blob: dad9803f4abb72091460e58b912ea817d7577022 [file] [log] [blame]
"acronymEapMd5": {
"message": "EAP-MD5"
"acronymEapMschapV2": {
"message": "EAP-MSCHAPv2"
"acronymEapPap": {
"message": "EAP-PAP"
"acronymEapTls": {
"message": "EAP-TLS"
"acronymEapTtls": {
"message": "EAP-TTLS"
"acronymLeap": {
"message": "LEAP"
"acronymPeap": {
"message": "PEAP"
"acronymSsid": {
"message": "Service set identifier (SSID):"
"applySettings": {
"message": "Apply Changes"
"automatic": {
"description": "Indicating that a choice is made automatically without further specification",
"message": "Automatic"
"automaticallyConnect": {
"message": "Automatically connect"
"cancelSettings": {
"message": "Cancel"
"certificateEmpty": {
"message": "Empty"
"certificates": {
"message": "Certificates"
"certificateTab": {
"message": "Certificate Settings"
"certificateType": {
"message": "Certificate Type"
"certificateTypeClient": {
"message": "Client Certificate"
"certificateTypeServer": {
"message": "Server Certificate"
"certificateTypeAuthority": {
"message": "Certificate Authority"
"certificateTrust": {
"message": "Certificate trust settings"
"certificatesAndTrustTab": {
"message": "Add a certificate"
"clientCertificateAuthority": {
"message": "Client Certificate Authority"
"connectionName": {
"message": "Connection Name"
"delete": {
"message": "Delete"
"doneSettings": {
"message": "Done"
"doNotCheckCA": {
"message": "Do not check (insecure)"
"dragCertificateHere": {
"message": "Drag and drop certificate authorities and other certificates to install on Chrome OS. You may drag and drop .pem and .der files."
"edit": {
"message": "Edit"
"enrollmentUri": {
"message": "Client Enrollment URI"
"errorBadCertReference": {
"description": "This is displayed when a reference to a cert does not match any certificate.",
"message": "Network $1 has certificate reference $2 to $3, but no such certificate exist."
"errorCertificateMissingGUID": {
"message": "Certificate missing GUID."
"errorCertificateMissingPayloadField": {
"message": "Certificate (GUID $1) missing X509 or PKCS12 field."
"errorDuringLoad": {
"message": "File is not in ONC format."
"errorEmptyOnc": {
"message": "The ONC file is empty (or has no recognized fields)."
"errorJSONStringify": {
"description": "This is displayed when an internal error during conversion to JSON makes it impossible to generate an output file. The positional arg is the system error message from json.Stringify.",
"message": "Internal error converting to JSON: $1."
"errorLoadParsingJSON": {
"message": "JSON parsing error during load: $1."
"errorLoadRequiredObjectMissing": {
"message": "Object is missing required '$1' field."
"errorLoadUnhandledEapType": {
"message": "Unhandled EAP Type '$1' in WiFi network '$2'."
"errorLoadUnhandledSecurityType": {
"message": "Unhandled Security Type '$1' in WiFi network '$2'."
"errorLoadUnknownNetworkConfigType": {
"message": "Unknown NetworkConfiguration type '$1'."
"errorMissingClientCA": {
"message": "Missing client certificate authority for network $1."
"errorMissingNetworkName": {
"description": "This is displayed when a network has no network name. The positional arg is the type of the network.",
"message": "Missing network name for $1 network."
"errorMissingVPNServerCA": {
"message": "VPN $1 specifies authentication using certificates, but is missing Server CA."
"errorPassphraseMissing": {
"message": "You have not provided a passphrase for Wi-Fi network '$1'. The user will need to know it when they connect."
"errorPKCS12CertificatesNotYetSupported": {
"message": "PKCS12 certificates (GUID $1) not yet supported."
"errors": {
"message": "errors"
"errorUnsupportedVPNType": {
"message": "VPN named $1 has unsupported type $2."
"errorUnsupportedValue": {
"message": "Field $1 has unsupported value $2."
"errorUploadCertificate": {
"message": "You need to upload a certificate."
"errorWEPKeyInvalidLength": {
"message": "Your WEP ASCII passphrase for the network '$1' is not a valid length. A WEP passphrase must be either 5, 13, 16, or 29 characters for an ASCII passphrase, or 10, 26, 32 or 58 characters for a hexadecimal passphrase, depending on the bit length of the key desired."
"errorWEPKeyNonHexCharacters": {
"message": "The hexadecimal WEP password for the network '$1' contains invalid hex characters. Hexadecimal passwords can only contain the letters 'a' through 'f' and the numbers 0 through 9. If you didn't intend to enter a hex password, then you must use an ASCII password of the correct length (5, 13, 16 or 29 characters, depending on the length of the key desired)."
"errorWiFiNetworkMissingSSID": {
"message": "Wi-Fi network must have SSID."
"errorX509CertificateIsInvalid": {
"message": "X509 certificate (GUID $1) is invalid."
"extDesc": {
"message": "Network configuration tool for Chrome OS"
"extName": {
"description": "Name of extension",
"message": "Spigots"
"extensibleAuthenticationProtocol": {
"message": "Extensible Authentication Protocol"
"fileNotSupported": {
"message": "File $1 is not supported"
"helpClientCertificateAuthority": {
"message": "Select the certificate authority that will issue the client certificate. This information is used to determine which of the user's certificates is appropriate to use to identify them to the network. Add new certificate authorities under the Certificates tab."
"helpConnectionName": {
"message": "Name for this connection that user sees in menus"
"helpEnrollmentUri": {
"message": "If the user does not have a suitable client certificate, upon attempting to connect to this network, direct the user to this URI to guide them through certificate enrollment. Note that this URI should not be an internal network resource as the user may not have internal network access. This may be an extension or data URI."
"helpInnerProtocol": {
"message": "Select the inner protocol to use for authentication (or Automatic to use any)"
"helpLoadConfigurationFromFile": {
"message": "Choose a file to load."
"helpPassword": {
"message": "Enter password for logging into network"
"helpPresharedKey": {
"message": "Enter the pre-shared key used by the IPsec layer"
"helpProxyUrl": {
"message": "Set the proxy configuration URL while connected to this network."
"helpRemoteHost": {
"message": "Enter the hostname or IP of the virtual private network server"
"helpSaveConfigurationToFile": {
"message": "Right-click on the link below and save the link with an '.onc' suffix."
"helpSecurityType": {
"message": "Security and authentication settings for network"
"helpServerCertificateAuthority": {
"message": "Select the certificate authority to trust when authenticating to this network. Add new certificate authorities under the Certificates tab."
"helpUniqueIdentifier": {
"message": "This random unique identifier (GUID) identifies this network connection in case you want to update or delete it in the future."
"helpUsername": {
"message": "Enter username/identity for logging into network"
"helpVpnType": {
"message": "Choose the type of Virtual Private Network connection"
"helpWirelessPassphrase": {
"description": "Prompt to ask the user for their network passphrase",
"message": "Passphrase required to connect to network"
"identificationOfTheWirelessNetwork": {
"message": "Identification of the wireless network"
"innerProtocol": {
"message": "Inner protocol"
"l2tpIpsecCert": {
"message": "L2TP over IPsec with Certificates"
"l2tpIpsecPsk": {
"description": "L2TP over IPsec is a kind of VPN. Pre-shared key is a particular configuration of that VPN.",
"message": "L2TP over IPsec with Pre-Shared Key"
"loadConfigurationFromFile": {
"message": "Load configuration from file"
"loadConfigurationTab": {
"message": "Load configuration"
"loadSucceeded": {
"message": "Configuration loaded successfully."
"networkconfigurations": {
"message": "Network Configurations"
"openvpnType": {
"message": "OpenVPN"
"password": {
"message": "Password"
"presharedKey": {
"message": "Pre-shared key"
"proxyUrl": {
"message": "Proxy URL"
"remoteHost": {
"message": "Remote host"
"saveConfigurationTab": {
"message": "Save configuration"
"saveConfigurationToFile": {
"message": "Save configuration to file"
"saveLinkText": {
"description": "This is the text of the link that starts the download of the newly creation configuration.",
"message": "Download Configuration"
"saveSucceeded": {
"message": "Save succeeded!"
"securityNone": {
"message": "None"
"securityType": {
"message": "Security type:"
"securityWep": {
"message": "WEP (insecure)"
"securityWpa": {
"message": "WPA"
"securityWpaEnterprise": {
"message": "WPA Enterprise (802.1X)"
"selectTheEapToPermit": {
"message": "Select the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) to permit"
"serverCertificateAuthority": {
"message": "Server Certificate Authority"
"settings": {
"message": "Settings"
"specifyUsernameAndPassword": {
"message": "Save credentials (username, password, passphrases) so they do not need to be entered each time a connection is initiated"
"thisSsidIsNotBroadcast": {
"message": "This SSID is not broadcast"
"trustThisCertificateForWeb": {
"message": "Trust this certificate for identifying web sites"
"uniqueIdentifier": {
"message": "Unique identifier"
"useAnyDefaultCA": {
"message": "Use any default Certificate Authority"
"username": {
"message": "Username/Identity"
"vpnSettings": {
"message": "Virtual Private Network (VPN) settings"
"vpnTab": {
"message": "Add a Virtual Private Network"
"vpnType": {
"message": "VPN Type"
"warningEAPPasswordEmpty": {
"message": "You have not provided a password for Wi-Fi network '$1'. The user will need to know it when they connect."
"warningIdentityMissing": {
"message": "You have not provided a username/identity for network '$1'. The user will need to know it when they connect."
"warnings": {
"message": "warnings"
"warningPasswordMissing": {
"message": "You have not provided a password for network '$1'. The user will need to know it when they connect."
"warningPreSharedKeyMissing": {
"message": "You have not provided a pre-shared key for network '$1'. The user will need to know it when they connect."
"warningShortWPAPassphraseUnsafe": {
"message": "Your $1 password for the network named '$2' is only $3 characters long. This is too short to be a secure password, and is easily compromised."
"warningUnrecognizedTopLevelField": {
"message": "Unrecognized top-level field in ONC file: $1."
"warningWEPInherentlyUnsafe": {
"message": "You are using WEP to secure the Wi-Fi network named '$1'. WEP networks are inherently insecure. Consider using WPA or WPA2 if possible."
"wifiSettings": {
"message": "Wi-Fi Network Settings"
"wifiSettingsTab": {
"message": "Add a Wi-Fi Network"
"wirelessPassphrase": {
"message": "Passphrase"
"X509CommonName": {
"message": "Common Name (CN)"
"X509IssuedBy": {
"message": "Issued By"
"X509IssuedTo": {
"message": "Issued To"
"X509Organization": {
"message": "Organization (O)"
"X509OrganizationalUnit": {
"message": "Organizational Unit (OU)"
"X509SerialNumber": {
"message": "Serial Number"