blob: 16931add029c80add176c8b8a70ec8a943e25992 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
import webapp2
from google.appengine.api import users
from models import Experiment, Property, Treatment
class CreateNewExperiment(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def parse_experiment_details(self):
exp = {
'name': self.request.get('exp_name'),
'description': self.request.get('exp_description'),
'instructions': self.request.get('exp_instructions'),
'device': self.request.get('exp_device'),
'owner': users.get_current_user()
required_keys = ['name', 'owner', 'device', 'instructions']
if not all(exp.get(key) for key in required_keys):
return None
return exp
def parse_treatments(self):
# First, figure out how many treatments/properties there are
treatment_numbers = {}
for arg in self.request.arguments():
matches = re.match(r'^treat([0-9]*)_prop([0-9]*)_name$', arg)
if not matches or not or not
treatment_number =
property_number =
if not treatment_numbers.get(treatment_number):
treatment_numbers[treatment_number] = []
# Then get the actual data together for them
treatments = []
for treatment_number, property_numbers in treatment_numbers.items():
t = {
'name': self.request.get('treat' + treatment_number + '_name'),
'properties': []
if not t.get('name'):
return None
for property_number in property_numbers:
name = self.request.get('treat' + treatment_number + '_prop' +
property_number + '_name')
value = self.request.get('treat' + treatment_number + '_prop' +
property_number + '_value')
if not name or not value:
return None
t.get('properties').append({'name': name, 'value': value})
return treatments
def parse(self):
""" Parse out the experiment creation details from the POSTed data """
exp = self.parse_experiment_details()
if not exp:
return None
exp['treatments'] = self.parse_treatments()
if not exp['treatments']:
return None
return exp
def post(self):
""" Create a new Experiment (with Treatments and Properties) based on
the POSTed form data. The format is as follows:
exp_name = main Experiment name
exp_description = main Experiment description
exp_instructions = Instructions on how to test the treatments to be
given to the participants
exp_device = Which device(s) are allowed for this experiment
treat##_name = the name of treatment ##
treat##_prop##_name = the name of a property to be changed for
treatment ##
treat##_prop##_value = the value that property ## will be set to
for treatment ##
There can be any number of treatments/properties, but there can be no
missing values, (ie: a property name without a value) or the creation
will fail.
experiment = self.parse();
if not experiment:
exp = Experiment() = experiment.get('name')
exp.description = experiment.get('description')
exp.instructions = experiment.get('instructions')
exp.device = experiment.get('device')
exp.owner = experiment.get('owner')
# Adding each treatment in turn
for treatment in experiment.get('treatments'):
t = Treatment(parent=exp.key()) = treatment.get('name')
for property in treatment.get('properties'):
p = Property(parent=t.key()) = property.get('name')
p.value = property.get('value')
self.redirect('view?exp_key=%s' % exp.key())
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/create', CreateNewExperiment)], debug=True)