blob: 297dc4081457b9ed75d126905e2939abaae5088b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// An earcon is like the audio version of an icon. It's a short sound
// used to represent an object or action. This class manages loading a
// set of earcons from audio files and then handles playing them, mixing
// them with an audio stream.
// The earcons are stored in memory, uncompressed, and they're resampled
// to the correct rate on load. The memory requirements should be
// minimal because earcons are short and there shouldn't be a reason
// to have more than a few dozen at most.
// Any number of earcons can all be playing at once. This class keeps
// track of the play/pause status of all earcons and their current playback
// position. It doesn't manage any audio output or threading, it just
// implements a FillBuffer method that mixes in all playing earcons
// with whatever audio data is already in the buffer.
// A single earcon can only be playing once - playing it again restarts
// it from the beginning.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "resampler.h"
namespace speech_synthesis {
struct Earcon {
Earcon(int p_frame_count,
int16_t* p_data,
bool p_is_playing,
int p_position,
bool p_loop) :
loop(p_loop) {}
int frame_count;
int16_t* data;
bool is_playing;
int position;
bool loop;
class EarconManager {
EarconManager(int output_frame_rate, int output_channels);
virtual ~EarconManager();
// Load audio data from memory, return an earcon id. Makes a copy of
// the audio data, so the caller should free |data| as needed.
int LoadEarcon(int frame_count,
int16_t* data,
int source_channels,
int source_rate,
bool loop);
// Load audio data from a WAV file, return an earcon id.
int LoadEarconFromWavFile(const char *path, bool loop);
// Start playing the given earcon. If it was already playing, this
// starts it playing again from the beginning.
void Play(int earcon_id);
// Stop playing the given earcon.
void Stop(int earcon_id);
// Stop all earcons from playing.
void StopAll();
// Returns whether or not the given earcon is playing.
bool IsPlaying(int earcon_id);
// Returns whether or not any earcon is playing.
bool IsAnythingPlaying();
// Mix any playing earcons into the given audio buffer and increment
// the time by this number of frames.
void FillAudioBuffer(int16_t* data, int frames);
std::vector<Earcon> earcons_;
int rate_;
int channels_;
} // namespace speech_synthesis