theme: Unbind Ctrl-Shift-Backspace in GtkUndoView.

I'm changing Chrome's "Clear Browsing Data" accelerator to
Ctrl-Shift-Backspace, so this change tells GTK+ to unbind
that instead of Ctrl-Shift-Delete.

This change makes the "Clear Browsing Data" accelerator work
when the focus is in the omnibox, while still honoring the
"delete to the beginning of the line" accelerator when the
focus is in e.g. a textarea.

TEST=manual: check that the dialog is opened when i hit ctrl-shift-backspace while the focus is in the omnibox or in a non-editable part of a web page, and that the text-editing accelerator works when the focus is in a textarea

Review URL:

Change-Id: I47945c6d521096d7dac5c31094075018807bc12b
diff --git a/resources/gtkrc b/resources/gtkrc
index a739318..d6b5c9d 100644
--- a/resources/gtkrc
+++ b/resources/gtkrc
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 widget "*.chromeos-options-tab*.GtkEventBox" style "WhiteBackgroundStyle"
 # NOTE: The keysym names in the below bindings are case-sensitive; they
-# must match the corresponding GDK #defines, e.g. GDK_slash, GDK_Delete,
+# must match the corresponding GDK #defines, e.g. GDK_slash, GDK_BackSpace,
 # etc.  (The modifier names are case-insensitive, though.)
 # GTK+ hardcodes Ctrl-/ to select all text, just like Ctrl-A.  Unbind it
@@ -155,10 +155,11 @@
 class "*" binding "UnbindControlSlash"
-# GtkTextView binds Ctrl-Shift-Delete to delete all text to the end of the
-# current paragraph.  We unbind it here so it can be used to open the
-# "Clear Browsing Data" dialog while the omnibox has the focus.
-binding "UnbindControlShiftDelete" {
-  unbind "<control><shift>Delete"
+# GtkTextView binds Ctrl-Shift-Backspace.  We unbind it here so it can be
+# used to open the "Clear Browsing Data" dialog while the omnibox has the
+# focus.  GtkUndoView is a custom subclass of GtkTextView used by Chrome's
+# GTK+ omnibox implementation.
+binding "UnbindControlShiftBackspace" {
+  unbind "<control><shift>BackSpace"
-class "*" binding "UnbindControlShiftDelete"
+class "GtkUndoView" binding "UnbindControlShiftBackspace"