end the expected length\n");
return false;
conn->advTxReassExpectLen -= sgLength(frag->data);
sgConcat(conn->advTxReassBuf, frag->data);
frag->data = NULL;
loge("Unknown sar value %u\n", frag->sar);
return false;
/* if we got here, we need to send data to the user */
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_RX, &conn->advTxReassBuf, sizeof(conn->advTxReassBuf))) {
loge("Failed to send data to user. Dropped\n");
conn->advTxReassBuf = NULL;
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cAdvFrameRxI
* USE: Called to RX a non-enhanced L2C I-frame with FCS checked
* PARAMS: conn - the connection struct
* sar - the far flags as per spec
* reqSeq - sent reqSeq as per spec
* flgR - R flag as per spec
* txSeq - sent txSeq as per spec
* payload - the actual data
* RETURN: false if data went nowhere
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static bool l2cAdvFrameRxI(struct l2cConn *conn, uint8_t sar, uint16_t reqSeq, bool flgR, uint16_t txSeq, sg payload)
l2cAdvRxAck(conn, reqSeq);
conn->advTxShutUp = flgR;
uint8_t numUsed = 0;
//TODO: timers
if (conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].data) {
if (sgLength(conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].data) != sgLength(payload) || conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].sar != sar) {
logd("Dropping old fragment of %ub with sar %u in favour of existing one: %ub, sar %u\n",
sgLength(conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].data), conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].sar, sgLength(payload), sar);
} else {
/* it is a duplicate - move on */
return true;
/* new packet we had not yet seen */
conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].data = payload;
conn->advRxFrags[txSeq].sar = sar;
while (numUsed < conn->advRxWindowSz && l2cAdvRxReass(conn))
if (numUsed)
conn->advRxWeOweAck = true;
if (conn->advTxFrags[conn->advTxSendPos].data && !conn->advTxShutUp)
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cHandleCompleteDataFrameRx
* USE: Called when given channel data arrives. Dispatches it
* to the right destination
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL connection
* frm - the frame header if the packet
* payload - the arrived payload
* RETURN: false if data went nowhere
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock lock held.
static bool l2cHandleCompleteDataFrameRx(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cFrmHdr *frm, sg payload)
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&frm->cid);
struct l2cConn *cur = NULL;
bool ret = false;
cur = mConns;
while (cur) {
if (cur->acl == aclConn->handle && cur->localCh == cid)
cur = cur->next;
if (!cur) {
logw("Connection for incoming data on ch %u not found\n", cid);
} else if (cur->state == L2C_CONN_STATE_RX_OPEN_SVC && cid < L2C_NUM_FIXED_CHANNELS) {
/* Queue the data for later */
uint32_t len = sgLength(payload);
if (len + (cur->queuedRx ? sgLength(cur->queuedRx) : 0) > L2C_FIXED_CH_CONN_RX_BACKLOG_MAX) {
logw("too much queued for FixedCh connection already. Dropping packet\n");
} else {
if (!sgConcatFrontCopy(payload, &len, sizeof(len)))
logw("Failed to concat length to queued data. Dropping\n");
else if (cur->queuedRx)
sgConcat(cur->queuedRx, payload);
cur->queuedRx = payload;
ret = true;
} else if (cur->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_ESTABLISHED) {
logw("Connection in state %u on ch %u unable to accept data\n", cur->state, cid);
} else {
if (!cur->inUse) {
logd("Marking conn "HANDLEFMT" as in use due to RX\n", HANDLECNV(cur->handle));
cur->inUse = 1;
if (cur->mode == L2C_MODE_BASIC)
ret = l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(cur, L2C_STATE_RX, &payload, sizeof(payload));
else {
uint16_t ctrl, fcsGot, fcsCalc, reqSeq;
if (cur->fcs) {
if (sgLength(payload) < 2 || sizeof(fcsGot) != sgSerialize(payload, sgLength(payload) - sizeof(fcsGot), sizeof(fcsGot), &fcsGot)) {
logd("FCS on and cannot read FCS\n");
goto badFrame;
sgTruncBack(payload, sizeof(uint16_t));
fcsGot = utilGetLE16(&fcsGot);
fcsCalc = l2cUtilFcs(0, frm, sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr));
fcsCalc = l2cUtilFcsSg(fcsCalc, payload);
if (fcsCalc != fcsGot) {
logd("FCS bad. Got 0x%04X Calc 0x%04X\n", fcsGot, fcsCalc);
goto badFrame;
if (!sgSerializeCutFront(payload, &ctrl, sizeof(ctrl))) {
logd("Cannot find ctrl\n");
goto badFrame;
reqSeq = (ctrl & L2C_FLG_MASK_REQ_SEQ) >> L2C_FLG_SHFT_REQ_SEQ;
if (ctrl & L2C_FLG_S_FRM) { /* S frame */
if (ctrl & L2C_FLG_RSVD_S)
goto badFrame;
if (cur->mode == L2C_MODE_ENH_RETR)
ret = l2cAdvEnhFrameRxS(cur, reqSeq, !!(ctrl & L2C_FLG_F), !!(ctrl & L2C_FLG_P), (ctrl & L2C_MASK_S) >> L2C_SHFT_S);
ret = l2cAdvFrameRxS(cur, reqSeq, !!(ctrl & L2C_FLG_R), (ctrl & L2C_MASK_S) >> L2C_SHFT_S);
} else { /* I frame */
uint16_t txSeq = (ctrl & L2C_FLG_MASK_TX_SEQ) >> L2C_FLG_SHFT_TX_SEQ;
if (cur->mode == L2C_MODE_ENH_RETR)
ret = l2cAdvEnhFrameRxI(cur, (ctrl & L2C_MASK_SAR) >> L2C_SHFT_SAR, reqSeq, !!(ctrl & L2C_FLG_F), txSeq, payload);
ret = l2cAdvFrameRxI(cur, (ctrl & L2C_MASK_SAR) >> L2C_SHFT_SAR, reqSeq, !!(ctrl & L2C_FLG_R), txSeq, payload);
goto out;
logw("got invalid L2C advanced frame\n");
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclDataRxCompletePacket
* USE: Called when a complete reassembled packet has arrived
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection struct
* frm - the frame header if the packet
* packet - a complete received ACL packet
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cAclDataRxCompletePacket(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cFrmHdr *frm, sg packet)
uint16_t cid = utilGetLE16(&frm->cid);
if (cid == L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_EDR) {
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(aclConn->peerAddr)) {
loge("Received EDR signalling packet on non-EDR link. Dropping.\n");
} else
l2cSignallingRx(aclConn, packet);
} else if (cid == L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_LE) {
if (!BT_ADDR_IS_LE(aclConn->peerAddr)) {
loge("Received LE signalling packet on non-LE link. Dropping.\n");
} else
l2cSignallingRx(aclConn, packet);
} else if (cid == L2C_CH_CONNECTIONLESS) {
psm_t psm;
if (sgLength(packet) < sizeof(psm_t)) {
loge("Short connectionless L2CAP data RXed: %db\n", sgLength(packet));
} else {
sgSerialize(packet, 0, sizeof(psm_t), &psm);
sgTruncFront(packet, sizeof(psm_t));
if (!l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmConnectionlessRx(psm, aclConn->handle, packet)) {
loge("Failed to schedule call to connectionless RX for psm %d\n", psm);
} else if (!l2cHandleCompleteDataFrameRx(aclConn, frm, packet)) {
logw("Dropping RXed FixedCh data for cid %d\n", cid);
logw("Dropping RXed PSM data for unknown cid %d\n", cid);
* FUNCTION: l2cAclDataRxProcessIfComplete
* USE: Called with a [partially] RXed packet to see if it is
* complete, and if so process it
* PARAMS: conn - the ACL connection struct
* packet - the incoming (possibly complete) packet
* RETURN: true if packet was complete and was processed
* false if more data is needed
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static bool l2cAclDataRxProcessIfComplete(struct l2cAclConn *conn, sg packet)
struct l2cFrmHdr frm;
uint16_t frmLen, totalLen;
uint32_t len = sgLength(packet);
/* must be long enough to fit a header */
if (len < sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr))
return false;
sgSerialize(packet, 0, sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr), &frm);
frmLen = utilGetLE16(&frm.len);
totalLen = frmLen + sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr);
/* must fit header and data */
if (totalLen > len)
return false;
/* throw a warning if extra data */
if (totalLen < len)
logw("ACL data packet %ub but L2C expects %ub\n", len, totalLen);
/* full packet - process it */
sgTruncFront(packet, sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr));
l2cAclDataRxCompletePacket(conn, &frm, packet);
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclDataRx
* USE: Called by lower layers when ACL data arrives
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the connection ID
* packet - the incoming packet
* first - whethere this is first or continued packet
void l2cAclDataRx(hci_conn_t aclConnID, sg packet, bool first)
struct l2cAclConn *conn;
uint32_t datalen = sgLength(packet);
conn = l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID);
if (conn) {
if (!first && !conn->reassSg)
logw("Got %ub non-first fragment while no reassemble buffer. Dropping\n", datalen);
else {
if (first) {
if (conn->reassSg) {
logw("Got a first packet while reassemble buffer has %ub. Dropping previous fragment\n", sgLength(conn->reassSg));
conn->reassSg = NULL;
if (!l2cAclDataRxProcessIfComplete(conn, packet)) {
conn->reassSg = packet;
packet = NULL;
} else if (!conn->reassSg)
logw("Got non-first packet when reassembly buffer empty. Dropping %ud\n", datalen);
else {
sgConcat(conn->reassSg, packet);
packet = NULL;
if (l2cAclDataRxProcessIfComplete(conn, conn->reassSg))
conn->reassSg = NULL;
} else
loge("Unable to find acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. Dropping packet\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
if (packet)
* FUNCTION: l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm
* USE: Find a service structure by PSM
* PARAMS: psm - the psm
* RETURN: service structure or NULL if not found
* NOTES: Must hold the mSvcsLock lock while calling this
static struct l2cPsmSvc* l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm_t psm)
struct l2cPsmSvc* svc = mPsmSvcs;
while (svc && svc->psm != psm)
svc = svc->next;
return svc;
* FUNCTION: l2cFixedChSvcFindByChan
* USE: Find a service structure by fixed channel
* PARAMS: chan - the channel
* RETURN: service structure or NULL if not found
* NOTES: Must hold the mSvcsLock lock while calling this
static struct l2cFixedChSvc* l2cFixedChSvcFindByChan(uint16_t chan)
struct l2cFixedChSvc* svc = mFixedSvcs;
while (svc && svc->chan != chan)
svc = svc->next;
return svc;
* FUNCTION: l2cCommonSvcInstAllocDone
* USE: Called when a service call to allocate a PSM of a FixedCh service instance finishes
* PARAMS: handle - the handle param for the connection
* connP - where to put pointer to per-conn struct
* aclConnP - where to put pointer to per-ACL-link struct
* RETURN: true if all was successful, false else
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static bool l2cCommonSvcInstAllocDone(l2c_handle_t handle, struct l2cConn **connP, struct l2cAclConn **aclConnP)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Connection not found\n");
return false;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
return false;
*connP = conn;
*aclConnP = aclConn;
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cPsmCfgStart
* USE: Start config (once channel open reply has been sent)
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection struct
* conn - the l2c connection struct
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cPsmCfgStart(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, struct l2cConn *conn)
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_CFG;
l2cConnTimer(conn, L2C_L2CAP_CONFIG_TIMEOUT);
conn->cfg.cfgTxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL;
conn->cfg.cfgRxState = L2C_CFG_STATE_INITIAL;
l2cPsmSendConfig(aclConn, conn);
* FUNCTION: l2cPsmSvcInstAllocDone
* USE: Called when a service call to allocate a PSM service instance finishes
* PARAMS: l2cStateCbk - the state cbk for this conn
* userData - param for state callbacks
* result - SVC_ALLOC_* from service instance allocate callback
* instance - the allocated instance or NULL
* handle - the handle param for the connection
* NOTES: May destroy your conn
static void l2cPsmSvcInstAllocDone(psm_t psm, l2cStateCbk stateCbk, void *userData, uint8_t result, void *instance, l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn* conn;
struct l2cAclConn* aclConn;
if (!l2cCommonSvcInstAllocDone(handle, &conn, &aclConn))
goto out;
if (result == SVC_ALLOC_SUCCESS && conn->state == L2C_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN) {
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCallDirect(stateCbk, userData, instance, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to close PSM after teardown request in alloc done handler\n");
/* this is the closes error code to what we want here */
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, conn->ident, 0, conn->remCh, L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_NO_RSRC, 0))
loge("Failed to sent negative connection request response frame\n");
goto out;
if (result == SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_ENCR || result == SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_AUTH) {
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, conn->ident, 0, conn->remCh, L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_PEND, L2C_SIG_CONN_PEND_AUTH)) {
loge("Failed to sent pending.auth connection request response frame\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, false);
goto out;
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_ENCR_WAIT;
if (aclConn->encrypted && (aclConn->mitmSafe || result != SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_AUTH)) {
logi("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x already encrypted to the requested level\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
if (!l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmAlloc(psm, handle))
loge("Failed to re-enquque PSM alloc\n");
} else {
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclDemandEncr(aclConn->conn, result == SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_AUTH))
loge("Failed to demand encr/auth\n");
logd("Demanded encr/auth on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
goto out;
uint16_t retCode = L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_NO_RSRC;
logi("Service allocations failed for psm %d with result %d code %d\n", conn->psm, result, retCode);
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, conn->ident, 0, conn->remCh, retCode, 0))
loge("Failed to sent negative connection request response frame\n");
logd("Dropping connection struct\n");
goto out;
conn->stateCbk = stateCbk;
conn->userData = userData;
conn->instance = instance;
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, conn->ident, 0, conn->remCh, L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_PEND, L2C_SIG_CONN_PEND_ATHORIZ)) {
loge("Failed to sent pending.athoriz connection request response frame\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, true);
goto out;
goto out;
if (!l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(aclConn, conn->ident, conn->localCh, conn->remCh, L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP_OK, 0)) {
loge("Failed to sent positive connection request response frame - dropping connection\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, false);
goto out;
l2cPsmCfgStart(aclConn, conn);
* FUNCTION: l2cFixedChSvcInstAllocDone
* USE: Called when a service call to allocate a FixedCh service instance finishes
* PARAMS: chan - the channel originally requested
* l2cStateCbk - the state cbk for this conn
* userData - param for state callbacks
* result - SVC_ALLOC_* from service instance allocate callback
* instance - the allocated instance or NULL
* handle - the handle param for the connection
static void l2cFixedChSvcInstAllocDone(uint16_t chan, l2cStateCbk stateCbk, void *userData, uint8_t result, void *instance, l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn* conn;
struct l2cAclConn* aclConn;
if (!l2cCommonSvcInstAllocDone(handle, &conn, &aclConn))
goto out;
if (result == SVC_ALLOC_SUCCESS && conn->state == L2C_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN) {
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCallDirect(stateCbk, userData, instance, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to close FixedCh after teardown request in alloc done handler\n");
goto out;
if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_RX_OPEN_SVC)
logw("Unexpected FixedCh conn state %d after alloc\n", conn->state);
if (result == SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_ENCR || result == SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_AUTH) {
if (aclConn->encrypted && (aclConn->mitmSafe || result != SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_AUTH)) {
logi("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x already encrypted to the requested level\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChAlloc(chan, handle)) {
loge("Failed to re-enqueue fixed alloc\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, false);
goto out;
} else {
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclDemandEncr(aclConn->conn, result == SVC_ALLOC_DEMAND_AUTH)) {
loge("Failed to demand encryption\n");
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, conn, false);
goto out;
logd("Demanded encryption on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_ENCR_WAIT;
goto out;
logi("Service allocations failed for FixedCh %d\n", conn->localCh);
logd("Dropping connection struct\n");
goto out;
conn->stateCbk = stateCbk;
conn->userData = userData;
conn->instance = instance;
goto out;
logd("Service up for FixedCh %d\n", conn->localCh);
l2cChannelReadyForData(aclConn, conn);
* FUNCTION: l2cSvcWorker
* USE: Worker thread to call up to services
* PARAMS: unused - not used
* NOTES: Used to call services and not get blocked by them.
static void* l2cSvcWorker(void* unused)
struct l2cSvcWork *work;
struct l2cPsmSvc *psmSvc;
struct l2cFixedChSvc *fixedSvc;
psm_t psm;
uint16_t chan;
int status;
pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "bt_l2cap_worker");
while(1) {
void *instance = NULL;
uint8_t result;
status = workQueueGet(mServiceWork, (void**)&work);
/* The only one thing we use the work queue status for - exiting */
if (status)
switch (work->type) {
psm = work->i_alloc.which.psm;
psmSvc = l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm);
if (!psmSvc) {
logw("Got work for a not-found PSM-based service %d\n", psm);
} else if (psmSvc->beingRemoved) {
logi("Ignoring instance alloc for service (psm=%d) being removed\n", psm);
} else if (!psmSvc->desc.serviceInstanceAlloc) {
logi("Ignoring instance alloc for service (psm=%d) not supporting connections\n", psm);
} else {
result = psmSvc->desc.serviceInstanceAlloc(psmSvc->desc.userData, work->i_alloc.handle, &instance);
l2cPsmSvcInstAllocDone(psm, psmSvc->desc.serviceInstanceStateCbk, psmSvc->desc.userData, result, instance, work->i_alloc.handle);
psm = work->cl_rx.psm;
psmSvc = l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm);
if (!psmSvc) {
logw("Got work for a not-found PSM-based service %d\n", psm);
} else {
if (psmSvc->beingRemoved) {
logi("Ignoring connectionless rx for service (psm=%d) being removed\n", psm);
} else {
if (psmSvc->desc.serviceConnectionlessRx) {
psmSvc->desc.serviceConnectionlessRx(psmSvc->desc.userData, work->cl_rx.handle, work->cl_rx.payload);
work->cl_rx.payload = NULL;
if (work->cl_rx.payload)
psm = work->unreg.which.psm;
psmSvc = l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm);
if (!psmSvc) {
logw("Got work for a not-found PSM-based service %d\n", psm);
} else {
if (!psmSvc->beingRemoved)
logw("Unregistering a service (psm=%d) unexpectedly\n", psm);
if (psmSvc->next)
psmSvc->next->prev = psmSvc->prev;
if (psmSvc->prev)
psmSvc->prev->next = psmSvc->next;
mPsmSvcs = psmSvc->next;
if (work->unreg.doneCbk)
chan = work->i_alloc.which.chan;
fixedSvc = l2cFixedChSvcFindByChan(chan);
if (!fixedSvc) {
logw("Got work for a not-found FixedCh service %d\n", chan);
} else if (fixedSvc->beingRemoved) {
logi("Ignoring instance alloc for service (chan=%d) being removed\n", chan);
} else {
result = fixedSvc->desc.serviceFixedChAlloc(fixedSvc->desc.userData, work->i_alloc.handle, &instance);
l2cFixedChSvcInstAllocDone(chan, fixedSvc->desc.serviceFixedChStateCbk, fixedSvc->desc.userData, result, instance, work->i_alloc.handle);
chan = work->unreg.which.chan;
fixedSvc = l2cFixedChSvcFindByChan(chan);
if (!fixedSvc) {
logw("Got work for a not-found FixedCh service %d\n", chan);
} else {
if (!fixedSvc->beingRemoved)
logw("Unregistering a service (chan=%d) unexpectedly\n", chan);
if (fixedSvc->next)
fixedSvc->next->prev = fixedSvc->prev;
if (fixedSvc->prev)
fixedSvc->prev->next = fixedSvc->next;
mFixedSvcs = fixedSvc->next;
if (work->unreg.doneCbk)
work->state.stateCbk(work->state.userData, work->state.instance, work->state.state, work + 1, work->state.len);
work->connUpdtCbk.doneCbk(work->connUpdtCbk.cbkData, work->connUpdtCbk.success);
//todo: non-default settings?
if (!hciConnect(&work->linkOpen.addr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
loge("HCI refused to connect\n");
if (!hciDisconnect(work->linkClose.aclConn))
loge("HCI refused to disconnect\n");
if (!hciUpdateLeParams(work->connUpdt.aclConnID, work->connUpdt.minInt, work->connUpdt.maxInt, work->, work->
loge("HCI refused to update LE params\n");
if (!hciDemandEncr(work->demandEncr.aclConnID, work->demandEncr.demandMitmSafe))
loge("HCI refused to encrypt\n");
work->defaultSm.cbk(work->defaultSm.hciConn, work->defaultSm.randomNum, work->defaultSm.diversifier);
default: {
loge("Unknown work type %d\n", work->type);
return NULL;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclEnqueueSigTx
* USE: Enqueue a signalling PDU
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL connection structure
* pdu - the PDU data
* RETURN: true is a send was requested. False on immediate error.
* NOTES: Call only with mConnsLock held.
static bool l2cAclEnqueueSigTx(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, sg pdu)
bool isLE = BT_ADDR_IS_LE(aclConn->peerAddr);
bool useLeBuffers = isLE && !mChipJointBuffers;
struct l2cSigPduSendItem **qH = isLE ? &sigSendHeadLe : &sigSendHeadEdr;
struct l2cSigPduSendItem **qT = isLE ? &sigSendTailLe : &sigSendTailEdr;
struct l2cSigPduSendItem *item;
uint16_t len = sgLength(pdu);
if (len > aclConn->sigMtu) {
loge("Rejecting L2C SIG TX over MTU len: %u > %u\n", len, aclConn->sigMtu);
return false;
/* if not LE, we try to merge. Find last SIG frame to same connection and see if we can merge with it. */
if (!isLE) {
struct l2cSigPduSendItem *i = *qT;
while (i && i->aclConnID != aclConn->conn)
i = i->prev;
if (i && !i->hasL2cHdr && sgLength(i->pdu) + len <= aclConn->sigMtu) {
sgConcat(i->pdu, pdu);
return true;
item = (struct l2cSigPduSendItem*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cSigPduSendItem));
if (!item)
return false;
item->aclConnID = aclConn->conn;
item->pdu = pdu;
item->next = NULL;
item->prev = (*qT);
item->cid = BT_ADDR_IS_LE(aclConn->peerAddr) ? L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_LE : L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_EDR;
item->hasL2cHdr = false;
if (item->prev)
item->prev->next = item;
(*qH) = item;
*qT = item;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleTryTx(useLeBuffers))
loge("Failed to schedule TX attempt\n");
return true;
* FUNCTION: l2cWorkFreeSigTx
* USE: Called to cleanup each item of signalling TX queue at deinit time
* PARAMS: workItem - a work item
void l2cWorkFreeSigTx(void *workItem)
struct l2cSigFrameWork *work = (struct l2cSigFrameWork*)workItem;
* FUNCTION: l2cWorkFreeService
* USE: Called to cleanup each item of work queue at deinit time
* PARAMS: workItem - a work item
void l2cWorkFreeService(void *workItem)
struct l2cSvcWork *work = (struct l2cSvcWork*)workItem;
switch (work->type) {
* FUNCTION: l2cInit
* USE: Called to init of L2CAP state
* NOTES: Initializes the l2cap layer
int l2cInit(void)
int ret;
mNextPsm = 0x1001;
mQueueFirstLe = true;
mQueueFirstEdr = true;
mQueueConnLe = 0;
mQueueConnEdr = 0;
mServiceWork = workQueueAlloc(L2C_SVC_NUM_OUTSTANDING_REQS);
if (!mServiceWork){
loge("Failed to allocate service workqueue\n");
ret = ENOMEM;
goto out_service_q;
ret = pthread_create(&mSvcWorker, NULL, l2cSvcWorker, NULL);
if (ret) {
loge("Failed(%d) to create service worker\n", ret);
goto out_service_thread;
mWriteNotif = multiNotifCreate();
if (!mWriteNotif) {
loge("Failed to create write notif list\n");
goto out_multinotif;
mChipJointBuffers = hciInfoSharedBuffers();
if (!hciInfoAclBufSizeLe(&mChipBufLenLe, &mChipBufNumLe))
logi("No LE support found\n");
return 0;
workQueueWakeAll(mServiceWork, 1);
pthread_join(mSvcWorker, NULL);
workQueueFree(mServiceWork, l2cWorkFreeService);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cDeinit
* USE: Unilaterally (and quickly) close l2cap
* NOTES: the other side never gets to know what hit it
void l2cDeinit(void)
while (mAclConns)
l2cAclLinkDownInt(mAclConns, false);
if (mConns)
logw("Connections list not empty even when all acl links closed\n");
mConns = NULL;
mNextToTx = NULL;
while (mPsmSvcs)
l2cApiServicePsmUnregister(mPsmSvcs->psm, NULL, NULL);
while (mFixedSvcs)
l2cApiServiceFixedChUnregister(mFixedSvcs->chan, NULL, NULL);
if (mQueueBufLe)
if (mQueueBufEdr)
mQueueBufLe = NULL;
mQueueBufEdr = NULL;
while (sigSendHeadEdr) {
sigSendTailEdr = sigSendHeadEdr;
sigSendHeadEdr = sigSendHeadEdr->next;
sigSendTailEdr = NULL;
while (sigSendHeadLe) {
sigSendTailLe = sigSendHeadEdr;
sigSendHeadLe = sigSendHeadLe->next;
sigSendTailLe = NULL;
workQueueWakeAll(mServiceWork, 1);
pthread_join(mSvcWorker, NULL);
workQueueFree(mServiceWork, l2cWorkFreeService);
* FUNCTION: l2cConnStructDelete
* USE: Delete an l2cConn structure
* PARAMS: conn - the connection structure
* NOTES: Call with mConnsLock held.
static void l2cConnStructDelete(struct l2cConn *conn)
uint8_t i;
if (mNextToTx == conn)
mNextToTx = NULL;
if (conn->queuedRx) {
conn->queuedRx = NULL;
if (conn->next)
conn->next->prev = conn->prev;
if (conn->prev)
conn->prev->next = conn->next;
mConns = conn->next;
for (i = 0; i < L2C_RETR_NUM_BUFFERS; i++) {
if (conn->advTxFrags[i].data)
conn->advTxFrags[i].data = NULL;
if (conn->advRxFrags[i].data)
conn->advRxFrags[i].data = NULL;
if (conn->advEnqueuedPacket)
conn->advEnqueuedPacket = NULL;
if (conn->advTxReassBuf)
conn->advTxReassBuf = NULL;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclConnStructDelete
* USE: Delete an l2cAclConn structure
* PARAMS: conn - the connection structure
* NOTES: Call with mConnsLock held.
static void l2cAclConnStructDelete(struct l2cAclConn *conn)
if (conn->reassSg) {
logw("ACL conn struct delete with %ub still in reassembly buffer\n", sgLength(conn->reassSg));
if (conn->next)
conn->next->prev = conn->prev;
if (conn->prev)
conn->prev->next = conn->next;
mAclConns = conn->next;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclSigNextIdent
* USE: Request an "ident" value for signalling channel on ACL link
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL connection structure
* commit - whether to increment internal counter or not
* RETURN: the ident value
* NOTES: Call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cAclSigNextIdent(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, bool commit)
uint8_t ret = aclConn->ident;
if (commit)
aclConn->ident = (ret == 0xFF) ? 1 : ret + 1;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclFreeCid
* USE: Find a free channel ID for an ACL connection
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection to send it on
* RETURN: a free channel ID or zero on failure
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint16_t l2cAclFreeCid(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn)
struct l2cConn* conn;
uint16_t guess = aclConn->nextChan, next, initial = aclConn->nextChan;
while(1) {
/* calculate next guess */
next = guess + 1;
/* see if the guessed free channel is actually free */
conn = mConns;
while (conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->localCh != guess))
conn = conn->next;
/* if so, we're done! */
if (!conn)
/* else move on to the next one */
guess = next;
/* unless we've come a full circle, then give up */
if (guess == initial)
return 0;
/* store away where the next search should start */
aclConn->nextChan = next;
return guess;
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSend
* USE: Send a generic l2cap signalling frame
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL connection
* ident - ident to use, 0 for auto
* code - the ACL command code
* sigFrm - the signalling frame to send (a copy will be made)
* sigFrmLen - length of said signalling frame
* extraPtr - extra data to attach, if any (a copy will be made)
* extraLen - length of the extra data
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSend(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint8_t code, const void *sigFrm, uint16_t sigFrmLen, const void *extraPtr, uint16_t extraLen)
struct l2cSigFrm sig;
bool newIdent = ident == 0;
sg pdu;
utilSetLE8(&sig.code, code);
utilSetLE16(&sig.len, sigFrmLen + extraLen);
if (newIdent)
ident = l2cAclSigNextIdent(aclConn, false);
utilSetLE8(&sig.ident, ident);
pdu = sgNew();
if (!pdu) {
loge("L2C PDU oom - will not send\n");
return 0;
if (!sgConcatBackCopy(pdu, &sig, sizeof(sig)) || !sgConcatBackCopy(pdu, sigFrm, sigFrmLen) || !sgConcatBackCopy(pdu, extraPtr, extraLen)) {
loge("L2C PDU concat error - will not send\n");
return 0;
if (l2cAclEnqueueSigTx(aclConn, pdu)) {
if (newIdent)
l2cAclSigNextIdent(aclConn, true);
return ident;
} else {
return 0;
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendConnectionReq
* USE: Send a request to open a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection to send it on
* psm - the PSM
* localCh - local channel number
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnectionReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, psm_t psm, uint16_t localCh)
struct l2cSigConnReq req;
utilSetLE16(&req.psm, psm);
utilSetLE16(&req.scid, localCh);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, 0, L2C_SIG_CONN_REQ, &req, sizeof(req), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendConnectionRsp
* USE: Send a response to an open request for a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection to send it on
* ident - ident to use
* localCh - local channel number
* remCh - remote channel number
* result - the result value to send
* status - the status value to send
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnectionRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t result, uint16_t status)
struct l2cSigConnRsp rsp;
utilSetLE16(&rsp.dcid, localCh);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.scid, remCh);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.result, result);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.status, status);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_CONN_RSP, &rsp, sizeof(rsp), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendConnectionReq
* USE: Send a request to configure a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection to send it on
* remCh - remote channel number
* flags - the flags value to send
* cfgData - config data to send (copy will be made)
* cfgLen - length of config data
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConfigReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t flags, const void *cfgData, uint16_t cfgLen)
struct l2cSigConfReq req;
utilSetLE16(&req.dcid, remCh);
utilSetLE16(&req.flags, flags);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, 0, L2C_SIG_CONF_REQ, &req, sizeof(req), cfgData, cfgLen);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendConnectionRsp
* USE: Send a response to an configure request for a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection to send it on
* ident - ident to use
* remCh - remote channel number
* flags - the flags value to send
* result - the result value to send
* cfgData - config data to send (copy will be made)
* cfgLen - length of config data
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConfigRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t remCh, uint16_t flags, uint16_t result, const void *cfgData, uint16_t cfgLen)
struct l2cSigConfRsp rsp;
utilSetLE16(&rsp.scid, remCh);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.flags, flags);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.result, result);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_CONF_RSP, &rsp, sizeof(rsp), cfgData, cfgLen);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendDiscReq
* USE: Send a request to close a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* localCh - local channel number
* remCh - remote channel number
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendDiscReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh)
struct l2cSigDiscReq req;
utilSetLE16(&req.scid, localCh);
utilSetLE16(&req.dcid, remCh);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, 0, L2C_SIG_DISC_REQ, &req, sizeof(req), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendDiscRsp
* USE: Send a response to an close request for a PSM channel
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* ident - ident to use
* localCh - local channel number
* remCh - remote channel number
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendDiscRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t localCh, uint16_t remCh)
struct l2cSigDiscRsp rsp;
utilSetLE16(&rsp.scid, remCh);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.dcid, localCh);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_DISC_RSP, &rsp, sizeof(rsp), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendEchoRsp
* USE: Send a response to an echo request
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection to send it on
* ident - ident to use
* echoData - echo data to send (copy will be made)
* echoLen - length of config data
* RETURN: ident vlue used for request or 0 if none was sent
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendEchoRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, const void *echoData, uint16_t echoLen)
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_ECHO_RSP, NULL, 0, echoData, echoLen);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendInfoReq
* USE: Send an info request
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* infoType - requested info type
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendInfoReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t infoType)
struct l2cSigInfoReq req;
utilSetLE16(&req.infoType, infoType);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, 0, L2C_SIG_INFO_REQ, &req, sizeof(req), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendInfoRsp
* USE: Send a response to an info request
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* ident - ident to use
* infoType - requested info type
* result - requested info type
* infoData - info data to send (copy will be made)
* infoLen - length of config data
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendInfoRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t infoType, uint16_t result, const void *infoData, uint16_t infoLen)
struct l2cSigInfoRsp rsp;
utilSetLE16(&rsp.infoType, infoType);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.result, result);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_INFO_RSP, &rsp, sizeof(rsp), infoData, infoLen);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendConnUpdateReq
* USE: Send a connection update request for an LE link
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* intMin - minimum requested interval in units of 1.25ms
* intMax - maximum requested interval in units of 1.25ms
* latency - requested latency
* timeoutMult - requested timeout in units of 10ms
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnUpdateReq(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint16_t intMin, uint16_t intMax, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeoutMult)
struct l2cSigConnUpdtReq req;
utilSetLE16(&req.intMin, intMin);
utilSetLE16(&req.intMax, intMax);
utilSetLE16(&req.latency, latency);
utilSetLE16(&req.timeoutMult, timeoutMult);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, 0, L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_REQ, &req, sizeof(req), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendConnUpdateRsp
* USE: Send a connection update request for an LE link
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* ident - ident to use
* result - requested info type
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendConnUpdateRsp(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t result)
struct l2cSigConnUpdtRsp rsp;
logd("L2C conn updte rsp: %u with id %u\n", result, ident);
utilSetLE16(&rsp.result, result);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_RSP, &rsp, sizeof(rsp), NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendErrCmdReject
* USE: Send a "command rejected" signalling frame
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* ident - the ident value to use
* reason - the reason to send
* rejData - rejection data to send (copy will be made)
* rejLen - length of rejection data
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendErrCmdReject(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t reason, const void *rejData, uint16_t rejLen)
struct l2cSigCmdRej rej;
utilSetLE16(&rej.reason, reason);
return l2cSigSend(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_CMD_REJ, &rej, sizeof(rej), rejData, rejLen);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood
* USE: Send a "command not understood" error
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* ident - the ident value to use
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendErrCmdNotUnderstood(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident)
return l2cSigSendErrCmdReject(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_CMD_NOT_UNDERSTOD, NULL, 0);
* FUNCTION: l2cSigSendErrInvalidCid
* USE: Send a "invalid channel id" error
* PARAMS: aclConn - the acl connection
* rxedDcid - the received "dcid" value
* rxedScid - the received "scid" value
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cSigSendErrInvalidCid(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, uint8_t ident, uint16_t rxedDcid, uint16_t rxedScid)
struct l2cSigInvalidCid info;
utilSetLE16(&info.rxedDcid, rxedDcid);
utilSetLE16(&info.rxedScid, rxedScid);
return l2cSigSendErrCmdReject(aclConn, ident, L2C_SIG_INVALID_CID, &info, sizeof(info));
* FUNCTION: l2cConnRequestClose
* USE: Request an orderly closing of a channel
* PARAMS: acl - the ACL link structure (pass NULL to auto-find it)
* conn - the connection struct
* tellOtherSide - TX a message to other side?
* RETURN: ident if request was sent, else 0
* NOTES: Call with mConnsLock held. Will call service's free(), cbk if appropriate
static void l2cConnRequestClose(struct l2cAclConn* acl, struct l2cConn *conn, bool tellOtherSide)
struct l2cConn *t = mConns;
uint32_t numConnsOnThisAcl = 0;
bool destroyStruct = false;
bool tellOurSide = true;
bool closeLink = false;
/* find the ACL connection, if none was given */
if (!acl)
acl = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!acl) {
loge("Failed to close connection psm %d chs %d %d because acl link was not found\n", conn->psm, conn->localCh, conn->remCh);
/* see how many connections exist on this ACL link */
while (t) {
if (t->acl == acl->handle && t->inUse)
t = t->next;
if (!numConnsOnThisAcl) {
loge("Number of in-use connections on acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x: %u\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(acl->conn), numConnsOnThisAcl);
numConnsOnThisAcl = 1;
switch (conn->state) {
if (numConnsOnThisAcl == 1)
destroyStruct = true;
tellOtherSide = false;
closeLink = true;
/* cannot destroy struct now, mark it for deletion when service alloc is done */
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN;
tellOtherSide = tellOurSide = false; /* we do not need to do this now */
* The spec has no way for us to cancel a connection request, and we don't want
* to bother waiting for an unbound time for establishment. We'll just drop it
* and let the other side deal with it. XXX: should we be wiser about this?
destroyStruct = true;
tellOurSide = false; /* nodody to tell to */
destroyStruct = true;
/* nothing to do here - we're already on it*/
tellOtherSide = tellOurSide = false; /* we do not need to do this now */
loge("Unknown state %d in disc. this is invariably bad.", conn->state);
destroyStruct = true;
if (tellOurSide)
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to tell our side that connection is closed\n");
tellOtherSide = tellOtherSide && conn->psm;
if (tellOtherSide)
if (!l2cSigSendDiscReq(acl, conn->localCh, conn->remCh))
loge("Failed to send disc req msg to the other side\n");
if (destroyStruct)
* If you ever have both tellOtherSide and closeLink set, you'll have a bad time
* since data may not go out befor elink dies. we do not do that, but if you ever
* want to, heed this warning and add acl link destruction to the work queue
* instead of doing it here.
if (closeLink)
* FUNCTION: l2cApiServicePsmRegister
* USE: Registers a service that works on top of L2CAP PSM-based channels
* PARAMS: psm - the PSM you want, or zero to be assigned one
* service - the service descriptor for the service
* RETURN: the psm you were assigned or zero in case of some error
* NOTES: service callbacks may be called before this function returns
psm_t l2cApiServicePsmRegister(psm_t psm, const struct l2cServicePsmDescriptor *service)
struct l2cPsmSvc *svc;
if (!l2cPsmValid(psm)) {
logw("Invalid PSM %d\n", psm);
return false;
if (!service->mtu && service->serviceInstanceAlloc) {
logw("Invalid MTU 0 for conn-oriented svc for psm %d\n", psm);
return false;
svc = (struct l2cPsmSvc*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cPsmSvc));
if (!svc)
return false;
memcpy(&svc->desc, service, sizeof(svc->desc));
svc->beingRemoved = false;
svc->prev = NULL;
if (psm) { /* check for existence */
if (l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm))
psm = 0;
} else { /* find a free one */
psm_t orig_next_psm = mNextPsm;
do {
uint64_t mNextPsm_t = mNextPsm + 2; /* only odds allowed */
psm = mNextPsm;
/* calculate the next potential valid PSM */
mNextPsm += 2;
if (mNextPsm_t & 0x0100) /* no low bit on high byte alowed */
mNextPsm_t += 0x100;
if (mNextPsm_t < 0x1000 || mNextPsm_t > 0xFFFF) /* enforce max and min */
mNextPsm_t = 0x1001;
mNextPsm = mNextPsm_t;
/* check if existing PSM is taken */
if (l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm))
psm = 0;
} while(mNextPsm != orig_next_psm);
if (psm) { /* we have one that we can use */
svc->psm = psm;
svc->next = mPsmSvcs;
if (mPsmSvcs)
mPsmSvcs->prev = svc;
mPsmSvcs = svc;
} else
return psm;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiServicePsmUnregister
* USE: Unregisters a service that works on top of L2CAP PSM-based channels
* PARAMS: psm - the PSM that was previously registered
* doneCbk - called when removal is finished (can be NULL)
* callbackData - data to pass to callback
* RETURN: true success
* NOTES: Your job to make sure service is not in use.
bool l2cApiServicePsmUnregister(psm_t psm, void (*doneCbk)(void*), void* cbkData)
bool success = false;
struct l2cPsmSvc *svc;
struct l2cConn *conn;
bool anythingDone;
/* terminate all connections with that psm that the other side opened */
do {
anythingDone = false;
conn = mConns;
while (conn){
if (conn->psm == psm && !conn->weOpened) {
l2cConnRequestClose(NULL, conn, true);
anythingDone = true;
conn = conn->next;
} while(anythingDone);
/* schedule demolition of the psm itself */
/* cannot take services lock staring here */
svc = l2cPsmSvcFindByPsm(psm);
if (svc) {
svc->beingRemoved = true;
l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmUnregister(psm, doneCbk, cbkData);
return success;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiServiceFixedChRegister
* USE: Registers a service that works on top of L2CAP FixedCh
* PARAMS: chan - the channel you want
* service - the service descriptor for the service
* RETURN: truwe on success
* NOTES: service callbacks may be called before this function returns
bool l2cApiServiceFixedChRegister(uint16_t chan, const struct l2cServiceFixedChDescriptor *service)
struct l2cFixedChSvc *svc;
chan == L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_LE || !chan || chan >= L2C_NUM_FIXED_CHANNELS)
return false;
svc = (struct l2cFixedChSvc*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cFixedChSvc));
if (!svc)
return false;
memcpy(&svc->desc, service, sizeof(svc->desc));
svc->beingRemoved = false;
svc->prev = NULL;
if (chan && !l2cFixedChSvcFindByChan(chan)) { /* check for validity & existence */
svc->chan = chan;
svc->next = mFixedSvcs;
if (mFixedSvcs)
mFixedSvcs->prev = svc;
mFixedSvcs = svc;
} else {
chan = 0;
return chan != 0;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiServiceFixedChUnregister
* USE: Unregisters a service that works on top of L2CAP FixedCh
* PARAMS: chan - the channel
* doneCbk - called when removal is finished (can be NULL)
* callbackData - data to pass to callback
* RETURN: true success
* NOTES: Your job to make sure service is not in use.
bool l2cApiServiceFixedChUnregister(uint16_t chan, void (*doneCbk)(void*), void* cbkData)
bool success = false;
struct l2cFixedChSvc *svc;
struct l2cConn *conn;
bool anythingDone;
/* terminate all connections to that FixedCh that the other side opened */
do {
anythingDone = false;
conn = mConns;
while(conn) {
if (!conn->psm && conn->localCh == chan && !conn->weOpened && conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN) {
if (conn->instance) {
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_TEARDOWN;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to send close state\n");
} else {
logw("no instance found for fixed ch %d while unregistering\n", chan);
anythingDone = true;
conn = conn->next;
} while(anythingDone);
/* schedule demolition of the fixedCh registration itself */
/* cannot take services lock staring here */
svc = l2cFixedChSvcFindByChan(chan);
if (svc) {
svc->beingRemoved = true;
l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChUnregister(chan, doneCbk, cbkData);
return success;
* FUNCTION: l2cConnFindByHandle
* USE: Find a connection structure by handle
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* RETURN: connection structure or NULL
* NOTES: Call with mConnsLock held. Not possible for connections
* in conn-wait state since they do not have valid handles
* due to lack of an acl channel if
static struct l2cConn* l2cConnFindByHandle(l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn *conn;
conn = mConns;
while (conn && conn->handle != handle)
conn = conn->next;
return conn;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiGetBtAddr
* USE: Get BT addr of whoever is on the other end of a pipe
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* addrP - here is stored the address
* RETURN: true on success
bool l2cApiGetBtAddr(l2c_handle_t handle, struct bt_addr* addrP)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
struct l2cConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (conn) {
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (aclConn) {
memcpy(addrP, &aclConn->peerAddr, sizeof(struct bt_addr));
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiGetSelfBtAddr
* USE: Get BT addr we presented when we made the connection
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* addrP - here is stored the address
* RETURN: true on success
bool l2cApiGetSelfBtAddr(l2c_handle_t handle, struct bt_addr *addrP)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
struct l2cConn* conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (conn) {
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (aclConn) {
memcpy(addrP, &aclConn->selfAddr, sizeof(struct bt_addr));
ret = true;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiGetAclHandle
* USE: Get ACL handle for the L2CAP connection
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* RETURN: ACL handle, or zero for invalid L2CAP handle
acl_handle_t l2cApiGetAclHandle(l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn* conn;
acl_handle_t ret = 0;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (conn) {
ret = conn->acl;
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiDisconnect
* USE: Request a disconnect of a pipe
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* NOTES: Disconnect is async and will finish later
void l2cApiDisconnect(l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn *conn;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (conn)
l2cConnRequestClose(NULL, conn, true);
logw("Got request to close nonexistent handle "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(handle));
* FUNCTION: l2cTryMakeSendProgress
* USE: Try to make forward progress on sending data to HCI for radio transmssion.
* Called when we either have new data or new credits.
* PARAMS: forLeBuffers - which set of buffers we should work on
* NOTES: will take mConnsLock
static void l2cTryMakeSendProgress(bool forLeBuffers)
struct l2cSigPduSendItem *picked = NULL;
struct l2cSigPduSendItem **sigQHP;
struct l2cSigPduSendItem **sigQTP;
uint16_t chipBufSz;
hci_conn_t *qConnP;
bool *qFirstP;
uint8_t ret;
sg *qBufP;
hci_conn_t sendConn;
bool sendFirst;
sg sendSg, remainSg;
bool hadData = true;
while(1) {
if (forLeBuffers) {
qBufP = &mQueueBufLe;
qFirstP = &mQueueFirstLe;
qConnP = &mQueueConnLe;
sigQHP = &sigSendHeadLe;
sigQTP = &sigSendTailLe;
chipBufSz = mChipBufLenLe;
} else {
qBufP = &mQueueBufEdr;
qFirstP = &mQueueFirstEdr;
qConnP = &mQueueConnEdr;
sigQHP = &sigSendHeadEdr;
sigQTP = &sigSendTailEdr;
chipBufSz = mChipBufLenEdr;
* We always send SIG frames ahead of DATA frames, but we cannot do that if we
* already sent a fragmented data frame's start on the same ACL link, so we
* check for that special case here. We can reorder SIG frames for different
* links though. So this case only bites us if we only have SIG frames enqueued
* for the same link we have data frame half-sent on. The code segment that
* follows will detect if we cannot send SIG frames for some conection at this
* time and will find us another SIG frame to send, if there is one. Else it will
* just pick the first SIG frame. A further complication is if we pick a SIG frame
* that does not fit in the controller's buffer. In this case we'd have to somehow
* rememebr to send the rest of it later, but if our queue already has a DATA
* packet it in (in a half-sent state), we're royally boned. For this case, we also
* avoid SIG packets over controller's buffer size while we have a half-sent DATA
* packet in the queue.
picked = *sigQHP;
while (picked && *qBufP && ((!*qFirstP && picked->aclConnID == *qConnP) || (sgLength(picked->pdu) > chipBufSz)) )
picked = picked->next;
if (picked){ /* we have a SIG frame to send */
sendConn = picked->aclConnID;
sendSg = picked->pdu;
sendFirst = true;
if (!picked->hasL2cHdr) {
struct l2cFrmHdr frm;
utilSetLE16(&frm.len, sgLength(picked->pdu));
utilSetLE16(&frm.cid, picked->cid);
if (!sgConcatFrontCopy(picked->pdu, &frm, sizeof(frm)))
loge("catastrophic failure in concatting l2c header to SIG frm\n");
picked->hasL2cHdr = true;
} else { /* we continue the existing DATA frame */
sendConn = *qConnP;
sendSg = *qBufP;
sendFirst = *qFirstP;
if (!sendConn) { /* nothing to send */
if (!hadData)
hadData = false;
if (forLeBuffers || !l2cAdvMayTx())
multiNotifNotify(mWriteNotif, NULL);
hadData = true;
if (sgLength(sendSg) > chipBufSz) {
remainSg = sgSplit(sendSg, chipBufSz);
if (!remainSg) {
loge("Failed to split TX sg\n");
///TODO: this?
} else
remainSg = NULL;
ret = hciTryToTx(sendConn, sendSg, sendFirst ? (remainSg ? HCI_BOUNDARY_START : HCI_BOUNDARY_COMPLETE) : HCI_BOUNDARY_CONT);
if (ret == HCI_TX_SEND_ERROR)
logw("State indeterminate after hci tx fail!\n");
if (ret == HCI_TX_SEND_OK || ret == HCI_TX_SEND_NO_CONN || ret == HCI_TX_SEND_ERROR) { /* either way we do not resend this in its current state */
if (ret != HCI_TX_SEND_OK)
if (picked) { /* dequeue the SIG frame we [partially] sent */
if (picked->prev)
picked->prev->next = picked->next;
*sigQHP = picked->next;
if (picked->next)
picked->next->prev = picked->prev;
*sigQTP = picked->prev;
} else { /* clear out the global queue state - if needed it will be reset later */
*qConnP = 0;
*qBufP = NULL;
*qFirstP = true;
if (ret == HCI_TX_SEND_ERROR && remainSg) {
logw("Dropping continuation of a msg that failed to send\n");
remainSg = NULL;
if (ret == HCI_TX_SEND_OK || ret == HCI_TX_SEND_ERROR) {
if (remainSg) { /* not done? enqueue the rest of the fragment */
*qConnP = sendConn;
*qBufP = remainSg;
*qFirstP = false;
/* releasing the lock here allows threads waiting to write to do so and helps keep the pipeline full */
* FUNCTION: l2cApiRegisterWriteBufNotif
* USE: Register for write buffer notifs
* PARAMS: cbk - the cbk to call
* cbkData - the data to pass to it
* RETURN: handle fo the notif for l2cApiUnegisterWriteBufNotif()
* NOTES: cbk may be called before this func returns
uniq_t l2cApiRegisterWriteBufNotif(multiNotifCbk cbk, void *cbkData)
return multiNotifRegister(mWriteNotif, cbk, cbkData);
* FUNCTION: l2cApiUnegisterWriteBufNotif
* USE: Unregister from write buffer notif created by l2cApiRegisterWriteBufNotif()
* PARAMS: notifHandle - the notif handle
* NOTES: cbk will definitely not be called once this func returns
void l2cApiUnegisterWriteBufNotif(uniq_t notifHandle)
multiNotifUnregister(mWriteNotif, notifHandle);
* FUNCTION: l2cAclCreditAvail
* USE: Called by lower layers when a send credit becomes available
* PARAMS: le - was it an LE credit
void l2cAclCreditAvail(bool le)
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleTryTx(le))
loge("Failed to schedule TX attempt\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cDataSendOnAclLink
* USE: Request a send on an ACL link of data with a header
* PARAMS: aclConn - the link
* hdr - header to prepend IFF accepted for TX (can be NULL if hdrLen is 0)
* hdrLen - size fo said header
* data - the data to send (can be null if hdrLen is nonzero)
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static uint8_t l2cDataSendOnAclLink(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, const void *hdr, uint32_t hdrLen, sg data)
uint8_t ret = L2C_TX_ACCEPTED;
sg *queueBufP;
hci_conn_t *queueConnP;
bool *queueFirstP;
bool useLeBuffers;
bool freeData = false;
/* see which queue (LE/EDR) we need to use */
useLeBuffers = BT_ADDR_IS_LE(aclConn->peerAddr) && !mChipJointBuffers;
if (useLeBuffers) {
queueBufP = &mQueueBufLe;
queueFirstP = &mQueueFirstLe;
queueConnP = &mQueueConnLe;
} else {
queueBufP = &mQueueBufEdr;
queueFirstP = &mQueueFirstEdr;
queueConnP = &mQueueConnEdr;
/* if queue is not busy, make it busy */
if (*queueBufP)
else {
if (!data){
data = sgNew();
freeData = true;
if (!data) {
loge("Failed to alloc sg for data-free l2c acl send\n");
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
} else if (!sgConcatFrontCopy(data, hdr, hdrLen)) {
loge("Failed to prepend L2C header\n");
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
} else {
*queueBufP = data;
*queueFirstP = true;
*queueConnP = aclConn->conn;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleTryTx(useLeBuffers))
loge("Failed to schedule TX attempt\n");
if (ret != L2C_TX_ACCEPTED && freeData && data)
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiDataTx
* USE: Request a send on a pipe
* PARAMS: handle - the handle
* data - the data
* NOTES: Never blocks!
uint8_t l2cApiDataTx(l2c_handle_t handle, sg data)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn = NULL;
uint8_t ret = L2C_TX_ACCEPTED;
struct l2cConn *conn;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (conn)
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
/* we only support L2CAP simple mode for now */
if (!conn) {
ret = L2C_TX_NO_CONN;
logw("Request send on invalid handle "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(handle));
} else if (!aclConn) {
ret = L2C_TX_NO_CONN;
logw("Request send on invalid ACL handle "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(conn->acl));
} else if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_ESTABLISHED) {
* In this case, we could send a retry-later return code, but if you tried to send
* at this point, you clearly do not know right from wrong, and do not deserve
* another chance
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
logw("Attempt to send data over connection in state %d\n", conn->state);
} else if (sgLength(data) > conn->theirMtu) {
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
logw("Attempt to send data over MTU size (%u > %u)\n", sgLength(data), conn->theirMtu);
} else {
struct l2cFrmHdr frm;
if (!conn->inUse) {
logd("Marking conn "HANDLEFMT" as in use due to TX\n", HANDLECNV(conn->handle));
conn->inUse = 1;
if (conn->mode == L2C_MODE_BASIC) {
utilSetLE16(&frm.len, sgLength(data));
utilSetLE16(&frm.cid, conn->remCh);
ret = l2cDataSendOnAclLink(aclConn, &frm, sizeof(frm), data);
} else
ret = l2cAdvUserTx(conn, data);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiConnectionlessDataTx
* USE: Request a send on a connectionless pipe
* PARAMS: addr - the peer address
* psm - the PSM to send to
* data - the data
* NOTES: Never blocks!
uint8_t l2cApiConnectionlessDataTx(const struct bt_addr *addr, psm_t psm, sg data)
struct l2cAclConn* aclConn;
bool ret;
if (!l2cPsmValid(psm)) {
logw("Invalid PSM %d\n", psm);
return false;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByAddr(addr);
if (!aclConn) {
logw("Dropping connectionless send to a device whom we aren't connected to\n");
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
} else if (!BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(aclConn->peerAddr)) {
logw("Dropping connectionless send to an LE device\n");
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
} else if (aclConn->connectionlessMtu < sgLength(data)) {
logw("Dropping connectionless send over MTU %u > %u\n", sgLength(data), aclConn->connectionlessMtu);
ret = L2C_TX_ERROR;
} else {
uint8_t hdr[sizeof(struct l2cFrmHdr) + sizeof(psm_t)];
struct l2cFrmHdr *frm = (struct l2cFrmHdr*)hdr;
utilSetLE16(&frm->len, sgLength(data) + sizeof(psm_t));
utilSetLE16(&frm->cid, L2C_CH_CONNECTIONLESS);
utilSetLE16(frm + 1, psm);
ret = l2cDataSendOnAclLink(aclConn, hdr, sizeof(hdr), data);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiLeEncryptConn
* USE: Encrypt a connection with the given key
* PARAMS: handle - L2CAP connection handle
* rand - random value
* ediv - encrypted diversifier value
* key - LTK or STK applied during encryption
* RETURN: true if encryption is requested; false otherwise
bool l2cApiLeEncryptConn(l2c_handle_t handle, uint64_t rand, uint16_t ediv, const uint8_t *key)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
hci_conn_t aclConnId;
struct l2cConn *conn;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Cannot find Connection to encrypt\n");
} else {
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn)
loge("Cannot find Connection to encrypt\n");
else if (aclConn->encrypted)
logw("Connection was encrypted already\n");
else {
aclConnId = aclConn->conn;
return hciLeEncryptConn(aclConnId, rand, ediv, key);
return false;
* FUNCTION: l2ccAclLinkUpTimeout
* USE: Timeout timer for ACL link opening
* PARAMS: which - the timer ID
* aclConnHandle - acl connection handle
static void l2cAclLinkUpTimeout(uniq_t which, uint64_t aclConnHandle)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(aclConnHandle);
if (aclConn && aclConn->openTimer == which) {
logi("ACL link open failed for "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(aclConn->handle));
aclConn->state = L2C_ACL_STATE_TEARDOWN;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkClose(aclConn->handle))
loge("Failed to schedule call to close ACL link "HANDLEFMT"\n", HANDLECNV(aclConn->handle));
l2cAclLinkDownInt(aclConn, false);
* FUNCTION: l2cCreateAndOpenNewAclConn
* USE: Request an ACL connection be created
* PARAMS: addr - the peer address
* RETURN: true is it was requested. False on immediate error.
* NOTES: call with mConnsLock held
static struct l2cAclConn* l2cCreateAndOpenNewAclConn(const struct bt_addr* addr)
struct l2cAclConn *conn;
conn = l2cAclConnFindByAddr(addr);
if (conn) {
if (conn->state == L2C_ACL_STATE_TEARDOWN) {
logw("Asked to establish existing ACL conn as it goes down. Bad luck\n");
return NULL;
} else {
logw("Asked to establish existing ACL conn\n");
return conn;
conn = (struct l2cAclConn*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cAclConn));
if (!conn) {
loge("Out of memory\n");
return NULL;
memcpy(&conn->peerAddr, addr, sizeof(conn->peerAddr));
conn->handle = uniqGetNext();
conn->state = L2C_ACL_STATE_PENDING;
conn->prev = NULL;
conn->reassSg = NULL;
conn->sigMtu = L2C_MIN_SIG_MTU;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkOpen(&conn->peerAddr)) {
conn = NULL;
} else {
conn->next = mAclConns;
if (mAclConns)
mAclConns->prev = conn;
mAclConns = conn;
conn->openTimer = timerSet(L2C_ACL_LINK_UP_TIMEOUT, l2cAclLinkUpTimeout, conn->handle);
if (!conn->openTimer)
loge("Failed to set open timeout for ACL link\n");
return conn;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiCreatePsmConnection
* USE: Request a PSM-based connection be created
* PARAMS: psm - the PSM to connect to
* addr - the peer address
* mtu - the mtu we're willing to accept
* doneCbk - function to call when action completes
* userData - data to pass to stateCbk
* instance - data to pass to stateCbk
* RETURN: true is a send was requested. False on immediate error.
* NOTES: callback may be called before this function returns, if
* true was returned, at least one call to the callback
* will happen
bool l2cApiCreatePsmConnection(psm_t psm, const struct bt_addr* addr, uint16_t mtu, l2cStateCbk stateCbk, void* userData, void* instance)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
bool ret = false;
if (!stateCbk) {
logw("Invalid stateCbk\n");
return false;
if (!l2cPsmValid(psm)) {
logw("Invalid PSM %d\n", psm);
return false;
if (BT_ADDR_IS_LE(*addr)) {
logw("Cannot create a PSM connection to an LE address\n");
return false;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByAddr(addr);
if (aclConn && aclConn->state == L2C_ACL_STATE_TEARDOWN) {
logw("Trying to open a connection over a going-down ACL link. Bad luck\n");
goto out;
} else if (!aclConn) {
logd("acl not found for connection requested, making one\n");
aclConn = l2cCreateAndOpenNewAclConn(addr);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("Failed to create/open/find ACL conn\n");
goto out;
conn = l2cNewConnStruct(L2C_CONN_STATE_CONN_WAIT, aclConn->handle, 0, 0, psm, mtu, true);
if (!conn) {
loge("Failed to allocate an L2C conn\n");
goto out;
/* create the conn */
conn->stateCbk = stateCbk;
conn->userData = userData;
conn->instance = instance;
conn->inUse = 1;
if (aclConn->conn == L2C_ACL_STATE_ESTABLISHED) {
uint8_t ident;
uint16_t localCh = l2cAclFreeCid(aclConn);
if (!localCh) {
logw("No free channels for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
goto out;
ident = l2cSigSendConnectionReq(aclConn, psm, localCh);
if (!ident) {
l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCallDirect(stateCbk, userData, instance, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0);
loge("Failed to request opening of a psm channel\n");
goto out;
conn->localCh = localCh;
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_TX_OPEN_TXED;
conn->ident = ident;
l2cConnTimer(conn, L2C_L2CAP_OPEN_TIMEOUT);
conn->next = mConns;
if (mConns)
mConns->prev = conn;
mConns = conn;
ret = true;
if (!ret && conn)
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiCreateFixedChConnection
* USE: Request a FixedCh connection be created
* PARAMS: chan - the channel to connect to
* addr - the peer address
* stateCbk - function to call with state
* userData - data to pass to stateCbk
* instance - data to pass to stateCbk
* RETURN: true is a send was requested. False on immediate error.
* NOTES: callback may be called before this function returns, if
* true was returned, at least one call to the callback
* will happen
bool l2cApiCreateFixedChConnection(uint16_t chan, const struct bt_addr* addr, l2cStateCbk stateCbk, void* userData, void* instance)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
struct l2cConn *conn = NULL;
bool ret = false;
chan == L2C_CH_SIGNALLING_LE || !chan || chan >= L2C_NUM_FIXED_CHANNELS) {
logw("Invalid channel for creating a FixedCh connection\n");
return false;
if (!stateCbk) {
logw("Invalid stateCbk\n");
return false;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByAddr(addr);
if (aclConn && aclConn->state == L2C_ACL_STATE_TEARDOWN) {
logw("Trying to open a connection over a going-down ACL link. Bad luck\n");
goto out;
} else if (!aclConn) {
logd("acl not found for connection requested, making one\n");
aclConn = l2cCreateAndOpenNewAclConn(addr);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("Failed to create/open/find ACL conn\n");
goto out;
/* check is same FixedCh already exists */
conn = mConns;
while(conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->psm || conn->localCh != chan))
conn = conn->next;
if (conn) {
logi("Ignoring attempt to open FixedCh %d conn when existing exists\n", chan);
goto out;
conn = l2cNewConnStruct(L2C_CONN_STATE_CONN_WAIT, aclConn->handle, chan, chan, 0, 0, true);
if (!conn) {
loge("Failed to allocate an L2C conn\n");
return false;
/* create the conn */
conn->handle = uniqGetNext();
conn->stateCbk = stateCbk;
conn->userData = userData;
conn->instance = instance;
conn->inUse = 1;
if (aclConn->state == L2C_ACL_STATE_ESTABLISHED) {
l2cChannelReadyForData(aclConn, conn);
conn->next = mConns;
if (mConns)
mConns->prev = conn;
mConns = conn;
ret = true;
if (!ret && conn)
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkEncrChangeInt
* USE: Called to change an ACL link's encr settings
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL link at hand
* isEncrypted - is it now encrypted?
* isMitmSafe - is it now MITM-safe?
* isKeyRefreshed - is a new key used for encryption
* NOTES: Call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cAclLinkEncrChangeInt(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, bool isEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe,
bool isKeyRefreshed)
struct l2cConn *iter = mConns, *conn;
struct l2cEncrState es;
bool changed;
changed = (!aclConn->encrypted != !isEncrypted) || (!aclConn->mitmSafe != !isMitmSafe);
if (!isKeyRefreshed && !changed) {
logd("Unchanged encr call\n");
aclConn->encrypted = isEncrypted;
aclConn->mitmSafe = isMitmSafe;
es.isEncr = isEncrypted;
es.isMitmSafe = isMitmSafe;
/* at this point we're sure connection encryption status changed for non-key-refreshed, so
* inform everyone
while (iter) {
conn = iter;
iter = iter->next;
/* wrong link? */
if (conn->acl != aclConn->handle)
/* handle connections waiting for encryption */
if (conn->state == L2C_CONN_STATE_ENCR_WAIT) {
if (conn->psm) {
/* handle PSM connections */
if(!l2cSvcWorkSchedulePsmAlloc(conn->psm, conn->handle))
loge("Failed to re-enquque PSM alloc on encr\n");
} else if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChAlloc(conn->localCh, conn->handle)) {
/* handle FixedCh */
loge("Failed to re-enquque fixed alloc on encr\n");
/* notify existing connections */
if (conn->state == L2C_CONN_STATE_ESTABLISHED &&
conn, isKeyRefreshed ? L2C_STATE_ENCR_KEY_REF : L2C_STATE_ENCR, &es, sizeof(es))) {
loge("Failed to send close state\n");
* FUNCTION: l2cAclConnTeardownTimerCbk
* USE: Timer callback for ACL link down
* PARAMS: which - timer handle
* cbkData - the callback data
static void l2cAclConnTeardownTimerCbk(uniq_t which, uint64_t cbkData)
uniq_t aclHandle = (uniq_t)cbkData;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(aclHandle);
if (aclConn && aclConn->teardownTimer == which) {
logd("Link timer expired for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. Closing\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
aclConn->state = L2C_ACL_STATE_TEARDOWN;
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleAclLinkClose(aclConn->handle))
loge("Failed to schedule call to close acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
l2cAclLinkDownInt(aclConn, true);
* FUNCTION: l2cAclDownTimerStart
* USE: Schedule a timer for ACL link shutdown
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* NOTES: Call this when you're done with the link and you're the last one.
* Call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cAclDownTimerStart(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn)
if (aclConn->teardownTimer)
aclConn->teardownTimer = timerSet(L2C_ACL_LINK_TIMOUT, l2cAclConnTeardownTimerCbk, aclConn->handle);
if (!aclConn->teardownTimer)
loge("Failed to set teardown timer for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
* FUNCTION: l2cAclDownTimerStop
* USE: Remove a timer for ACL link shutdown
* PARAMS: aclConn - the connection
* NOTES: Call this when you start using a link
* Call with mConnsLock held
static void l2cAclDownTimerStop(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn)
if (aclConn->teardownTimer)
aclConn->teardownTimer = 0;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkUp
* USE: Called when a new ACL link comes up
* PARAMS: aclConn - the conection ID
* peerAddr - the peer address
* selfAddr - whom we pretended to be when we connected
* isMaster - are we the master on the link?
* isEncrypted - is link encrypted?
* isMitmSafe - is link MITM safe?
void l2cAclLinkUp(hci_conn_t aclConnID, const struct bt_addr *peerAddr, const struct bt_addr *selfAddr, bool isMaster, bool isEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
struct l2cConn *connIter;
struct l2cFixedChSvc *svc;
bool inUse = false;
if (l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID))
loge("Duplicate ID up (acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x)\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
else {
/* TODO(mcchou): if including "hardware/bluetooth.h", complilatino fails with error
* aapiGatt.h:4:32: fatal error: hardware/bluetooth.h: No such file or directory
* As an workaround, we marked out the following function call to the userspace for now.
* aapiAclStateChanged(0, peerAddr, true);
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByAddr(peerAddr);
if (aclConn) {
if (aclConn->state == L2C_ACL_STATE_PENDING) {
aclConn->openTimer = 0;
logd("Us-initiated link up (acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x)\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
} else {
loge("Duplicate link up with same address and different acl (old "HCI_CONN_FMT"x new "HCI_CONN_FMT"x)."
" Ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn), HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
goto out;
} else {
logd("Remote-initiated link up acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
aclConn = (struct l2cAclConn*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct l2cAclConn));
if (aclConn) {
aclConn->handle = uniqGetNext();
aclConn->prev = NULL;
aclConn->reassSg = NULL;
aclConn->next = mAclConns;
aclConn->sigMtu = L2C_MIN_SIG_MTU;
if (mAclConns)
mAclConns->prev = aclConn;
mAclConns = aclConn;
} else {
loge("Failed to allocate a new l2cAclConn for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
goto out;
memcpy(&aclConn->peerAddr, peerAddr, sizeof(aclConn->peerAddr));
memcpy(&aclConn->selfAddr, selfAddr, sizeof(aclConn->selfAddr));
aclConn->ident = 1;
aclConn->teardownTimer = 0;
aclConn->isMaster = isMaster ? 1 : 0;
aclConn->connectionlessMtu = L2C_MIN_CONNECTIONLESS_MTU;
aclConn->connUpdtRequestIdent = 0;
aclConn->nextChan = L2C_NUM_FIXED_CHANNELS;
aclConn->conn = aclConnID;
aclConn->encrypted = isEncrypted;
aclConn->mitmSafe = isMitmSafe;
/* send an info req if EDR */
if (BT_ADDR_IS_EDR(*peerAddr)) {
aclConn->state = L2C_ACL_STATE_CFG;
aclConn->reqIdent = l2cSigSendInfoReq(aclConn, L2C_SIG_INFO_TYPE_UNCONN_MTU);
if (!aclConn->reqIdent) {
logw("Failed to send req for connectionless mtu for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. It will not be known\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
} else
/* handle all pending-open connections */
connIter = mConns;
while (connIter){
uint8_t ident = 0;
uint16_t localCh;
struct l2cConn *conn = connIter;
connIter = connIter->next;
if (conn->acl != aclConn->handle) /* not for this ACL link */
if (conn->state != L2C_CONN_STATE_CONN_WAIT) { /* wrong state? */
loge("L2C connection for new acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x not in wait state on link up! Dropping\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
/* There is no sure way to delete this - we have no idea what state it is in. Do our best to not make it worse and do nothing */
if (!conn->psm) { /* FixedCh */
inUse = true;
l2cChannelReadyForData(aclConn, conn);
/* PSM connection */
localCh = l2cAclFreeCid(aclConn);
if (localCh) {
ident = l2cSigSendConnectionReq(aclConn, conn->psm, localCh);
conn->localCh = localCh;
if (ident)
inUse = true;
else {
loge("Failed to request opening of a psm channel\n");
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_CLOSED, NULL, 0))
loge("Failed to send close state\n");
conn->state = L2C_CONN_STATE_TX_OPEN_TXED;
conn->ident = ident;
l2cConnTimer(conn, L2C_L2CAP_OPEN_TIMEOUT);
/* Bring up all FixedCh services */
svc = mFixedSvcs;
while (svc) {
if (!svc->beingRemoved) {
/* See if a conn is already pending. If so we'll not instantiate the service.
* This may seem strange, but unlike PSM world, here we cannot have two FixedCh
* connections at the same time */
struct l2cConn *conn = mConns;
while (conn && (conn->acl != aclConn->handle || conn->psm || conn->localCh != svc->chan))
conn = conn->next;
if (conn) {
logi("Not initing FixedCh %d svc since connection is pending\n", svc->chan);
svc = svc->next;
conn = l2cNewConnStruct(L2C_CONN_STATE_RX_OPEN_SVC, aclConn->handle, svc->chan, svc->chan, 0, 0, false);
if (!conn) {
logw("Not initing FixedCh %d svc - cannot alloc conn struct\n", svc->chan);
svc = svc->next;
conn->inUse = 0; /* until actually used */
if (l2cSvcWorkScheduleFixedChAlloc(svc->chan, conn->handle)) {
conn->next = mConns;
if (mConns)
mConns->prev = conn;
mConns = conn;
} else {
loge("Failed to schedule FixedCh alloc for ch %d\n", svc->chan);
svc = svc->next;
if (!inUse) {
aclConn->teardownTimer = timerSet(L2C_ACL_LINK_TIMOUT, l2cAclConnTeardownTimerCbk, aclConn->handle);
if (!aclConn->teardownTimer)
loge("Failed to set teardown timer for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkParamsChange
* USE: Called when LE ACL link params change
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the conection ID
* interval - the new interval
* latency - the new latency
* timeout - the new timeout
void l2cAclLinkParamsChange(hci_conn_t aclConnID, bool success, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout)
struct l2cAclConn *conn;
conn = l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID);
if (!conn)
loge("Unable to find acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. Dropping params change notification\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
else if (!conn->isMaster)
logi("Got update for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x: {%d,%d,%d}\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID), interval, latency, timeout);
else if (conn->connUpdtRequestIdent) {
if (!l2cSigSendConnUpdateRsp(conn, conn->connUpdtRequestIdent, success ? L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_OK : L2C_SIG_CONN_UPDT_NO))
loge("Failed to sent connection update response frame\n");
conn->connUpdtRequestIdent = 0;
} else if (conn->connUpdtDoneCbk) {
if (!l2cSvcWorkScheduleConnUpdtCbk(conn->connUpdtDoneCbk, conn->connUpdtDoneCbkData, success))
loge("Failed to schedule connection update callback\n");
conn->connUpdtDoneCbk = NULL;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkDownInt
* USE: Called when an ACL link goes down or is about to go down
* Shuts down all our state for said link.
* PARAMS: aclConn - the ACL connection struct
* NOTES: call withmConnsLock held
static void l2cAclLinkDownInt(struct l2cAclConn *aclConn, bool tellOtherSide)
struct l2cConn *conn = mConns, *t;
while (conn && conn->acl == aclConn->handle) {
t = conn;
conn = conn->next;
l2cConnRequestClose(aclConn, t, tellOtherSide);
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkDown
* USE: Called when a new ACL link goes down
* PARAMS: aclConn - the conection ID
* reason - the hci reason code
void l2cAclLinkDown(hci_conn_t aclConnID, uint8_t reason)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID);
if (aclConn) {
/* TODO(mcchou): if including "hardware/bluetooth.h", complilatino fails with error
* aapiGatt.h:4:32: fatal error: hardware/bluetooth.h: No such file or directory
* As an workaround, we marked out the following function call to the userspace for now.
* aapiAclStateChanged(0, &aclConn->peerAddr, false);
logd("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x actually down. Handling\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn));
l2cAclLinkDownInt(aclConn, false);
} else
logd("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x not found. Down ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkEncrChange
* USE: Called when a new ACL encryption changed
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the conection ID
* isEncrypted - is link now encrypted?
* isMitmSafe - is link now MITM-safe?
void l2cAclLinkEncrChange(hci_conn_t aclConnID, bool isEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
logd("l2cAclLinkEncrChange(acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x, %d, %d)\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID), isEncrypted, isMitmSafe);
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID);
if (aclConn) {
logd("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x encr change to %d,%d. Handling\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn), isEncrypted,isMitmSafe);
l2cAclLinkEncrChangeInt(aclConn, isEncrypted, isMitmSafe, false);
} else
logd("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x not found. Encr change ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLeLtkRequest
* USE: Called when an Le connection needs a key
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the conection ID
* randomNum - provided by other side
* diversifier - provided by other side
* RETURN: false on immediate failure
bool l2cAclLeLtkRequest(hci_conn_t aclConnID, uint64_t randomNum, uint16_t diversifier)
struct l2cKeyReqState keyReq = {.rand = randomNum, .ediv = diversifier, };
L2capDefaultSecurityManagerCbk defaultSecMgr;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
struct l2cConn *conn;
bool ret = false;
defaultSecMgr = mDefaultSecMgr;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID);
if ((!aclConn || !aclConn->securityManager) && defaultSecMgr && !l2cSvcWorkScheduleDefaultSmCall(defaultSecMgr, aclConnID, randomNum, diversifier))
logi("Default security manager call failed for acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x. LTK req ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
else if (!aclConn)
logw("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x not found. LTK req ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
else if (!aclConn->securityManager)
logi("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x has no assigned security manager. LTK req ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
else {
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(aclConn->securityManager);
if (!conn)
logi("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x's assigned security manager does nt exist anymore. LTK req ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
ret = l2cSvcWorkScheduleStateCall(conn, L2C_STATE_KEY_REQ, &keyReq, sizeof(keyReq));
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiLeProvideLtk
* USE: Called by SM - provide key
* PARAMS: handle - connection handle
* key - key to use or NULL if none
* RETURN: false on error
* NOTES: proper hci reply command will be called
bool l2cApiLeProvideLtk(l2c_handle_t handle, const uint8_t *key)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn = NULL;
struct l2cConn *conn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (conn)
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!conn)
logw("L2C conn "HANDLEFMT"x not found. LTK reply ignored.\n", HANDLECNV(handle));
else if (!aclConn)
logw("L2C conn "HANDLEFMT"x's acl conn not found. LTK reply ignored. Also, this is bad!\n", HANDLECNV(handle));
ret = hciLeProvideLtk(aclConn->conn, key);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cAclLinkEncrKeyRefresh
* USE: Called when a ACL encryption is refreshed with a new key
* PARAMS: aclConnID - the conection ID
* isEncrypted - is link now encrypted?
* isMitmSafe - is link now MITM-safe?
void l2cAclLinkEncrKeyRefresh(hci_conn_t aclConnID, bool isEncrypted, bool isMitmSafe)
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
logd("l2cAclLinkEncrKeyRefresh(acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x, %d, %d)\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID), isEncrypted, isMitmSafe);
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindById(aclConnID);
if (aclConn) {
logd("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x encr key refreshed and changed to %d,%d. Handling\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConn->conn), isEncrypted,isMitmSafe);
l2cAclLinkEncrChangeInt(aclConn, isEncrypted, isMitmSafe, true);
} else
logd("Link acl "HCI_CONN_FMT"x not found. Encr key refreshed ignored.\n", HCI_CONN_CONV(aclConnID));
* FUNCTION: l2cApiLeSetSecurityManagerForAclConn
* USE: Called by a security manager to become one for a given acl connection
* PARAMS: handle - connection handle
* RETURN: true if no security manager already existed for a given acl
* connection and the requestor became one, requestor already
* was the security manager for this acl connection, or the previous
* security manager was no longer in existence (l2c conn had been closed)
bool l2cApiLeSetSecurityManagerForAclConn(l2c_handle_t handle)
struct l2cConn *conn;
struct l2cAclConn *aclConn;
bool ret = false;
conn = l2cConnFindByHandle(handle);
if (!conn) {
loge("Connection not found\n");
goto out;
aclConn = l2cAclConnFindByHandle(conn->acl);
if (!aclConn) {
loge("ACL link not found\n");
goto out;
if (!aclConn->securityManager || !l2cConnFindByHandle(aclConn->securityManager))
aclConn->securityManager = handle;
ret = (aclConn->securityManager == handle);
return ret;
* FUNCTION: l2cApiLeSetDefaultSecurityManager
* USE: Called by a security manager to become one by default, is no per-connection
* security manager has been set
* PARAMS: cbk - the function to call when a key is needed or NULL
* RETURN: none
* NOTES: This sets the security manager to be used when no l2c connection yet exists
* on an hci acl connection. This means that sm had not yet had a chance to call
* l2cApiLeSetSecurityManagerForAclConn(). This can happen if someone connects
* and immediately tries to encrypt, with no prior traffic. This is allowed,
* but no traffic means that SM has not been opened, and thus has no l2c conn
* associated with it. No l2c conn means we have no instance to send the key
* state to. This this callback is used. If an l2c conn exists that has called
* l2cApiLeSetSecurityManagerForAclConn, it is used for security management
* instead.
void l2cApiLeSetDefaultSecurityManager(L2capDefaultSecurityManagerCbk cbk)
* Since we actually pass the callback pointer in the work items on the work queue,
* we need to make sure none escape this change func call. To do this we use the
* ability to "flush" the work queue - wait till all current items finish. We do it
* twice. Once before changing and once after. The first case makes sure that change
* to NULL indeed no longer calls this callback after this func ends. Second makes
* sure that a change to a pointer take effect before this func returns.
mDefaultSecMgr = cbk;
* FUNCTION: l2cUtilFcs
* USE: Calculate an L2CAP FCS (CRC-16 with poly 0x8005) for some data
* PARAMS: fcs - input fcs
* data - the data
* len - the length of said data
* RETURN: the fcs
static uint16_t l2cUtilFcs(uint16_t fcs, const void *data, uint32_t len)
static const uint16_t crctab[] = {
0x0000, 0xC0C1, 0xC181, 0x0140, 0xC301, 0x03C0, 0x0280, 0xC241, 0xC601, 0x06C0, 0x0780, 0xC741, 0x0500, 0xC5C1, 0xC481,
0x0440, 0xCC01, 0x0CC0, 0x0D80, 0xCD41, 0x0F00, 0xCFC1, 0xCE81, 0x0E40, 0x0A00, 0xCAC1, 0xCB81, 0x0B40, 0xC901, 0x09C0,
0x0880, 0xC841, 0xD801, 0x18C0, 0x1980, 0xD941, 0x1B00, 0xDBC1, 0xDA81, 0x1A40, 0x1E00, 0xDEC1, 0xDF81, 0x1F40, 0xDD01,
0x1DC0, 0x1C80, 0xDC41, 0x1400, 0xD4C1, 0xD581, 0x1540, 0xD701, 0x17C0, 0x1680, 0xD641, 0xD201, 0x12C0, 0x1380, 0xD341,
0x1100, 0xD1C1, 0xD081, 0x1040, 0xF001, 0x30C0, 0x3180, 0xF141, 0x3300, 0xF3C1, 0xF281, 0x3240, 0x3600, 0xF6C1, 0xF781,
0x3740, 0xF501, 0x35C0, 0x3480, 0xF441, 0x3C00, 0xFCC1, 0xFD81, 0x3D40, 0xFF01, 0x3FC0, 0x3E80, 0xFE41, 0xFA01, 0x3AC0,
0x3B80, 0xFB41, 0x3900, 0xF9C1, 0xF881, 0x3840, 0x2800, 0xE8C1, 0xE981, 0x2940, 0xEB01, 0x2BC0, 0x2A80, 0xEA41, 0xEE01,
0x2EC0, 0x2F80, 0xEF41, 0x2D00, 0xEDC1, 0xEC81, 0x2C40, 0xE401, 0x24C0, 0x2580, 0xE541, 0x2700, 0xE7C1, 0xE681, 0x2640,
0x2200, 0xE2C1, 0xE381, 0x2340, 0xE101, 0x21C0, 0x2080, 0xE041, 0xA001, 0x60C0, 0x6180, 0xA141, 0x6300, 0xA3C1, 0xA281,
0x6240, 0x6600, 0xA6C1, 0xA781, 0x6740, 0xA501, 0x65C0, 0x6480, 0xA441, 0x6C00, 0xACC1, 0xAD81, 0x6D40, 0xAF01, 0x6FC0,
0x6E80, 0xAE41, 0xAA01, 0x6AC0, 0x6B80, 0xAB41, 0x6900, 0xA9C1, 0xA881, 0x6840, 0x7800, 0xB8C1, 0xB981, 0x7940, 0xBB01,
0x7BC0, 0x7A80, 0xBA41, 0xBE01, 0x7EC0, 0x7F80, 0xBF41, 0x7D00, 0xBDC1, 0xBC81, 0x7C40, 0xB401, 0x74C0, 0x7580, 0xB541,
0x7700, 0xB7C1, 0xB681, 0x7640, 0x7200, 0xB2C1, 0xB381, 0x7340, 0xB101, 0x71C0, 0x7080, 0xB041, 0x5000, 0x90C1, 0x9181,
0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53C0, 0x5280, 0x9241, 0x9601, 0x56C0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95C1, 0x9481, 0x5440, 0x9C01, 0x5CC0,
0x5D80, 0x9D41, 0x5F00, 0x9FC1, 0x9E81, 0x5E40, 0x5A00, 0x9AC1, 0x9B81, 0x5B40, 0x9901, 0x59C0, 0x5880, 0x9841, 0x8801,
0x48C0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4B00, 0x8BC1, 0x8A81, 0x4A40, 0x4E00, 0x8EC1, 0x8F81, 0x4F40, 0x8D01, 0x4DC0, 0x4C80, 0x8C41,
0x4400, 0x84C1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47C0, 0x4680, 0x8641, 0x8201, 0x42C0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81C1, 0x8081
const uint8_t *ptr = (const uint8_t*)data;
while (len--)
fcs = (fcs >> 8) ^ crctab[(fcs & 0xFF) ^ *ptr++];
return fcs;
* FUNCTION: l2cUtilFcsSg
* USE: Calculate an L2CAP FCS (CRC-16 with poly 0x8005) for an SG
* PARAMS: fcs - input fcs
* s - the sg
* RETURN: the fcs
static uint16_t l2cUtilFcsSg(uint16_t fcs, sg s)
void *iter;
for (iter = sgIterStart(s); iter; iter = sgIterAdvance(iter))
fcs = l2cUtilFcs(fcs, sgIterCurData(iter), sgIterCurLen(iter));
return fcs;