blob: 660e84c9e2372a18bd76ca64759083c1f405009b [file] [log] [blame]
gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#000\nbg_color:#F7F7F7\nbase_color:#F7F7F7\ntext_color:#000\nselected_bg_color:#000\nselected_fg_color:#000\ntooltip_bg_color:#F7F7F7\ntooltip_fg_color:#000\n"
gtk-font-name="ChromeDroidSans 9"
# Disable button images.
gtk-button-images = 0
# Diable mnemonics for labels and menu items.
gtk-enable-mnemonics = 0
# Disable the "Input Methods" sub menu in context menus.
gtk-show-input-method-menu = 0
# Disable the "Insert Unicode Control Character" sub menu in context menus.
gtk-show-unicode-menu = 0
style "default" {
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
# Disabled text color for buttons.
fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#808080"
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @bg_color
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
base[NORMAL] = "#FFFFFF"
base[PRELIGHT] = @base_color
base[ACTIVE] = @base_color
base[SELECTED] = @base_color
base[INSENSITIVE] = @base_color
text[NORMAL] = @text_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
text[ACTIVE] = @text_color
text[SELECTED] = @text_color
# Disabled text color for entry.
text[INSENSITIVE] = "#888888"
# Don't give any extra space to buttons that can be the default.
GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
# Expand the textfield border slightly so that buttons and textfields are the
# same height.
GtkEntry::inner_border = {3, 3, 3, 3}
# Check button default to an indicator size of 14, we want 16.
GtkCheckButton::indicator-size = 16
GtkRadioButton::indicator-size = 16
# Focus border for check/radio button goes around text. We don't draw the
# focus border, so we set this to 0.
GtkCheckButton::focus-line-width = 0
GtkRadioButton::focus-line-width = 0
# Spacing between the indicator and text, default is 2.
GtkCheckButton::indicator-spacing = 1
GtkRadioButton::indicator-spacing = 1
# Focus line width is added to the interior size, which forces the combobox
# to be taller than buttons. Set this 0 to ignore the focus width.
GtkComboBox::focus-line-width = 0
# Make the checks/radio menu items slightly smaller.
GtkCheckMenuItem::indicator-size = 10
GtkHScale::slider-width = 16
# Tweak the width of scrollbars slightly. This results in an overall width of
# 15 vs 16 stock.
GtkScrollbar::slider-width = 13
# Give more padding to buttons (default is 1, 1, 1, 1).
GtkButton::inner-border = { 5, 5, 1, 1 }
# Turn off extra menu vertical padding
GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0
engine "theme" { }
style "NotebookStyle" = "default" {
# How much tabs shift when selected is dictated by the xthickness. Ideally we
# would set this to 0 as we don't want a shift, but this is also used for the
# padding around the children of the tab, so that if we set the thickenss to
# 0 there is no padding around the children of the tab and they draw over the
# border.
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
# This gives an extra border around each tab (notebook page) so that we can
# draw the border in. We have to do this as we set the x/ythickness to 1.
GtkNotebook::focus-line-width = 1
# We don't want tabs to overlap.
GtkNotebook::tab_overlap = 0
# Padding for tabs.
GtkNotebook::tab-curvature = 10
style "TextStyle" = "default" {
base[SELECTED] = "#DCE4FA"
style "TooltipStyle" = "default" {
# Padding to allow a rounded rect border.
xthickness = 8
# Padding to give more space at top and bottom.
ythickness = 4
# Yellowish background.
bg[NORMAL] = "#FFF9E3"
# Give tooltips a slightly smaller font.
font_name = "ChromeDroidSans 8"
style "WhiteBackgroundStyle" = "default" {
bg[NORMAL] = "#FFF"
bg[ACTIVE] = "#FFF"
class "GtkWidget" style "default"
class "GtkNotebook" style "NotebookStyle"
class "GtkEntry" style "TextStyle"
class "GtkTextView" style "TextStyle"
widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "TooltipStyle"
widget "*.chromeos-options-tab" style "WhiteBackgroundStyle"
widget "*.chromeos-options-tab*.GtkEventBox" style "WhiteBackgroundStyle"