blob: 0f3ed5ddaeb228fcab8289f3b4ca9191183dc786 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use spdm_types::deps::{Identity, IdentityPublicKey, SpdmDeps};
use zerocopy::AsBytes;
use crate::types::code::ResponseCode;
use crate::types::error::{ErrorCode, SpdmResult};
use crate::types::message::GET_PUBLIC_KEY_RESPONSE_SIZE;
use crate::Spdm;
/// GetPubKeyDispatcher handles the GetPubKey request.
/// This trait is only used for separating impl blocks of `Spdm` struct by functionality.
pub trait GetPubKeyDispatcher {
/// Handles the GetPubKey request and if successful, writes the GetPubKey response to `buf`.
/// GetPubKey request format:
/// | Byte offset | Size (bytes) | Field | Description |
/// | :---------- | :----------- | :------------------ | :--------------------- |
/// | 0 | 1 | SPDMVersion | SPDM_THIS_VERSION |
/// | 1 | 1 | RequestResponseCode | RequestCode::GetPubKey |
/// | 2 | 1 | Param1 | Reserved |
/// | 3 | 1 | Param2 | Reserved |
/// GetPubKey response format:
/// | Byte offset | Size (bytes) | Field | Description |
/// | :---------- | :-------------- | :------------------ | :---------------------- |
/// | 0 | 1 | SPDMVersion | SPDM_THIS_VERSION |
/// | 1 | 1 | RequestResponseCode | ResponseCode::GetPubKey |
/// | 2 | 1 | Param1 | Reserved |
/// | 3 | 1 | Param2 | Reserved |
/// | 4 | PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE | PublicKey | Public Key |
fn dispatch_get_pub_key_request(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
req_size: usize,
) -> SpdmResult<usize>;
impl<D: SpdmDeps> GetPubKeyDispatcher for Spdm<D> {
fn dispatch_get_pub_key_request(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
// All non-reserved fields have been checked by `parse_header` so we don't need to
// read the request again.
_req_size: usize,
) -> SpdmResult<usize> {
return Err(ErrorCode::ResponseTooLarge);
buf[1] = ResponseCode::GetPubKey.0;
buf[4..4 + IdentityPublicKey::SIZE]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::deps::{SpdmTestDeps, TestIdentity, TestVendor, TEST_IDENTITY_PUBLIC_KEY};
use crate::dispatch::internal::SpdmState;
use crate::types::code::RequestCode;
use crate::types::version::SPDM_THIS_VERSION;
fn get_pub_key_request() {
let mut buf = vec![SPDM_THIS_VERSION, RequestCode::GetPubKey.0, 0, 0];
buf.extend_from_slice(&[0; 100]);
let req_size = 4;
let mut spdm = Spdm::<SpdmTestDeps>::new(TestIdentity, TestVendor);
let result = spdm.dispatch_get_pub_key_request(&mut buf, req_size);
assert_eq!(result, Ok(GET_PUBLIC_KEY_RESPONSE_SIZE));
assert!(matches!(spdm.state, SpdmState::WaitForKeyExchange));