blob: 4fefbd033886ea83cdba01b9a031259e510d3c64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/power_supply.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include "power_manager/common/clock.h"
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/common/prefs.h"
#include "power_manager/common/util.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/udev.h"
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
namespace {
// sysfs reports only integer values. For non-integral values, it scales them
// up by 10^6. This factor scales them back down accordingly.
const double kDoubleScaleFactor = 0.000001;
// Default time interval between polls, in milliseconds.
const int kDefaultPollMs = 30000;
// Default values for |battery_stabilized_after_*_delay_|, in milliseconds.
const int kDefaultBatteryStabilizedAfterStartupDelayMs = 5000;
const int kDefaultBatteryStabilizedAfterLinePowerConnectedDelayMs = 5000;
const int kDefaultBatteryStabilizedAfterLinePowerDisconnectedDelayMs = 5000;
const int kDefaultBatteryStabilizedAfterResumeDelayMs = 5000;
// Different power supply types reported by the kernel.
const char kBatteryType[] = "Battery";
const char kMainsType[] = "Mains";
// Battery states reported by the kernel. This is not the full set of
// possible states; see drivers/power/power_supply_sysfs.c.
const char kBatteryStatusCharging[] = "Charging";
const char kBatteryStatusFull[] = "Full";
// String value reported in the line power "model_name" file if an original
// spring AC charger is connected.
const char kOriginalSpringChargerModelName[] = "0x17";
// String value reported in the line power "model_name" file if the EC firmware
// is outdated and is incapable of reporting the model.
const char kOldFirmwareModelName[] = "0x00";
// Reads the contents of |filename| within |directory| into |out|, trimming
// trailing whitespace. Returns true on success.
bool ReadAndTrimString(const base::FilePath& directory,
const std::string& filename,
std::string* out) {
if (!base::ReadFileToString(directory.Append(filename), out))
return false;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(*out, base::TRIM_TRAILING, out);
return true;
// Reads a 64-bit integer value from a file and returns true on success.
bool ReadInt64(const base::FilePath& directory,
const std::string& filename,
int64* out) {
std::string buffer;
if (!ReadAndTrimString(directory, filename, &buffer))
return false;
return base::StringToInt64(buffer, out);
// Reads an integer value and scales it to a double (see |kDoubleScaleFactor|.
// Returns 0.0 on failure.
double ReadScaledDouble(const base::FilePath& directory,
const std::string& filename) {
int64 value = 0;
return ReadInt64(directory, filename, &value) ?
kDoubleScaleFactor * value : 0.0;
// Returns true if |type|, a power supply type read from a "type" file in
// sysfs, indicates USB.
bool IsUsbType(const std::string& type) {
// These are defined in drivers/power/power_supply_sysfs.c in the kernel.
return type == "USB" || type == "USB_DCP" || type == "USB_CDP" ||
type == "USB_ACA";
// Returns true if |model_name|, a line power source's model, indicates that an
// original spring AC charger is connected. Also assumes that an original spring
// AC charger is connected if the firmware is outdated and doesn't report the
// model.
bool IsOriginalSpringCharger(const std::string& model_name) {
return model_name == kOriginalSpringChargerModelName ||
model_name == kOldFirmwareModelName;
} // namespace
base::TimeTicks PowerSupply::TestApi::GetCurrentTime() const {
return power_supply_->clock_->GetCurrentTime();
void PowerSupply::TestApi::SetCurrentTime(base::TimeTicks now) {
void PowerSupply::TestApi::AdvanceTime(base::TimeDelta interval) {
GetCurrentTime() + interval);
bool PowerSupply::TestApi::TriggerPollTimeout() {
if (!power_supply_->poll_timer_.IsRunning())
return false;
return true;
const char PowerSupply::kUdevSubsystem[] = "power_supply";
const int PowerSupply::kMaxCurrentSamples = 5;
const int PowerSupply::kMaxChargeSamples = 5;
const int PowerSupply::kObservedBatteryChargeRateMinMs = kDefaultPollMs;
const int PowerSupply::kBatteryStabilizedSlackMs = 50;
const double PowerSupply::kLowBatteryShutdownSafetyPercent = 5.0;
: prefs_(NULL),
clock_(new Clock),
full_factor_(1.0) {
PowerSupply::~PowerSupply() {
if (udev_)
udev_->RemoveObserver(kUdevSubsystem, this);
void PowerSupply::Init(const base::FilePath& power_supply_path,
PrefsInterface* prefs,
UdevInterface* udev) {
udev_ = udev;
udev_->AddObserver(kUdevSubsystem, this);
prefs_ = prefs;
power_supply_path_ = power_supply_path;
poll_delay_ = GetMsPref(kBatteryPollIntervalPref, kDefaultPollMs);
battery_stabilized_after_startup_delay_ = GetMsPref(
battery_stabilized_after_line_power_connected_delay_ = GetMsPref(
battery_stabilized_after_line_power_disconnected_delay_ = GetMsPref(
battery_stabilized_after_resume_delay_ = GetMsPref(
prefs_->GetDouble(kPowerSupplyFullFactorPref, &full_factor_);
full_factor_ = std::min(std::max(kEpsilon, full_factor_), 1.0);
int64 shutdown_time_sec = 0;
if (prefs_->GetInt64(kLowBatteryShutdownTimePref, &shutdown_time_sec)) {
low_battery_shutdown_time_ =
// The percentage-based threshold takes precedence over the time-based
// threshold.
if (prefs_->GetDouble(kLowBatteryShutdownPercentPref,
&low_battery_shutdown_percent_)) {
low_battery_shutdown_time_ = base::TimeDelta();
// This log message is needed by the power_LoadTest autotest.
LOG(INFO) << "Using low battery time threshold of "
<< low_battery_shutdown_time_.InSeconds()
<< " secs and using low battery percent threshold of "
<< low_battery_shutdown_percent_;
// This defers the initial recording of samples until the current has
// stabilized.
void PowerSupply::AddObserver(PowerSupplyObserver* observer) {
void PowerSupply::RemoveObserver(PowerSupplyObserver* observer) {
bool PowerSupply::RefreshImmediately() {
const bool success = UpdatePowerStatus();
if (!is_suspended_)
if (success) {
base::Bind(&PowerSupply::NotifyObservers, base::Unretained(this)));
FROM_HERE, notify_observers_task_.callback());
return success;
void PowerSupply::SetSuspended(bool suspended) {
if (is_suspended_ == suspended)
is_suspended_ = suspended;
if (is_suspended_) {
VLOG(1) << "Stopping polling due to suspend";
current_poll_delay_for_testing_ = base::TimeDelta();
} else {
void PowerSupply::OnUdevEvent(const std::string& subsystem,
const std::string& sysname,
UdevObserver::Action action) {
VLOG(1) << "Heard about udev event";
if (!is_suspended_)
base::TimeDelta PowerSupply::GetMsPref(const std::string& pref_name,
int64 default_duration_ms) const {
prefs_->GetInt64(pref_name, &default_duration_ms);
return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(default_duration_ms);
void PowerSupply::ResetBatterySamples(base::TimeDelta stabilized_delay) {
const base::TimeTicks now = clock_->GetCurrentTime();
battery_stabilized_timestamp_ =
std::max(battery_stabilized_timestamp_, now + stabilized_delay);
VLOG(1) << "Waiting "
<< (battery_stabilized_timestamp_ - now).InMilliseconds()
<< " ms for battery current and charge to stabilize";
bool PowerSupply::UpdatePowerStatus() {
VLOG(1) << "Updating power status";
PowerStatus status;
if (battery_path_.empty() || line_power_path_.empty())
status.line_power_path = line_power_path_.value();
status.battery_path = battery_path_.value();
std::string battery_status_string;
if (base::PathExists(battery_path_)) {
int64 present_value = 0;
ReadInt64(battery_path_, "present", &present_value);
status.battery_is_present = present_value != 0;
if (status.battery_is_present)
ReadAndTrimString(battery_path_, "status", &battery_status_string);
} else {
status.battery_is_present = false;
if (base::PathExists(line_power_path_)) {
int64 online_value = 0;
ReadInt64(line_power_path_, "online", &online_value);
status.line_power_on = online_value != 0;
ReadAndTrimString(line_power_path_, "type", &status.line_power_type);
ReadAndTrimString(line_power_path_, "model_name",
if (status.line_power_on) {
status.external_power = IsUsbType(status.line_power_type) ?
PowerSupplyProperties_ExternalPower_USB :
(IsOriginalSpringCharger(status.line_power_model_name) ?
PowerSupplyProperties_ExternalPower_ORIGINAL_SPRING_CHARGER :
status.line_power_voltage =
ReadScaledDouble(line_power_path_, "voltage_now");
status.line_power_current =
ReadScaledDouble(line_power_path_, "current_now");
} else {
status.external_power = PowerSupplyProperties_ExternalPower_DISCONNECTED;
} else if (!status.battery_is_present) {
// If there's no battery, assume that the system is on AC power.
status.line_power_on = true;
status.line_power_type = kMainsType;
status.external_power = PowerSupplyProperties_ExternalPower_AC;
} else {
// Otherwise, infer the external power source from the kernel-reported
// battery status.
status.line_power_on =
battery_status_string == kBatteryStatusCharging ||
battery_status_string == kBatteryStatusFull;
status.external_power = status.line_power_on ?
PowerSupplyProperties_ExternalPower_AC :
// The rest of the calculations all require a battery.
if (!status.battery_is_present) {
status.battery_state = PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_NOT_PRESENT;
power_status_ = status;
power_status_initialized_ = true;
return true;
// POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_VENDOR does not seem to be a valid property
// defined in <linux/power_supply.h>.
if (base::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("manufacturer")))
ReadAndTrimString(battery_path_, "manufacturer", &status.battery_vendor);
ReadAndTrimString(battery_path_, "vendor", &status.battery_vendor);
ReadAndTrimString(battery_path_, "model_name", &status.battery_model_name);
ReadAndTrimString(battery_path_, "serial_number", &status.battery_serial);
ReadAndTrimString(battery_path_, "technology", &status.battery_technology);
double battery_voltage = ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "voltage_now");
status.battery_voltage = battery_voltage;
// Attempt to determine nominal voltage for time remaining calculations.
// The battery voltage used in calculating time remaining. This may or may
// not be the same as the instantaneous voltage |battery_voltage|, as voltage
// levels vary over the time the battery is charged or discharged.
double nominal_voltage = 0.0;
if (base::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("voltage_min_design")))
nominal_voltage = ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "voltage_min_design");
else if (base::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("voltage_max_design")))
nominal_voltage = ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "voltage_max_design");
// Nominal voltage is not required to obtain charge level. If it is missing,
// just log a message, set to |battery_voltage| so time remaining
// calculations will function, and proceed.
if (nominal_voltage <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid voltage_min/max_design reading: "
<< nominal_voltage << "V."
<< " Time remaining calculations will not be available.";
nominal_voltage = battery_voltage;
status.nominal_voltage = nominal_voltage;
// ACPI has two different battery types: charge_battery and energy_battery.
// The main difference is that charge_battery type exposes
// 1. current_now in A
// 2. charge_{now, full, full_design} in Ah
// while energy_battery type exposes
// 1. power_now W
// 2. energy_{now, full, full_design} in Wh
// Change all the energy readings to charge format.
// If both energy and charge reading are present (some non-ACPI drivers
// expose both readings), read only the charge format.
double battery_charge_full = 0;
double battery_charge_full_design = 0;
double battery_charge = 0;
if (base::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("charge_full"))) {
battery_charge_full = ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "charge_full");
battery_charge_full_design =
ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "charge_full_design");
battery_charge = ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "charge_now");
} else if (base::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("energy_full"))) {
// Valid |battery_voltage| is required to determine the charge so return
// early if it is not present. In this case, we know nothing about
// battery state or remaining percentage, so set proper status.
if (battery_voltage <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid voltage_now reading for energy-to-charge"
<< " conversion: " << battery_voltage;
return false;
battery_charge_full =
ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "energy_full") / battery_voltage;
battery_charge_full_design =
ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "energy_full_design") / battery_voltage;
battery_charge =
ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "energy_now") / battery_voltage;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "No charge/energy readings for battery";
return false;
status.battery_charge_full = battery_charge_full;
status.battery_charge_full_design = battery_charge_full_design;
status.battery_charge = battery_charge;
if (status.battery_charge_full <= 0.0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Got battery-full charge of " << status.battery_charge_full;
return false;
// The current can be reported as negative on some systems but not on
// others, so it can't be used to determine whether the battery is
// charging or discharging.
double battery_current = 0;
if (base::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("power_now"))) {
battery_current = fabs(ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "power_now")) /
} else {
battery_current = fabs(ReadScaledDouble(battery_path_, "current_now"));
status.battery_current = battery_current;
status.battery_energy = battery_charge * nominal_voltage;
status.battery_energy_rate = battery_current * battery_voltage;
status.battery_percentage = util::ClampPercent(
100.0 * battery_charge / battery_charge_full);
status.display_battery_percentage = util::ClampPercent(
100.0 * (status.battery_percentage - low_battery_shutdown_percent_) /
(100.0 * full_factor_ - low_battery_shutdown_percent_));
const bool battery_is_full =
battery_charge >= battery_charge_full * full_factor_;
if (status.line_power_on) {
if (battery_is_full) {
status.battery_state = PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_FULL;
} else if (battery_current > 0.0 &&
(battery_status_string == kBatteryStatusCharging ||
battery_status_string == kBatteryStatusFull)) {
status.battery_state = PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_CHARGING;
} else {
status.battery_state = PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_DISCHARGING;
} else {
status.battery_state = PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_DISCHARGING;
if (power_status_initialized_ &&
status.line_power_on != power_status_.line_power_on) {
ResetBatterySamples(status.line_power_on ?
battery_stabilized_after_line_power_connected_delay_ :
base::TimeTicks now = clock_->GetCurrentTime();
if (now >= battery_stabilized_timestamp_) {
charge_samples_.AddSample(battery_charge, now);
if (battery_current > 0.0)
current_samples_.AddSample(battery_current, now);
status.is_calculating_battery_time = !UpdateBatteryTimeEstimates(&status);
status.battery_below_shutdown_threshold =
power_status_ = status;
power_status_initialized_ = true;
return true;
void PowerSupply::GetPowerSupplyPaths() {
// First check if both line power and battery paths have been found and still
// exist. If so, there is no need to do anything else.
if (base::PathExists(battery_path_) && base::PathExists(line_power_path_))
// Use a FileEnumerator to browse through all files/subdirectories in the
// power supply sysfs directory.
base::FileEnumerator file_enum(
power_supply_path_, false, base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES);
// Read type info from all power sources, and try to identify battery and line
// power sources. Their paths are to be stored locally.
for (base::FilePath path = file_enum.Next();
path = file_enum.Next()) {
// External devices have "scope" attributes containing the value "Device".
// Skip them.
base::FilePath scope_path = path.Append("scope");
if (base::PathExists(scope_path)) {
std::string buf;
base::ReadFileToString(scope_path, &buf);
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(buf, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &buf);
if (buf == "Device") {
VLOG(1) << "Skipping Power supply " << path.value()
<< " with scope: " << buf;
std::string buf;
if (base::ReadFileToString(path.Append("type"), &buf)) {
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(buf, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &buf);
// Only look for battery / line power paths if they haven't been found
// already. This makes the assumption that they don't change (but battery
// path can disappear if removed). So this code should only be run once
// for each power source.
if (buf == kBatteryType && battery_path_.empty()) {
VLOG(1) << "Battery path found: " << path.value();
battery_path_ = path;
} else if (buf != kBatteryType && line_power_path_.empty()) {
VLOG(1) << "Line power path found: " << path.value();
line_power_path_ = path;
bool PowerSupply::UpdateBatteryTimeEstimates(PowerStatus* status) {
status->battery_time_to_full = base::TimeDelta();
status->battery_time_to_empty = base::TimeDelta();
status->battery_time_to_shutdown = base::TimeDelta();
if (clock_->GetCurrentTime() < battery_stabilized_timestamp_)
return false;
const double average_current = current_samples_.GetAverage();
switch (status->battery_state) {
case PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_CHARGING:
if (average_current <= kEpsilon) {
status->battery_time_to_full = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(-1);
} else {
const double charge_to_full = std::max(0.0,
status->battery_charge_full * full_factor_ -
status->battery_time_to_full = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
roundl(3600 * charge_to_full / average_current));
case PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_DISCHARGING:
if (average_current <= kEpsilon) {
status->battery_time_to_empty = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(-1);
status->battery_time_to_shutdown = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(-1);
} else {
status->battery_time_to_empty = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
roundl(3600 * (status->battery_charge * status->nominal_voltage) /
(average_current * status->battery_voltage)));
const double shutdown_charge =
status->battery_charge_full * low_battery_shutdown_percent_ / 100.0;
const double available_charge = std::max(0.0,
status->battery_charge - shutdown_charge);
status->battery_time_to_shutdown = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
roundl(3600 * (available_charge * status->nominal_voltage) /
(average_current * status->battery_voltage))) -
status->battery_time_to_shutdown =
std::max(base::TimeDelta(), status->battery_time_to_shutdown);
case PowerSupplyProperties_BatteryState_FULL:
NOTREACHED() << "Unhandled battery state " << status->battery_state;
return true;
void PowerSupply::UpdateObservedBatteryChargeRate(PowerStatus* status) const {
const base::TimeDelta time_delta = charge_samples_.GetTimeDelta();
status->observed_battery_charge_rate =
(time_delta.InMilliseconds() < kObservedBatteryChargeRateMinMs) ? 0.0 :
charge_samples_.GetValueDelta() / (time_delta.InSecondsF() / 3600);
bool PowerSupply::IsBatteryBelowShutdownThreshold(
const PowerStatus& status) const {
if (low_battery_shutdown_time_ == base::TimeDelta() &&
low_battery_shutdown_percent_ <= kEpsilon)
return false;
// TODO(derat): Figure out what's causing
if (status.battery_percentage <= kEpsilon) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring probably-bogus zero battery percentage";
return false;
const bool below_threshold =
(status.battery_time_to_empty > base::TimeDelta() &&
status.battery_time_to_empty <= low_battery_shutdown_time_ &&
status.battery_percentage <= kLowBatteryShutdownSafetyPercent) ||
status.battery_percentage <= low_battery_shutdown_percent_;
// Most AC chargers can deliver enough current to prevent the battery from
// discharging while the device is in use; other chargers (e.g. USB) may not
// be able to, though. The observed charge rate is checked to verify whether
// the battery's charge is increasing or decreasing.
if (status.line_power_on)
return below_threshold && status.observed_battery_charge_rate < 0.0;
return below_threshold;
void PowerSupply::SchedulePoll() {
base::TimeDelta delay = poll_delay_;
base::TimeTicks now = clock_->GetCurrentTime();
if (battery_stabilized_timestamp_ > now) {
delay = std::min(delay,
battery_stabilized_timestamp_ - now +
VLOG(1) << "Scheduling update in " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms";
poll_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, delay, this, &PowerSupply::HandlePollTimeout);
current_poll_delay_for_testing_ = delay;
void PowerSupply::HandlePollTimeout() {
current_poll_delay_for_testing_ = base::TimeDelta();
const bool success = UpdatePowerStatus();
if (success)
void PowerSupply::NotifyObservers() {
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(PowerSupplyObserver, observers_, OnPowerStatusUpdate());
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager