blob: ab8459b386dfa9f14dadb27abe026a52328bb100 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "power_manager/power_supply.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
namespace {
// For passing string pointers when no data is available, and we don't want to
// pass a NULL pointer.
const char kUnknownString[] = "Unknown";
// sysfs reports only integer values. For non-integral values, it scales them
// up by 10^6. This factor scales them back down accordingly.
const double kDoubleScaleFactor = 0.000001;
// How much the remaining time can vary, as a fraction of the baseline time.
const double kAcceptableVariance = 0.02;
// Initially, allow 10 seconds before deciding on an acceptable time.
const base::TimeDelta kHysteresisTimeFast = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10);
// Allow three minutes before deciding on a new acceptable time.
const base::TimeDelta kHysteresisTime = base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(3);
// Converts time from hours to seconds.
inline double HoursToSecondsDouble(double num_hours) {
return num_hours * 3600.;
// Same as above, but rounds to nearest integer.
inline int64 HoursToSecondsInt(double num_hours) {
return lround(HoursToSecondsDouble(num_hours));
} // namespace
namespace power_manager {
PowerSupply::PowerSupply(const FilePath& power_supply_path)
: line_power_info_(NULL),
is_suspended_(false) {}
PowerSupply::~PowerSupply() {
// Clean up allocated objects.
if (line_power_info_)
delete line_power_info_;
if (battery_info_)
delete battery_info_;
void PowerSupply::Init() {
bool PowerSupply::GetPowerStatus(PowerStatus* status, bool is_calculating) {
status->is_calculating_battery_time = is_calculating;
// Look for battery path if none has been found yet.
if (!battery_info_ || !line_power_info_)
// The line power path should have been found during initialization, so there
// is no need to look for it again. However, check just to make sure the path
// is still valid. Better safe than sorry.
if ((!line_power_info_ || !file_util::PathExists(line_power_path_)) &&
(!battery_info_ || !file_util::PathExists(battery_path_))) {
#ifndef IS_DESKTOP
// A hack for situations like VMs where there is no power supply sysfs.
LOG(INFO) << "No power supply sysfs path found, assuming line power on.";
status->line_power_on = true;
status->battery_is_present = false;
return true;
int64 value;
bool line_power_status_found = false;
if (line_power_info_ && file_util::PathExists(line_power_path_)) {
line_power_info_->GetInt64("online", &value);
// Return the line power status.
status->line_power_on = static_cast<bool>(value);
line_power_status_found = true;
// If no battery was found, or if the previously found path doesn't exist
// anymore, return true. This is still an acceptable case since the battery
// could be physically removed.
if (!battery_info_ || !file_util::PathExists(battery_path_)) {
status->battery_is_present = false;
return true;
battery_info_->GetInt64("present", &value);
status->battery_is_present = static_cast<bool>(value);
// If there is no battery present, we can skip the rest of the readings.
if (!status->battery_is_present) {
// No battery but still running means AC power must be present.
if (!line_power_status_found)
status->line_power_on = true;
return true;
// Attempt to determine line power status from nominal battery status.
if (!line_power_status_found) {
std::string battery_status_string;
status->line_power_on = false;
if (battery_info_->GetString("status", &battery_status_string) &&
(battery_status_string == "Charging" ||
battery_status_string == "Fully charged")) {
status->line_power_on = true;
double battery_voltage = battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("voltage_now");
status->battery_voltage = battery_voltage;
// Attempt to determine nominal voltage for time remaining calculations.
// The battery voltage used in calculating time remaining. This may or may
// not be the same as the instantaneous voltage |battery_voltage|, as voltage
// levels vary over the time the battery is charged or discharged.
double nominal_voltage = -1.0;
if (file_util::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("voltage_min_design")))
nominal_voltage = battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("voltage_min_design");
else if (file_util::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("voltage_max_design")))
nominal_voltage = battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("voltage_max_design");
// Nominal voltage is not required to obtain charge level. If it is missing,
// just log a message, set to |battery_voltage| so time remaining
// calculations will function, and proceed.
if (nominal_voltage <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid voltage_min/max_design reading: "
<< nominal_voltage << "V."
<< " Time remaining calculations will not be available.";
nominal_voltage = battery_voltage;
status->nominal_voltage = nominal_voltage;
// ACPI has two different battery types: charge_battery and energy_battery.
// The main difference is that charge_battery type exposes
// 1. current_now in A
// 2. charge_{now, full, full_design} in Ah
// while energy_battery type exposes
// 1. power_now W
// 2. energy_{now, full, full_design} in Wh
// Change all the energy readings to charge format.
// If both energy and charge reading are present (some non-ACPI drivers
// expose both readings), read only the charge format.
double battery_charge_full = 0;
double battery_charge_full_design = 0;
double battery_charge = 0;
if (file_util::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("charge_full"))) {
battery_charge_full = battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("charge_full");
battery_charge_full_design =
battery_charge = battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("charge_now");
} else if (file_util::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("energy_full"))) {
// Valid |battery_voltage| is required to determine the charge so return
// early if it is not present.
if (battery_voltage <= 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid voltage_now reading for energy-to-charge"
<< " conversion: " << battery_voltage;
return false;
battery_charge_full =
battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("energy_full") / battery_voltage;
battery_charge_full_design =
battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("energy_full_design") / battery_voltage;
battery_charge =
battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("energy_now") / battery_voltage;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "No charge/energy readings for battery";
return false;
status->battery_charge_full = battery_charge_full;
status->battery_charge = battery_charge;
// Sometimes current could be negative. Ignore it and use |line_power_on| to
// determine whether it's charging or discharging.
double battery_current = 0;
if (file_util::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("power_now"))) {
battery_current = fabs(battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("power_now")) /
} else {
battery_current = fabs(battery_info_->ReadScaledDouble("current_now"));
status->battery_current = battery_current;
// Perform calculations / interpretations of the data read from sysfs.
status->battery_energy = battery_charge * battery_voltage;
status->battery_energy_rate = battery_current * battery_voltage;
if (battery_charge_full > 0 && battery_charge_full_design > 0)
status->battery_percentage =
std::min(100., 100. * battery_charge / battery_charge_full);
status->battery_percentage = -1;
// Determine battery state from above readings. Disregard the "status" field
// in sysfs, as that can be inconsistent with the numerical readings.
status->battery_state = BATTERY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
if (status->line_power_on) {
if (battery_charge >= battery_charge_full) {
status->battery_state = BATTERY_STATE_FULLY_CHARGED;
} else {
if (battery_current <= 0)
LOG(WARNING) << "Line power is on and battery is not fully charged "
<< "but battery current is " << battery_current << " A.";
status->battery_state = BATTERY_STATE_CHARGING;
} else {
status->battery_state = BATTERY_STATE_DISCHARGING;
if (battery_charge == 0)
status->battery_state = BATTERY_STATE_EMPTY;
return true;
bool PowerSupply::GetPowerInformation(PowerInformation* info) {
GetPowerStatus(&info->power_status, false);
if (!info->power_status.battery_is_present)
return true;
// POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_VENDOR does not seem to be a valid property
// defined in <linux/power_supply.y>.
if (file_util::PathExists(battery_path_.Append("manufacturer")))
battery_info_->ReadString("manufacturer", &info->battery_vendor);
battery_info_->ReadString("vendor", &info->battery_vendor);
battery_info_->ReadString("model_name", &info->battery_model);
battery_info_->ReadString("serial_number", &info->battery_serial);
battery_info_->ReadString("technology", &info->battery_technology);
switch (info->power_status.battery_state) {
info->battery_state_string = "Charging";
info->battery_state_string = "Discharging";
info->battery_state_string = "Empty";
info->battery_state_string = "Fully charged";
info->battery_state_string = "Unknown";
return true;
void PowerSupply::SetSuspendState(bool state) {
// Do not take any action if there is no change in suspend state.
if (is_suspended_ == state)
is_suspended_ = state;
// Record the suspend time.
if (is_suspended_) {
suspend_time_ = time_now_func();
// If resuming, deduct the time suspended from the hysteresis state machine
// timestamps.
base::TimeDelta offset = time_now_func() - suspend_time_;
void PowerSupply::GetPowerSupplyPaths() {
// First check if both line power and battery paths have been found and still
// exist. If so, there is no need to do anything else.
if (battery_info_ && file_util::PathExists(battery_path_) &&
line_power_info_ && file_util::PathExists(line_power_path_))
// Use a FileEnumerator to browse through all files/subdirectories in the
// power supply sysfs directory.
file_util::FileEnumerator file_enum(power_supply_path_, false,
// Read type info from all power sources, and try to identify battery and line
// power sources. Their paths are to be stored locally.
for (FilePath path = file_enum.Next();
path = file_enum.Next()) {
std::string buf;
if (file_util::ReadFileToString(path.Append("type"), &buf)) {
TrimWhitespaceASCII(buf, TRIM_TRAILING, &buf);
// Only look for battery / line power paths if they haven't been found
// already. This makes the assumption that they don't change (but battery
// path can disappear if removed). So this code should only be run once
// for each power source.
if (buf == "Battery" && !battery_info_) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Battery path found: " << path.value();
battery_path_ = path;
battery_info_ = new PowerInfoReader(path);
} else if (buf == "Mains" && !line_power_info_) {
DLOG(INFO) << "Line power path found: " << path.value();
line_power_path_ = path;
line_power_info_ = new PowerInfoReader(path);
double PowerSupply::GetLinearTimeToEmpty(const PowerStatus& status) {
return HoursToSecondsDouble(status.nominal_voltage * status.battery_charge /
(status.battery_current * status.battery_voltage));
void PowerSupply::CalculateRemainingTime(PowerStatus* status) {
base::Time time_now = time_now_func();
// This function might be called due to a race condition between the suspend
// process and the battery polling. If that's the case, handle it gracefully
// by updating the hysteresis times and suspend time.
// Since the time between suspend and now has been taken into account in the
// hysteresis times, the recorded suspend time should be updated to the
// current time, to compensate.
// Example:
// Hysteresis time = 3
// At time t=0, there is a read of the power supply.
// At time t=1, the system is suspended.
// At time t=4, the system is resumed. There is a power supply read at t=4.
// At time t=4.5, SetSuspendState(false) is called (latency in resume process)
// At t=4, the remaining time could be set to something very high, based on
// the low suspend current, since the time since last read is greater than the
// hysteresis time.
// The solution is to shift the last read time forward by 3, which is the time
// elapsed between suspend (t=1) and the next reading (t=4). Thus, the time
// of last read becomes t=3, and time since last read becomes 1 instead of 4.
// This avoids triggering the time hysteresis adjustment.
// At this point, the suspend time is also reset to the current time. This is
// so that when AdjustHysteresisTimes() is called again (e.g. during resume),
// the previous period of t=1 to t=4 is not used again in the adjustment.
// Continuing the example:
// At t=4.5, SetSuspendState(false) is called, and it calls
// AdjustHysteresisTimes(). Since suspend time has been adjusted from t=1
// to t=4, the new offset is only 0.5. So time of last read gets shifted
// from t=3 to t=3.5.
// If suspend time was not reset to t=4, then we'd have an offset of 3.5
// instead of 0.5, and time of last read gets set from t=3 to t=6.5, which is
// invalid.
if (is_suspended_) {
AdjustHysteresisTimes(time_now - suspend_time_);
suspend_time_ = time_now;
// Check to make sure there isn't a division by zero.
if (status->battery_current > 0) {
double time_to_empty = 0;
if (status->line_power_on) {
status->battery_time_to_full =
HoursToSecondsInt((status->battery_charge_full -
status->battery_charge) / status->battery_current);
// Reset the remaining-time-calculation state machine when AC plugged in.
found_acceptable_time_range_ = false;
last_poll_time_ = base::Time();
discharge_start_time_ = base::Time();
last_acceptable_range_time_ = base::Time();
// Make sure that when the system switches to battery power, the initial
// hysteresis time will be very short, so it can find an acceptable
// battery remaining time as quickly as possible.
hysteresis_time_ = kHysteresisTimeFast;
} else if (!found_acceptable_time_range_) {
// No base range found, need to give it some time to stabilize. For now,
// use the simple linear calculation for time.
if (discharge_start_time_.is_null())
discharge_start_time_ = time_now;
time_to_empty = GetLinearTimeToEmpty(*status);
status->battery_time_to_empty = lround(time_to_empty);
// Select an acceptable remaining time once the system has been
// discharging for the necessary amount of time.
if (time_now - discharge_start_time_ >= hysteresis_time_) {
acceptable_time_ = time_to_empty;
found_acceptable_time_range_ = true;
last_poll_time_ = last_acceptable_range_time_ = time_now;
// Since an acceptable time has been found, start using the normal
// hysteresis time going forward.
hysteresis_time_ = kHysteresisTime;
} else {
double calculated_time = GetLinearTimeToEmpty(*status);
double allowed_time_variation = acceptable_time_ * acceptable_variance_;
// Reduce the acceptable time range as time goes by.
acceptable_time_ -= (time_now - last_poll_time_).InSecondsF();
if (fabs(calculated_time - acceptable_time_) <= allowed_time_variation) {
last_acceptable_range_time_ = time_now;
time_to_empty = calculated_time;
} else if (time_now - last_acceptable_range_time_ >= hysteresis_time_) {
// If the calculated time has been outside the acceptable range for a
// long enough period of time, make it the basis for a new acceptable
// range.
acceptable_time_ = calculated_time;
time_to_empty = calculated_time;
found_acceptable_time_range_ = true;
last_acceptable_range_time_ = time_now;
} else if (calculated_time < acceptable_time_ - allowed_time_variation) {
// Clip remaining time at lower bound if it is too low.
time_to_empty = acceptable_time_ - allowed_time_variation;
} else {
// Clip remaining time at upper bound if it is too high.
time_to_empty = acceptable_time_ + allowed_time_variation;
last_poll_time_ = time_now;
status->battery_time_to_empty = lround(time_to_empty);
} else {
status->battery_time_to_empty = 0;
status->battery_time_to_full = 0;
void PowerSupply::AdjustHysteresisTimes(const base::TimeDelta& offset) {
if (!discharge_start_time_.is_null())
discharge_start_time_ += offset;
if (!last_acceptable_range_time_.is_null())
last_acceptable_range_time_ += offset;
if (!last_poll_time_.is_null())
last_poll_time_ += offset;
double PowerSupply::PowerInfoReader::ReadScaledDouble(const char* name) {
int64 value;
if (GetInt64(name, &value))
return kDoubleScaleFactor * value;
return -1.;
bool PowerSupply::PowerInfoReader::ReadString(const char* name,
std::string* str) {
bool result = file_util::ReadFileToString(pref_path().Append(name), str);
TrimWhitespaceASCII(*str, TRIM_TRAILING, str);
return result;
} // namespace power_manager