blob: de6d36aa53fb68a1d6b1bd494ce4cd728b0c7a94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This program can be used to send a message to powerd to configure the
// power management policy. This is the same mechanism used by Chrome; in
// fact, it will overwrite any policy set by Chrome. To revert to powerd's
// default policy, run it without any arguments.
#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/common/util_dbus.h"
#include "power_manager/policy.pb.h"
// These mirror the fields from the PowerManagementPolicy protocol buffer.
DEFINE_string(idle_action, "",
"Action to perform when idle (one of "
"suspend, stop_session, shut_down, do_nothing)");
DEFINE_string(lid_closed_action, "",
"Action to perform when lid is closed (one of "
"suspend, stop_session, shut_down, do_nothing)");
DEFINE_int32(ac_screen_dim_delay, -1,
"Delay before dimming screen on AC power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(ac_screen_off_delay, -1,
"Delay before turning screen off on AC power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(ac_screen_lock_delay, -1,
"Delay before locking screen on AC power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(ac_idle_warning_delay, -1,
"Delay before idle action warning on AC power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(ac_idle_delay, -1,
"Delay before idle action on AC power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(battery_screen_dim_delay, -1,
"Delay before dimming screen on battery power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(battery_screen_off_delay, -1,
"Delay before turning screen off on battery power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(battery_screen_lock_delay, -1,
"Delay before locking screen on battery power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(battery_idle_warning_delay, -1,
"Delay before idle action warning on battery power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(battery_idle_delay, -1,
"Delay before idle action on battery power, in seconds");
DEFINE_int32(use_audio_activity, -1,
"Honor audio activity (1 is true, 0 is false, -1 is unset");
DEFINE_int32(use_video_activity, -1,
"Honor video activity (1 is true, 0 is false, -1 is unset");
DEFINE_double(presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor, 0.0,
"Factor by which the screen-dim delay is scaled while presenting "
"(less than 1.0 means unset)");
DEFINE_double(user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor, 0.0,
"Factor by which the screen-dim delay is scaled if user activity "
"is observed while the screen is dimmed or soon after it's been "
"turned off (less than 1.0 means unset)");
namespace {
const int kMsInSec = 1000;
// Given a command-line flag containing a duration in seconds, a
// power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays |submessage|, and the name
// of a milliseconds field in |submessage|, sets the field if the flag is
// greater than or equal to 0.
#define SET_DELAY_FIELD(flag, submessage, field) \
if (flag >= 0) { \
submessage->set_ ## field(flag * kMsInSec); \
// Given a string from a flag describing an action, returns the
// corresponding value from power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action.
power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action GetAction(
const std::string& action) {
if (action == "suspend")
return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_SUSPEND;
else if (action == "stop_session")
return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_STOP_SESSION;
else if (action == "shut_down")
return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_SHUT_DOWN;
else if (action == "do_nothing")
return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_DO_NOTHING;
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid action \"" << action << "\"";
return power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy_Action_DO_NOTHING;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// GLib isn't used directly, but CallMethodInPowerD() needs it.
"Configures powerd's power management policy.\n\n"
"When called without any arguments, uses default settings.");
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy policy;
if (!FLAGS_idle_action.empty())
if (!FLAGS_lid_closed_action.empty())
power_manager::PowerManagementPolicy::Delays* delays =
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_ac_screen_dim_delay, delays, screen_dim_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_ac_screen_off_delay, delays, screen_off_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_ac_screen_lock_delay, delays, screen_lock_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_ac_idle_warning_delay, delays, idle_warning_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_ac_idle_delay, delays, idle_ms);
delays = policy.mutable_battery_delays();
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_battery_screen_dim_delay, delays, screen_dim_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_battery_screen_off_delay, delays, screen_off_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_battery_screen_lock_delay, delays, screen_lock_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_battery_idle_warning_delay, delays, idle_warning_ms);
SET_DELAY_FIELD(FLAGS_battery_idle_delay, delays, idle_ms);
if (FLAGS_use_audio_activity >= 0)
policy.set_use_audio_activity(FLAGS_use_audio_activity != 0);
if (FLAGS_use_video_activity >= 0)
policy.set_use_video_activity(FLAGS_use_video_activity != 0);
if (FLAGS_presentation_screen_dim_delay_factor >= 1.0) {
if (FLAGS_user_activity_screen_dim_delay_factor >= 1.0) {
policy, NULL));
return 0;