blob: df53ac9abb6c33f6c4d0752b541ce8d4a9d2332c [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _RFCOMM_H_
#define _RFCOMM_H_
#include "types.h"
#include "uniq.h"
#include "bt.h"
#include "sg.h"
#define RFC_FIRST_CHAN 1 /* first valid */
#define RFC_NUM_CHANS 30
#define RFC_CHNUM_REQ_ANY 0x80 /* allocate one for me */
#define PSM_RFCOMM 0x0003
typedef uniq_t rfc_conn_t; /* a 0-valued connection ID is invalid and indicates error */
#define RFC_EVT_OPEN 0 /* data is rfc_conn_t */
#define RFC_EVT_RX 1 /* data is RXed data */
#define RFC_EVT_MAY_SEND 2 /* no data */
#define RFC_EVT_CLOSE 3 /* no data */
#define RFC_TX_RET_ENTIRE_SENT -1 /* entire SG was sent and is not freed. Do not use it */
#define RFC_TX_RET_STOP_SENDING -2 /* this is temporary - wait for RFC_EVT_MAY_SEND */
#define RFC_TX_RET_NO_SUCH_CONN -3 /* this is permanent - do not retry */
#define RFC_TX_RET_ERROR -4 /* this is permanent - do not retry */
typedef void* (*rfcSvcAlloc)(void *userData, const struct bt_addr *peerAddr, uint8_t chNum);
typedef void (*rfcSvcEvent)(void *userData, void *instance, uint8_t evt, sg s);
bool rfcInit(void);
void rfcDeinit(void);
uint8_t rfcListen(uint8_t chReq, rfcSvcAlloc allocF, rfcSvcEvent evtF, void *cbkData); /* returns channel. input = dlci specifically or RFC_CHNUM_REQ_ANY, ret 0 is fail */
bool rfcStopListen(uint8_t ch); /* will not close any existing connections */
bool rfcConnect(const struct bt_addr *peerAddr, uint8_t ch, rfcSvcEvent evtF, void *cbkData, void *instance); /* true if you shoudl expect callback(s) */
void rfcClose(rfc_conn_t conn);
int32_t rfcTx(rfc_conn_t conn, sg s); /* ret: non-negative values is bytes sent (and sheared off the front of the SG), negatives are other codes. if entire SG is sent, it is freed! */
bool rfcFlow(rfc_conn_t conn, bool stop); /* throttles other side - EFFECT IS NOT IMMEDIATE */
uint32_t rfcAddSdpRecord(const uint8_t* serviceUuid, uint8_t rfcommCh, const char* name);